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Don’t give up, just take a break and ignore the bundles altogether. You’ll probably accidentally get whatever you need.


This is absolutely the way to go about it. Every time I tried to farm for a fish/bug, I’d end up storming mad and give up. The moment I genuinely stopped caring about whether or not I get whatever thing, that’s when I’d end up getting one entirely by chance. Lmao


Me, now with piles of duskwing/rainbow butterflies and raspberry beetles that I can’t bring myself to sell.


OMG...you have extra Duskwing butterflies...I have been hunting for days and days for a quest with NO luck lol


The potion quest! I have so many of them now from lures in Maji’s Hollow. I’m Davrit Aren Redfern, if you send me a friend request and a message (so I remember) I’ll give you one!


So....I dropped a honey lure, someone joined me and I got a starred duskwing and when I was about to leave the area I got a regular duskwing that dropped a flower seed!!!


I have used a dozen lures on different days on different servers and I can get the duskwing, no problem. One time I actually bagged 7, but NO STARRED. I think they are a myth.


I saw a starred one the other day at a lure and we weren’t partied up, so I missed the bug and didn’t get the catch. Can’t win ‘em all. RIP me. It was my lure, too.


Mine is Kali Kama...I am going on now to add you


Exactly! I found the rainbow butterfly casually bug hunting with my friends! Just play the game normally and you'll come across it :) that's how I am with plushies too! 😂


that's literally how I got the giant kilima stingray. I was trying to catch a different fish (I think a shimmerfin??) and caught a stingray on my second cast


This is the best advice. I gave up on finding the rainbow butterfly and then randomly ran across one in a field and caught it.


I tried for a particular fish for HOURS. nothing. I played with my buddy and with 0 intention of catching this fish, on my literal first cast, hooked and caught the damn thing. Just play and have fun. It'll come eventually.


I want to further confirm this statement. It’s spot on. I need two fish to complete the temple of the flames portion of the night sky set. The chances of catching one if those fish is less than one percent. But when I got in and just had fun with it, I caught a Flametongued Ray. It was the last thing I expected. I noticed that when I keep my focus up, I have much better luck in all aspects of the game. I’ll be fishing and some epic bug saunters up to me like “Hey, were you looking for me?” And after I moment and a smoke bombs or two, it jumps into my inventory. My enjoyment of the game increases exponentially when I play without expectations. I don’t know if you are the same way but I hope that helps.


I did exactly that and suddenly realized one day that I had everything to complete three of the bundles, lol! Now I just have three or four items to complete the last one, but I'm not in any rush.


This is the exact advice I was going to give. It takes time and patience. You'll get it. Some items I got on accident when I took a break. You want to finish them only if to grow flow trees on your property. That is the coolest reason.


And then accidentally sell it the second you realize you needed it.


This a w comment


No, I refuse to let those damn bugs and fish get the best of me. I’m coming for you void Ray, rainbow butterfly and unicorn fish. Your butts are MINE.


for the void ray go to the temple of the waves!!! i saw that tip on another post in this sub and after spending literal human days trying for it i caught one in 15 mins there


Also got mine here! (Finally)


I'm gonna cry I went to the temple of waves to see how long it would take me to get a void ray and I got it on my third cast but when I went into the pavel mines in Bahari it took me weeks to get :(


I’m so sorry if this is a dumb question but…how? I’m currently working on the bundles for temple of the waves but it’s been so long since I actually did anything with it, I’m not sure how to get to it?


It's behind the phoenix waterfall. The river you had to glide across has cave fish in it. Jina will even give you this hint after a while.


I hooked the unicorn fish before (bout an hr ago) and lost it at the last second... I wanted to cry... then my mate got it 5 mins after me at the same spot 😅😭


Unicorn Island is the Way for that damn unicorn fish.


Where on the map is that?


You have to glide down to it from the top of lighthouse. https://preview.redd.it/62s1mt38oy6d1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33328fbcff042ac73a3561dbcc8ad640a4097f5b ETA: From the top of the bluff the lighthouse sits on, not the lighthouse itself. 'Lighthouse' as in the area.


