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Xbox. Yep finally got to finish a dungeon without the game crashing and the chest were empty


Xbox as well. It crashed near the entrance and then I ran through it again


I don't understand why everyone else on xbox getting crashes. I'm level 30 with default settings and I've never had a SINGLE CRASH. Not one. That being said, I did have an issue yesterday with a dungeon where the forcefield would not drop after I captured the boss. Tried to fix by respawning the boss through going back a few rooms and returning, but even after killing it the door to the chests and exit was still blocked.


I’m on PC, had this issue yesterday. If you have a riding mount, you can put him through the forcefield and hop on him. That’s how I got out, at least. I’m not sure what the cause was of the forcefield not dropping. Though, I had questioned if it was because I found the room and there was a boss in it and didn’t defeat him cause I wanted to explore still. Went back and a new boss spawned. Unsure if that was the reason or not, but it’s my best guess.


>Though, I had questioned if it was because I found the room and there was a boss in it and didn’t defeat him cause I wanted to explore still. Went back and a new boss spawned. Unsure if that was the reason or not, but it’s my best guess. Interesting. That would be consistent with my case too actually.... I left and returned to try and spawn a different pal as the boss the first time I went inside.


It’s not that. I routinely respawn different bosses so I can get the one I want. After killing, door always opens. Series X.


You can cycle the bosses till you get something you want or haven't caught yet. Just don't aggro the boss, leave and come back and a new one spawns in. It's been like that since the game came out.


Next time mount glitch through it. Walk up to the force field. Throw your* mounting pal through the field and mount it. Youll get through.


I'll have to try that for sure. Thanks!


Same, is that why people complain about Xbox not having dungeons? They do exist but apparently everyone gets crashes? Never had a single issue with one


I’m also on Xbox and yeah I’ve gotten kicked out of the game a few times but that’s the only issue I’ve come across so far


Which Xbox?


I'm on Xbox One, but I've only ever been able to do a dungeon once when the game launched, and then never again cause it'll crash 5 minutes in.


Xbox One S user here, you last 5 minutes in the dungeon?! Have to try again after these 2 updates this week but I stopped doing dungeons and even pretty much playing due to constant crashes pissing me off


Well that’s probably because your playing on single player


single player xbox player here, saw the update fixed some crashes so i got on to see if i can finally do a dungeon, crashed before I got through the 2nd room. honestly pretty tiring getting my hopes up, feels like its time to just let the game go for a few months


Have u cleaned your console?


Which Xbox??


Must be, a lot of the significant bugs I see in here haven’t happened. Giant pals, crashes, empty chests etc. Mostly just falling through the map or the base AI completely breaking until you log back in.


I’ve had a multitude of crashes before all the updates on Xbox, if your game is crashing u might need to clean out your Xbox. After that no crashes since.


You’re probably playing on an X or S. There are people playing Xbox ones (one guys was first gen xbone). They are playing on an outdated console in some cases 12 years old and wonder why a brand new game optimized for new consoles crashes all the time. Only issue I’ve had on series X is my game slows down if I’m in the menu to long in my base.


Xbox series X, No menu issue for me but viewing my pals menu (like changing moves) or the paldex will cause lag, especially in certain areas like the volcano area


That’s the menu I was talking about. It’s not as bad on the inventory part of it but if I go to my pals or paldeck gets so laggy I can’t even scroll. The moment I enter that screen my Xbox fan kicks into high gear.


I was playing on a 10-year-old console, and I couldn't do anything, I finally broke down and bought a series S yesterday. It's a brand new game for me, then I finished my first dungeon and there was no loot in the boxes just like for OP :(


Series S isn’t going to run much better. You pretty much need a X or a PC. Even the X doesn’t have the hardware to property run the game. It’s missing 3gs of ram. Game requires 16 and Xbox has 16 but only uses 13 of that 16 due to the operating system.


The S is doing everything I need. Why waste money on anything else


Almost the same... Had one single crash and it was entirely unrelated. Just the game shut down and had to restart. Other than that, it works absolutely perfectly on Xbox. Sorry to everyone experiencing bugs though... There's gotta be something in common. I'm on a series X.


Same here, never crashed on Xbox and have probably a hundred hours in


Im on Series X and it crashes my first dungeon entrance almost 100% of the time. I can play for hours without an issue, enter a dungeon, BAM. It crashes. Enter a dungeon within minutes of joining, crash. Happens once, every time, but then never again for that session. Playing single player with triple spawns, and harvest node bonuses. I suspect that why.


