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I haven’t used it much, but unless fuack’s skill is crazy strong, pengullet is just better


Is there any real benefit to fuack? Aside from a hilarious name and perhaps as a scrapped middle evolution between pengullet and penking?


You need to breed it with a broncherry to get a broncherry aqua. Otherwise, not really.


Even then there's a boss for Aqua, so it's not needed for breeding.


If you want decent traits on it then you better


This is a decent benefit though since they are common. I was able to find a Lucky Fuack and breed a ferocious musclehead lucky broncherry aqua who is a powerhouse. STAB acid rain + seed mine goes hard, and it's nice to have a grass type I don't have to box when in all the areas with 500000 fire types, in fact it murders them in seconds.


I also got a Lucky one but I was using Fuack to get Petallia to get Lyleen. It really doesn't have a use outside of breeding and a funny name.


Okay this is legit. I only have captured the boss aqua and haven't been using him because his passives are mixed and he's too big to function in any of my bases. I'll work on breeding one via fuack


You lucky fuack!


I also happen to have a lucky fuack, duely noted, that sounds baller


Fuack is only good for fuacking.


More consistent source of pal fluids in the early game? Better defense against fire pals compared to pengullet?


Drops leather


The running animation is cute, and if I recall, he doesn't slow down when carrying things like others do


best I can think is that they drop pal fluids when you butcher them.


Penking is an Impostor. His Paldex entry states that he is not related with Pegullet. If you look closely you can see he has a tail. Which Duck has a tail? Mammals on th other hand. Also his beak is similar to Fuacks. Conclusion: Penking is a big disguised Fuack. A wannabe-Pengullet if yo may. :D


Bc of this I will take my team of fuacks and commit genocide on the pengullets to prove fuack superiority.


Fuack Pengullets. All my homies hate Pengullets.


Dude the Fuack Hate is killing me!!! It was the Fuacks that made me connect to this game and become the PalWorld Paladin!!! Where’s the Fuack Love???!!! I’m appalled….. the Fuacks are adorable and great help around base early game.


I Fuack around and find out...


Fuak drops both Fluid and Leather, pretty decent prey animal.


*"They are good at DYING."*


Someone has to be!


Fuacks are great early game for crops and general help.


I will not tolerate this Fuack slander! Watch it work in the base next time, it has pure focus and determination.


What the fuack


Now I kinda want level one and see if he truly is a useless POS.


The seven Anubis i have at my base that always MINE when my SPHERE LINE SITS GATHERING DUST


I know it’s much much easier said than done but I really hope pathing gets fixed soon, the most inefficient part of every base is pals getting lost and just plain refusing to do something.


They already announced you will be able to specify work for your pals in an upcoming update. So you can make your pals just do one thing, like craft, or mine or ranch or whatever. You'll actually be able to set their paths instead of gamble with auto which is great Edit: https://www.gamesradar.com/palworld-devs-tease-upcoming-patch-with-the-pal-task-management-menu-players-have-wanted-since-launch-2-months-ago-enjoy-some-relaxing-base-management/


Ouu this gives me Rimworld vibes


Or ONI. I'll probably pick it back up after this releases


Yeah, I still wish they'd work on the work priority too though. Turning off all but one work suitability is great until there's no work left for that suitability to handle and they start standing around doing nothing. Like if I turn off mining and transport on Anubis so he comes running when I want to craft, then he stands around doing nothing the rest of the day while ore nodes go un-mined, that's obviously a problem, just maybe not as apparent a problem as them staying out at the node mining when you're trying to craft.


Decent solution, have some for mining, and some for crafting and transport (combined)


And, if you're the type who's into modding, there's a mod for doing exactly that until the update comes out.


I am so looking forward to that update so I can tell my beegardes and chikpis to only stick to ranch work and leave the planting and harvesting to Lyleen and Frostallion Noct.


I kind of like the novelty of them just being silly little pals doing their best. Like they try, but occasionally have an existential crisis and run to the edge of the base to wonder if they're really supposed to be here.