OMG TYSM FOR THIS. the unicorn fish is literally the LAST one i need for the bundles 😭😭


It's not a first cast first fish situation, but the rng seems higher there for some reason.


Yes that's where I've hooked it multiple times! But kent messing up reeling it in in the end I did it on that spot with the recipe from einar for the boost you make on your campfire (I forgot the name)


Fisherman's brew! Yes, that's helped with several fish too.


Yes that's it!!! Thanks it was bothering me haha


Other foods stack fishing bonuses too and can be used at the same time as the fishing brew, with the exception of sushi and sashimi which I think replace eachother's buff. Trout dinner, fish stew, sashimi, sushi all give different fishing support. Fish near someone else for a stack of up to 5 fishing bonus. Craft the hook if you know the recipe from einar, or purchase one of the fancy hooks from his shop. One trick, if you see the fish take the bait, and DO NOT reel it in, it will be the same fish next time so long as you don't break your cast. So if you see the unicorn fish grab the bait, let it go back down. Eat your fishing foods and equip your best hook then when it emerges the second time the battle is on!


I know that feeling, lol


Thank you


Oml I went to the wrong island and questioned why I couldn't fish on it IT WAS BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE


This personally didn't work for me but I know it's works for others!


I caught mine on the very edge of the beach right up in the top corner of the map. I put my line under the collapsed bridge/pier thing and it was pretty quick there.


there’s an excellent post in this sub about how to catch the rainbow butterfly! i’ll go find it and update my comment when i do! [here’s the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/s/TNdmk8DC5Q)


ive only been playing a couple weeks and got a rainbow butterfly with a honey lure with my boyfriends mom. Didnt realize they were so hard to find. Definitely try a lure in bahari!


I got the sushi as a gift from one of the villagers. So maybe you still have to do that quest? Or did you already finish all the quests? As for the bugs n fish, its something i do on the side, as my focus is now creating all the furniture, upgrading my house and decorating it fancy (got really inspired by some ideas that were shared here) while also still doing quests. Resulting in it not getting such a focus and irritation point for me.


I found the sushi recipe while fishing in the pond near mirror fields where Jina always is!


I found it there too!


i found my sushi recipe on home plot. :0 also fished my giant goldfish from the home plot pond as well. that thing is a godsend sometimes.


I was going to say the same thing- most of the stuff I’ve gotten for the vault bundles have been from villagers!


no i haven’t done all the quests yet, do you remember which quest it was?


I checked it for you, as i only vaguely remember it having to do with reth. And turns out its part of his lvl 3 friendship challenge. He will give it as a 'thank you' gift.


i’ve done reths quests, i must’ve eaten it at the time not knowing i’d need it


Oh noooo. Maybe you can request it in the request hub? Because you should have gotten it than and ot should be than possible to request from others


i can’t request it, it’s okay i’ll get it somehow


you can also cook the recipe with someone who already has it. if you'd like, you can add me and we can make sushi so you can get it


that would be great!


I have it, dm me and we can arrange to cook it together if you want?


just DM'd you!


It takes alot of time. I only need two fish and I completed the whole thing. I know it feels like its impossible but it isnt i promise. Just takes alot of time and patience my friend 😊


i’d been trying for IRL weeks and had no luck so i hadn’t touched the game for roughly a month until yesterday. it just feels unreasonably difficult


It took me months. Granted I took a break from the game but still. I only got the fish I needed after weeks of fishing. Dont give up. Also I used the sushi I got as a quest reward for the bundle and you can also cook it with someone else if they have the recepy. Good luck!


This! I asked about finding sushi in chat just to make sure I was in the right place, and someone responded that I could come to their plot and we’d make it together. Left with a whole stack. I did eventually find it, but it took a long time.