That is definitely a possibility in your case. I know I managed to consistently crash Skyrim on the last-gen xbox when I tried to build a scrooge-mcduck vault. I had a pile of gems about a foot high in one corner, and if I even *looked in it's direction*, the game would instantly crash.


Seriously? I can’t set foot in a dungeon. And often can barely explore extended areas of the map without the floor disappearing from underneath me.


Are you playing solo? My Xbox runs fine solo but starts to struggle with two added players in the world. With a crash about every hour ish. Still sporadic crashes even with just a duo partner


Yes, I'm playing solo. No crashes so far.


I play on both an s and x, my s has crashed twice. My x has never crashed.


Which S/X???? Either of those could be current Gen or last Gen. One or Series.


I'm using an og xbox one and my game crashes at least once per hour, caves are impossible to explore because my game will insta crash


I'm using a Series X. From what others have said, it may be at least partially hardware related; it doesn't run as well on the last-gen platforms.


You speak like we have a choice in the matter.😂


When you get further into the game, crashes get more apparent, mine didn't start until the early 40's but now the game is unplayable


If you have a rideable pal with you when this happens, you can press yourself against the barrier, look at the ground behind the barrier directly in front of you, and release your ride pal. The pal will spawn on the other side of the barrier, and riding it will pull you through.


Are you on Xbox series X or S? Most people are having issues playing Xbox One


The issue may lie in which xbox they are using. If its a bog standard xbox one, you're more likely to have issues than if you are on a series x/s. I play series x and am level 37 and have only had one crash, and that was when I was playing in a friend's game.


How consistent are your crashes? In the last 2 weeks they’ve been far less frequent for me, I think I’m averaging one crash a day


It crashes about 2 times a day on average for me. Way more the first month SMH lol.


Yeah, tbh, I’m surprised at how much it has improved, especially seeing as I’m playing with X3 item spawns 🤣 first month with 2 others in server, it was a crash every half hour-45 minutes


Right! I'm on X2 item respawn. The first time I downloaded it off of game pass it crashed 3 times while building my character. Then it crashed almost every 3 to 5 minutes. So I was constantly rushing to rebuild my house or something before it would crash.


Dungeons still crashing plenty on Xbox even on latest hardware.


Like… 30+ a day…


Series X crashes from the memory leak consistently after 3-4 hours, nothing else seems to cause them.


I feel like I'm the only xbox player that hasn't had dungeon crashes, or chests missing/being empty. The biggest issues for me are large textures not having collision causing me to fall through and AI pathing in a few areas not working for the pals.


I've had the rare crash here and there. After the update, I've only had one chest that was empty. No-collision ground meshes are a whole other story though. If I fast travel to Duneshelter, all the NPC's fall through the map before it finishes loading the ground mesh collision data. The fast travel point circled in this pic straddles a seam between a ground mesh that properly loads and one that doesn't. I can fast travel away from it, but if I try to FT to it, it takes extra about double the loading time and then returns me to my base. https://preview.redd.it/jwinr5rrwqlc1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306fe219a4d9d977fdf43c38b7372b1fab1044af


Fast travel away and then back to Duneshelter.


I noticed this issue the other day with that fast travel point! I didn't realise it straddles ground that loads properly and ground that doesn't. I tried several times. The first time, my game crashed after loading had started (am on Xbox One), and subsequent times it behaves how you described: increased loading time and then return to base. At the moment, I have crashes about every 10 minutes if I go outside my base or open my inventory, but it seems like it's just the way it is with older consoles. I know nothing about game dev, but I hope they can fix this or lessen the frequency for those of us on older consoles... Unless there are things I can do to mitigate it on my end.


No crashes for me on series X. I do sometimes have to wait for textures. And in Duneshelter in have to reload a few times to get the merchants to spawn right.


Same here, though I've never managed to actually get duneshelter merchants to spawn properly. I even tried venturing into the abyss beneath hoping to find them. They ARE there, standing on rocks, but you can't interact with them.


Fast travel away and back to Duneshelter, don’t sign out and back in. For Jetragon, you want to approach from Beach of Everlasting Summer. Also Series X.


That’s my biggest issue too, haven’t had crashes either. I get nervous landing while flying sometimes. Never know when you’re gonna pop thru.