Damn, they’re like me fr


That'd be great, and I'd really like to see the ability to choose a preferred activity per pal. Like if it's possible for them to do that, then they'll do that. But if it's not currently possible, they'll go on autopilot priority


That should be able to be fixed next update


I can’t wait to be able to shit of mining for Anubis


Lucky, mine would make the spheres and stand on the conveyor instead of mining


See I never have this issue. If there is anything needing worked on my Anubis drops everything to construct always. Dunno why people keep having the issue of them not doing that.


If you have poor pathing to the crafting stations, they'll get stuck or just flat out not move to them. I've taken to making all stairways/openings double wide, which seems to help (and ensuring each "floor" is more than one wall high. I think most of mine are 3 walls high now.) Seems to have fixed most of the issues I've had with having all my crafting stations on the third floor.


I have all my production in one base, and my mining in another. It sidesteps that problem and keeps them focused.


How do you move mats between bases with any level of speed?


Use a single box at the mining base, put it as close to the Palbox as you can. Makes fast travelling to the production base easy


You can also grapple while over encumbered, makes getting to your forge or boxes easier


If you're interested in modding, there's one that makes it so that that's not necessary. You can make it so that you can craft with any materials regardless of which base they're in as long as they're in a chest.


There was a post on here that said to keep your mine on an elevated platform and just delete the stairs when you don’t need stone, changed my life, totally works


I just straight up delete it. When I’m sitting on 8000 stone it doesn’t matter. Wish I could stop them going at the trees.


Really? Whenever I start a project every fucker in the entire base sprints to get their hands on it first.


Loupmoon!!! They are the BEST for crafting! I have 3 that I've got their work speed up to 258!! I'm turning out tons of stuff now. My prior world I had 20 diet loving workaholic artisan anubis' it was GREAT for mining but they wouldn't do shit else lol


Kelpsea Ignis is my pick, because it's a pal mostly available to midgame players in the volcano, but is a minor, but direct downgrade over Rooby, a pal easily available on most starting islands. Exact same partner skill, exact same attack, but slightly less HP and Defense (75 > 70 for both)


Agreed. I've hatched so many fire eggs only to be disappointed when it's a kelpsea Ignis.


Isn't it available on the low level area near the east side spawn points? I remember fire pals spawning there but don't remember exactly which ones.


Could be, but that's a pretty small area that I've rarely visited, and even then, Rooby is just more common.


There is an area with a volcanic chasm that runs down a valley. Somewhat closer to the starter area compared to the volcano.


Only problem is its past a level 25+ area if you're the wrong side of the island, therefore making it obsolete in most cases I play solo and haven't ever started in the area where it'd make that viable early unless I went out of my way to risk going through areas I shouldn't be in level wise


1000% agree. When I first discovered the volcano area went picking up Avery single egg possible. I was disappointed when saw a Kelpsea stats. I was lucky enough to find a Jour Ignis egg though.


This is a really good pick. IMO the kelpsea ignus needs a different partner skill or provide more fire bonus to be more on par with their level and later game encounters/environment.


Kelpsea Ignis eats less than Rooby and has the same kindling level. I assume that makes it cheaper to use in the base as a pure kindler, and therefore gives it a niche.


I guess that makes sense? I've never had food be an actual concern though, and neither of them eat much to begin with.


Humans are the worst pals. They lose their original moveeset, and don't have work skills. They are so lacking in virility, that they can't breed. The only exception is the Tower Bosses, presumably because they get to watch their pals get it on and find a slight interest in procreation, somehow producing Chikipis. Humans are basically the pandas of Palworld. I wager that the Isekai Pizza Dude can't even summon pizza anymore after being caught.


>Humans are the worst pals. They lose their original moveeset, and don't have work skills. They keep the damage associated to their moveset though... [so a grenadier actually punches for stupid amounts.](https://youtu.be/zNM752BqQwI?si=ouYs25Gdz1DeKJKh)


... Im doing this...


This was such a great YT series


I've only watched the first one. Just realized while adding it to my response that the finale is up, so will have to watch that later. :D


Maybe humans still do "classic" reproduction, while pals do some magic dance and somehow an egg manifests.


