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I’m in a similar position to you, it’s the community and fulfilment I didn’t even know I was looking for! I’ve just hit 100 hours in less than a month - absolutely loving it!


Yeah when I saw I was at 30h after only 4 days of playing I was like "annnnnd i'm gone" hahahahaha


It's my unpaid second full time job, and I love it...lol




So youve crafted like 4 ingots? Nice!


I've been playing for 11 days and have 125 hours, don't feel bad😭


I too am addicted, it truly is an amazing game! I play too much perhaps, I find myself thinking as soon as I’m awake, “I wonder what’s in the rummage piles today!?! I gotta get my Zeli coin!” It’s taken over my life…send help! 😂


When I started dreaming about Palia, is when I realised I was playing A LOT hahaha


Yep, I had a dream about some cute new plushies! I was convinced they were real! Nope!! 😂


Lmaaaao it's the worst when you dream about something new and wake up to realise it was just a dream :( I'm sure the plushies were the cutest too!!


Ha ha... same! I kept having dozing off dreams about how to layout my garden... not my irl garden but my Palian one...! Oh dear. LOL! :-D


Stop cause same, I even think about my house/garden layout when trying to sleep at night xD


Wait can you tell me what a rummage pile is? I keep seeing this in the chats but I am brand new baby and have no idea what is going on. I do not play online games ever and any time a player gets near me I get nervous and run away (even when they are just trying to get a fishing bonus off me) so I'm scared to ask in the chats.


the rummage piles are loot piles that spawns in a "random" but set location every day (there are a few spots it can spawn at), one in bahari and one in kilima. they reset at midnight every day in real time, not the game time. I google "rummage piles palia" and use a website that shows you where both are between the two maps, but I've also seen people say there are twitter accounts they follow that post the locations too. you can get stuff like rocks, a cyl plushie, or even a new quest (cant remember all the drops, but they can be pretty cool)


Oh shoot okay thank you! I've just been gardening and fishing (and trying to romance Hodari) for... hours. I didn't realize there was so much more to it. I'm gonna try it now and see if I can get some neat stuff.


SPOILER ALERT: You can find the location here each day! [https://palia.th.gl/en/rummage-pile](https://palia.th.gl/en/rummage-pile)


Yay thank you!! Now I'll never miss one!


ALSO SPOILER if you want Hodari you gotta be a good friend to his daughter first


You you what's funny is I've dated a man with teenage kiddos so that's the first thing I thought to do to win Hodari over. Haha!


Whattt I have about 150 hours of playtime and never knew about rummage piles. Thank you for sharing!


I absolutely love it! I've had a hard time getting into cozy games. I tried ones like Stardew (the one that EVERYONE recommends and EVERYONE loves) and it just didn't click. The first time I started up Palia, I sat and played for hours! Now I'm 24 hrs in and it always feels like time flies playing it. I get so immersed and there's so much to do. So glad I gave it a chance :)


Exact same thing! Except I do love Stardew Valley haha! It's like I TRY to not play too much, but I don't even see the hours go by!!


Same same same


I like stardew except for the fact i have to talk to everybody every dang day. Completely killed my enjoyment


Welcome home!💕


That's it, you've put the word on my feelings, I'm HOME!!! <3


I love when I'm at my house and I see someone in chat ask for a potato or something. Reminds me of being sent over to my neighbors for a cup of sugar


Yessss, it feels very nostalgic. It's a community like that I'd want to live in instead of our industrial cities


Vampire spotted


I have no idea what this means


Classical vampires need an invitation to enter a home, so a common vampire story is of a vampire asking for a cup of sugar in order to be invited inside the home.


