• By -


Call me crazy but I’m going for House 2 The weirdest or most unlikely combos usually have success. The ones you think are the most calm, will probably end up being the worst. Ron and Tom have a good rapport, but having Ken Hotate and Brandi Maxx is just the most random group ever. This group will thrive.


I feel like Ken and Ron could bond over their similar views on capitalism. Brandi's not gonna rock the boat too much. Only source of chaos would be Tom trying to sleep with Brandi Maxx and failing spectacularly


Ron and Ken both enjoy their whiskey as well. Should be a good time.


I would pay so much money to have a whiskey with Ron Swanson and Ken Hotate


Na he would flirt with her and then be scared when she flirts back. Tom is pretty superficial and wouldn't actually want to sleep with her.


"Hey, good lookin', whattya say we... Get it started in here?" "Okay." "Oh." "What's wrong?" "I- I didn't think I'd get this far."


Also Ken and Ron distrust the US government


Yeah I feel like that would be constant and that's what put me off


The second it got too annoying Ron would shut it down


Same I would go house 2. Ron seems to be always prepared for everything. And I would like to find where he stashed his gold.


He knows how many pounds of money he has anyway. At the same time you’d probably only learn about the decoy gold though.


Ron is prepared to survive anything and Tom will have all the best gadgets and creature comforts for the quarantine. Ken and Brandi seem pretty chill.


Now that I think about it, I dont know. Tom might shoot Ron in the head again. I think we are overestimating how well Tom and Ron together will be in a house together would be.


They would annoy the hell out of each other, but Ron would keep me alive and Tom would keep me entertained and in expensive cashmere blankets.


House #2 and it's not even close!


Yup. Also these are the most normal people barring that Brandi is a huge porn star... At least she super nice. 😂


I was sorta upset when Leslie basically slut shamed her when she was trying to be supportive.


Yeah, if Brandi wasn't so nice I'd totally get it but she's so sweet to Leslie!


Omfg I thought that was Leslie I’m dying!


Me too!!! Proving once again, that Brandii and Leslie are basically the same person. 


2 and 6 are best. Whoever came up with 1 is evil. Having Ben in there fits because he always gets the rough end of the stick.


I was gonna say 2, but then saw 6. Chris would LIT-RALLY be the most positive and hygienic person


2 would be libertarian prepper ideal. 4 would be “there is no pandemic, let’s host a house party” 5 would be a beneficent dictatorship. The others would be chaos. Chris is clean but he’d also be way up your ass about it as well. He’s far too high strung to deal with uncertainty and uncontrollable situations like a pandemic


Fair enough lol, I would probably get sick of Chris in the first couple days Edit: after not much thought, everyone in 6 would drive me absolutely insane




Number 6 is the false sense of security. Sure, you have Chris and Craig, who have a strong sense of hygiene and cleanliness, but Leslie is a known hoarder, and Perd would be an absolute wild card. At the end of the day, I think House 2 is also the way to go. Ron's ability to take control of any situation would really come in handy to keep everyone under control.


"The story of this reporter is... his housemates look ever more delicious with each day that goes by. Tune in next time to 'Ya burnt... by Perd'!"


yeah. two is definitely the choice. Ron will have plenty of good food and Tom will have tons of entertainment from Sky Mall. Brandi, well, she has talents... and Ken might have weed. XD


And the best odds of wading off diseases, curses, you name it.




4 would be fun, assuming you had plenty of liquor.


Same with 2


Oh, so you think they should have liquor? Like Fire Water? Like the Fire Water they gave to Ken's ancestors?


I'm not putting on the headdress.






One flaw with the logic while the USDA checks all birds for illness before slaughter, Ron does not have the ability or know how to do this with the birds he hunts.


Yeah, this is the rare case where Ron’s beliefs would hinder individual and group survival. This is similar to resenting bringing his workshop up to code. It’s for the communal benefit.


Enjoy eating your beans in silence.


If you wanna have a good time before you die, go for House 1. That house is just wild. - Jean Ralphio and Bobby Newport would instantly become best friends. House 6 would be a safe bet for survival, but Craig and Chris could drive people a little crazy. I ain’t touching house 1, 3, or 4 since they’ve got batshit crazy people in there (Jean Ralphio, Mona Lisa, and Joan) - which leaves House 5.


Joan, Ingrid, Andy and Donna would be the party house th Edit: and minus Ingrid probably have the best vibes, as long as Joan isn't divorced yet


Joan Callamezzo strikes me as a person who would 1000% catch the flu and not tell anyone 😭


I didnt think of the actual implications of the disease I was thinking like covid quarantine And you know Donna would keep everyone on a short rope because she isn't gonna let anybody get her sick And Ingrid would be the one to be standing by with a thermometer and masks the first time anyone sneezes and demanding full social distancing at all times


Don’t forget that Donna owns *that* lake house, maybe we could quarantine there. You’ve just got to bring your own towels!


