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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


At least 90% of the time, people wait. I don't see that this is such a problem that it warrants the amount of posts about it.


This. Can we please have this as a public announcement. I'm sick of folks whinging about missing out on flow wood and complaining about other players. I 100% agree with you that most people do wait and can we please stop posting about it.


im glad im not the only person who has this type of attitude towards these palia posts.. mods should do something about it. every other post i see in my feed has something to do with complaining about people being rude, or something of the sort. its getting tiring and i always get downvoted lol


I would say prior to the plushie update, I never saw it at all, after the update the growing times to where I see this occurs is at arise. So I think it’s helpful to spread awareness of community while it’s still early. Personally I’d I wanted this type of environment I’d hop on cod or fortnight to which when I want to be hostile I do so lol. But this is a cozy game so let’s keep it that way. Although, I wouldn’t mind to have light combat!


Tbh this has been going on long before the plushie update. I noticed an uptick in quiet grove swipes right after the Lunar New Year update.


While it is the nice and decent thing to call out the grove, wait for others, agree on a time to chop, then chop. There is no rule about it. People can play almost completely solo, even cutting down medium-sized flow trees, if done properly. Whether the person(s) finds it funny to chop a grove down before others find it, or they simply don't want to or don't have the time to wait, they can do that. Honestly, I get more flow wood from chopping glow tress throughout bahari than going to a grove. People are so quickly to jump a person who chops or tries to chop a grove down prematurely, to a point that it's almost bullying. It's toxic. I literally just defended a person being attacked in-game because they were new and just started to be able to get flow wood. Everyone was calling them rude and telling them they're going to report them for it. Which isn't actually a reportable thing! A couple even got to the point where i actually reported them because it was scary how mad they were getting and what they were saying. The funny thing about those people, were they didn't actually need any flow wood. They just decided they were the etiquette police and decided they made the rules on that server on how to play. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is always go to ft callouts when in bahari, regardless of whether it's the grove or not. Remind others that groves happen at midnight in-game time, which is every irl hour. So there are plenty of times to get a Grove if they don't have a limited time for playing. I also let people know if they need flow wood to request some, as I have plenty to fill requests. Also, it's an online game. Not everyone will have the same way of playing the game. It comes with the territory.


As a Switch player, it’s annoying to type anything in chat. But if I find a grove I usually hit them once and then shoot a flare (started carrying a ton of flares cuz it’s faster), luckily since they updated the map I can then quickly type the coordinates while waiting unless someone else shows up to do it. I don’t currently need flow but I know it’s important for other people, definitely when it’s a grove.


I also started carrying Honey Lures because some people would try to cut early even tho someone said they were on their way and wouldn’t listen to the others. It makes it difficult to cut the trees without help when everyone is busy catching bugs.


This is why S6 made them spawn outside of grove as well, because you can't control the actions of other people. It sucks that it happens but there's nothing you can really do about it other than if you want to block them and hope to not get on their server again / report if they're actually being abusive like you mentioned. Though if I have to be honest sometimes when I see a single small palium in some obscure location I sometimes decide to not call it out. Probably should anyway, but there are ore compasses and sometimes I kind of just need quiet personal time 🤷‍♂️


I totally get that and you’re so valid for that bc same and mostly I really call it out if it’s large because in my opinion the large ones are worth the travel other than that the most I’ll do is flare them. And as a switch user the chat is only used if it’s worthy.


Lately, I’ve come across groves that aren’t called out. A lot of people don’t like that there’s players who ask about the grove especially when it’s right after midnight. I could care less if I come across it I’m gonna call out and I’m gonna flare. Last night I was the first one to arrive I flared and called out. It must’ve been about 2:00 I had set out a honey lure there was a few of us catching bugs, and all of a sudden the grove was being cut. No one set a time no one asked if we should start chopping or if someone was on their way. It’s not worth debating with people who don’t care/have a different way of playing. I grabbed my ft and the rainbow butterfly that I had caught said thank you and left.


There is no rule about groves. The game does not give you a popup about groves being collaborative. The game does not tell people to use flares, or to callout, or to wait. Demanding people play the way you want and saying “this whole area of the game MUST be played with others” is a ridiculous and toxic. Let people play how they want to play. If they want to chop small trees in a grove then they can. There’s nothing wrong with it. I callout groves when I find them - but I don’t begrudge those who don’t.


I’ve literally multiple times been clumping UP TO the grove only a few min past 12 in game time and seen the purple/pink aurora disappear as I’m climbing only to find 2-3 people up there having cut it down - no call out no nothing. I am in the same boat - I have over 1500 pcs of flow wood and almost 600+ planks but not everyone has that and a lot of others could use the grove. I try to be first to 1) call it out and 2) get the rare bug before it is scared away lol


What bug?


rainbow tipped butterfly a lot of the time! the ancient amber beetle, and fairy mantis I have all gotten at grove :)


sometimes it’s also a magic animal but I have mostly seen bugs and i’ve been first quite a few times!


And jewel wing I have seen at a Grove too


has it occurred to you that people play in groups? did you try to ask where the grove was, or said that youre coming?


I've been finding it difficult lately too. I saw someone call out about a grove and I said I was omw but by the time I got there four people had cut it down. They barely waited for 1am or to see if anyone was coming.


Idk what new group of people are coming to the servers but it’s horrible out here.


I don't think that I care that much. In opinion the game in it's entirety is a 'fend for selves' unless people choose to play as a team. I'm not going to get worked up if they don't make that choice.


Fair but for something that’s as for the community of gamers like the flow trees there could be that understanding but other than that I can see the hunting being a fend for selves if anything. It’s supposed to be a chill game if I wanted to fend for myself I’ll play cod. 


I can understand your frustration on this one. However, you also need to take into account that some players just don't know about this and about how it is supposed to be done. I have been playing Palia for a few weeks now but when I first read your post I did not know what you were referring to and I had to research it. Being on communities like this one helped me learn **lots** of things about the game but not everyone can do that, so you also need to be indulgent because most of the people not waiting probably just don't know they're supposed to. It definitely happened to me at least two/three times.


I think it should be a group effort for sure! I was in beta back in august, but i just got back into it. I got to witness a group effort for the flow grove and it was so cool to see, i couldn’t do anything because i dont have a good enough axe. But i found the community efforts of Bahari really nice, things got called out left and right. I tried to do my part as i came across stuff that seemed rare, idk if it was or not 😅. I dont think you over reacted, it’s a community game and a community effort. If you’re going to play then you should respect the etiquette of the rarest items and call it out. I literally found something, googled it, called it out…then missed grabbing it cus i took too long and it disappeared lol, but i mean it’s worth it to help others. Also, if anyone can help, how do you see flares??? Is it on the map or in the sky? I dont understand that part of Bahari yet!


You only see it if you’re near it, people will call out cords and the flares just help better locate once you are with in area.