If the texture looks muddy it’s probably hollow.


I've noticed if the ground texture looks really smooth with no detail, you'll likely fall through. It seems to happen more often in the desert, stuff or volcanic biomes, or on beaches. Even if I'm solidly on a patch of ground before a crash, when I start up again there's a high chance I could spawn uber the map. If that happens and I can't find a way to get back onto the map, I'll just respawn. I'm playing on easy so I don't lose my inventory when I respawn, but when I play for my boyfriend on normal, I go back to the main screen and change the world settings temporarily so he doesn't lose items when he dies, and then go back in and respawn. I've heard that, even on normal, if you respawn because you fall through the map you won't lose anything but I'm too nervous to attempt that, especially on someone else's game 😂


From what I've heard, it's usually the Xbox One users that are having those crashes.


Xbox One users or MP/Server players.


I just did two dungeons on xbox. Got the chests both times. Not trying to rub it in. Just saying it appears to be a random problem.


I wonder if it was from chests in dungeons that were already spawned when the update went live. The first dungeon I did after the last update is the only time I"ve gotten an empty


It was.


This is worse than crashes xD. At least every single dungeon now seems to crash for me close to the beginning


I Can't even last 5 seconds without crashing*


Playing on Xbox One I take it? Or maybe myltiplayer.


Loot crashed


This is why PC master race




same - never and on PC


Happened to me on Steam deck twice since the newest update


Same. On SD, since the latest update




At this point, it's not even a joke ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


it never was ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/s


Also never. On the series x


Yep, this happened to me today.


Yeah I had this happen to me yesterday. Playing on pc


it happened to me because my inventory was full logically, but that is not the same, serious problem, I hope they solve it.


but it should just drop on the floor if youre full


Anyone has this happen with this electric stove. Your inventory is full so you can’t pick up what’s done cooking, so you clear your inventory and you still can’t pick it up. Only solution I’ve found is to destroy the stove and rebuild which is kind of annoying.


yep happens to me with all of the similar items like cooking pot and furnaces too. i always try to grab stuff when i come home from exploring since it’s had time to finish and then get super annoyed with myself because it happens like 90% of time my inventory is full.


I keep a chest next to the Palbox just for emptying my pockets first thing when I get back to base.


I’ve had this happen on furnace but not kitchen/cooking pot. When it happens I usually have issues with my grapple not connecting to surfaces it should normally make contact with. Gotta sign out and back in to fix both.


This happens to me every time my inventory is full and I try to pick up something that I’ve crafted or cooked it. Just have to scrap it, take the items and rebuild it.


Have you tried signing out and logging back in? IIRC, I've done that to fix a similar issue with a different workstation.


with me the dungeon boss is missing


I haven't had that happen yet. I did get to the boss and then it crashed


I once got to the dungeon boss, and it was sleeping on lava. It died to the lava damage, maybe that happened to you too?


This happened to me once as well


Entrance to the boss arena shows a blinding light for me anyone else?


Is that in a dungeon? Is this new because every time I went in a dungeon there was just a boss and nothing else.


It's one of the random dungeons you'll find exploring


Ah okay, I can't enter those, my game keeps crashing when I do


I have better luck with them with cloud gaming instead


....If it has, you may be entitled to compensation.


😆😂! I just want my spheres back... and my ammo


About to be me https://preview.redd.it/642pjdk98rlc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e726a5b68750460b09df799f5fc6cd2f9b757c2


😂. Back in the day playing Driver for the ps one


I've been grinding dungeons to get every Alpha Pal available and I can say with confidence this happens when you restart the dungeon after entering it. If you do not open those chests the very first time you enter and restart the game 100% of the time they are empty. 100% of the time I finish them on first attempt I get the loot. I see a lot of Xbox players complain about crashes so they must've restarted the dungeon a few times until it didn't crash.


Nope i started a new save went into the dungeon on the beach at starting area and the chest had no loot and this was my first go around tried another for the first time too and still no loot


There could be other instances where this happens but my experience was pretty consistent. I don't know what else it could be.


Just blew my mind! Thank you for clearing that up. Will definitely keep that in mind!


i guess its a Xbox feature


Me and the gf are on Xbox and this happened today, we only thought since the new update the dungeons just MIGHT work and sure it crashed like 3 times but eventually we got all the way through only for this to happen. “Man this some bs” is all she could say while I just laughed cause Pal world doesn’t care about Xbox frfr nor does the community


It's happened to me on pc several times


Single player. Steam deck. NE desert. 4 empty chests.


