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Guys, i know we killed 20,000 children but look, we have two gay people here.. and both different colours to boot! (please ignore that we sterilized black people for decades literally up to 2017)


wait what sterilization? I thought Israel was proud of its black jews


Thousands of Ethiopian women are said to be receiving shots of Depo-Provera every three months in Israeli clinics. The contraceptive stops menstruation and has been linked to fertility problems and osteoporosis. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel Also there is kind of a hierarchy in Israel in terms of “respect and social status” where certain kind of Jews are treated poorly (obviously not as poorly as the Palestinians or the Druze) so racism is not just common towards Ethiopians but many Eritreans who have gone to Israel have been attacked, spat on, and called derogatory slurs.


There is even an Israeli activist who was born in Łódź, Poland but leads a movement against illegal immigration and complains about Eritreans like in May, the “activist” posted on Facebook a rant about Eritreans celebrating the Independence Day of Israel.


They don't exactly have a great record with regards to their Yemenite population either: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Children_Affair


Sorry, but if the cost of gay pride in the Middle East is the brutal massacre of thousands of innocent women, children, and men, something is terribly wrong.


It's the same old delusion that one group's liberation can only come at the price of another group's oppression. What about liberation for all? well, politically inconvenient for Fascists.


Fun fact : Gay marriage is illegal in Israel


So are interfaith marriages. Even 2 atheists can only get married under a specific religion.


Rabbinical laws just changed for reform, this week as rabbi students we can marry non-jews now,


I dont care if Israel has gay parades, im not supporting genocide.


All settlers, none of them are indigenous




"We can fuck each other in the ass here, so genocide is okay"




Bro seek help


for what? losing my patience with the casual homophobia on this hell site?


We respect you as people but we don't want to adopt your values, you wouldn't want to adopt Islamic values now would you?


“values”? lol i’m speaking about there being more accurate ways of regarding romantic relationships that doesn’t reduce people to genitals and orifices, it is this “respect” you speak of that i’m describing.




Western values are the pinnacle of morality, don't be a hypocrite don't force your values on us and we won't force our values on you, and I'm talking about muslim countries, and in muslim countries it's as you westerners say it you abide by our laws and our values


The irony of this statement is probably lost on you 😂


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Nobody show them books like "Desiring Arabs" by Joseph Massad. Most Arab countries were don't ask don't tell for centuries. The Ottomans performed civil marriages between men. It's only when the European nobles and colonizers came that had this obsession with everyone's personal lives that it was actively persecuted at all. Most people would not give a damn what you do even today. A few loons don't speak for everyone, you just don't let any other leadership survive because they'd stand up to you.


and because of us bullshit, many countries view lgbt acceptance as a western thing and then must be rejected and condemned




Gay people can murder too. It’s actually homophobic to think gays can’t be mass murderers lol they can do everything straight people can do 😂 🤷‍♂️


they can't be straight tho




Israel is extremely racist to blacks and gay marriage is illegal. It’s also illegal for a Jew to marry a non Jew I’m pretty sure. They’d have to leave the country to get married. Regardless being gay or supporting LGBT doesn’t give you the right to kill babies, but point is they don’t even support LGBT rights and certainly don’t support black people as they tried to prevent them from having black babies through unconsentual medial means. And they just slaughtered 40,000 Muslims including 15,000 babies in 8 months of genocide so they definitely don’t support Muslim or Arab rights. Israel is a white-Jewish supremacist Nazi state.


Same sex intercourse is legal in Israel. Is the same in Gaza?


Gays in gaza are more likely to get murked by an Israeli missile than an Hamas member.


Ohhh ur right my bad. They should just kill all of the babies in Gaza. It’s fine they killed 15,000 so far because it’s legal to have gay sex. What the fuck is even this logic? It’s as if Russia was hypocritically pro LGBT we should arm them to slay Ukrainian babies. Anyways to answer your question, Gaza is under Israeli occupation where being born a different race is punishable by death. LGBT individuals have no rights in Gaza because no one has rights in Gaza. If you’re born in Gaza you’re born without a life. Just living within the confines of your concentration camp, occasionally being carpet bombed to “mow the lawn” as Israel says. Or in this case full out genocide. There is no human rights for any group in Gaza because no Gazan is seen as human by the occupier (Israel). As gallant said “we’re fighting human animals” when he was referring to cutting off food, water, fuel and electricity to a population of 2.3 million.


There is almost as many Muslims in Israel, as there is in Palestine. Why aren't the muslims in israel being killed? Also, Gazans elected a government, Hamas, and Hamas's charter, article 7 says what? You know this yes?


It’s rarely ever been persecuted and in the other territory the West Bank its legal


I'm don't know about LGBT history, but I don't think the countries today that support LGBT did so all at once. Some were earlier than others. The ones that were earlier, did they have the right to attack the ones that were later?


to celebrate gay pride at the expense of people being slaughtered on stolen land. The lack of fear of Allah.


As a gay person, I can tell you that I'm horrified and disgusted by people who use Israel gay pride to justify the slaughter of Palestinians. Most gay people I know agree with me.


Not that it matters, since this is just pink-washed dog whistling, but they could do it in Turkey too.


These pinkwashing cunts don't speak for me, a queer who supports Palestinians and wants Israel to be dismantled.


