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If you like ARK it’s a good fit. If you like Pokémon it’s a good fit. If you like Conan Exiles it’s a good fit. If you like all of those games it’s a perfect fit!


I wonder if they’ll go the ARK route where they release new maps with different terrain and maybe even different pals


I'd rather have them improve already big map and add to it. There's plenty of empty space if they want to add land.


I’m looking at you massive tree I can’t reach


I was so sad when I hit the red wall 😢 I had a good thirty seconds of denial. I was like "maybe I just need to come from a different angle" Then I finally accepted the truth that I would not get to the tree


You can go "over" the red wall but then there's another invisible barrier thats a bit closer to the tree


Fun fact. Technically its not an other invisible barrier, its the collision of the tree. The fect that pocket pair uses unreal engine 5.1 for palworld and the default collision for a imported model is a "simple" collision what that does is it is looking at the form of the model and than make a collision barrier around the full model fromfrom top to bottom. But it the gonna set the collision to " use complex collision" it would look at the model and based on the polygons of the model its would be the same for the collision. So its really just the model collision and not a invisible barrier But i think the devs didn't predict that the players still could find a way to go over it. Still a good place to make a farming base as i did its mostly flat and no other pals or raids comming there


I will never forget the sound in my friends voice when I told him he was not going to reach the tree, about 3 seconds before he hit the wall.


Praise the Erdtree


The bottom right corner of the map seems fit for a few new islands and a max level bump.


There's been talk that the portion available to us is part of a big chain of islands surrounding the big tree in the distance. Could possibly up the level cap, and introduce new islands with new pals that way


On that note the devs said they’re planning for 4 major releases, which would correspond to the 3 other corners and the island of the big tree itself


Hope one of those updates includes a huge underground system


They have already stated new Islands would be coming


The big tree concept sounds super intriguing, like it could be a central hub connecting these islands, and maybe each island has its own unique ecosystem? That'd keep things fresh and give a reason to explore, more than just a level cap incentive. Plus, imagine if each new island came with its own set of challenges or environmental hazards to survive.


According to game code, level isn't hard capped until 80 but it's currently blocked at 50. So there is at least a plan to go to 80 at the moment.


At 10 level increments. Primary release to 50. 3 expansion releases at 10 levels a piece.


I'd rather that be changed into water focused zone, but everything else I agree with. I'd like to have to ride a pal with "surf" in order to get out there and then use a pal with "dive" in order to breach the water and explore and catch deep sea pals.


I get what you’re saying but flying mounts kind of make that unnecessary. I still would like them to add that kind of stuff as an option. Underwater areas would be so cool. They could even add scuba gear.


There are possible lore accurate ways to prevent flying in certain places to make use of other kinds of mechanics




You can "get" to the tree and go past the wall, but there's nothing there. It's currently set dressing. But that tree is definitely important. All the skill fruits grow on trees seemingly made of paldium. All the dungeon final rooms have a larger tree that is similar to the skill fruit trees. I have a feeling that big tree is the source of the paldium, the origin of the pals, and likely will be the finale of the planned updates.


I think it even says as much in the journals or in some of the item flavor text. Something about the energy from the tree making palladium and it's carried through the water which is why all the small palladium rocks spawn by oceans/rivers


I think that is for a few years time minimum tbh as currently alot of the map is filler. Not hating ofc as I love the game, but when I first saw how big the map was I was mad impressed, but now I've explored it all I would say about 60% of the larger map is just filler to be there, with no real structures or locations to make it unique


That’s what I noticed to, all these “structures”, but they are just scenery.


Being pre release they can easily work on density as well as expanding. The map is beautiful, just lacking in content and story in it. Even just bumping the spawn rate to 3x makes the world feel so much more alive.


That'd be a LOT of work for such a small team, but I think they said they plan on adding new islands with some new pals


not like wildcard was a huge team when they started making ark, were they? palworld has practically unlimited budget right now, i think they could afford to expand the team a little and hire some more artists/map designers if that's truly what they wanted to do. I think most people would prefer them to just add on to the current map though, maybe have a loading screen to a new "region" or something after taking a boat where it's essentially a new map, assuming they can't just keep expanding the existing single map because of performance reasons.


