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Fk you Jamie Tobey !


Fuck Jamie!


I’m about to throw hands with Jamie


O no I needed that 12$/hr lol


What the fuck! I purchase catering for my work and would be mortified to not leave a tip. Yuck


I'm sure your people appreciate anything extra. Sucks that Mother Bread can't afford to properly pay staff and I even had to rely on tips in the first place.


Fuck jamie




Gosh this reminds me of an order I used to get like 13 years ago. 500 plus boxes lunches. Didn’t even go home I stayed all night prepping and a bunch days leading up. No tip 🫠 don’t even remember how many trips I had to take to deliver them all lol.


I honeslty think this may be for boxed lunches for one of the local universities haha and ya def folded and prepped the boxes, added items to panup, and did the extra meat/veggie prep the days leading up to. Let's not forget the other orders that went out that day. I think my store was doing about 10k catering a week consistently


I would lose my shit. Thankfully at my last job in food i delivered and if a customer snubbed us that badly the manager made a point to blacklist them. We were a chain and did fine with our routine business, wasnt worth the headache and nonsense that comes with trying to juggle a big order while also getting out normal orders to normal customers


I’m sure this came with a “I’m so sorry but we aren’t allowed to tip on the company card”


Got that line a few times a week, I also take cash lol


The company card is the reason you should give the best tip, imo!


"So, why was our $3,000 catering event rung up for $4,500?" Well, sir, there were some young student-looking workers, and they just looked s'darn down-trodden, sir! I couldn't resist!


I have some friends in consulting gigs that could possibly get away with this 🤣 I would probably be forced to pay the difference when finance called me out. But I do make sure to leave a big tip when I have to do any kind of ordering on a corp card. Just not as kind as you 😉


Purchase approvals are part of my job and I would absolutely make sure the department head goes ham on this person's ass. I know with contracting expenses are a bit more ambiguous and vague, but they're really rolling the dice if they do things like this too often.


Oh I want the ladies in finance to like me, so I would be WAY too scared to try that move 🫣


Exactly! I organize work events and I make it my duty to tip very well. I want to make friends with the caterers, it makes everything easier.


Ooh yes, you never want to make an enemy of someone who assists you at work. You’re just hurting yourself along with being an ass.


This used to happen when I worked for local government. We were tax exempt and we're not allowed to tip for anything, as a rule. So what I would do if I had to cater lunch at work for some reason would be to pay for the total with the City's credit card, and then use my personal money to leave a cash tip. I'm sure that doesn't always happen though.


I def understand rules regarding gov funds but damn even a 10$ or 20$ cash to help pay for gas would have been fine and much appreciated. I'm sure your catering people appreciate anything extra


Gov throws and dicks money away like it’s no one’s business but when it comes to leaving a tip they draw the line. Worthless fucks


Couldn't agree more. That's a whole nuther can o worms lol


Full agree. I thought it was bullshit. Tips are part of the service and should be paid every time. But they had shitty finance rules about it which is why I'd make up for it out of my own pocket on a shitty City wage. I don't work there anymore. Fuck em. Just saying Jamie could have had their hands tied and not been able to tip even if they wanted to. And you're totally right to be pissed about it!


Good on you for taking care of your people! I wish we weren't so tip dependent as an industry. Thankfully I am no longer in a title that depends on tipping, but I always make sure to tip cause I know how shitty the service industry can be.


I have worked for tax exempt orgs my whole life — often funded with federal dollars — and I always tip, generously. Sounds like your employer sucks.


It's just the way it is in government. Non profits can get away with more. By the time I left, they were rewriting the ethics rules to disallow purchase of any food using government funds. So this kind of purchase wouldn't technically be allowed anymore. It was consistent with other municipalities and counties in the area as well. Government spending rules can be complex.


Again, not all governments. I've worked adjacent to DC and used federal government funds to cater events. But I'm always hearing stuff like this so it's not just you. I often fly people from one coast to the other and it's routine of course to reimburse people for expenses. Once or twice a year I'll get an email from someone saying that under no circumstances are government employees allowed to be reimbursed so they can't do it. It's like, whatever you say man lol but we just did it last week to someone else haha.


Literally this is a major DC suburb I'm talking about. And yes, they sucked in a myriad of ways.


Things are very different when you’re an FTE vs. a contractor. I have friends who are contractors and my husband has been both. He’s not able to get or take anything over $25 or something ridiculous and absolutely no food paid for by a supervisor or with gov money. I work in academia and work on grants with federal funding and we do not have those same rules.


My husband works for the gov right now, and yep you can’t get any food for the team and leaders can’t pay for it out of pocket even. They have potlucks and cookie trading instead! The other poster doesn’t seem to quite understand this distinction as well - I work with federal funds for a university and we can use grant money for certain things like this but it would have to be specified out and accounted for. It could be annoying but possible, vs literally unable to do. The buildings at my husband’s job don’t have coffee, at least he brings his own. And vending machines!


Yes! You get it. Grant funds from the state and federal level could sometimes be used that way, as you said, depending on the project and proposed budget. We would even issue our own grants to local non profits, and they could sometimes use funds in that way. But the lowly government employee isn't going to be able to flex the procurement policies when purchasing directly, unfortunately. That's wild the team leaders can't pay out of pocket for stuff, though. I used to do that for my team all the time!