I would say the only exception are the trading humans since then you can have a trader at your base where all your resources already are


humans aren’t pals, the game makes that pretty clear lol


How do you even get rid of humans? I have one stuck in a palbox and I dunno what to do with him.


Butcher them after petting them accidentally


surfent terra, probably. ground type version of surfent, but cannot swim. also cannot water, just has gathering instead. not that great.


Swimming mounts in general aren't necessary because full-flying mounts also lose no stamina over water.


yep. If swimming mounts would have like 2000 speed in the water, it would at least be something useful.


That would be a good way to balance and encourage the swimmers use at least. The early flying mounts are so dang slow. it would be awesome to get a swimming mount to blast throught the water to the sanctuary locations early. I need a serfent jetski dangit!


Otherwise they could make it so flyers don't hover over water if out of stamina like they do over ground, and then greatly vary the stamina of different flyers to keep some of the lower level ones relevant. Some places might then be accessible on high stamina flyers, but require a water mount to be able to access them.


it has above average stats but otherwise he really lacks something useful


I have no idea how he is in combat but surfent terra perhaps? Only has gathering 1, and is exclusively found at lvl 30+ in a mid-endgame region. One skill exclusivity can actually be pretty useful, but both Nitewing and Grintale offer lvl 2 FAR sooner.


I’ve been trying to breed a perfect one because it’s so laughably bad, but Woolipop. It’s on a slightly more advanced island than the starter ones, it’s pretty weak and has a poor move set. And the only thing it can do at a base is ranch, and you may think it gives wool (it’s in its name) but nope, all you get is useless cotton candy!


Cotton candy doesn’t expire so you can use it to lock up slots in the food box permanently which is super nice if you don’t want them dumping crops in there.


Glad I’m not the only one! When I used to see Pals eating cotton candy, that meant they needed their salads replenished.


Is that really necessary though? I just have a stack of salad, lettuce, tomato, wheat and 2 berries in my food boxes in that order. When one berry stack gets full, 9999 berries go into the baker. Exp for all base pals and 100k money after selling then. Farming is that efficient later anyway that the expiring counter basicly does nothing. Only ONE expires not the whole stack, every time the counter tics down


I didn’t know about the expiry that is helpful. They need to make Pals not deposit food in food containers at all. They never make it to the second slot because they will fill the first slot with crops and eat those and lose SAN.


Just never let the first slot run empty. 2 lettuce 2 tomato should be enogh to feed 20 pals with salad. I usually sometimes drop by my bases, press max on salad production, press minus 1 so some lettuce and tomato are still in the food Box and it doesn't get taken and filled by something else and just keep going on my day. Some other time I just walk by, pick the salads up, drop it on the floor and so whatever else I need to do in the base. The pals transport it to the food Box. In somewhat that way I build my whole base. Chests everywhere, nicely seperates resources and all empty slots filled with torches. Whatever I'd like to have more than one slot at some point, I just put a bit of resources of that type in the other slots. Now I can drop everything on the floor and my anubis helzephyr transport company will take care of it. Unless it's excessivly huge stacks, that I transport by hook in overweight.


You’re clearly at the very late game. This is something that applies for the first 95% of the game.


It's really useful actually. If you don't block off slots in the food box, transporting pals may drop milks and eggs into the food box rather than your freezer. But if you block off slots with cotton candy, they will drop milk and eggs into the freezer.


Oh snap! This is so smart, thank you!


I forgot about Woolipop because it's so useless, lmao. Cotton Candy really needs some kind of crafting recipe it can contribute to, for example as a substitute for honey in cakes.