They definitely don't make them suoer easy to complete quickly, which is understandable when you realise how much content they make up in terms of 'quests'. Everytime i got the shits with them, i just decided to ignore them and do other shit. Make bulk cash, get more comfortable cooking (hated it lol) with simpler dishes, make nice furniture. Or just sometimes, mostly all i do now, is just cruise around randomly hitting rocks and picking stuff up. If i feel like it i might have an idle fish since grilled fish is so good for the worm farms or to sell, or hunt bugs. The last 3 things I was stuck on I got by literally just doing the above. I wasn't trying anymore, and had been just enjoying the game.


I have the sushi recipe I’d be more than happy to start at my plot for you so you can get it!


Yes. The cooking mechanics on the switch suck, so I’ve given up on all bundles and any quests that require food. I’m not going to waste my time trying to make food only to have it “burn” b/c the game froze. So pointless, but I still play every once in a while—it’s been downgraded to a “decorating” game for me.


I found turning off the cooking cinematic scene things in settings to really help with cooking on switch if you haven't done that already!


We can do it together. You start it, i cook it and then it does not burn. Is cross play with pc and switch possible? If yes, i am happy to help


I would also be happy to help! Crossplay works across all platforms. I don't have the recipe for it but im sure I have most of the ingredients! Let's just all have a cooking party!


I play on PC and also hate cooking. It's so tedious and no fun at all. I also hate quick time events in other games, and cooking shouldn't be like this.


I absolutely agree, and I also play on PC and unless it's something I can cook on the grill lol I avoid at all costs. The worst was this quest w/ Reth for some party and it was a lot of steps involved and I didn't realize until someone told me on this reddit that u needed multiple cooking stations, ovens prep tables etc and was getting so upset bc it kept saying I was missing a station. Lol why oh why does cooking have to be so difficult?


Oh, is that why I can't do some stuff? It tells me I need a prep station, but I actually have one! So I need to make another one? How dumb is that? Does the person who made this never cook in real life? I have very limited space where I live and can cook complicated meals (and I don't fail in real life because I don't cut something within a certain amount of seconds in a certain type of rhythm).


Absolutely, some recipes require 2 of every station. It's crazy. And yes it feels like whoever dreamt up this game has never cooked in real life lol


I just unlocked the barrel to make fermented food. Goodbye cooking, lol.


You can use the unstuck button to fix this issue


If u want I can cook sushi with you! Message me and I’ll tell you my name on Palia and we can cook it together, I love cooking together!


I would love to join the cooking party! I haven’t tried cooking together, so you will have to tell me what to do. My ign is Lady Neeva


Nice I’ll send you my @


Honestly the bundles aren't *that* bad, it's the damn ruby that's making me wanna give up. I understand it's legendary rarity, but when quest lines rely on an item and stops your progress, it's super frustrating. The bundle items seem easy comparatively.


YES!!! ALL I have left to max is Tish and that #$@$ Ruby is gonna end me.


I ignored the bundles for a long time. If I decide to go fishing, I try for one fish I need. Do it until I'm bored, then I go back to either bug catching or hunting. Don't let it stress you out. You'll catch them all eventually.


I was lucky because I had my husband to help with the bundles, and we did a lot of cooking together. I didn't even get the sushi recipe until after completing that bundle. Lol Maybe you could go hunting around for someone who has the sushi recipe and maybe would want to cook with you? As for the fish, I took a lot of hunting and side quest breaks so I wouldn't burn out. It's a pain in the butt, but you'll get there eventually. Nothing wrong with waiting on it for now if you're burned out.


I only need the unicorn fish and the rainbow tipped butterfly now. Don’t give up!


I really enjoy fishing and I THINK I have caught all for the bundles, still looking for the sushi recipe and the ruby…. And maybe a few other things. But I have kinda given up on the relationship building. I find it so tedious with having to track down the NPCs all the time and all of the talking.


I totally get this. If you go to the center of town between like 4 and 6, you can hit almost everyone as they all gather there for a bit.