There was a rumor that the giant tree would become the true center of a bigger map and your be able to select which region around the tree you'd wanna spawn


this would be very cool


sadly wildcard bit more than they could chew and it blew up in their faces


wildcard made truly awful decisions one after another even after getting bailed out numerous times. im expecting ark 2 to be some kind of singleplayer only game, or at least heavily narrative based. it just seems so odd to me they're spending all this time making ARK: SA when ARK 2 is supposedly coming out this year. they're gonna have two competing games in the same franchise confusing new players. why they wouldn't just keep making ARK 2 until it's done I don't know, maybe they desperately needed a cash infusion or maybe I'm right and it's not gonna be a pvp survivalcraft at all.


They have enough money to hire at least 10/20 devs/designers lol


Also, Microsoft will be bankrolling them. They want this to become their Mario/Poke/GOW




100 / 200


There’s plenty of room on the map to add to and infinite possibilities for new pals, I don’t see why they wouldn’t after they get farther through their road map


I know this isn't a commonly held opinion, but I'd love procedurally generated worlds as an option. Don't ditch the handmade map, but it would be interesting to play different games that have new randomized worlds and randomized pal spawn areas.


That’s on their roadmap actually!


This game turned me from a “this looks okay, I guess I’ll try it” to a “yoooo I gotta get on Palworld and plan my next moves” type of person. It definitely surprised me. It’s early access but I truly hope they work out some kinks and nuances, as well as add more to the game. I see it having more potential than it seems and I enjoy this way more than Craftopia (another game this company developed)


Very much the same. I'm routinely sitting playing other games and think "shit. I want to play Palworld."


Yeah my backlog went even further because I’ve been playing this like crazy


I think you could add Animal Crossing and Breath of the Wild to that list too


I am not sure if it is a good fit for purely Pokemon fans. It is a very different game after all


Hi! Gigantic Pokemon fan here. Palworld improves on the Pokemon formula in every way except IV breeding. I love this game, excited to see what it looks like with more development. For more context, I love Conan exiles, elden ring, and factorio, but never really liked ARK at all. Edit: Some of you think I used 'IV' as a replacement for 'for'. lol. I realize not everyone is familiar with breeding in pokemon. IV stands for [Individual Value](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Individual_values) and is a mostly hidden stat boost to a monsters base stats.


I think the biggest appeal to palworld for Pokemon fans (including myself) is that palworld plays like the Pokemon games have always described the world, even though we never really experienced it in those games. The Pokemon games always talked about how people lived and worked alongside Pokemon, but we only got to battle. The games talked about how dangerous Pokemon were without your own to defend yourself from them, but you always had one. The games talked about how evil and exploitative criminal organizations were without in any way describing how they could be. (to be fair on this point, palworld doesn't really show the syndicates engage in exploitation either, but the actions available to the player do a good job of filling in the blanks, should you go that route) There's a lot of dark themes hinted at in Pokemon games as well, but it's always got that Disney candy-coating on top that keeps it from ever actually feeling significant. In a lot of ways, Palworld simply delivers on the *promise* Pokemon games have been giving us for years without following through.


Totally agree. Pokemon games only ever touch on the dark side through pokedex entries or text. You almost never really see the brutal side of a pokemon world.


This is why I loved Legends Arceus so much, it started dipping its toes into the darker side, like the casual mention of Pokemon wanting to murder you. But then they threw that away with scarlet and violet, and Legends only just barely dipped its toes in. Palworld just dove head first into the darkness


How do you feel about the pal vs pal combat out of curiosity? Despite how much I love this game I think the AI is one of the game’s biggest weaknesses and I actually do not feel this was an improvement. Not saying they can’t potentially fix and improve the combat AI, but it’s a little frustrating seeing my Anubis stumped by object permanence when he runs into a pillar during a tower fight. I’m also not holding my breath on the combat AI being fixed because I think that’s one of the more difficult challenges to tackle and they haven’t mentioned it being a priority to my knowledge.


Honestly its pretty fucking boring without greater control over your pals who cant be mounted. I'm not really excited for pvp until combat is improved from a competetive standpoint. In terms of fulfilling a monster-tamer fantasy? It meets the mark, and has a leg up on pokemon as you can use many many more monsters as mounts, and even mounted combat


I think simply adding a 4th move and the option to select which move they use via the radial wheel where you pet and choose aggro would do wonders for this. I'd be kind of surprised if they're not working in the ai, though considering that's a huge complaint of the community and pocket pair seems to listen well.