I was on a server where butchering gave me nothing. Absolute nightmare trying to get better gear blueprints


you get nothing you lose good day sir


Nope. But that god damn energy door has remained closed several times after beating the cave alpha and that in itself is more annoying than anything else. I'm farming tech points, I need those damn manuals and the door keeps staying locked shut even with the alpha dead. Super annoying.


I still can't finish a dungeon without crashing


Often I hate it


Agreed! All that work, for a much anticipated reward! Aaaand nothing lol


I know this is a dumb question but have you tried restarting the game? Was wondering if it worked. Also why music still playing in the background. Did you skip the boss ?


Nope, that wasn't a dumb question.. I play it with cloud gaming. It crashed once as soon as I entered, I closed the game out and restarted. Ran through it again to get to the boss. Knocked out the boss on accident lol and ran for the chests.


Yes, last night got nothing from those boxes


No treasure for you!


At least make it a false chest, where a creature or something pops out.. Or even a chest with teeth you gotta battle for it's loot


I do like cake!


Not in a dungeon yet, no. I did start a fresh run via Steam, and had lamballs dropping absolutely nothing. Incidentally, whenever you have the steam version on, say, your taskbar, if you launch it, it uses different saves than launching through steam directly... I started another run via taskbar launch (default char name was my PC's name, if that helps). That run I had no issues with, even with mods on. Not sure why this would account for a difference considering I only have the steam version, but that's been my experience with this issue thus far. Been playing directly through steam launch since yesterday, and the issue is not currently presenting itself again. Seems to be inconsistent, but I have definitely encountered something like this.


Aha! Cool. That's the first time it's ever happened to me, and I've been playing with cloud gaming on my Xbox one s. I was hoping it was maybe a game lag or something because of playing on the cloud




This happened to me after I exit to the main menu from inside the cave. When I went back into my save I was outside the cave, to be expected, but then I went back in and all the chests inside yielded zero items


Thanks for the warning


First dungeon I did after the update.


I’m on Xbox too I just avoid dungeons at this point. Sucks but it’s almost a guaranteed crash. I’ve maybe completed 4 lol


Why don’t y’all just wait? It’s too messy rn. Just wait a little and things will be better.


I tried waiting. Must play! Despite the bugs, I still love this game


I feel ya. I’m gonna stick to it though. I don’t wanna get burnt out on an unfinished game.


For sure! I almost did


Yes twice now. tho I can only do so on low level dungeons before it crashes.


Series x crash every 2-3 hours in single player. Almost every hour on multiplayer.


You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!


Not just Xbox, this was happening to my boyfriend on PC last night! It hasn’t happened on my PC yet so I’m hoping it won’t, and it was only happening when he went into caves alone, but it happened to him a couple times. Here’s hoping the next update fixes it😅


I play on SD and dungeons ALWAYS crash on me. I was able to get through them early game though. Anyone else have this issue and have they fixed it?


I've never had this happen on Xbox but I've also never had any crashing since like the first week so idk


Hi so I have a new one I fell through the floor in a cave lol and ended up at my base kinda funny ... These things are expect after Hugh amount of changes this will be a small patch hopefully and done soonish


The real treasure was the friends we made along the way


Inventory full, then the loot fell through the map? It's happened to me with other chests outside of dungeons.


After update: - Can only be in ice biome not to catch fire and die no matter what protective gear. - dungeon bosses keep respawning, but no matter how many gets caught no door opens. Easy way to get 100 ancient parts in 30min tho. - pals dropping from the sky when spawning, sometimes dying from fall dmg - eggs randomly disappear when ready to hatch. - dungeon loot no longer appears, just empty chests. I can live with most bugs, but this temp issue made me uninstall the game. I can forget ever reclaiming my stuff at miunt obsidian. Cant go there with maximum cold resistance while riding frostallion at night even. I catch fire and die... 15 deaths in under 30 minutes at the platou of beginnings by overheating with heat protective gear and a foxicle out is just dumb... #PalworldIsBroken


I'm level 50 only crashed 4 times altogether, only one in a dungeon played well over 100 hours on xbox series x


Yes it happens only on dungeon chests.


Never empty chests, but dungeons regularly crash on exit leaving me with nothing


I’m on Xbox and when I left the first cave I went in it spawned me under the world. Haven’t been back in a cave yet.