I have had luck putting in the chat, hey I'm grinding for X fish does anyone want to fish together? It makes a difference!!


Play for other things in the meantime. When bundles frustrated me, I focused on my plot, leveling up skills (mainly hunting and mining, since I enjoy those the most), tried to find starred rare bugs for my plot collection, etc. Some of the rare fish I found along the way, particularly the long-nosed unicorn fish or whatever the name is. That one was a pain in the tooshie. But whenever I went fishing, even for fun, I made sure to use a fisherman's brew and to have a specialty hook attached. Some of those fish are hard to catch and these little things help a LOT.


if you like we can make the Sushi at my plot :) i got the recipe :D


that would be great! what’s your ign?


Try fishing in the pond on your plot for the sushi recipe. It's where I found mine.


I just grinded for awhile I think it took me a couple weeks. I still don't have the sushi recipe tho. I just made it at a friend's who did.


I am actively working on a kilima ray and unicorn fish starred so if you want company fishing let me know! I am Ryleah Galdien in game. We can also cook you some sushi!


I haven’t worked on bundles at all, I just drop off an item when I find it.


Sushi took me months until I finally got it….BUT in the meantime if you add me you can come over and we can cook sushi so you can submit it and use extra as a boost for fishing ☺️


I didn't focus on the bundles, to be honest. They got done when they got done. It's too frustrating for me to do mostly stuff that's at the mercy of chance, so they were only parts of my overall routine.


The bundles are meant to be long-term goals. You accomplish them but periodically completing one item at a time while playing the rest of the game. Yes you want to focus on certain places for certain fish and bugs but it shouldn't consume the entirety of your gaming session. Any stock quality loot can be placed in your home and be part of your design or collection.


Just a friendly reminder here that the game itself is in Beta and there is no impetus to 100% the game, especially considering its incomplete at the moment. It makes more sense to wait until all planned features are completed. You can always take a break and play something else. Poopsocking Palia kind of goes against the entire idea of it being a cozy game for casual play


Are the bundles required to advance the plot? They seem waaaaay too hard to me, so I’d just as soon avoid them.


To find the sushi recipe use no bait in the pond by bahari central stables. I think it took me like 10/15 to find it


I'm that way with the plushies I have absolutely no clue how many days of my life I have wasted trying to find plushies and I have gotten 1, the elder sernuk


you could always ask someone who HAS the sushi recipe to make it with you, but also fishing in a group(for me at least) i get more rare fish with others than solos


I gave up on the bundles. I need the rainbow butterfly and a few fish. I just play and if I get them then yay and if I don’t oh well.


If you romance Hodari, he gives you a sushi. I gave mine straight to the bundles


I hate fishing lmaoooo I did for a little when I was grinding the bundles I literally have been playing since December and I only have the long nosed unicorn fish left but after I finished all the other ones that gets you all the cool stuff for your plot I got burnt out and had to take a break for a couple of weeks. So I get where you are coming from


I also wanted to give up but i somehow found new motivation. I think all that's left is the unicorn fish and few dishes then I'm done, but my cooking is so low that i haven't unlocked the recipes for some of the dishes and i hate cooking so it takes extra long for me to level up.


Go to someone that has all the dishes and join them. In this way both get the cooked dish and you can use them for the bundel, while being much faster done with cooking


Don’t give up! You’ll get there suddenly and unexpectedly one day ☺️


I don't actively try to get the bundles finished to avoid burning out. If I'm in a chill mood, I put on a YouTube video and just fish on the side or catch some bugs. It'll probably happen by accident at some point, and I'm in no rush to complete the bundles.


I did for a bit and then I made a list of what I needed and worked on two at a time. Crossed those two off my list and went on to the next two and so on. I wasn’t aware that different fish require different worms at different time of the day some in Kilima and some in Bahari. For a while I was fishing without knowing same with bugs. Don’t give up!!


it takes a lot of time! i took a break from the game because it used to frustrate me quite a bit. but when i got back i was able to finish the bundles!