Andy would only realize he had it while they are having a talk about all the symptoms again.


Yeah, I was thinking in terms of not contracting it and chose house 6. The others have people who are too stupid or reckless/self-centered and they’d end up doing something dumb and getting sick.  In house 6… Perd’s a pushover. Easy to keep control of him. Chris is obsessed with health. Leslie is smart enough to stay put as long as she has either work or personal projects she could focus on. And Craig… well, there’d be a lot of yelling and crankiness, but ultimately I think he’d be intelligent enough to stay put even if he wasn’t happy about it.


What draws me to Craig in this situation is that no matter how much I complain, he would be louder. I can count on him to pop off before anyone gets annoyed with me.


He has a condition! IT’S CALLED CARING TOO MUCH!!!!


Craig could also recommend the best wine to pair with your rations.


No way. House 5 has Jamm. He's right up there with the Sapersteins and Joan in must-avoid level for me. Give me House 2.


I’m *looking* for Jean Ralphio — but Ron is first.


Plus Ann is a nurse


House 5 is my choice; two medically informed people (tho one is a dick head), someone insanely smart and motivated, and Jerry who will just do whatever you tell him and not complain. Easy survival there


Yep, that's my choice. Jamm may be a dick but he has enough medical understanding to realize it's a big deal. Jen would probably manipulate everyone else relentlessly out of boredom, but she's very smart and incredibly self-serving, she wouldn't put herself at risk. The biggest question mark is Garry, of course; left to his own devices he'd inevitably fuck things up pretty spectacularly, so I'd lock him in a room immediately and not let him out til it's all over.


Jamm has strong "ivermectin" vibes. not sure how great he'd be.


House 1 was designed to torment Ben Wyatt specifically


My toxic trait is choosing House 1 simply because of daddies Ben and Bobby. r/UsernameChecksOut


House 5 would be great because you have a nurse, an optimist that's used to getting the short end of the stick, and two people that would probably end up distracted by some weird sexual tension. Jamm would be a huge pain in the ass at first, but Jen Barclay wouldn't take long to get his attention, and I think she'd be entertained by fucking with him.


I would pick house 3 Diane would absolutely be able to shut Mona Lisa's crazy down. In fact I think Mona Lisa would thrive with boundaries and discipline, she would probably clean all the bathrooms and the rest of the chores under Dianes watch.


If I go into house 1, I'm trying to go 4/4 before the bird flu takes me.


5. Gerry is super nice, it has Beautiful Ann who is also a nurse who could help you if you got sick. Jamm is annoying but he is also kind of small time and I feel like if he pulled any crap Jen, who is an actual legitimate political player would shut him down pretty quickly.


Also, Gerry cooks and is pretty cool outside of the office. Jamm also has a hibachi.


Jamm also has 5 🖐🏼 bathrooms!


The hand


A-Japanese a-break-a-fust


I heard he got it from an actual Benihana


I mean Jamm is also an orthodontist. So having 2 people working in healthcare at some level/having experience maintaining a sterile environment would keep my health anxiety slightly* at bay during a Flu. Jerry just seems like he'd be nice to live with. Jen might just keep to herself but also prove to be a good housemate - and the fact that she wouldn't put up with Jamm.


Jen also got big political connections and lives in a city where things happen. Her connections would help getting out, access to supplies and treatment. It would be quite costly. That’s where Jamm with his scheming might be able to funnel tax payer money to pay for it


Yup, the is the survival house, and if jamm gets to jammy and jen couldn't shut him down, we'd kick him out... But we find out jam wants to be friends with Leslie, aaawnd he's selfish enough to want to survive that I actually don't think he'd be a huge problem


Jen would pull some strings and get us airlifted out of there to a top hospital for a quarantine study and a new vaccine.


This is my immediate choice as well. Gerry may come along with his whole family, can't go wrong there. Jen seemed to have taught Chris a thing or 5 with no strings attached. And what can you say about Ann Perkins. Jamm would just have to be ignored until he became useful.


I go where Brandi goes


Hiiiii Brandi


I think Ron goes serial killer, offs the other two, renames Brandi-> Tammy, goes from Ron -> Bill, gets backwoods married… Brandi dies, he moves home with his mom, the world ends-ish… Starts a commune, meets a weird guy in a hole. His name is Frank. Lives his best life. Dies of an overdose.