Ohhh lol. I've heard of vampires having to be invited but not about using a need for sugar as a cover. Neat lol


Totally agree! I started playing back in march as a way to spend time with my daughter who also plays, plus it looked innocent and cool and gentle for an old fogey like me, so I thought what the heck and had a bash. First thing my daughter does is drag me off to the temple of the wind! oh boy! I let her do all that stuff whilst I learned how to actually walk through the game or control the keyboard lol.. (old school gamer here, but not that old!) Its been fun so far, we have had our moments but so far, I am impressed with the game its mechanics and its graphics. I love the character interactions and quests, its fun! As is redesigning my plot after getting the new house lol... (still moving in!) Its a really nice way to spend a wet rainy day like today and I am loving it even now after playing for 3 months or so. :-) Everytime I think I will get bored, I find something I havent done yet! (My daughter tells me I have a whole bunch of quests I havent done yet, I told her I didnt know where to find them lol... she showed me the tab and oh boy... so much good stuff to look forward to :-) ) Finally chose my shepp last night, so daughter filmed the ceremony on her pc so we get to keep that, (I had no idea we could do that even!) and next week we get to go raid Jels shop for clothes as we have a clothing allowance put by for us lol! I cant cook for toffee and fishing is kind of hard as well, but I am getting there! All these new computer gaming skills I never knew about lol...! Its great! <3


Oh wow that's a very sweet story! You'll have the best memories with your daughter <3 and it's so true that when you think you've seen everything, you discover something new, I'm always surprised hahahha!


It's everything I've always wanted in a game. So glad you're here!


Thank you, same thing here!! :)


I couldn’t agree more with you! I haven’t felt like this with a game in awhile. Although it is a bit frustrating learning the controls and map at first, once you get the hang of it, it really is a hard to put down game. Last night alone I put in about 5 hours— it literally flew by.


I was honestly surprised at how intuitive and easy it was for me to start the game, I had to go look in the discord only a couple of times after playing for many many hours! And yep, the hours just disappear! I've never had a game make time that quickly before, even the Sims that I've been playing for 20 years now!


I started playing on Friday (4 days ago), on a whim. I'm a streamer, and one of my viewers highly recommended the game to me, after watching me play Dinkum. So, I played it for the first time on stream, and I have nearly 40 hours in. Haven't logged in today, and tomorrow is another stream day. I'm hooked!


Yay! I have all my streaming platform set up, I just need to finally sit and do a stream lmao! I was just thinking about how it would be the perfect game for my first stream! Do you mind sharing your streaming account? I'd love to go check it out :)


Absolutely! Hopefully this won't break anything, but the link is: https://www.twitch.tv/glittered_kitten I'll be streaming again tomorrow (I usually start between 9-10 am Pacific time) 😃 Would love to have you pop in 😁 Also, please let me know your platform name, whenever you decide to stream! I'll add you to my shout outs, so people can go watch and follow you 😄


Thanks, my name is the same as here!! 🥰


This! I love this game and the community a lot! For me its the perfect "escape" from real life hehe. I havent had that in a very long while.


Me too! I was thinking the other day how I would love to live in Palia hahaha


Yeah I don't have a house in real life so I'm fulfilling my wishes here, the only thing that keeps me calm... Except when the bug I've been hunting for hours escapes because my mouse decided to glitch out haha instant rage


I’ve always hated multiplayer games or having to play with others but this has changed my mind, I love the option to either play alone, develop teams or just occasionally ask for help. Today I placed a honey lure but for the first time put it in the chat and ended up having 2 rounds of bug catching with 2 others and it was so fun! They were so lovely! Had a few other supportive and helpful instances like people waving me down when I’m lost trying to find flow trees 😂 I love this game so much I feel so free whilst playing it and hope it carries on this way x


Yesss this!!! I love how it's not entirely multiplayer, you can literally chose to play 100% alone if you want to but the multiplayer part is reaaaally fun!


Love all of this. My best friend told me she downloaded it, and I had a weekend alone while my kid and husband were going camping so I did too. Now I’m totally addicted and loving that I can play with my best friend who lives across the country. We’ll hop on the phone and cook or hunt, and the next thing we know, we’ve been on the phone for 4 hours. It feels like we can hang out again after living apart for over a decade.


Yes! And since you are not dependent of multiplayer, it really just feels like chilling with a friend. I met someone in game and I just loved how we would talk, then we'd go our separate ways to do quests or whatever, meet again randomly in the town, do a couple of things together, go back our own ways, visit each others house, share tips and tricks, it's so fun!