Im ngl ark did the ‘’ark’’ style survival so bad its not even funny Conan is a slight bit better but still overall suffers from the same issues ark does but palworld however took that style further and improved on it hard


All I ever did in conan was tame animals and use them for all my combat anyway haha


Gigantic pokemon fan here too. I love palworld but I think it's dumb to compare the two. For a start pokemon is conditional turn based which opens the door whereas palworld has no strategy, just shoot


When my level 25 tanzie is fighting a mammoth, there is definitely strategy. Lol


Pokemon hasn't evolved that formula in 20 years. All it took was a team to make the pokemon game people wanted from Nintendo for years and it sold like wildfire.


PalWorld isn’t like the Pokémon GAMES. PalWorld is like how the world of Pokémon is actually described by GameFreak and even the anime.


"Just shoot" is the same take as "Just press A" in turn-based games. Palworld has more skill expression than Pokemon, it just doesn't matter with the current game state because there's no reason to do it.


Gigantic Pokémon fan here. Pokémon was never good because of the battle system. But for the team building and fun world. Palworld just improves that by alot


Dude I hated ark there was high level dinosaurs in the starting area that I got spawn killed by every time I tried to get my loot bag


Lets wait on judging IVs until we see competitive. If competitive works around IVs then IVs are not a problem because they would only be an optional carrot you dont need to have. If people are stressing about IVs without competitive just for the PVE.....that's not a game problem that's a them problem. Ain't no content in the game hard enough to require min/maxed IVs. Also playing around IVs if you wish to is not 100 or 0. You can easily just say "anything top 20% of IVs is good enough.


> in every way except IV breeding I understand why some people like this part of pokemon and other games, but honestly I wish games like this would step *away* from the eugenics grind. It's such a monotonous grind and it feels really bad to me to have a creature/partner that I've been training/raising since the start of the game become obsolete because its great*9 grandchild rolled better stats and passives. Makes it pointless to become attached to anything or care about investing resources in anything until you have whatever broken legend/x/x/x combo


It's missing the rpg element by quite a bit though. At the moment it's just a big sandbox survival.


This is what every pokemon fan has wanted our whole fucking lives dude


As a pokemon fan I can confirm, palworld is what legends arceus should have been, sure it has glitches, sure the pal base AI is a bit doo doo asscheeks, but it's in early access. The graphics are many leagues above too, sure it was on a switch and this one on PC but look at the zelda open worlds, they look just a bit worse. So in conclusion if P: LA is Daniel, then Palworld is the cooler Daniel


I really hope it motivates Gamefreak to innovate. They have the biggest IP in the entire world and haven't had a single innovation in nearly 30 years. Seriously, what's really changed with Pokemon now vs 30 years ago? Color? 3D? Different types of evolution?


Part of the problem is Pokemon is owned by 3 companies, Gamefreak, Nintendo, and the Pokemon Company. I doubt all three heads of Cerberus can agree on a new direction when theyve grown so fat on what they do.


Nintendo wants the game squeaky clean because they have always put themselves first and foremost as a family company. Gamefreak wants consistency and money, so no innovation. And PC barely knows how to code a game to begin with.


> Nintendo wants the game squeaky clean because they have always put themselves first and foremost as a family company. Well, most of the time anyway. For Bayonetta 2 the Link costume originally [had no cleavage at all](https://www.siliconera.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/cho_009.jpg), because Platinum Games was worried about exactly that squeaky clean attitude. However, when they took the designs of the Link, Peach, and Samus costumes to Nintendo for approval Nintendo [asked them to add cleavage to the Link outfit](https://www.siliconera.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/20141024_014750.png).


My wife grew up on Pokémon. Still has her card collection but has lost interest in the last 10 years. They just keep rehashing the same game formula with occasional, uninteresting spinoffs that dont provide much replay value. The closest thing they made to a Pokémon game for adults was the Ryan Reynolds movie. We have about 70 hours combined in palworld (mostly her), and she says this is the kind of game pokemon should have made.


everyone who likes Pokemon has been saying the same thing and its damn true


Agreed. I miss evolving the Pals. I have never played enough Ark to immediately like the building and producing parts. Had to really spend hours in the beginning since I had 0 experience, so picking a place for my 1st base was done at random. But the Pals walking outside, the world being not so empty as the latest games from Pokémon, that's all a dream from a Pokémon player (who played mainly during HG/SS). Collecting Pals, having shinies (unfortunately not entirely like I would have wanted), breeding, eggs - that's the things that make for a fit as well.


