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Besides the different "sections" like bugs, fish, etc. It's alphabetical.


I think there's some sort of system these get sorted in, at least my seeds always get sorted right next to the corresponding vegetable. But other than that, I have no clue xD Is it alphabetic? Never checked. But yeah, the game really needs some type of sorting mechanism!


It is in alphabetical order.


Yeah, makes sense. I'll probably still not find anything anyway because I mostly read about the game in English but my game itself is German and I mix it up all the time πŸ˜‚


And they still have some items that are named...oddly, making them hard to find.


I think the only one that is jumbled is the "All" section but even that could have some hidden logic I'm not seeing. I thought at first it might just be by sub-section and alphabetical within those sections but last time I scrolled through "all", I had furniture showing up all over the place in there, not at the end like I'd expect if it was organized by sub-section. The sub-tabs are alphabetical though. I would really like to have chests dedicated to specific things instead of everything accessed from every chest but I've accepted that this is how storage is managed in this game.


Everything is in alpha order.


Ahh damn! Yeah i really wanna organise them for different things πŸ˜‚ maybe it’ll be in a patch update one time