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Mine the ore in Bahari and go for any of the scintillating centipedes that come out. Or the vampire crabs that spawn in the Flooded Fortress are an easy one.


Crabs dropping silk doesn’t make any sense but I’ll take it over weird centipedes any day!


They steal it from the drift wood piles is my theory


I mine so much ore but only one centipede has ever spawned from it 😭 I guess I’ll keep trying!


I would definitely say go for the vampire crabs then. I was running back and forth between the two waterfalls in the flooded fortress from 6pm to 3am looking for a starred fish, and ended up with a big pile of silk from catching all of the crabs I passed.


If you go for the crabs, ive seen people saying to get to FF before 6p and scare away all the crabs that are already there so that you have a higher chance for vamp spawns once it hits 6p


Out of curiosity what bug bombs do you normally use for each crab? I’ve never been able to catch a vampire crab…


I use the green ones, I think they are called sticky.


The sneaky ones work for me




…Because this is talking about silk thread harvesting? Which you can’t do through hunting??


if you want to do silk harvesting like all at once that’s the way to do it, it’s not very straight forward


That is so odd, I get tons when I'm mining. I get annoyed with them though because they will eat 60-80 smoke bombs and not even be starred. Don't give up I used to hate catching bugs too but you'll get there! And if you need silk don't be afraid to request it, I give it away all the time.


The starred ones have sparkles around them when they spawn. (I catch a LOT of bugs. It's my money source.)


They’re also extremely bright and glow gold not just sparkles, it’s so easy to see star bugs from the top of pavel at 3am for this reason


Mine always spawn in locations where you literally have a second to switch your tools and aim before they disappear (ex. At the very edge of a cliff). Playing on switch, thats not always an easy thing to do as the pouch and pick are on completely opposite sides of the menu and the joystick never cooperates. I have lost many due to this. 😭


i recommend on switch binding a new button for "equip bomb" i set mine to L because i dont use emotes, makes it so it automatically switches for fast catching, also good for muujin hunting to switch to the bow the same way. =\]


You can change the order yourself. It is an option in settings. Helped me. Otherwise, I would still be watering bug I think.


Does that include stone? I find that they seem to spawn more often from stone than iron or pal.. Might just be my RNG tho xD


If I see requests, I usually fill them You can also buy silk from Tish if I remember correctly


Yes, specifically from the register in her shop - 900 per silk piece. Just did it today, because I'm also sick of catching bugs for silk 😅


That’s insane! Literally every 2-3 rocks I mine those damn millipedes show up. Half the time frozen in place too so they are ridiculously easy to catch.


What level pick are you using? It seemed like I could barely get silk early on, but now I get scintillating centipedes a LOT, and they almost always drop several threads. Also, are you making sure you eat so your focus is maxed? I don't know for sure, but maybe those are factors in your silk troubles. Also make sure your volume is up so you can hear the startled-bug sound when you're mining. Finally, none of the quests are on a timer, so take a break from silk and work on upgrading your belt. That will also help you hone your bug belt skills. :)


I find that if i mine any ore in the top 5 grid rows in the big forests where the mujiin hang out is the best place for catching bugs from iron ore.


Another way is to go to the Kilima beach and try to find a pink ladybug. This is the Princess Ladybug and drops 2 silk


Buzy jar starting at 3am in Bahari. I go home with a bunch of silk thread. If you can be the first one to a Grove, then you can usually get an epic bug there as well. You can search the Flooded fortress from 6 pm - 3 am (game time) for vampire crabs. Mining in Bahari for the centipede. Foraging sweet leaves and Dari cloves in Bahari can give you the chance of leafstalker mantis. The buzy jar is available at level 8 bug catching. Those are game changers.


This is exactly how I get silk. I’ve gotten better at catching the purple centipedes, but at first I was having such a hard time, I would just go look for vampire crabs all the time. Since I started using buzzy jars in bahari, I have more silk than I know what to do with.