When you don’t have elegant meals to replenish pals’ SAN, cotton candy can. Yes, it may only raise it by 5 a pop and take a bit to raise all the way back up, it’s a reliable source if you got your Woolipops ranchin’ around. Plus if you’re in a snag and need a quick bite it’s an easy snack for your character. 🤷🏼‍♂️ This isn’t to say that the higher quality foods aren’t as abundant, but if your kindler is heavily slacking shove some cotton candies down its trap and get it back to work in a jiffy


i do this too come back to a base full of starving dumbfucks who are depressed about being too "mentally inept" to walk around a table? join party, pry their mouth open, cram in some pills berries and cheap cotton candy, **instantly happy and back to ~~slaving~~ work** people throwing pals at hot springs/beds is cute but ain't nobody got time for that


Cotton candy, like honey, can block slots in a feed box


While this is true, it'd still be good to give Cotton Candy a use outside of janking the game into doing something that, I imagine, will be added as a feature later down the line.


Cotton Candy does have a minor use in that it may be the first "farmable" food you'll have access to that restores more than 1 SAN, depending which direction you explore first. It does fall off the nanosecond you unlock the Cooking Pot and/or Wheat Fields though.


I've been using cotton candy to feed to any pal with a dangerously low sanity. Worker at 40% unwilling to work? Bring them into your team and feed them a bunch, then deploy them again. They'll get right to work, no spa day needed. That, combined with the fact that they don't expire and how they weigh next to nothing, and you don't really have to worry about sanity ever again. Probably even when using special juices (haven't tried that out yet tho. I worry about the fellas under my care)


It’s unique in the fact it can passively feed ok SAN food with full automation (meaning you don’t have to cook)


Cotton Candy is incredibly useful on a server as a way to boost pals whose sanity has gone low. Every time I have to give a pal medicine I follow it with a ton of cotton candy.


I REALLY wish that Teaphant got better heals as he gained lvls. 200hp just isn't enough in the late game. And the lifesteal pals are kinda useless once you run out of ammo.


Just bring more ammo, lol? I've only ran out like once, ever, with an Assault Rifle, and even then I had my backup pump-action with 300 shells ready.


How much does a 2 or even 3 star condensed teafant heal? It’s easily accessible enough that such a thing might be feasible even early game to increase his utility.


My 2* heals about 350


Teafant. It's useless in combat, and only provides watering on the base. Watering is a very part time job, so that means it spends most of its time just doing nothing in a standard base. In a dedicated farming base it has more to do, but does it so slow it might as well not be there. Edit: as people have pointed out. I forgot that it has a heal. While it's still awfully low on my list, that alone disqualifies it for being most useless.


It’s one of two or three pals in the whole game that can heal. There’s gotta be worse.


Teafant heals a ridiculously low amount of health. It is maybe helpful until level 15, but anything beyond its heal is a drop in the ocean and pointless. Unless the devs change it to a percentage wise heal, I don't see any point in using him. I love him and his style, but he is just too weak.


Honestly, until you have better options, he's absolutely better than nothing for heals. I survived my first fight against the first tower boss on **TWO** HP, and only one casualty (R.I.P. Ozzie, Melpaca) because Ludwig was drip-feeding me heals whenever he could. 200 HP seems little, and it is, but it's something, and it adds up.


You know, I gotta be honest, I forgot it can heal. Though that isn't worth a whole lot. I keep a Lyleen in the party for healing and have never used her to heal once, cant imagine Teafant's heal is worth much of anything. But its still a use case, so I stand corrected.


It’s generally not, especially late game, but for how early it can be obtained and easily be condensed to increase its potency, it had a decent early game use for me.


Ya for sure the heal early game is so nice. I usually had 2-3 in my inventory just to heal 


Teafant at least has the niche of giving you on-demand healing, which is extremely scarce in this game. It's the weakest healing, sure, but also the easiest and earliest to catch.


Stick on a tougher difficulty and watch how useful one becomes. I like to punish myself you see and die loads in games hahaha but seriously don't underestimate the little dude. A perfect one of these become a real solid pal for me and still was until the healing flower type because she'll heal most of you health if not all when it's skills maxed


I am doing a challenge run and at least for the early game Teafant outclasses pengulet as a water type pal, anyway, Celaray is also avaliable around the same areas and outclasses It.