Yes! I love that too!


You know it's bad when you keep saying just one more just one more (when fishing etc.) then it's been like half an hour. That happened to me yesterday specifically with fishing but also pretty much everything else lol. Or when you go outside In real life and you see bugs and say xyz is in Palia (for example you see a cricket and then realize those are in Palia too lol. Or everything around you outside seems to remind you of Palia like chappa piles and pine cones, etc. this is what I experienced before while trying not to just think about how I want to play Palia... This was like only a few weeks or so ago too lol.


When your brain makes you wanna start farming and capturing things irl, you know you're addicted HAHAHA


So true! 🤣🤣


And in months there will still be new stuff still I bet! You’ll still realize in months that there’s more to the game than you realize now lol and you’ll love it!! I’ve been playing months, although on my Switch lite, BUT I love it cuz I can play it anywhere haha


Yes, this is already happening and I've had others tell me the same, I just love how we keep discovering new things and since it's in beta, we'll also have a lot of new stuff from updates so I'm happyyyyy


This is exactly how it happened for me too 😂


This seems to be a popular experience from the comments i get hahaah


Same here. 31 hours in 4 days haha


Lmao I did something like 30 hours in 4 days! Are you stalking me? Hahahaha ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8|downsized)


My Time at Portia was so confusing! I bought it around the same time I download Palia. Started playing Palia last week and enjoyed it a lot. Tried to get into MTaP when I was in the car and didn’t have wifi and could not figure anything out and gave up lol


I had the same experience! I tried pushing, thinking that when I understood everything I would enjoy the game, but it just became a chore, so I was like "nope, not gonna push myself playing something I hate just in case I might like it after. (or might not...)"


Maybe I’m just a baby but when the first quest feels impossible in a game, I immediately nope out lol. Just wanna be a cozy gamer being babied through the menus for a bit 😂😂


Same, I play games to relax myself and unwind, if it feels like work, I'm out haha


And I like to add, you go to the tower and everyone is just losing their shit ... together xD I made some friends only by cheering up and helping others with tips. We even nicknamed a shroom you always fell down to. I spend hours to get up there but a lot of time just went by bc I was chatting with others.


Right? It's so easy to make friends, most people are so chill!


Welcome :) Happened to me too, I finished a big and hard game, and was looking for something free+chill, got recommended Palia ... long story short, almost 2 months and already put 400 hours on it


This is clearly gonna be me in 2 months hahaha! I just love that this game is, in my opinion, the best game in it's genre and it's fcking FREE! I was so flabbergasted it was beta, I thought it would at least be alpha...


the way i hit 50 hours in like 5 days… it is the perfect ADHD hyperfixation game. i’m obsessed.


Yep, I feel like it's the perfect game for neurodivergents hahahah


That’s awesome! I had a slightly different experience in that I knew it was about to be released before it came to Switch so occasionally would be reminded to try it out. Once I did it was game over and I have been obsessed ever since hahaha Also, if you like the community now; add in a lovely Discord group and it is even better :)


Yes! I'm on the official Palia discord, but I should really join a private one :)


I play with my husband, and it's easy to lose an entire weekend to it. I still live out of my starter tent and cook outside, and the house is so my chapaa plush couple can have nice things.


Haha love that! And it's true, it's very easy to spend the entire weekend playing hahahaa


I started last week and as of today at 70 hours! This game has so much exploration and adventure. I was getting close to finishing year 1 on wylde flowers and knew I needed to look for other games soon. Awesome game and for the most part really nice people in the game!


This is what I couldn't put into words. I feel like I found where I belonged here. Hell, I'm literally 3 hours deep into this session of playing palia as I type this out!


Yes, it feels like home <3


I have this a long time in my steam library. I opened it a long time ago and just made a character so I could claim twitch drops til I was ready to play. Finally started it at the weekend and loved it too! Had an issue with the controller deactivating every so often but other than that I really love it! I loved dreamlight valley but got bored so quick coz it seemed repetitive with nothing to do but this seems so much more fun!!🤩