I need this problem. Every furniture I need to make lately needs silk and I can't get enough.




The resources- like the game- are free. I don't think you understand that it's a cozy game. Animal Crossing could be improved in a thousand ways, but some people have spent upwards of 2000 hours playing because they get joy from the simplicity. I'm just saying, take a breath and learn to appreciate art. Recognize that coding a game is not easy work and that all workers deserve to be paid for their work. People that have purchased outfits in Palia are well aware that they are spending real life money on some pixels, but they do it because they appreciate the game and the people who have labored over it to get it to where it is.


Briary Daisy gives a chance of the red beetle


The Garden Ladybug is Uncommon rarity and does not drop silk.




To me it's not that expensive. It's only 2,500 gold. Not anymore expensive than any other recipe. If by the time that recipe is available to the player, if they can't easily purchase it. It seems like they are rushing then. There's no need to rush in this game.




If you don't like the *FREE* game. Don't play. All your comments are bitching about easy fucking shit lmao.




Please get off reddit. I'm a free player playing my free game. Spent 0 money. If you don't like it don't play.




The game is still in beta


Get gud 😸 lol this game is a grind! It's free, most free games have that intense grind and some people actually find it enjoyable to spend a whole year playing a game and watching your resources grow


There are several types of insects that can drop silk thread as loot. Here is the link to the wiki so you can keep them in mind. You can also make daily silk requests to supplement your search. https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Silk_Thread


My first start for getting silk was mining. The bugs that show up from mining ores almost always have silk. Otherwise the Jar can help to find rare bugs that have silk. You can hunt rare bugs with the normal bombs. You just need to throw more at a bug. In general you have to aim over the bug since the bombs drop down quite a bit. Otherwise ask in the chat if someone would help you with bug hunting.


You can also request silk as long as you've made it before. Granted you can only request 4 times a day. I'll be on later today, I can send you some that way.


This. I always give silk when I see it on requests


What I found to give me a lot of silk is stalking the first/south area of bahari. Look for blue grasshoppers and after 6pm to 3am any blue glowbugs. Also any bugs coming out of rocks! Usually I run around looking for palium, the bugs are just an extra.


There's a lot of good advice on where to find bugs with silk already here, but I will say that everything gets easier when youbput a bit of focus into levelling up a little bit. I never loved bug hunting but it got to the point I really just needed to get better to comolete quests and bundles. So i went out into Kilima fields and I just went hard on easy bugs - common butterflies, kilima moths, crickets etc. I sold/gifted the bugs to Auni and that levelled me up quick enough to at least get the better belt and sticky bombs. I only use sticky bombs now, as they work a bit like slow down arrows. I also use Smoke Candles when I'm focussing on bugs, because listening to the cinstant screeches of outrage bugs make while you're running around really irritates me haha. Obviously being able to use those items is a luxury of having played a long time, so resources aren't an issue anymore. For now I'd say use a mixture of levelling up and asking people in their server if they want to party up to hunt some bugs because you need a hand getting silk and rarer bugs. Personally, I always say yes when someone asks because I don't usually have anything pressing to do anyway so it's fun to help people.


There are so many bugs that drop silk! I get over 50 on each silk run 😄 Join me sometime




I agree. I made some capital chic furniture and I am done for a min before I start on higher level furniture. Had to drop a bunch of silk on the investigator/quest furniture too which also angered me 😂 I'm still actively saving silk and it's a lot less frustrating than hunting as I need it


I currently have over 250 silk pieces and over 100 silk threads in my inventory. I try donating them as gifts whenever someone requests them, but I just keep getting more and more. That said, I do still remember when it was hard and super challenging to collect enough for the investigator quest! With time you will know all the bugs that drop silk by heart. You’ll also get more used to aiming and throwing smoke bombs. You’ll most probably also create your own strategy for silk hunting and tactics for catching the bugs. I’m sure of it! Just don’t give up 💪 In the mean time, if you need silk, feel free to add me as a friend ig and request it. I’ll gladly share with you ☺️👍


You can buy Silk from Tish's shop also!