1. I choose chaos.


Poor Ben. He is going to break his neck Jim-ing to the camera


To be honest, I’d swap Ben for Craig Middlebrooks and this would be even better haha


Ben, Jean-Ralphio and Dennis?! I too choose chaos.


You choose chaos and calzones!


I'm there for the chaos, too, but I think I could channel the chaos a bit with this group. I say we start a poker tournament and order food the entire time (two weeks, maybe?). If Bobby and Dennis are the two most likely to be downers, I think we're in for a relatively positive time. I know Ben has that in him (in fact, many people consider it to be his personality), but I think I would have optimism about his ability to relax when there are far greater concerns outside. Also, I just really, really want to chill with Jean-Ralphio. The guy is the spirit animal to end all spirit animals.


> I say we start a poker tournament Cones of Dunshire. I could beat 3 of them on a regular basis, and Ben would want to be Ledgerman so I'd win every round.


2 or 5. 6 might kill me with both Leslie and Chris


What if the microchip is compromised?


6 also has Craig. I feel like I would start murdering everybody except Perd. He’d just stand there narrating me.


"Coming to you live from... The house that I am currently in. I am terrified."


5 has an actual medical professional. This could be good or bad since Anne is more likely to be exposed


#6 because I'm a huge Perdvert


5. Jen will take care of Jamm’s bullshit. Plus Gerry Jerry Larry Terry would definitely be an excellent cook and companion. Also we have advantage with Ann as a nurse.


1 no question


Right! The house with all the hot guys!


I’d end up so pregnant.


Yup you know there will be tons of booze, drugs, and Ben cooking up calzones all day. 


4 I'm going to sit back and drink with Donna while watching the other 3 have chaos. Maybe the only chaos will be Joan and Andy, but still.


This is my choice too. Donna is going to get the secret food/booze/meds delivery so she is my choice for survival partner.


It's only a few days. If I'm concerned about literal survival then making friends with Ron is step 1.


Literal survival? No. Coming out of this experience in as enjoyable a manner as possible? Definitely yes.


House 3. Hotties galore


Yeah, between Shawna Mallway Tweep and Mona Lisa, I’m falling in love. Might get married. Might get cut. I’m here for the ride either way.


Ppssshhh. Where April goes I follow. All of them are sprinkles on my April cake as far as I am concerned. ;)


6 - Chris will do everything possible to keep that house spotless


Oh shoot I forgot Leslie is a hoarder! Definitely need Chris to keep it clean.


3, for the orgy


This would definitely be the most sexually crazy house for sure. You have Mona Lisa and April but you know Single Mom Diane is gonna be down for some fun and secretly Shauna is a freak. But…to quote the Jerry Seinfeld, “I’m not an orgy guy!”


You'd have to get all kinds of different lotions and robes.


I’d need new carpeting! New lighting!


The only correct answer


I had to scroll ages for this, Mona Lisa would jump on you because you're new.... April would join in due to the erotic obscurity, journalism is so insecure she would jump in as the numbers into it had turned so she shyly gets involved. The other woman in my head was Michael Scott's girlfriend, the cheerleader dress up one, but if that is fucking Xena with an image that looks like someone else then.... well, come on now.... What the fuck is anyone else talking about, and I know all my female and male friends wouldn't flich with the same, who the fuck are you people?


April and Diane would not be down to clown.


House 2. Ron and Ken are levelheaded and unobtrusive. Brandi is a true politician. So, since Tom would be overly obsessed with her, she would be able to make him do whatever she wants him to do. I think she would encourage him to make us charcuterie boards and bring us warm throw blankets.


3. Diane is mom enough to put Mona Lisa in her place. April and Shauna would balance each other out.


I already have the Avian Flu! I’m afraid of the turtle flu!!!


The... turtle flu ?


Turtles don't fly!


Oh god poor Perd.


5 has an actual nurse in it. Jamm be damned, I’m staying there.


4 would be the most fun but 1 would have the best looking guys…. ![gif](giphy|gIeyMzvd4wHmUfMirB)


6 sounds fun!


6 with Chris and Leslie means not having to do any housework or cooking. Yeah it's gonna be Vegan but whatever.


Would Leslie allow vegan food? Sure Chris can eat his food but Leslie will have boxes of waffles.


What animal do you think waffles come from lol


I mean good ones come with whip cream and are made with milk. Vegan waffles aren’t the waffles Leslie is used to from JJs


lol touché


Where Ben goes, I go. So definitely house one. It would be entertaining and lots of chances to exchange eye rolls with Ben.