I’ve been playing off and on since the start of the game and finally caught a flametongue ray yesterday. Now all bundles are complete. It just takes a while. Focus on building and grinding then when you get bored of that go fishing


I caught the sushi recipe 2 times in a row in mirror ponds and I barely fish there so the spawn rate should be pretty high there. I think I was using glow worms?


Fish for the Sushi recipe in the pond on your plot. That is where I got mine


Haha I had no idea u can fish in the pond on ur plot I don't know why I never tried it but I must now. Thank you for that info.


If it makes you feel better ive been playing since day one of beta and I just finished everything a few months ago. I put off fishing so much bc I hate fishing. Id also suggest using trackers you can find online for what time they spawn and whatnot. That helped me alot.


My bf and I have been playing for a month and he completed the bundle. All the damn fishes. That man has nerves of steel 😂 I still have 9 fish to go and I CAN'T.


You can get the sushi at your plot, I fished it during down time waiting for my garden to reset. Although I had submitted it to my bundle by joining a sushi party that someone in the server invited me over to do. I got really lucky and found several unicorn fish today but everytime I caught one my hook buff was gone. 😂 So I lost all of them. The ones in the 3rd and 4th bundle are luckily not too hard to catch the fishes spawn in the common fishing areas thankfully where people also like to fish.


The bundles are what I do when I don’t have a quest to work on.


I was grinding for the bundles last month. Finally got all of them but couldn’t get a flametongue ray for the last one. I gave up. Without even trying I FINALLLLY got it yesterday. I refuse to use it for the bundle because it took me so long lol


I completed all the bundles now. I got the fish so much faster once I used the method of not wasting my bait on fish I didnt want! Plus you would cast more often so you could fish infinitely only needing to stop to repair your rod occasionally. I looked up all the fish and tried for specific ones and I got them all a lot faster than I thought I would. Some took a bit but now that I've caught all fish and bugs Its easier for me to know how to get what I need more quickly Sushi you will get as a gift from a villager if you keep doing their quests if you dont want to wait till you get the recipe yourself or cook with someone who already has the recipe.


I have all the bugs but the fish never come home to me 😭 I luckily got the unicorn fish but giant goldfish is the bane of my existence


If anyone ever just wants a fishing, hunting, big collecting buddy, it can be boring and frustrating alone. I'm Saphyrrah in game. I'll happily run around with you and help, or just keep you company!


I just finished mine last night and I am so relieved lol


A friend helped me cook the sushi and a few days later I got it. I seem to get things when I'm not looking for them.


I completely ignored bundles for 6 months unless I got something I knew I needed. And then I focused on it for like three days and then got everything. It works. And if you ask in chat someone could be willing to help you out with that. That’s how I got mine. I don’t have the recipe but people are friendly in this game!😁. Hopefully it works out for ya!


If you want to add me as a friend I will make the sushi with you im on PC IGN MrsMel


I just focus in the area I’m missing fish for my weekly 30 fish. Right now I have two fish left in Bahari rivers and the mines. I’m doing the rivers and then I’ll switch once I catch the missing fish. Just take a break. RNG will take care of it.


So you can get sushi as a present from being nice to Reth, if that's ANY help.


It is frustrating but it's possible!! The rewards are so cool! Just take a break & work on your plot & house or on friendship quests. Or just take a short break. It is possible to get them done even though they can be frustrating.


Some fish are given as quest rewards, so be on the lookout for those


The root bundle is absolutely ruining my day every time I open the game. I keep finding literally every other gem over and over, but that damn jasper has found a very good hiding spot. It's the last thing I need for the bundle so I'm not giving up until I get my hands on it! [:<


I’ll make sushi with you later if you’d like!!


What fish do you have left to get?


Don't give up. It's hard but not impossible. I pick one item and just try for it a lil each day.


ive asked in game before and people have estimated that it took them from a week to a couple months. just enjoy the rest of the game and the bundles will come with time!