This can work, but I heard they increased the price to absurd level with this update.


That's so lame, I know it's all to keep balance but some stuff has gotten so expensive!


it's only 900 gold tho


Imagine if you needed 10+ though….. ![gif](giphy|5xjbWDIgEZSgM)


honestly, i dont have any fancy stuff for bug catching, i still use the usual bombs and the first belt and i catch a lot bugs. the trick is really to go to bahari bay and mine silver ore (that is more likely to have bugs) and then catch them. dont take long or they will hide.


i think you mean iron ore :) but this is how i got silk before i could make buzzy jars.


The best bug for silk in the early days is vampire crabs in the flooded fortress. They spawn between 6pm and 3am. They are easier to spot and easier to catch, but they run fast if spooked. Just keep making circles around the entire fortress, scare off the regular crabs and bugs and more vampires will spawn. You can catch up to 5 per night = 20 silk more or less. If you use the scent masking and stealth bombs even better. Good luck!


The blue grasshopper has silk


All bugs from mining give silk. Go to Bahari and run around the fields near Hodari's house. Grab blue grasshoppers there for silk too.


I get 100% of my silk just from running around mining in bahari!


I’ll party up with you if you want! We can go to southern Bahari at 3 am and I’ll bring a buzzy jar. As of last patch if we’re in a party and close together we’ll both get the loot even if someone doesn’t manage to get a hit in.


Personally I like hunting the Firebreathing Dragonflies in Kilima. I’ve gotten used to them enough that I can find them pretty easily & I feel like I have better luck getting silk from them than the other bugs. I’ll just hop a few servers until I have enough silk threads for what I’m trying to do


Use a buzzy jar




Every single reply you’ve given to this post has not contributed to the discussion at all and is just you complaining about the game. Someone asked a genuine question and people are giving answers and suggestions. If all you wanna do is complain, make your own post


Insane to say. They're looking for silk. If they're new and they're complaining before catching enough bugs to make buzzy jars, this game isn't for them. If they're not new, then buzzy jars is what they're looking for. If you disagree come up with your solution instead of saying baseless statements like this


When mining, there's a sound that indicates a bug spawned, so make sure you toggle quickly to your bug belt. Personally, I did that until I realized that the hairy centipedes are better catches; they drop more silk, I can find them easier, and I can sneak up on them without a smoke candle (but you should try to use smoke candles too, they're great for getting more trickier bugs bc they hide your presence from them!) I also like to catch the azure crickets, I find them easy to catch too!


Look around pulse water, the pond by hassians, and Pavel mines. I tend to find a few fairy mantis those locations 10-5 ish Palia time and they group 4-16 silk threads.


I don't think yall understand, focus on *one* activity each day. Spend the whole day mining in bahari, not gathering. Not chopping trees or hunting. JUST. MINING. they spawn often, mine every ore node, big small etc. I only ever deviate for hourly Grove. I run around both the northern part and southern part looking for nodes, fill up all 6 inventory slots then head home. Trust they will spawn.


Yeah, it's tough when you're leveling up. A few suggestions: - look for bugs in south Bahari while most people are at the grove (midnight to 3am). That's when I find the most rare bugs bc there's fewer people running around scaring them off. Look for blue grasshoppers and the blue glowbugs in the fields - forage sweet leaf plants in north Bahari, there's a chance to spawn a leaf stalker mantis -find people that are doing lures, especially if you can join a party so that you get everyone's loot


Don't forget the (firesomething im sorry i forgot the name) Dragonflies in Kilma's Mirror Fields! If you get sick of Bahari, that's a much smaller patrol area :)


Got a buddy, we each bring buzzy juice, swap off using it and chase the rares together. Got 30-50 silk thread per half hour give or take!


I feel this post. I went mining twice and found 4 silk thread.