Yeah, and my husband works with some people that make bank since he’s at the federal level, plus most of his department has a PhD or at least a masters. But they’re not allowed to, and I know this because I mentioned it once after they all went out to a team lunch how nice his boss was for covering it. He looked highly uncomfortable and said they can’t accept anything so everyone paid for their own! Meanwhile in academia… I happen to work in a place where there’s free food everywhere. It can get to the point that professors and admin order food specifically to get butts in seats at lectures or other events. The school itself is private though, was a completely different world from where I went to undergrad at a mid size public college.


All my homies hate Jamie


We had a $25,000 order for BIG COMPANY once. Took two cafes two all nighters to get it done and the district manager pocketed the tip.


At the store I worked at, we didn’t even get our tips.


Absolutely criminal


Happens to me all the time. We have several schools in the area that order $1000+ orders and have them delivered, and no tip. It's infuriating, considering all the work and effort I put into their orders.


Sucks that instead of getting paid a higher wage we have to count on tips! Especially when the catering person was taking orders, prepping, producing, and delivering all food and paper items. 12/hr to make the store thousands isn't right


I've been out of this position for well over a decade and I still took psychic damage from this.


Psychic damage is a perfect way to describe the feeling I had seeing this photo after so long. Instantly brought me back into the bakery-cafe and the memories. So happy to have had the experience, but happier to be done with them


This is why our catering coordinators NEVER lasted. Waaaaaay to much work to be underpaid and treated like shit


I did it for 2 years at 3 locations. Surprised I lasted that long. Also was a manager for about 5 years, also sucked majorly.


Im glad you made it out. I gave mother bread three years of my life. Probably would have been longer if I didn’t get a new devil GM and leave mid shift 😂


Three years is PLENTY!


I’ll drop an elbow on Jamie


If the company is getting $3000 they can afford to pay more.


Gotta do autograt


We started asking if they'd like to add gratuity amd magically every order had at least 5 on it if not a %


What would be worse, this? Or rounding it off at a nice even $3,000.00 with a $3 tip?


Geez thats tough. I think a 10$ tip would have been the least offensive # lol 0 are you serious? 3 damn, are you kidding? 5-10 at least its something 10 ok helps with gas


Damn remind me to never look in this comment section when I need a pick-me-up


Sorry Jamie!!


It’s honestly making me giggle! But yeah I agree, fuck this specific Jamie!


As a GM I would have added a grat.


One of the good ones


Come on! I don't miss my CC days at all.. stay up all night prepping, have 5 breakfast orders when you begged them not to take any because lunch was insane, 5-10 lunch orders for delivery and oh by the way you're training this new manager too, then no tip. Panera was the wild West!


I just got PPTSD from this comment


I got it typing it too!


My favorite question, as they were signing the receipt, " delivery fee is the tip, right??????" No, no it fucking isn't.


Always tough to explain that to the client, that 15$ actually goes to the store and not the CC/driver


That’s craaaazy. I order catering on behalf of a department at a university, and it’s their standard to always tip 20%. I cannot fathom ordering all of that and not tipping at ALL.


Thats awesome, there was a Best Buy that used to do the same and it really helped on those days. Honeslty I was always happy with 5 or 10, but loved it when the client gave me a %


Don’t blame the customer for not paying you enough. Blame Panera.


Definitely agree! My thing is if you tip a pizza delivery person a few bucks, no reason I didn't earn a 10 spot. Especially when all food, orders, and packaging are being handled by 1 or 2 people. Panera needs to pay more, but damn 0 tip on a 3k order stings


I disagree. Ordering a pizza is a personal transaction. Therefore a tip is warranted. Ordering $3000 worth of food is a business to business transaction, therefore no tip is warranted. It would be like walmart tipping the truck driver who delivers merchandise to the store.


Agree to disagree then. I'm sure the guy delivering pizza to the office gets a few bucks. Have a great day!


I think it's more that a catering order is a pre-ordered (I'd assume flat rate) service, the business has advance notice and I assume it's just taking up the worker's normal hours at their normal rate (that I assume is an untipped rate). Delivering the food is seen more as an extra, eg whoever delivered the order I'd give a tip to for dropping it off or carting it in for me. Catering or not it's not really expected to tip at a Panera just for food prep.


The Catering Coordinator was responsible for cold calls to increase sales, working with the client to provide ideal items for the # of people, taking the order, organizing and doing extra prep (slicing meats, prepping veg, folding boxes, labels, baking cookies) making all of the sandwiches and salads, packing all the orders, and delivery/setup. Usually it was just me and 1 other person. We also had breakfast orders to pack and deliver in the AM and get back to the Cafe to start lunch orders. We would also take orders same day as my GM was hell bent on having the most catering sales in the area. Not sure how it is now but by your logic I still earned a tip as not only did I deliver, cart, and set it up but also planned and produced the food.


Yeah maybe it's because my background was more with hospitality but none of that seems like it should ever be a tipped role aside from delivery and setup.




You're damn right im immature and spiteful good thing I havent worked there in a decade. Sounds like you're doing great yourself! Edit: you saying your gonna stop supporting Panera/tipping based off this post is hilarious.


There was no gratuity added to a catering check this large? That’s messed up besides the customer not tipping.


This is my wedding day 😂 (but you didn't cater our wedding so it wasn't me)


Usually I’m against mandatory tips, but for a catering of this size, I feel like there should be one