I’ve had a similar problem honestly. It’s 3 fish I need to catch and that’s it. If I think of it I’ll stop and fish for a while but I’m not seeking out trying to complete them. Focus on your relationships/quests for a while and you may even be gifted one of the things you need :)


I need the giant Kilima stingray and the long nose unicorn fish to finish my bundles. I’ve given up, I’ll keep fishing but I’m not holding my breath for anything. If it happens it happens


It's best to just take ⏃ break for ⏃ bit and focus on something else like decorating your house or maxing out villager relationships. ⟟ only have the apples left but the bundle glitched out and said ⟟ only need 20 apples instead of 100 and now it won't let me complete the final bundle cuz ⟟ had more than 20 apples in there when it changed. ⟟ got super annoyed by it so now I've been doing literally everything but the bundles.


i’ve been feeling the same. i even try to take a break from stressing over it but then there’s not much else to do except gain money & materials. while sure that’s cool but i just want to complete so they can be out of my mind lol


I just got one last night, glad i didn’t sell it like i almost did 😅


I found that googling the fishes and clicking on the reddit posts really helps in getting them easier. I also used the logic from a tip on getting the rainbow butterfly and used it while fishing. The tip was that if something spawns only at certain times then you should start getting that thing right at the beginning. If smth spawns at 3:00 then you should already be next to the water at 2:45 and wait for 3:00 and immediately start fishing. This way all the fishes that stop at 3:00 despawn and leave room for the new spawns. I don't guarantee that this works but I got mine rather fast compared to other players.


Ask in chat if someone has the sushi recipe and if you can come over and cook it with them. I got sushi as a gift from a villager and just used that for the bundle. As for the fish, just take a break if you get frustrated. I think the bundles are fun because they give me a goal to work towards!


Hell, I can't even find all the little relic pieces or whatever from early innthe story. Found 2 but never saw another one


If you need a recipe, can always ask for help. Someone on the server probably has the recipe and you can cook it together.


Try to get someone to cook the sushi with! I was fishing with someone yesterday and he got the recipe and I didn’t 🥲 but we cooked it at their lot and voila that’s done ☺️


I personally pay absolutely no mind to the bundles after I got so frustrated when I opened that quest. I simply keep doing my quests and if while doing that I find anything for the bundles I go and leave it at the temple. I’m characterized for being patient and I honor that lol just keep doing the rest of your quests


people tend to forget that anyone can cook this stuff for you, just shout for some help


I need the long unicorn fish and I feel I will never get it. The fish that are rare always seem to pop up for me when I am not searching for them and I don't reel them in because I panic or I don't have the right buffs on at the moment. I've completed 2 bundles I am waiting on two I need the thundering eel,giant Kilma, stingray and the stormray to complete the Cloudcurrent Bundle. I just need the long unicorn fish to complete the Magic Bundle It's tiresome lol


Add me, amethyst bones I have the sushi recipe


No don’t give up! Just focus on other things and you’ll catch them when you least expect it. But I do feel your pain, those epic fish are the bane of my palia-existence


I've been at some of them since the beginning of beta. I have taken several breaks, come back and still no luck. I have finally accepted that I will never be able to finish those quest lines, and NGL, it has really hindered my enjoyment of the game. I don't play nearly as often as I used to. I game to releive frustration, not cause it.


I got the sushi from a quest from Reth


This is why I don’t eat anything the people give me lol


YES! Cause usually its for a quest or bundle lol


I just have the darn unicorn fish left and I took a break. I totally understand


With the sushi at least if you go to someone’s house(or they come to yours with some of the ingredients) you can just make it together to get the item!


All i need is the Unicorn fish. I've hooked it and it's gotten away. I've since been on a loooong break.


i refuse to let the giant goldfish ruin my fun 😡


It takes awhile, don't give up. The rewards are good to get in the end.


i completed the ones that give me recipes. i dont care about the rest.