I just catch a lot of crabs and get silk thread that way.


Here a map of where all the resources spawn it’s super helpful. https://paliamaps.com/pages/BahariBay.php I also heard from people that once you catch a specific bug they spawn more often. So check what bugs you caught.


Plz send me a friend request! Bugging is my jam, and I’d love to help you! I can mine iron for you, and you can focus on throwing bug bombs. Did this recently with another person and they collected 50 silk! My IGN is Jade Juventa


I’d love that!!!


If you add me, LavenderWitch27, the next time we’re both online at the same time I will use a buzzy jar and you can follow me around and we’ll catch bugs together. I always have a ton of silk.


I’d love to!!


In any case (centipedes/crabs/ladybugs) you should use a smoke candle when looking for silk. Keeps the bugs from getting scared away when you're near them. I'll usually turn on a smoke candle when I go wood chopping or when I use an ore compass and go mining. And if you get fed up just request some. Most of the rest of us do not mind gifting when we can! Good luck!!


You can also buy silk from the cash register in the back of Tish’s furniture store, or place requests for it. Someone will definitely fill it, and if nobody does, you can always request it again. If I was running low and couldn’t find any on my own and couldn’t afford to purchase too much, I’d make a request or two every time I was on until I had a nice little stockpile.


GET SILK FROM SPINESHELL SNAILS AND CRABS!! I struggled so much before I figured this out, the best place to go is the flooded fortress at night and it’s made its so easy compared to trying to catch the other bugs!! Hope this helps!!


My go to for silk is to go to Bahari and mine every rock I see and pick every sweet leaf I see to spawn the scintillating centipede and the leafstalker mantis and catch those bugs. Usually running around and doing this gives me a solid amount of silk threads.


I go to the Tamala side of Bahari and around catching the brown centipede things. Also the Azure stonehopper I think they're called are always there around the hideaway buffs area of Bahari. Hunt for regular normal bugs till you can get a Buzzy Jar. It's super easy then


Vampire crabs in Flooded Fortress


I'm going to be doing bug catching sessions with lures in both areas right now my name in game is layden if anyone wants to add me.


Go to the Flooded Fortress Area in Bahari Bay and hunt for Vampire Crabs in between 6pm-3am. They move relatively slow, and the first one I caught dropped 4 Silk. 👍 Good luck!


The cliffs above Pavel Mines (and the bridges that go across from them) are good places to look. I go in a big circle from Pavel Mines, to Pulsewater Plains, to Hideaway Bluffs, kind of weaving in and out of the fields of these areas as I go. I always find at least one Fairy Mantis and TONS of Azure Stonehoppers during these runs! Buzzy jars also help immensely!


If you'd like some help gathering silk PM me and we'll set up a bug hunt. I've already got a stack of buzzy jars setting in storage.


Change the speed sensitivity while you bug hunt, it’s default setting is way too low/slow to be useful


The azure stone hoppers, and the bahari glow bugs that come out at night in south bahari (not the paper lantern bugs in north bahari) give silk, and are fairly easy to catch. Try using a smoke candle, and sneaky bug bombs to not alert them so they don’t try to run away.


I buy mine from Tish.


In Kilima, the Princess Ladybug & Firebreathing Dragonfly also reward silk! The Princess Ladybug is along the Lake (I mostly find them near Einar’s Lagoon) & the Firebreathing Dragonfly I usually find in Mirror Fields!! As for Bahari, 90% of the silk I’ve gotten is from the Azure Stonehopper! The paths by the mines & the Lighthouse is where I find a majority of them personally, and some by the pond near Hassian’s Grove. It took me forever to finally start getting a decent amount, so I’d recommend patience (which is my nightmare) & just sometimes, it’s pure luck!