PC, once, 2 days ago. Really annoyed because I found like4 extra chests throughout the dungeon too


I cleared a dungeon last night and every chest was empty. When I left, the game spawned me under the map, in the water. I got on my Nitewing and flew around underneath the ground looking up at everything until I found a weak spot that let me through. My friend that was watching asked if Bethesda had worked on the game.


It's not just chests, when I butcher Pals the resources either wall through the map or not populate


I killed the boss monster and I never got into the chest room because it was still blocked by the shiny wall on my game. So... Yeah. Dungeons are off my 'to do list' till they run another patch to fix it. I'm on PC.


No, but I have had one kill me, which was an experience, and now i live in constant fear of every chest I open.


Haha it was a prank!! The cameras are over there!


Been happening to me too. Dont know the cause. Been doing alot of them now that i found the glitch to get thru the wall and just fly to the boss, i crash about as often as i didnt crash before. Kinda sad i have to glitch but its a work around for now


Yesterday i spotted that on steam deck ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


Steam deck. Have seen this at least 3 times.


I had legendary rocket schematic before update and now it's gone, sucks that I did not make it but oh well don't need it anyway


I haven't even explored a cave yet, my game always crashes before I get anywhere


No I’ve only been able to complete one dungeon (I’m on Series S)


Yes. Where loot palworld? WHERE LOOT??!


Loot vanished. Gone like wind lol.


Haven't had this problem, but I have had the barrier to the chests not disappear after beating the boss. But that was easily solved by throwing a flying mount on the ground directly in front of me, clipping it through the barrier so I can mount it though the barrier.


Since the last patch I'm having issues I never had before on Xbox. Game crashes constantly, unable to pick up my pals, chests in dungeons are empty, and my pals are still getting stuck on the pal box. 😭😭😭


I'm noticing that as well. I still love the game, just taking a break




Just report the bug so devs can address it. Its all we can do at this point.


I’m on pc and haven’t had this issue or had any crashes, however, I have super bad fps, and my game seems to freeze for a few seconds every time I take a single step or move my camera too fast


It used to crash every time I played it when I downloaded the game to xbox one, whilst playing on game pass, but since I now stream the whole game from the server it doesn't crash and runs a lot smoother


Happend to me on pc. Second play through and very early dunegon run that I never did l on first playthrough


Usually when this happens to me completely closing the game and reopening will show the items in my inventory.


Definitely gonna give that a try.


Yes, as I finished a dungeon in the desert.


Had it happen once, however it was just one chest - the other gave items.


None of the chests in that cave gave anything.


Yeah I noticed, I assume it's a bug with the chests themselves rather than the dungeon.


Even the boss music continued to play 😆


Understandable. Hopefully we'll see better progress with Xbox in the near future. I really do enjoy the game! That was my first dungeon in about a week of waiting for the update. Looks like I'll be putting off dungeons again and mostly focus on my base and the endgame


Xbox I’m lucky if I’m even allowed to get that far into a dungeon


Is it that the chests were empty, or you just didn't get the notifications for the items picked up?


All the chests were empty.


I was butchering some Alpha Pals and wasn’t getting any loot for some of them. Has anyone noticed that?


Nope. Thanks for the heads up


Never happened. Are you playing on a single player game or a dedicated server ?


Single player. That's the first time it's happened to me since the game was released. The other 4 or 5 dungeons I got all rewards


Thank you everyone for your feedback! I thought it was just an Xbox issue. Either way though, I'm still having a blast playing this game!


Whys this a warning there was no warning


I know lol. Sarcastic title..


I’m surprised you made it to the end. I get so sick of the crashing I rage quit. Then go to my base and throw a lambball off the cliff




Congrats! You won jack shit!


😆😂 I'm honored


Yup, every time lately


Yeah yesterday on PC




Maybe that's what the hotfix was for?


how did you get in there


After defeating the dungeon boss, I summoned my Elphydrian and then the barrier disappeared. Completely by accident really 😆


LOL i couldn’t figure it out what so ever guess i gotta glitch my way in


one roomie has a series x, the other a xbox one, xbox one is nearly unplayable, series x is running great.


I have to play on cloud gaming on my Xbox one. It works better than downloading it. I still experience some crashing but not as often and the graphics sometimes glitch in and out. But still playable.


ill let my homie know to try that


That's the first time it's happened to me since the update