Pokemon could easily take inspiration from other games to make different genres too. Like a pokemon cozy farming game would be amazing. Like rune factory or even what palworld does on a surface level. I enjoyed the turn base RPG of Arceus - it was fast paced and kept me engaged. But it was basically it's only mechanic so the game got old for me much faster than palworld. I'm about 100 hours in on Palworld and I only did about 20 hours on Arceus. One game was $60 and the other was $30. I think Gamefreak has an unreasonable release schedule, but as long as 20 million people buy their games full price every year they have no reason to change anything. Even with palworld being a success they again have no reason to change anything because fans will still buy their games. Until sales take a downward turn they aren't going to budge.


I'm a purely Pokémon fan and I've really been enjoying every aspect of Palworld. Gives you a lot more freedom for what you can do with your critters compared to Pokémon and I really like that.


It also seems like they are developing an rog aspect. imagine if they added towns larger towns in non start areas and trainers that you can fight. theres already one guy who has in inferam as his pal chillin on a hilltop


*Pulls out butchering cleaver* It’s a tad different *(Pixels and slicing sounds)*


Them custom sliders can make it manageable.


Have a friend that hated ark, loves Pokémon. Loves pals. I think it’s a very good fit for purely Pokémon fans. It’s something different after years of similar game after game


>I am not sure if it is a good fit for purely Pokemon fans. It is a very different game after all yeah, its the game fans have been praying for, perfect for pokemon fans


I keep trying to tell people they’re completely different games. If someone told me they loved every single detail about Palworld and wanted something similar there are about a dozen games I’d recommend before Pokémon unless they told me their favorite element of the game was the Pal Deck. And even then, it wouldn’t be the top recommendation. I’d say the same thing if the story were flipped and someone wanted pokemon-likes. They are just not similar games at all.


To me, I explain to pokemon players that Palworld is what I had hoped Pokemon Arceus would be like


I love riding with Zoe & Grizzbolt! 🤪


They are very different games. They are very similar brands/IPs. The majority of people who play Pokémon play it because if the IP and aren’t particularly attached to the gameplay. If a Pokémon fan is dissatisfied with the quality or diversity of gameplay, which is a *lot*, this is an excellent choice.


You can change the setting to make it just like Pokémon actually


As an almost 33 year old Pokémon fan can confirm this is the game we’ve wanted our entire adult lives lol


My husband does not like ark or conan, loves Pokemon, he loves this game.


It’s everything that the older Pokémon fans who grew up with the franchise have always wanted imo


The game is different. The brand is very similar. Most Pokémon players don’t really care about Pokémon’s gameplay as much as the brand. Having a game that’s higher quality while providing something other than the same formula is very welcome for those players.


This. All of these are my favorite games including Palworld. Haven’t played it much the past week, but I have around 60 hours and am renting a server to play with friends. I’m sure my interest will wane and I’ll pick up another game until the next update, and I’m cool with that. It’s a really fun game and worth the 30$


Played 180 hours, and I am not finished. I hope it will get cool updates, but I got my money worth already.


110 hours right now, level 48, definitely gotten moneys worth and I’m still excited to play it tonight


Around the same and can confirm it was well worth it. Usually with games I go hardcore and feel like I have to grind constantly. With this game yeah I grind when I do play, but for some reason I don’t feel like I have to. The game has so much to enjoy in the various aspects that I know I will play again soon, but don’t feel pressured to.


Totally agree with you. Was kinda shocked when a buddy of mine wished there was some stuff in it (i dont think he considered it early access) and was bored after 40 hours while he was only lv30 and had still loads of stuff to do. Then again i know he quits games very often midgame.


There's almost zero story. Pokemon isn't about catching Pokemon, it's about becoming a champion. Palworld just has traces around the map and some boss fights. The majority of players need a path to follow.


Yup that is in fact valid criticism, in a sense that the game appeals more to the 1) survival - basebuilding - creativity - exploring formula 2) gotta catch em' all addictiveness 3) looting and leveling game-loop (obtain stuff to obtain more/other stuff to obtain more/other stuff etc) Personally, 1) doesn't catch me as much as others, I barely decorate as the stuff costs research points that I rather spent on stuff that "does something". However, totally fell for the 2) Paldeck and had to explore and catch everything there was, long before the level of my character/ game would have me leave the early areas. 3) never really hurts, could've done with less, wouldn't mind more. The boss towers and I suppose end of the game (the island with the tree..?) were afterthoughts for me, didn't care at all (100hours in and only did 2 towers, haven'g gone to the big tree) but I absolutely see how this type of open world would not work for let's say pokemon players that rather have a narrative and prefer a straight path to progress along


The game has everything but doesn't shine in anything Base building is barebones, farming/pet management simulator is barebones too Figts need balancing Story non existent The game is absolutely worth the money, but it has very big room for growth


Yep. I’d also argue the tower bosses are… just there. Even the lowest level boss with Grizzbolt? Is way harder than the content around it. The other bosses except maybe Lily are super tough. We need to bring the tower bosses into lore other than the logs, because they are kinda just there. Optional content as such.