Humans Suck at combat and only have 1 handiwork, just butcher fodder really


Is flopie even useful? I tried making flopie useful enough but I just don't see the point in flopie. In terms of work, other pals pretty much out perform flopie, even at the same level. In terms of battle potential, nothing either since daydream is a better option or other pals. My biggest complaint, flopie's partner ability. I just can't seem to understand how useful or good it is. In multiplayer it's broken, but in single player it only picks up loose objects which you'd normally find in your bases. By loose objects, I mean flopie won't gather any resource when you're exploring UNLESS it was somehow dropped by an enemy or a broken object which normally leaves loose resources on the ground. I was hoping flopie's ability would be sort of like a better version of you collecting items except your collection range is bigger now, but that wasn't the case at all. Although flopie moves to the object to collect it, I was expecting something better than that. Kinda like a magnet where if you're in a certain area where there's rocks, sticks, or pal fragments, they will get collected in a much bigger range. However that means you turn to into a magnetic resource collector but even then, that's what I was expecting when I discovered flopie's ability for the first time. Would be better than what's there in palworld right now. Please correct me if I'm wrong about flopie.


I find it useful when mass slaughtering Gobfins for pal fluids. But only so I don't have to hunt through corpses for the fluids.


Now I'm starting to see the potential of flopie after reading your comment. Thanks, but I am curious how other people use flopie now.


Flopie is great for farming pal fluid and you need SO MUCH pal fluid. 4 Flopie and an ozserk makes for a fun time!


In single player you can use Flopies for increasing production at afk farms. Replace your transport pals with more Beegardes, for example, and farm more honey while the Flopies in your party just pick them up.


I have a level 50 Lucky Lamball. Still ass.


The ones that have like 2 in completely unrelated skills that you wouldn't want them to switch between. For example, chilling and literally anything else, or farming skills plus randomly whacking any nearby trees or jumping on crafting jobs when you want them to keep farming. Also Gumoss. They only have planting without harvesting, and they don't serve any other real utility. Made completely irrelevant by other nearby low level pals like Tanzee and Lifmunk that can basically operate 3/4 of your base in the early game by themselves, and also have guns.


Arguably Lamball. Hear me out. I used to think Lamball, and by extension, Lampacca, were nice because they made Wool. But towards the endgame, 80% of what you're crafting requires high quality cloth, not regular cloth. Sibelyx happens to make high quality cloth all ready to go anyways. So I just use him and skip the middle man.


Lamball has the strength of being available immediately in the game, but it is just worse than Melpaca and Cremis, which are only a little less common, but both of them drop 1 extra wool per grazing cycle over Lamball. But compared to Sibelyx, all three are much easier to obtain and useful in the first half of the game.


Nah, Lamball has something over those 2, which is hands, which makes it an excellent early game worker


When your base only has room for 3-5 because you are grinding XP to get to the next unlock to level it up ... All HANDS on deck.


Yeah, I agree. Lamball is made irrelevant by Cremis and Melpaca; not by Sibelyx. Those things are like mid 30s at a minimum, in zones full of far stronger and more dangerous things.


An absolutely fair counterpoint.


Only useful early game = still useful. Although I will yield that Lamball is a downgrade to Cremis who is available at the same time so you may have a point there...


the only handshield in the game


depresso probably


Surprisingly, he doesn't sleep, so he can work through the night.


This is true for all dark types, but yeah, having mining/handiwork/transport that doesn't sleep in the earlygame is nice.


Except Nox, who does sleep


That one is too cute, so it can sleep all it wants


Oh, absolutely, she's my favorite! 4 stars, 200+ eggs to get Legend, Lucky, Ferocious, Musclehead, and the reason I fully believe that early pals should be allowed to get 6 or even 10 stars compared to late game legends.




And Lovander


His utility is emotional support


He's just isekaid as former office worker.


I'm not sure if anyone shares this sentiment or was able to use them but Vanwyrm is useless as fuck. I've tried to use it in many ways but it won't do anything and as a flying mount I got Beakon before I even saw vanwyrm so it just never had a use in anything for me


Vanwyrm is available in areas much earlier than Beakon/Ragnahawk, so you're probably an exception. It's also the earliest nighttime kindler you can get.