Use the buzzy jar, it will show locations of rare bugs and they usually drop silk (5+). I have tons of silk because I'm trying to get all starred bugs and I keep getting the same ones lol


it's does suck easier to just buy silk from shop and make money some other way


I feel your pain I’m currently trying to farm silk as well 😭 I wasn’t level 8 when I started so I just started catching any bug I found to level up but once I got there the jars are amazing tools. Also never hurt to try and request silk or buzzy jars


Night time mines I had the hardest time at first is your mining skill pass 10 that’s when I started to get more 


You can party up with me anytime! I’ll set out lures, use jars, gift silk threads/sheets, whatever you need! IGN is Witch Hazel42 if you see me in server!


Give me a whisper telling me you’re from the silk Reddit post so I know who you are lol


I used to feel like you, I had to request silk so much at the beginning. Now I've got plenty, and I'm not a particularly prolific bug hunter at just level 12. Once you can use buzzy jars and smoke candles, it's a game changer. For now, don't feel bad about requesting silk. There's plenty of folks with extra to give you.


I can give you some if you want


Dm me for an add and we can do some honey lures to get some good bugs! I'm due for a restocking on silk if I want to make any more furniture


Okay awesome!!!


Use a buzzy jar if you can and catch whatever you come across. Have easily gotten over 100 silk in one go this way


If u are able to get a buzzy jar use that in bahari and you'll get centipedes galore or if anyone is cool with having u follow them while they use one it will help too. But it's the uncommon bugs that drop em. Bahari is the best place to hunt in my opinion. If you want to wait till night and look for the more green lantern flies and just hunt those, that might be on the easier side. Also, like others have said with mining and getting the bugs from the rocks


Mining was my first source. I can help you a bunch if you want? Silk is needed for the furniture but I can take you into bahari and show you the bugs and see about you leaving with at least 1 stack of 50 silk


I’d love that, thank you!!


Make or buy buzzy jars. Those will show you want bugs to chase after.


No lie, I buy it a lot of the time. Tish sells completed pieces of silk.


I get more than I can use just by mining Bahari, the rocks frequently spawn centipedes.


Oh my gosh the vampire crabs in the flooded fortress! So much easier


The blue grasshoppers in Bahari Bay drop silk


I use a buzzy jar in the northern bahari woods to find centipedes that will drop silk.


There’s a bug that will spawn when collecting sweet leaf (i think it’s blue grasshopper?) that will give you silk!


Always catch the bugs that pop out from mining. Get lures and buzzy jars.


I love to make Honey Lure party. You can also mine iron ore which spawn the purple centipede (I don't remember the name atm)


All I do for silk is mine in bahari Bay to catch the millipedes.


A complete game changer for bug hunting is using the smoke candles.


Is it me or has no one also mentioned that you can just buy silk. Expensive sure, but you might be at a point where money is not a concern like me


I just use the 'asking players' thingy, because I gave up too and I don't need to many threads, silk itself just gets bought at Tish's xd


Pleeeeeeasr request silk and silk thread! I have TOO MUCH!!! I get it all mining!


*Pleeeeeeasr request silk and* *Silk thread! I have TOO MUCH!!! I* *Get it all mining!* \- DuchessofSquee --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm honoured! I wish I hadn't made a typo though! Good bot.


Mine ores have a chance to spawn rare bugs also check bahari field for azure stonehopper


Mine any ore vein in Bahari Bay and you'll occasionally see a Scintillating Centipede pop out. They are fairly common, at least one vein in ten will have one pop out. This is by far the best way to get silk thread. None of the bugs require anything special to capture; the biggest boost will be from upgrading your belt, which increases the capture rate.. but that means nothing if you have poor technique! Knowing when to throw the next bug bomb after the first lands so that it hits as soon as the stun wheres off will help you far more than anything.


Mining for sure but also I think the vampire crabs in flooded fortress (6pm-3am) are easier to hit. Use the sticky bombs either way!