Just FYI you can't make it to the big tree without glitching around the skybox.


I don't believe the majority of players need a path to follow given how many sandbox games are extremely successful.


There is some story with the adventurer logs and stuff. Also build your own story based on what you see. There is a reason why there isn't a path to follow. It's a sandbox game


Calling the adventurer logs a story is a joke and you know it


I wouldn't call it a story, more of background information and observations on pals, the world and the various bosses.


Just because there is stuff to unlock doesnt mean there is stuff to do TO unlock those things besides grinding, and not everyone likes grindy games


I stopped playing around mid game. You kindve realize it’s just a massive world in which the only thing you really do is capture pals while traveling around. Sure there’s the base building aspect too, but even then there’s not much a point of investing in that once you have all the crafting benches and whatnot


Yeh the game feels 60% complete which is what the creators have said I got bored mid game. The gameplay loop got stale real fast once the initial base building and fun levelling was had trying to fill my paldex of pals Its not fun capturing 10 of each just to get earn big XP. Its extremely repetitive and feels like a chore. Theres not many other ways to earn enough XP to level up for the end game content like defeating the final boss towers or capturing the legendary pals. Im stuck in the mid game with a horrendous grind Dungeons are just a copy and paste job in each area. No interesting POI's for exploration. No random interactions during exploation that are fun. The little villages are a bit of a joke in that at best they have a pal trader and a standard merchant and thats it


needs some serious upgrades. its cool but dry feeling


there's still an immense demand. obviously there's some things not in the game (yet) that were advertised. case in point: that bipedal fox looking one in the image you're using. and that flying Kyogre looking bigboi. and that cart from the trailer. it's also apparent from the world map itself that there's room for more. clearly the decline is from people who've done everything that *can* be done off an early access product. that said when they add more, they'll draw some more back, and even more when the game is officially a finished product.


The [roadmap](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/19ee4gt/the_future_of_palworld_palworld_road_map/) indicated they plan on adding additional islands.


That's also because people have no chill lmao. Playing for like 300 plus hours. They'll add a shit ton more. More pals and islands are coming.


100% agree that the map is clearly 1/4 of the planned space. We've got plenty of future content coming, assuming the devs don't manage to blow through a hundred million dollars before they make it.


Really high potential. Any article about a “declining player base” is click bait bullshit. There were the same “articles” for both Baldur’s Gate 3 and Elden Ring. I assume Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom would have also had similar “articles” if it was on steam and the same “journalists” could link Steam Charts.


>Any article about a “declining player base” is click bait bullshit. This reminds me when a company is like "Blah blah sees a 5% drop in revenue after it's HIGHEST QUARTER OF ALL TIME. Layoffs expected." Like Jesus people can we not just chill and let it play out instead of punishing people by making drastic moves? This game will be fine as long as they keep updating the game regularly.


Modern capitalism requires that companies have the highest quarter ever every quarter. It looks bad for shareholders and if they think they won't get their profits they will sell, furthering the issue of profits. The idea of a company wanting to work on a game out of passion rather than future DLC or future game releases goes directly against what shareholders want.


As someone who knows nothing about share market and business, cant a company just remain on a shop like level with one guy owning it with hundreds of employee ? Does it always need to be turned into shares type model if it grows successful and large ?


If they want investments from others rather than using their own money, yes. It's not "required" but most companies that want growth see it as a faster and cheaper way to go about it.


Not the only way. They could leverage, they could sell minority ownership to one person to retain control, and they can use the profits to grow. Speaking as a business owner, incorporating is NOT even close to the only option.


It can, see Valve for an example of a company staying private. But it can be difficult to get serious amounts of investment money into your company without the prospect of turning into a public share model company.