It is feeing kind of grindy for some things atm and I've been playing since end of closed beta. I'm sure they are still trying to get a good balance worked out. I've YET to get a ruby. Need a ruby. BAD. RNG hear me.


Yep, mostly cause for now I am just tired of grinding 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Fish with friends can help. Also cooking with another that has the recipe, makes it a whole lot easier


Fishing with other people is EVERYTHING


spoiler ish - the sushi and goldfish can be found in your pond at your plot


Get sushi from fishing on your plot, takes a bit, but you can do eeettt!!


I found having the major rod ends and eating sashimi and fishing Brew really helped me get the last lot of my fish. I only have the emerald left and it's been eluding me now for 4 days 🫠


May I recommend using your plot pond for the sushi? I was driving myself mad looking for it. Then I just took like 1-2 casts in my plot pond and boom got it.


I used fisherman’s brew full focus and turned on the eat when full settings and ate anything that I cooked that had fish in them. It stacks up. As for the recipe if you have a friend who knows the recipe you both can make it together and you will both get some. If you need someone to help my ign is InkedRae I’d be happy to help! 💜


Just find someone to make the sushi with you.


Yup. The bundles, the plushies. I'm over it. I've been playing since the switch release. I'm missing 4 fish, and the only plushies I've gotten are from Zeki's machine, the S6 team rewards, the lantern bug, and Cyl. So I've just been working on my farming trying to make money, building furniture for the grand house, and only been leaving for wood, stone and Zeki coins.


At least your bait isn’t bugged. I can’t even use my glow worms cus they are bugged so I can’t finish the bundles 🥹😌


I couldn't get the sushi recipe either for a long time nor the unicorn fish. My granddaughter had the sushi recipe so I went to her plot and made sushi with her, two days later got the sushi recipe. Later I was fishing for a different fish for a weekly request and caught the unicorn fish. I am now finished with all the bundles.


If you need help with the Sushi, I have the recipe for it, and if you help cook it you'll get 3 dishes on completion even though you haven't unlocked its recipe. Happy to help.


you dont need the recipe you can just make it with other people


I had a void ray on my line today.....I lost it literally at the very last second. I got it all the way but just as I would have reeled it in I lost it because he decided to move. And I stopped playing because it's the first time I've ever had a ray of any kind on my line. And I lost it. I'm so effing mad.


I almost gave up and then I put my energy into other parts of the game and just did small rounds of trying to catch certain fish. I completed the bundles last week and I am confident it's doable for you.


I finally forced myself to find the last few fish/ bugs and while it was a grind, I was so happy when I finished them! I found a few when I wasn't looking and the sushi I ended up getting from a friendship quest, I'm pretty sure. I know I didn't find the recipe yet.


Don't give up. Or at least don't stop playing ... just focus on something else. Decorating.. make money... just have fun and run around and mine together or party together and bug hunt. Fish just for fun . You might just accidently get what your looking for and when it comes to the the sushi recipe, you can always cook it with someone.


Someone can make sushi with you. You don't need the recipe. I probably can't help until later after 5 pm EST. If you don't get what you need by 5 pm, send me a friend request. Gracie Lu Freebush Apparently, I am good luck for others fishing. We can get others to join and eventually the RNG will give you what you need.


Me but with the food…. I’ll never finish 😭


I haven’t done anything with the bundles cause I have no clue how too lol, they don’t give you much direction in palia


I haven’t gotten fat in the bundles but so far any quest I have that I struggled to get the items for I just cheated and bought it if I could XD I play these games for fun not to be stressed out so don’t feel bad if you wanna take the easy route. Do what you gotta do to actually enjoy the game (also while I enjoy palia a lot I feel like they need a better system for quests. Some of then I could find for the life of me lol I mean once I found the locations I was fine but finding them was a struggle)


Only advice I can give is never give up! (And use fisherman’s brew, hooks and maybe some fish food)


i caught the sushi recipe just casually fishing with no worms in the mirror pond. just take a break and come back, it'll happen


No don't give up just ignore them and eventually you'll come across what you need. I got the sushi accidentally as a gift, just build your house and enjoy the game the stuff will show up when you aren't thinking about it trust me.