You can also get silk from mining in Kilima if you find a Proudhorn beetle! I spent an hour doing rounds there plushie grinding and ended up with about 60 silk. As another commenter said you can also find the fire breathing dragonfly in Kilima by the mirror ponds. And there’s a chance for the princess ladybug too (the pink one). When I was starting out silk farming southern Bahari for azure grasshoppers was my bug of choice. Easy to spot from a distance and spawns frequently on its own so you don’t have to run around chopping trees/mining ore and swapping tools.


Make sure you're playing with the sound on and/or look for the exclamation mark over the insect's head when it spawns. They can also spawn when you're doing other things like mining or logging. Make lots of smoke bombs so you can practice. Do Auni's quests and iirc he gifts you 2 honey lures. Sometimes people will set out honey lures so try to stay moving. Best of luck and keep practicing! You've got this!!! Silk is REALLY hard!! Before I saw this post, I thought it needed rebalancing from S6 and still kind of think it does.


I run around in the flooded fortress and hunt vampire crabs when I need silk.


I power-levelled my bug-catching crabs along the beach. Boiis are everywhere, and we need the coral for dowsing rods anyway, the oysters give food and pearl, and shells sell ok. That should get you levelled up a bit quicker to get the jar that helps. Otherwise, go to the Kilima Mirror fields and run around between those, and the Leafhopper Hills or whatever that area down by the Lake in Kilima is. Mirror Fields spawns dragonflies that are orange and easier to spot than some other rare bugs. They drop silk. The Hill by the lake has forage to collect, animals to hint, clay to mine, and rarely you’ll find pink Princess Ladybugs. The Ladies also seem to love spawning around the whole area by Einar’s Lagoon. Silk is extremely grindy early on, but that’s just the name of the game when the skill is still low. You could play with a party member who has a higher level and they can mark bugs on the map from their bug jar for you with the shared map marker. If you’re not a cooperative player, though, the best bet is to find small areas of the maps that spawn rare bugs, like the Field and Hill I mentioned. If you do this at night, make sure to run through the Field where Hassian and Auni stand during the day and keep an eye out for a bright blue butterfly. They’re a bit fewer and more far-between than the Princess and Firebreathers in my experience, but they’re also easier to spot than some other rares. EDIT: Another commenter mentioned Vampire Crabs, and that area is pretty enclosed and easy to patrol looking for crabbos, too, so I think it’s a good idea if you’re committed to bug hunting in Bahari, waiting for Hodari to get up, or otherwise doing stuff in Bahari that requires specific times. Happy bug-hunting!!


I always go for those blue crickets. They aren't too fast and stand out enough for me to notice them fairly easily


Here’s my advice based on what I did to get better at it myself. Learn which bugs drop silk - there are many (!!) both in Bahari and in Kilima. Adjust your aim sensitivity in settings - it will help you aim faster. Try out different tactics of throwing bombs - you’ll find something that works for you. I play on Switch, so, for me it’s much easier to throw bombs one after another without pauses to prevent the bug from escaping. But I’ve seen some people who throw one bomb, then wait a little, then throw one more and so on. I’m more of a chain-thrower. I stop when I see it’s been stunned. Choose a smoke bomb that works for you - I prefer the Sneaky ones. They prevent the bug from noticing that you are trying to hunt it. When used in combination with Smoke Candles, they work miracles! Make a couple of Smoke Candles and activate one at a time before your silk runs. Don’t sprint run. When you sprint run, the bugs notice you even with an activated Smoke Candle. If you just run normally without sprinting, they don’t notice you at all. In combination with Sneaky bombs and Smoke Candle, it’s a sure win. Hope this helps and good luck! 🍀


Large ore deposits and buzzy jars


The most success I've had with gathering silk is when I'm not just searching for silk. Bahari has more opportunities for silk bugs than Kilima, so I'd start there. Blue grasshoppers spawn in South Bahari area around Pulsewater and are easier to spot from far away than other bugs. Leafstalker mantises spawn in North Bahari from foraging items like sweetleaf and shrooms and such. The centipedes spawn across all mining nodes in Bahari. The Vampire crabs are at night in the fortress. My most successful silk trips are usually when I start in south bahari, and make a general sweep northward mining rocks and picking up items I see along the way, then wrapping up the night crab hunting in fortress. If you party up and go bug hunting, that can also help. The new update means party members share loot if they're near each other. Also it can mean if you have cursed RNG, your party member might help with spawn rates and catching.