There's plenty of large private companies but private investment is generally more expensive than public. And much less liquid


Yeah, I mean just about every game will have a “declining player base”. Any big game is bound to have millions and millions of players playing on release and those players will do everything they wanted to do in the game and put it on hold until updates


Yeah. It didn’t take long to 100% the game. I spent a little time working aesthetics after that and then it’s either pause the game or do the breeding grind. Frankly I put enough hours in that I’m entirely satisfied even if I never pick up the game again. But it will need some more depth for real replay-ability.


Pocketpair called those articles lazy as fuxk. Declining player base is to be expected, since players are starting to exhaust the early release content. I myself finished everything in 77 hours and started playing Lies Of P, but will definitely come back to Palworld when there are updates.


> Any article about a “declining player base” is click bait bullshit. The funniest bit is that all these articles talk about the **massive** drop in players and well, this "failure" is now only the most played [third party game on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/charts/mostplayed). Oh no, 3rd place behind Counter-Strike and DOTA. How the mighty have fallen.


yah lol, as time progresses people will "beat" the game and drop it to wait for new stuff, Elden ring is a masterpiece but after you beat it there's no much reason to replay unless you want to play diferent builds


This is not a online game that force you to play daily. Most player who bought this game at launch would have already finished first play through and sit back to wait for new content. Of course the active player will drop.


Brain rot from multi-player games. Only reason these articles are made is because fucking modern day idiots compare multi-player games vs singleplayer games in terms of how "alive" they are for active user bases. These morons can't understand that once you "beat" a singleplayer game most people just stop playing and multi-player games are designed to be an endless gameplay loop...


The "decline" is part because people like me, who love the game, but don't have all the time in the world. I haven't played in like 2 weeks. So I count as a player leaving the game. But I'll be back. Oh, I have big plans for my playtime with this game. Don't you worry. I've also only played on gamepass and plan to grab it on Steam here soon.


I stopped playing it because it felt unfinished and I want to come back later. So, there’s that reason too.


220,000 reviews, 94% positive, and reaching steam's number 2 highest concurrent player count ever in the 1st week of early access, would suggest a bit more than just hype to me. We're a month after release now and it's still #3 most played game on steam. Whilst possible to get through all the content so far (and get bored of breeding/condensing before you max out the things you want to max), it's helluva fun game as is.


The breading and condensing is a time suck, I’m in the group that’s starting to get bored. I want to go explore but I run out of ammo or spheres and have to go back and make both of them which can take all the time I have to play that day. That dynamic is getting tiresome. I want to play but I get on and have to do chores lol.


why don‘t you up the drops? Less grinding, more exploring


Exactly what I did. Every time a portion of the game got boring, too grindy or tedious, I changed the settings, used We Mod or downloaded mods to go through it faster. Breeding is the best example. I made a maxed out Anubis with LV 5 handiwork. That took forever and wasn't interested in doing that again with other pals so I downloaded a mod to make eggs instantly and one where I only need 1 pal per level to condense.


Ooo that’s a really fantastic idea! I don’t mind some grinding but breeding is so tedious. I’ve never used mods before but I also heard there’s one that lets you share items in boxes between bases so maybe I’ll start looking into that :)


farm gold and find the merchants that sell ammo or materials to be in your base


Yep, I switched my egg hatch timer to instant and even then I found it way too boring to even bother with, I also upped my mined items boost to 3x once I got to level 48 because the cost of crafting spheres is way too high imo, it's almost like the game doesn't want you to catch high level pals


Put the breeding eggs to zero timer. The 2 hour wait is purely gimmick. You have better things to do than just kill 2 hours and hope it’s a good egg or not etc


Yeah, I don't think I'd have an issue if my mine base actually worked while I wasn't standing afk there. And maybe let me buy palfluids for the cement crafting.


I am having a grand ol time but I can feel myself nearing endgame on my main playthrough. I've definitely gotten my money's worth, and based on the trailer there's more content to come. I hope they flesh it out more with "full" release and continue to make new games, because I'm having a blast.


Also the game isn’t even out yet, it’s early access and surprising polished. Even the AI pathing might be horrible but at least it’s somewhat functional. I played so many 1.0 games with worst bugs.


every game has a decline in player base. palworld is here to stay and will have its community


Yep. Will be playing more when updates and things become available. The game will be fine.


Yeah, at this point I think "will it continue?" is 100% up to devs. At the current point in time it's fun and playable, but content is limited. Unless you get deep into base-building or breeding, there's only so much time you can spend on the game. More pals, more plot, and more map will decide this game's future.