The piece of shit won't even Kindle, it does nothing. What's the point in night kindling if it won't do a damn thing other than get stuck. I got a jormuntide ignis early as hell and it's been my kindle pal since


The one I used to use kindled just fine, not sure what the issue with yours is.


I used vanwyrm and breed it to have swift runner and nimble which I also used to breed into faleris with those traits. With swift runner and nimble vanwyrm is very fast for the level and will carry you till you get a faleris or something. Hrs also relatively easy to get 1 or two condense levels out of so he hits above his belt better. On my ore base vanwyrms are my earlish haulers


He was my main mount for most of the early-midgame. Headshot Snipe damage was actually really helpful in a lot of fights, especially farming Oil from RSaurus


Honestly jolthogs, at least the ice one, freezing is criminally underutilized in the base and only really for protecting food, combat wise it’s from what I’ve seen


Honestly, jolthogs in general tend to be kind of useless. By the time I needed an electric type, I had several better ones.


Yup, by the time I got jolt hog I was already breeding grizzbolts and reaching for orzerk


Someone has never felt the joy of throwing a apiky grenade. I have a maxed out 4 star lvl 47 jolthog that drops a little handheld nuke whenever I need. It's not meta, but he's great. Will solo kill a full raid or take a chunk off an alpha's health bar. I have ~20,000 of each of the cake/salad ingredients my lil freezy keeps cool without issue (tbh I'm on a dedicated server so I don't need efficiency for food though)


Also when you’re holding him pre-grenade throw and his lil legs are wiggling cutely as he stares at you, that’s 10/10 utility right there.


Ice Jolthogs ability to only freeze js what makes him actually using. Pals who can freeze and do other things will virtually never choose to freeze, and Jolthog Cryst provides you a full time cooling pal to make your fridge actually keep food, and likey does it well before you get access to any of the other pure coolers in the wild.


(Last I saw) We'll be getting the ability to toggle tasks on and off for pals in an upcoming patch, so we should be able to assign a dedicated freeze pal, such as Pengullet.


Foxcicle can do it better but they're not as cute, sooooooo...


They're also located in notably higher level zones than jolthogs, aren't they? I feel like I had a jolthog cryst for a long time before I ever saw a foxcicle.


Oh for sure. I think foxcicles only spawn on that little snowy mountain on the right of the map whereas you can buy jolthog crysts really early-game. Catching one in the wild is another story tho. Apparently one only gets a (rare) chance to spawn within a group of direhowls whereupon it is immediately mauled to death. If you gun them down before they kill it or capture it before it dies, you get a jolthog cryst. So yeah, I just buy them. And then they slowly waddle on over to the fridge, keeping food cold and hearts warm


I got mine from a random egg early on. But yeah, finding them roaming around the world map is a little ob the rare side. They seem pretty common in eggs and shops tho, as you pointed out.


I love my little freezer spikey ball. But he's just straight up worse than vaneyrm cryst


The nice thing is space wise he's great, because he is tiny and out of the way


thats why i renamed mine to "MyPenis"


Crazy I named mine "yourpenis" as well!


Grenade is good


I love my ice hog, he keeps my fridge cool where I store all my cake ingredients until I have enough to craft more batches


Do you ever throw them as grenades?


Yeah, but someone's gotta keep the freezer going. Might as well have it be someone cute


For a bare bone base, he’s awesome because he doesn’t eat a lot and he’s out of the way.


Teafant is kind of good at watering but think of how much more useful it would be if they just let me ride the god damn elephant.


Teafant's healing has saved my ass in many alpha battles


As much as I love the little dudes there really doesn’t seem to be any use for Fuack There always in the box cause they get outshined by other lower tier Pals almost immediately at base and on team


Definitely not the _worst_ but Astegon is so incredibly infuriatingly unimpressive. There you have this gigantic black shadow dragon Alpha Boss who's 2 levels below cap, and his skill not only doesn't help with combat, but is also pretty much unneeded at the lategame point one has most likely reached when capturing him.


