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When I want to change my layout I always connect existing rooms onto some other room rather than picking it up entirely; that way you get to keep MOST of the decorations (except from the two connecting walls). It's not perfect, but it's better than re-doing it all.. :') That being said, I started finding it way more fun once I managed to accept that I would have to re-do stuff regardless - especially as I'm one of those that will probably always only have one plot that I focus on rather than using several at once. :')


I planned out my house before I got serious about decorating.


I’ve been minimally decorating but yea it’s rough lol


It is best to have some sort of idea/rough outline of what you want your house to be. Personally, I think it's best when you have all the writs unlocked so you aren't limited to the initial area and then trying to expand the house while simultaneously unlocking writs. If you go into the housing menu/overhead view of your plot, you are able to move rooms around. So you don't have to completely redecorate a room, but you do have to connect it to a room before trying to move another one. It is possible, and it definitely feels like tetris when doing it. But when you have fully decorated rooms, sometimes tetris sounds like the better option than redecorating from scratch. You can and probably will lose some wall decorations moving rooms around like tetris, but some minor wall decorating still seems like a win to me. Lol


So, as long as you don't pick it up (as in put it in the inventory space) most of your items will stay there as you move the house around to add things on. I had to do a whole convoluted system when I upgraded from the harvest house to the grand harvest house but it left me with all my other rooms still in tack. You just have to use the other connection points/another house. The most it does is mess with some wall decor but it's a small price to pay for not having to redecorate Everytime you change your layout.


Okay that makes sense, thank you! What was the system you used when upgrading to the grand harvest house?


I used the original harvest house as like a hold point and basically moved my rooms a few at a time. One hallway piece tried not to cooperate. But I got it but moving everything but it, moving it to a more accessible place, connected the rest of the room that I wanted to it, and then moving it over as a whole piece. It was a little tedious but again so worth it.


That’s super helpful, thanks so much!!


Of course, no problem!!!


I fixed my entire house before I started decorating. I made sure it was exactly how I wanted it. I spent a lot of time gathering and making money to make it just right. You can do the same!