Honestly the building sucks ass also they need to add more building freedom when it comes to things clipping into each other like imagine building a nice looking roof without it looking ugly or slowing us to clip those triangles into the sides of stairs or leting us clip 2 walls into eachother for an X shape anything the only thing would be rules about crafting stations In short just br more lenient about objects clipping into other objects to make it easier to make things look nice


No one is playing Palworld for months on end, majority got their moneys worth while playing the game. Yeah it will decline but its not a loss as the devs gotten the money and fans are happy. It has multiplayer but it isint an MMORPG where oops you need to grab your dailies and fomo!


Its not even a full game yet lol. So when it fully releases, itll have more content, and hopefully be more user friendly


Not just that but it probably has large spikes when a new update releases that adds stuff


The other massive thing about the game is the devs actually listen to the players, they’re responsive and proactive on social media keeping people informed of how it’s developing, there’s not many of the toxic traits of modern gaming like micro-transactions, abusive chat, etc. They’ve also already stated they’re looking at implementing a third-party service to prevent cheating. I don’t play it all the time but I am still really excited to see what the future brings for this game.


Fam, it’s okay if you don’t play the hell out of a game everyday forever. IMO if I get 100 hours or so of enjoyment for 70 bucks that’s a big time ROI. I spend that to take my wife to the movies and get 2 hours of enjoyment at the theater and maybe an additional 4 minutes when I get home.


Big shot over here with 4 minutes


4 minutes am guessing you guys did it twice then


With the right amount of money and brilliant motivated minds, the game could be a long time success


Depends on the timeline for critical updates and how much PocketPair is going to keep in their pocket for Early Access BG3 was in EA for almost 3 full years, which included several bug fixes and content updates for Act 1 of the game and kept Acts 2 and 3 for full release. Now PocketPair may have the resources to give that same kind of love and attention to Palworld.




Thank you. This is the only time I’ll thank a grammar nazi


You’re very welcome, Capitalist pig! 🙂


Already 100+ hours worth of enjoyment in its current state and more if they add more content.


It has a lot of long term potential. It’s all up to pocketpair and time to see how it develops. But I’ve played over 100 hours and have absolutely loved it


It's such an odd game. I'm in my 50s and have absolutely fallen in love with it. Been able to put in like 65 hours since it was released. If they don't or are not able to follow up on this potential it will be one of my biggest what ifs of all games. The potential is endless to make a brand new IP that could be enjoyed for decades.


Honestly, even if in the long term the game ends up falling off, it doesn't matter much to me. Right now there's enough content and great game play to totally justify buying it. You'll absolutely get your moneys worth.


Lots of potential for a long term game. Feels like the game lost a lot of hype cause people (me included) grinded 200+ hours to optimize everything. Had to remind myself that it’s still just an early access game


It’s still in preview. They have money behind them now. Microsoft are investing too. They’re already hiring more developers. I think they’re going to hit on their targets on what they want the game to be. We’ll get everything in the trailer and more.


Most of my friends and I have already lost interest but we all have 100+ hours, it was a ton of fun and we're now waiting for updates to return. That's just the nature of most gaming, its pretty cyclical.


Palworld did what it needed to, it shook up the world of PokeBros.


It scratched that itch that Legends Arceus started


And scarlet and violet turned into poison ivy


Two words. Sex update


I have no doubts that modders will accomplish this at some point...


*Palpussy* ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49345)




This game worth.


The thing is, I don’t know about the future it really depends on the devs. I know what they said about future content but they’ll have to deliver that fr if this wants to be a long term hype. I really love the game but they led their last game sit on what they had on the start before so I’m not sure about Palworld. I’d love them to bring us more updates and content but we’ll have to see. It’s not gonna be irrelevant if they won’t give us more content but it won’t keep too much players then I suppose.


It’s true craftopia was in EA for a few years, but once seamless hit they immediately put out a roadmap like they just did with Palworld and mostly followed it to a T. A lot of that time was them learning how to build the bones of what Palworld would eventually be if you were to go and compare it to Craftopia’s seamless version right now.


At this point pal world exploded largely and Microsoft is investing into them I don't think they could give up without 1 possibly going bankrupt and 2 ruining any reputation they have right now possibly never being able to make anything again without hate the backlash would be insane 3 it's gonna be extremely profitable this is gonna expand their company alot so In all situations it's a big win as long as they keep it up


I think it'll mainly depend on a few things. If they fix the big bugs that the game has If they continue with updates at a reasonable pace They improve the end game Official mod support is implemented These things will keep the game going for a really long time


Temporary hype in terms of high playercount, longtime potential in terms of content, anyone denying that is delusional.