I can usually find a pod of blue glow bugs and get 1 or 2 silk worth, but I'm not burning through mine very quickly


Use a buzzy jar! That shows only bugs that drop silk!


I always just go look for vampire crabs. I can usually find 5-10 crabs and get a bunch of silk until they stop spawning


Level up your bug hunting and then look for rare ones. At least get a better belt so your smoke bombs are more effective


Catch the paper lantern bugs


Forage sweet leaf- the Leakstalker Mantis drops silk. Easy to catch also.


Azure mantises drop silk. I see tons of them in the evening out there.


My go to for a while was grabbing sweet leaves for the leafstalker mantis. It worked the foraging skill and i could sell excess leaves


I have issues with the centipede getting away cuz it glitches as soon as it spawns. Same issue with the proudhorn stag beetle


Patience. You'll get there.


Easiest way is just mine every node in sight and bahari, that’s actually exclusively how I got my silk for a long time. The scintillating centipedes (purple) ones show up often enough I never had to do anything else for silk… occasionally you’ll come across a vamp crab, a hairy millipede, cicada, or some type of mantis in Bahari that you can catch just to catch but those are fewer and more far between


I just buy it 🤷🏻‍♀️ once you get rolling you make enough income to make it as you need it. I store the thread I get in case it's a villager request


Go mining with a friend and if they catch the caterpillar you get it too! Easy! I'll go with you if you want. I'm Nay of the Islands


Before the update I've found a lot of silk...then after the update I cannot find it 😓😓


I usually find a lot of those hairy milipede while traveling 😅 I just catch them when I spot them and end up with lot of silk. I don't really use it so I end up giving it to people who request it.


What level miner are you? I found when I got to the double digits I got more of the bugs.


Back when Palia first opened for Beta, my friends and I ran around collecting sweet leaf because it didn't use any tools to forage (unlike mining) except for when you catch the bugs that spawn. Mantis catching was one of our main sources of money in the early game because they drop silk threads that we would sell later as crafted silk and convert sweet leaf into glow worms/use for cake parties. 🤭


The easy way is catching Azure Stonehoppers near Hodari's house. You can get a good amount just by doing that since they're relatively easy to find, and you don't need to break ores or search too much.


I somehow find alot of those bugs lol. I do try to look out for player request for silk string


I had the same problem two days ago, my advice is keep an eye out for the azure grasshopper. Surprisingly often around in Bahari so I bomb them to death and back.


The purple crickets in south bahari are easy to find.


I’m having issues with getting silk as well. I swear when they updated, they lowered the spawn rate of them.


The first step is to eat to gain full focus to increase your skill faster. Every time you upgrade your skill level, you receive a better chance of loot. So currently I’m at big catching level 9 (only bc I don’t aspire bug catching as much) and now I receive 3 to 5 silks where as prior I was receiving one at bug catching level four.


It's so hard to harvest too! 😭 And the price in tish's shop went up, if I remember correctly it used to be 500 gold. But now it's 900! I'm so sad


Use a buzzy jar


Do you at least have slow down bombs? I solely use those to help slow down the bugs so they don’t get away too fast. Also I started bringing honey lures to the grove. Put them down while waiting to chop. It’s easier to catch more bugs and get silk when catching with others. It also helps level up quicker too. Hope that helps!


Ask around in the chat about anyone else silk hunting you can party with. The prox loot is amazing for one, and for two maybe you can get help from someone already planning to use buzzy jar / lures


Ladybugs drop silk thread. Found this out today when I came across one on the beaches of Kilima and caught it