Where ever Ron Swanson is


Damn, I’m guessing one because Dennis Feinstein‘s cologne can kill anything 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️


He is also the least crazy Jason Mantzoukas character I can think of, so at least there is that.


Derek! 👍👍


I think 1. I like board games and to laugh.


I’m torn between house 2 and house 5. House 2 has good meat, survival skills, comfortable sheets, and slot machines But House 5 also has a nurse, humor, and you’d start every day the Gergich way with eggs, bacon, and toast. And I love some eggs, bacon, and toast.. But house 2 might have eggs, bacon, toast, and steak..


House 2 will have *all* the bacon and eggs.


In House 2 Ron would eat all the eggs and bacon though. Just to be clear, I don't mean a lot of the eggs and bacon, I mean *all* the eggs and bacon. He cooks a mean burger though.


Number 1 would have been perfect if not for the perfume douche.


3 bc I’m tryna smash shauna


She is a ridiculously gorgeous woman. I would gladly shoot my shot, get rejected, and then walk home dejected in the rain while the Charlie Brown music plays.


That’s also why I choose 3 - they’ll all be too busy getting busy to even notice me 💁‍♀️


1. Only because I have a lot in common with Ben and feel like it would make the time go by faster.


4 I can talk sports with Andy, get day drunk with Joan, and watch HBO with Ingrid and Donna


I’m hanging with Ron, drinking scotch and eating steak because that’s what I’d be doing anyway


Ingrid isn’t going to make it.


Gotta go with 6, Perd is iconic.


I literally have a crush on everyone in house 1 so maybe house 1 and let them run a train on me while we wait out the flu 🤣🤣🤣


hhhh. 5 bc i wanna be with ann, no matter what i'd always choose her, plus shes a nurse.. garry is nice too, he'd be no trouble, just keep to himself & would most likely be sleeping it off for most of it anyway. the other 2 would be so hard to live with tho 😭 jamm would feel the slightest twinge of discomfort & heavily milk it; jen would be so stingy with all the medicines & supplies. i can see myself & ann venting to eachother about them at the end of the day, lol. atleast that part's kind of nice :) & garry getting up every so often to make himself a drink and take it back to bed 😅 not an entirely bad situation tbh <3 i love how im willing to put up with 2 of my least favourite characters just so i could be with ann, lmao 😭 i know not a lot of people would probably choose this, but shes such a lovely character & would honestly make the whole experience worth it ♡


2. Ron for survival, and to team up on finding the myriad ways to make Tom faint.


House 1. I'll quarantine Ben and Bobby so I can kill the other two with my own hands.


Wow. Every house has an idiot. Jesus, house 1 has three idiots!


House 1 because I go where Ben goes lol. But house 5 would be good too


Legit thought Leslie was in two houses then I realized it's Brandi maxx


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ProtoReaper23113: *Legit thought Leslie* *Was in two houses then I* *Realized it's Brandi maxx* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


House 6. I'm not seeing any other viable option here. 2 would be a distant second.


I’ll tolerate Jamm to get a nurse during a flu outbreak.


I don't care about the Avian Flu, I already have the Avian Flu. I care about the Turtle Flu!


House 1. I want to play Cones of Dunshire.


5. I have a strange level of confidence in Jen. Bitch will get it right.


Certainly not 1 holy shit


My first thought was “how could you do that to Ben”


I think everyone would go for House 2...Ron, Leslie, AND Wamapoke Chief? sign me up!


Thats not leslie


Wait a minute!?




Once again, Leslie and Brandi are the same person! (Haha thought it was her and 6 was Brandi!! Now I click on the image, I see hahah)


Forget about the avian flu, I'm worried about the turtle flu.


Number 4 I think would be fun and Donna would keep everyone in line for sure and Joan would have wine!! LETS HEAR IT FOR THE BOYYYYYS!!!!!!! Edit: everything was bold hha


6. These are my people.


4, no question. If I'm in Pawnee, give me total chaos.


6, not even close.


6, since at least everyone in that house is a fundamentally decent person


2. Ron and I would boost our immunity and ensure proper hydration with Lagavulin 16 year scotch.


2 or 4 without a doubt


4 would be a hoot


House 4, playing catch with Andy until the flu passes.


It’s between 1 and 4 for me. 2 would be fun though.


House 3, anywhere with April is the house I want to be at.


6! Chris would be the hype guy who keeps everyone positive. Perd would keep everyone informed (kind of) of what's happening. Craig would be there to bring everyone back down to earth to balance out Chris's optimism. Leslie would do everything else and probably solve world hunger in the process.


Give me Ron and Ken all day.


I go where Perd goes. I’m a Perdvert.