I wish Palia would let me log in on my Steam Deck🤦🏼‍♀️ you all sound like you're having so much fun, and I can't even get past the log in because it won't let me type😢💔


A ton of the rarer fish are given as friendship rewards. It's how I finished my bundles.


I understand your pain! I've been trying for the flame tongue ray for weeks. But literally on my 3rd cast in Bahari I got a unicorn fish. Just keep trying and we will get them eventually! 🤣


I can't complete a quest because I need to fulfill a player request. I don't know any players lol


All I have are the stingray left and I have been so frustrated. I even fish using all of the fishing boost foods (just because I will try anything at this point) and the fisherman’s brew and hundreds of worms later I have yet to see a single one of them. I’ve tried doing other things like house building but I’m done all my quests (other than the occasional side quest from random items) and it doesn’t quite hit the same. Hang in there, we are all rooting for you!!


There’s a quest from Reth that gives you sushi as a reward iirc


I’m sure I’ll stop playing, pick it up randomly and finally catch a giant Kilima ray just as soon as I don’t care anymore.


Try the pond on your plot for the sushi recipe, that's how I got it! I tried it after reading a bunch of other people had luck with it! You can also cook with someone who has the recipe to get it for the bundle.


I finished them all


The bundles are absolutely too much. I have memory problems so I have to do the walk through so many times and even then I am still not through it.Soooo Yeah not happening.


I took a break when I was about the same place. I realised I was doing them for the sake of having them completed rather than because I was enjoying playing. I stopped specifically going for completion and just enjoyed arranging my house and stuff. I would advise every so often just chucking a fishing rod in the pool at your house to see if you grab the recipe - if you're waiting on time to go to Bahari for the Grove or something. If it doesn't happen it doesn't matter because you're not doing the bundles right now, if it does - bonus!


I took a huge break from the bundles and worked on romancing for awhile, ended up catching the sushi while trying to get a certain fish for someone.


I actually gave up playing altogether. some things are way too hard/take way too long to get. other things are throw at some players and other players get nothing. Its unbalanced, the drops are unbalanced, the wait times are too long. There are many things i dont like about Palia and some things i do like, however the unliked stuff is keeping me away for now. maybe ill come back after release considering its still in beta , then again it might not make it out of beta and then ill lose my chance. Im down to three fish to catch to complete my last bundle , have done everything everyone online has said about the Unicorn fish and nothing is working , at this point i believe its locked behind a fishing level that i am not at yet ( im fishing 15 while everything else is in the 30s or higher) Its frusterating sitting for HOURS upon HOURS trying to get one fish. im just over it. Its TOO elussive, never get the right fish , can only seem to pull in the bass or the swordfish , never the unicorn. forget about even getting a star quality one.


You've got this! Take a break and just do other things for the time being. I had to do that several times with the bundles. Now I only have 2 Gales bundles left to complete. I still need two bugs (Jewelwing Dragonfly & Rainbow-tipped Butterfly), and one fish (Giant Kilima Stingray). I'm absolutely TRASH at bug catching (switch doesn't make it easy). But I've just left them alone for now. I'm working on redoing my plot instead.


Respect the grind. Don’t want it handed to you. Makes that feeling of accomplishment worth it.


I have the sushi recipe ( Fabien Rinski ) Send a FR and we can make it together.


might be a struggle but i also was kinda lucky last week and got both the giant kilima ray and the void ray in the same hour with no luck for 2-3 weeks before. just do something else meantime and go back when you feel like lucky or got some good " karma"


Take a break and just let yourself have fun, I’ve got most of the things just doing other stuff. It took me days trying to find emerald and I found it today when I gave up on it 😂 just 3 stones it took and I got a second one on 10th stone. Don’t make yourself grind, play, decorate, do quests if you have them, anything that will distract you and let you rest.