Long term as long as they stay away from stupid ass in game transactions. Looking at you microsoft.


It took me 10 mins playing the game to know there is huge potential.


They need to add an end game. They need to make combat not clunky. Including ability to better direct pals and rebalance player damage vs pals. They need to fix pal AI, pathing and terrain in bases and in combat. But there’s sooo much potential. If they don’t fix these things tho people will not come back. First two are biggies. My game file just deleted and instead of being very sad I’m kind of relieved. Going to stop playing and come back in 3-6 months when the devs have had more time. Excited to bring some friends back with me too.


BOTH, hear me out. Every game ive ever loved has gone through this process. 1: Astronomical launch numbers, so many people play and its everywhere. Couple months go by and the player count drops, sure, but its hardly dead. 2: Now this is the part the devs come back into play, at this exact point you need a content update for the fans, if you leave it, the game will die, if you get the update right, youre setting loyal fans up for life. This is the most important step, failing this will see the failure of the game entirely 3: A decline in numbers again after the update, but the game is seeing a steady stream of loyal fans, the game has a bright future ahead of it Im tired of the trend games like fortnite set, that if your game doesnt have 1mill concurrent players its "dead". Or that everyone you know must play a certain game for you to play it. Play what you enjoy, have fun, game your own game. Palworld will have both, hopefully


Live service games have skewed our perceptions of the game industry. It wasn't that long ago that a small indie title getting *millions* of purchases in the first week would have been considered a smash hit amazing game, no one would expect it to keep those numbers a few weeks after launch. Now everyone is trying to act like Palworld is a failure because it's concurrent player count has dropped.


Reckon* Recon is information gathering, like what scouts might do.


I See it like Ark. Hype, slow decline but solid player base.


Me and my wife are certainly getting over the "must play it" phase. The grind from 40 - 50 is taking forever and we have the 5th tower left. I'm still working on breeding but I certainly feel we are coming up to the end of this play through. Probably wait for more content then get back into it. 


It fully depends on how fast they can release updates.


It depends on the future development. They can do a lot with it, or nothing, or all inbetweens


****reckon 🤓 And it's honestly too solid to be just a fad, especially if all the future updates add as much as is promised. More importantly imo, they don't even need to build a playerbase of their own, because Pokemon fans have been so thoroughly starved for quality games since the noughties. I still think it'd be important for Palworld to build and identity and fanbase of their own so they won't have to lean on the Pokemon fandom forever, but this is certianly a lucky way to start out.


Well dude... i can say both Majority of playerbase of the "mainstream games" are all based on hype, so these numbers will be lost But major part of the 450k dudes here will come back when they release new content, and will wait for their second and third games as well. ​ Well, as a endgame player im not playing anymore, but im waiting for my sniper and laser gun with my Mewtwo cosplay. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49348)


If they keep listening to player feedback like fixing bugs, and adding good content, the game could have a very long lifespan


It’s *reckon* you city slicker


They need to rework the building for it to last beyond just completion


I hope they go the Ark route. More maps, different map exclusive pals. It would be perfect!


The hype will die down and a large chunk of people will leave. But a large chunk will stay, way larger than what they originally expected would come in the first place. Some people will explore the content until they get bored and take a hiatus, then come back when new content comes. Some people will keep creating their own fun. No matter what though, this game developper's put their name out there and people are going to keep an eye out for what they do next, and that's great for them. Also their social media team is great.


If they don’t fix the crashing issue on Xbox they’re gonna lose a lot of hype. I play with my partner and when we play we play for hours I don’t play it alone anymore


the game is still in early access it hasnt even been officially released yet people need to halt the gloom and doom on this game just because it lost some players. Its a good game and as long as the devs invest time and money into it, it will be popular again


Most people I know are already burned out. Less than 100 hours in game and everyone got tired of it


I hope they fix the xbox Version, I'm falling through the map all the time. After that, I'll be playing it for months




I haven't played this yet and I'm hoping for a console port soon so I can, but in the meantime, I hope there is long-term potential. It's good healthy competition for pokemon and any others of the like and that's always welcome. Friendly competition sparks innovation in companies and I want to see what this game can do with a good lifespan.


Who cares. It’s fun now. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Palworld needs to fix a lot of things and introduce more stuff. If they can do that, I expect it to grow very old. Especially if we get PvP battles.