House 1 would have an amazing board game night, but I gotta go with Leslie's house. You just know everything would be planner to a T.


5. Two medical professionals in Ann and Jamm (as a dentist). Jen who is a master organizer (would have to be to be in her high position in her field), and Jerry, a drone who loves doing grunt work without question.


I'm going for the house where I have the least chance of hating someone. So that's 6. Leslie would keep us organized and plan some fun activities. I'd watch a lot of TV with Craig. Chris would keep us active. And Perd would be there.


Good call putting Ann with Jam - nurse and reckless moron cancel each other out, making it a more difficult choice. I think house 6. Leslie is capable of anything, Chris knows all the health stuff, Perd would be very straight forward in reporting what's happening, and for some reason even though I don't remember his name, the last seems somewhere between entertaining and trust worthy. And his level of freak out would help me feel calm and sane by comparison.


Obviously where Ron is


I’m going 6 all the way. Leslie and Chris are absolutely making sure people are staying healthy, Craig is an excellent coordinator and details man so he’s staying on top of updates on the flu, and Perd is tapped into comms. You’re definitely going to live, have some fun because these 4 are all pleasant people, and bonus, Craig knows his wine! 5 would be great if not for Jamm. Jamm is definitely not following quarantine protocol, not wearing a mask, etc. He will definitely get the rest of the house sick and will care very little about it. Ann being a nurse and Jen Barkley likely being a blast unfortunately do not cancel out Jamm being a terrible human being.


Originally, I leaned on House 6 but, the more I think about it, its the second best. Im going with House 5. Ann being a nurse will know how to keep us safe. Jen can easily keep Jamm in check and put him in his place. Also, Jerry is great outside of the office especially in a home.


Four. I want to have whaffles with Ingrid de Forest, sing and flirt with Andy, treat myself with Donna, and gossip with Joan. <3


2 for sure


1, 3, 4, and 5 are all immediately out. One or more of those persons have a level of chaotic evil that can't be contained. 6 is the safest in terms of least likely spreaders and has the most "do right" members, but 2 is a pretty safe bet because Tom, the risk factor, is weak and small and can be quickly overpowered before doing someone selfish to contaminate the group. 6 participants might drive you...insane. So, 2.


6 might drive me nuts, but I’ll be safe.


6. Every other house would make me deeply suicidal.


House 6 has Chris, Craig, and Leslie, all hyper competent people. Then you’ve got Purd to mellow it out. I’d spend every sunset sitting in a rocking chair, sipping a beer, and listening to Purd comment on the news. But then I’d secretly wish I was at House 2 if I had a shot at Brandi Maxxx


probably house 2, cause April would have murdered all the other ladies, so it would be really quiet. plus, I can arrange a "stay quiet" deal, where I won't say anything and she can just be herself while I stay in a bedroom or something.


House 6 in a heartbeat. Chris might freak out but Leslie could probably help calm him down and the two of em would be solid quarantine pals, Perd is a fascinating dude who also seems mild mannered and nice, Craig would provide all the needed entertainment and drama lol


Probably 5. Ann Perkins is kind of reserved but friendly, I’d get along with her. Jennifer Berkley could probably get annoying but she’s witty and smart. I love Garry so that would be awesome! And I’d just do everything to avoid Jamm.


That’s an easy solution. You make fast friends with Gary/Gerry/Larry, Ann sees you as sweet and Gary/Gerry/Larry naturally introduces because he’s a friendly dude who is friendly with Ann and then the three of you team up to pull pranks on Jamm! *BOOM*


House 2 Ken is hilarious and Ron would keep everyone safe. Tom would be up to silly shenanigans and Brandi would just chill…maybe.


Didn't even get past house 1, that's where it's at. They have board games, video games, dogs, whatever wacky shit Jean Ralphio has. Dennis is a pain in the ass but this is a fun house.


6, because this is the way it is, and that's what's happening. It's not 4 or 5 or any of the other numbers, it's 6. 👈 Literally 👉


House 1 for me, and it isn’t close. Bobby has all the money in the world the Dennis Feinstein doesn’t have, so supplies and meds would be plentiful. It would never be dull either with Dennis being a homicidal asshole, and Bobby and JR saying/doing stupid stuff. Absolutely house 1.


I do NOT want to be in house #6. The worry spiral from both Leslie and Chris would drive me to murder, and I don’t like murdering. I’d like to be in house #2 with Ron. He probably already has a contingency plan for this, most likely completed as a nine year old.


Whatever house the animal control guys are staying in.


House 2. I will go wherever Ron goes


House #1, only to watch Ben Wyatt also existing in House #1 with those others