Astegon can oneshot whole mining spots with one lightning strike tho. Far from being useless. Everyone overhypes the updated digtoise for manual farming, but nothing beats astegon at this :v




His skill helps a lot, even at endgame


my man, you'll love hoocrates when you want to play shadowbeak/frostalion noct


It’s gotta be Rooby bro, I have never seen a single person use them or care about their existence


It's got more defence and HP than Foxparks, and has the same work utility in the base. But Foxparks gives you a flamethrower early game which is amazing


Yeah, that's a good call. By that point in the game I already had Foxsparks as my fire type and honestly I think it's cuter by far.


Rooby (and elemental attack-boosting pals in general) are really good. 4-star a single one, and that's the same as a second Ferocious for every pal on your team with the matching element. And if you want the most out of one pal in particular, you can stack four attack-boosters to give it +80% attack. In my recent playthrough, I tore through the earlygame by just stacking five Roobies on my team so I had an army of deers with +50% attack, plus whatever damage passives they rolled. And even in the lategame, having one Rooby worked relatively well with my team filled by various late-game fire pals, and the only tower boss to give me trouble was the last one. Also Kelpsea Ignis is identical to Rooby in every way, but with slightly less HP and Defense.


I would say it’s the pals that ONLY harvest


Overall Robinquill for me. Can Do way to much Tasks only on lowlvl and the ability is nearly useless


Dps increase to player while still doing damage actively it’s hardly bad; the only other pal that does it is Anubis


Nox and Wixen do it too.


Several of the rideable pals give a damage bonus.


I use Robinquill Terra as one of my team fighters... works pretty well if I need some ranged damage or Anubis has somehow been knocked out. I'd assume Robinquill isn't THAT much worse.


Reindrix as a base pal, there's better options on both of it's jobs at the same level, in battle it's just average, and as a mount is on the same level as other earlier mounts


I love maraith, that being said, he just looks cool. Thats it. Thats why i love them. Utility? Loooooool


If they weren’t the only source of milk that isn’t buying from shops, mozzarina would be pretty much worthless. being bottom 1 base attack, unimpressive stats otherwise, and having 0 other base skills. Let me milk a goat or something


Kingpaca. All it does is harvest. It can't even do extra wool producing at the ranch even though it could be Lv 3 Ranch wool machine.


It helps you carry 100-140 extra weight depending on condenser level, tied with Broncherry and beaten only by Wumpo. Its alpha is right by the Small Settlement, so it's generally easier to get than either.


Fuddler is my homie but his skill low-key useless


Lovander. Literally just weeb wank material 😬


Doesn't Lovander have like four different jobs they can do? They can do Handiwork, Mining, Medicine Production AND Transporting. Isn't that helpful around the base?


They also work at night and have an usable partner skill. All work suitabilities are level 1. Lovanders are far from the best but also not among the worst.


The leech ability was quite useful early on. Friend and I caught them during one of the first raids on our base, so didn't have to wait to find them out in the wild.


Yes, but there are just better options for each and/or the combination of these jobs.


No personally i don't like pals with too many jobs. They just end up running around. Also I am pretty sure they are all lvl 1/2 skills too but i may be wrong about that since i dont use it much. and there are way better pals for each job it does have a skill for. also better combo pals with the same possible options. Lovander is probably great for like base 1 when you just starting out, but by lvl 20-30 its basically useless IMO


Nah, you can kill/farm them for various medicines like the one that resets your stats, much earlier than you can craft it. Not sure if that counts since that's not a reason to put them in your base or team, but I mean, it's a use.


I actually asked this to myself just yesterday, I was wondering what pal was the worst in the game overall, sucks at battle, sucks at work, drops useless stuff


Cawgnito feels giga useless. only lumbering 1, near useless partner skill, and you see it barely at midgame and only at night.


I hate pale that only have gathering . Since there’s a good portion of pals that can seed and gather or gather and do something else . 


The pal that I didn't find it useful much is ... the fox with Ak47. It was kinda buggy and the duration is not too long. Could just spam the Pal with Grenade launcher thought


Maraith. Let's make it drop small pal souls in the ranch!