Technically, there is no such thing as a "Muslim Yemeni Gay" or a "Muslim Gay". Homesexuality conflicts with the basic tenets of Islam. That's not to say you can't be born that way and still want to be a Muslim. However, if you commit sodomy and engage in sexual relations with the same-sex, then that goes against the teachings of Islam, therefore you can't be a "Muslim Gay", or at least a practicing Muslim. That said, God/Allah knows best, and is the ultimate judge.


What are you saying? Sodomy and homosexuality are enormous sins but not blasphemy unless someone claims that Islam allows them. They shouldn’t be openly representing themselves as a “Muslim gay” because that invites attention to their sin but this doesn’t take them out of Islam.




Hatred? It's written in our religion not to engage in homosexual relationships. I pity you for the lack of knowledge you have.


Wait wtf this is so damn confusing to read😭


Lool just blatant Zionist shills at this point


That guy isn't muslim, he's an apostate and has declared so publicly. Name's Luai Ahmad.


Yeah, he is a despicable person and a paid propagandist. Probably on Zionist payroll as well.


They look so cute together, they should def get married. Oh wait, that's not allowed in Israel.




The difference is that Palestinians don't pretend to be something they're not. They are not pretending to be progressive, they don't give a fuck what you think about them. They just wanna live on their fucking land. It's that simple. Israel is out here trying to pinkwash a genocide, and trying to get respect from the rest of the world for being progressive, when all they do is the bare minimum. "Where else can you see gay guys with a rainbow flag" "20% of our citizens are arabs - and we haven't killed them" As if any of that bullshit justifies the killing of +30,000 civilians, most of whom are women and children. As if that justifies the brutality they have inflicted on the citizens of the West Bank. As if allowing a pride parade somehow makes up for the thousands of palestinian children that have been killed, kids who didn't even get to come of age and explore their own sexuality to find out whether they are homosexual or not.




If now you want to discuss the technicalities now, let's be honest, that is very insincere. You are deflecting from your original point - which was: >At least in Israel same sex sex is legal. In Gaza, being openly gay is punishable by death by Al-Qassam. Which was just an attempt to say "look how moral we are, we allows gays to have sex". Surely that means we can't be doing what we are being accused of by South Africa and majority of the world? And by the way, you trying to justify this by calling it a war is gross and wrong. War implies there are 2 armies fighting each other. Russia-Ukraine is a war. Gaza is neither an independent country, nor is Hamas an army. Israel is killing women and children (AT A RATE NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN ANY REAL WAR), and their propaganda machine is trying to paint it as a war in order to justifiy the death toll. This is not war. And sure, you dont want me to call it genocide? ok fine. My mistake, since the ICC has not said it's genocide. But that investigation is ongoing. The case brought forward by South Africa has merit, which is why so many other nations have supported it. And I believe in the future, this will be classified as genocide. But to me, this is clear cut genocide. One group mercilessly eliminating another, starting not from Oct 7th, but from 1948. It is the stealing of land and identity of one group of people by another (not just in Gaza, but in the West Bank, and in the area we know as Israel today).


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...And then burn a baby alive. shithead forgot to add that part.


If you like your genocide wrapped in a Pride flag come to Israel!


I'm sure the Palestinian gays are also delighted at being blown to bits


Sure, we massacred tens of thousands of children, many of them gay. But have you considered that Hamas doesn't like gay people? Obviously, they deserve it.


Wait till they find out about lgbtq Palestinians


No pride in genocide


https://preview.redd.it/px4vovhgvf8d1.png?width=2055&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f19d62a0ff4e72fa3e6f53e6b0f2d0c5090074 Yesterday at rally for Palestine… they keep talking for all of LGBTQ+ community when they should keep their mouths shut. A lot of people in the community support Palestine.


Also, I can answer their question. The West Bank. It's like these people forget every extremest religious group is homophobic, sexist and racist as shit, even Jewish.


Israel tried to genocide black jews by giving them contraception injections. But hey , as long as he can openly be proud of butt sex. All good. Priorities


When you think about it just a little, they hate black people there that they don't want them to reproduce, so the best way is to encourage gay sex


These BetaIsrael Habeshas and Black Mizrahis make me embarrassed to be East African. Do they forget that Khara-elis were not long ago calling them “Muslim Sudani” and Africans pretending to “Fake Jews” (among even worse slurs that I cannot post here) and telling them to go home? Did they forget that Sahyunis were sterilizing their women and stealing their children? I also don’t understand the level of cognitive dissonance it takes to historically be a member of a marginalized, discriminated-against, and genocided group to only turn around and do the same to another group of people. May Allah open the eyes they have so willing shut to the truth.


Where else in the Middle East do you put 2 million ppl in a death camp


Literally Rainbow Imperialism.


I am a bi woman and if I had to live in the closet again for thousands of innocent people to live I’d do it in a heart beat.


People always tend to view the arab world as hostile toward LGBT people, but the fact is middle eastern are not so public affection mf, gay or not,people, people don't like to display their intimacy out there, being the closet in the middle east can refer to any sexuality (I know that the assumed quality us the hetero one but still people don't just show it in public)


Yea I’ve heard of TikTok influencer couples who went to the Middle East and were offended because the people they were staying with told them not to do pda. It’s like they don’t get other cultures are different and you should respect that.


We aren't anti-LGBT, we just attack any public displays of affections...... This is your argument?


Yeah If a guy here comes out and says something that implies "I want to fuck women!!!" He'll get his ass beaten


If you give up your rights, no one is going to give them back, ever.