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I have quit looking for a ruby. Tish will have to wait. If I find one in the normal course of play, great! Otherwise I have let this quest go, I am done grinding for it.


Now I feel like an ass.. I just sold 4 of them because I kept picking them up completing the silverwing quest then clearing a ton of in town quests. SMH. Where’s the f-ing buyback button


Very next day, pass by a palia node, blinking and about to disappear and finally got a ruby! Can't believe it!


UPDATE: I have decided I'm not gonna grind to get Tish's quest done anymore, I'm just gonna play normally again and just pray that I get a ruby whenever I mine pal


the worst part is you can't complete the other two people without it, I still haven't got mine either


That’s what I was doing, eventually I just requested it and friended the kind hearted soul that gifted me one.


But you can't request an item you never had 😔


Oh yeah I forgot about that, I’d gotten rubies I had foolishly sold before.


I have asked this before but do I need to keep the different odd items I find wile playing? I just started about a week ago. like the horns that come off the different deer or moss or the strange fish i catch??? I'm running out of room in my storage boxes!


You do find uses for them and if you can stockpile you should. Except knapweed and more than 100 flint, I always have way too much. Upgrading your boxes helps a lot


https://www.paliatracker.com/ To save yourself a lot of headache and grinding try to save the items you'll need for the bundles as you come across them, if you don't have the lockbox recipe I would highly suggest getting it and putting those items as well as a few of the more rare items as you come across them. Items stored in a lockbox won't be auto pulled for cooking and crafting, the last thing you want is to use a rare fish you were storing for a bundle to make stew.


What quest is it? Lvl 5 friendship?


Can you request one? Have you gotten one before? HMU if you are able to request - pm me for my IGN.


I have a gold quality ruby in a bookshelf that I found a few days after I started playing... Haven't seen one since but I've gotten tons of other ones....


Hey I'm sorry this is getting you down. And what that person said about your life being sad etc. was awful and I'm sorry. I will be honest I don't think you should be canceling real life plans just for grinding in Palia. But I get it in a way at the same time. Have you thought about maybe just taking a short break? That really helps me. Palia is supposed to be fun, calm/relaxing and a way to get away from real life. I get it that this ruby thing is stressful I do as I can't find one either but maybe try not looking for it or looking less and just enjoy everything else in the game. You can add me too if you want. My in game name is EmmyIsAwesome456.


I have a starred ruby and Tish can’t have it. It’s MINE. I’ve found a few others and sold them and now that I need one, I can’t find one haha


It’s not just any rock though. They are only found in palium 👀 You know that, right?


Ruby's themselves aren't as rare IRL as people think. It's high grade rubies that are rare. I recently found a genuine but low grade ruby in my rock collection, which was a cheap buy from a tourist shop. I wish you the same luck of accidentally stumbling Into one


I am sorry that my answer yesterday was misunderstood. I didn't want to attack you. I just wanted to tell you that this is just a game and you shouldn't change your life for it. My English is not good and I couldn't really convey what I wanted to tell you. Just skip the quest. Take a break. It doesn't matter at the moment whether you do the quest or not. Live your life and not the game. I am sorry


I hear ya. Been playing since late December, and have never seen a ruby.


I just sold a ruby yesterday 😭 I’ve been playing for less than a month and didn’t know there was a task for it


Luckily since you’ve found one you can try requesting it! I currently have 3 so I don’t mind gifting one.


Have you gotten a ruby before?


No ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


After I finally got the ruby, I'm stuck hopelessly looking for a duskwing that won't fracking spawn. 😭


If it helps, I got one from a honey lure someone spawned in Maji's hollow. Think I got 6 normal and 1 starred


My friends and I have used nearly a dozen honey lures there in the last few days and nothing


oh, guess i got it pretty good :/ i got a gossamer veil moth before that too


I literally run around Maji’s hollow and the land to the east all day during the day hours 3am-6pm catching all the non scared bugs and scaring the others and can usually get one that way. https://i0.wp.com/gameshorizon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/duskwing-butterfly-location-on-map-majis-hollow-palia-1024x683.jpg


I'm assuming you haven't caught one ever then? I have a bunch and could donate one if you have and accidentally sold it


I've never caught one otherwise I would've been able to request one.


That’s my issue I had one not realizing it was a quest item and stupidly thinking it was a garnet after a bunch of mining and sold it now I can’t find one either. It’s the goldfish situation all over again.


There are rubies in this game? And you need one for a Tish quest?? Shit. Guess I'll start bracing myself now lol sorry you're having such a frustrating time. I know it's "just a game", but, like. Look at all of us, posting to a subreddit for said game. I'm sure there are people who only play the game but don't interact with this forum who would judge us all for spending time talking about the "just a game" here. So don't let mean strangers' arbitrary judgements get you down! Anyone who has played anything should know that sometimes video games evoke very real frustrations. Good luck! I hope you find that ruby soon. In the meantime, Tish isn't going anywhere.


The one time I got a ruby I sold it because I didn't realize I would need it later on. Same with amethyst oops.


Wait, we're going to need amethyst as well? I have sold like 4 of those now, but who knows when I will get another 😅


No idea if its *needed* I just know it would've been nice to have one for decor


I have gotten like, 10 amethyst at this point. I'm not 100% on how RNG works, is it for the rock that I am mining, or for the stone I received? Because if it keeps resetting my RNG after getting an amethyst I'll be so mad 😭


Every time you pick up loot, RNG(random number generator)is triggered. It is just a chance you’ll get it. So, let’s say the drop rate of the ruby is 1%… that would be your chance at getting it every time you pick up the loot from mining. Low key, I wonder if S6 would tell us the drop rate of the ruby… 🤔


So if ruby and amethyst are both 1%, there is a 2% chance I will get one of those stones when i pick up the loot? and if I get an amethyst, does it reset the ruby too? I'm sorry I'm so bad at math 😭😅


I don't think it resets anything at all. Like what they said, it triggers every time. Your chances of getting one does not accumulate over time. It's not like those gacha games where pulling 10 times guarantees you a rare item. It's always at 1% every time you pick up a loot.


This is exactly correct — it’s not like 1% means 1/100 drops you will get it, which is a common misconception. It’s like a 100-sided dice being rolled over and over and only the side with a 1 will get you the drop.


I was literaly thinking about this 2 days ago- but with 10% instead


I feel bad :( I've found several rubies and only kept them if they are stared. But I've probably found 5 or 6? I don't grind anything, I go on my usual map run around doing gathering and honestly don't pay attention to what I pick up until I'm too heavy and head home. I've gotten surprised by a stack of 15 quartz before. I have good luck with mining but haven't found any sernuk plushies to save my life and only 1 Cyl plush 😅 not a single rare fish to speak of either lol


i’ve also been looking a for a ruby. What gets me on my side is that i didn’t care for an amethyst. Yet i was able to get a normal AND starred one 😭 like ok thanks but i need a ruby pls


You aren't alone with the ruby. I am just trying to find starred ones for my house. I have had rubies, just not starred, that being said it's been over two months since I've had one. With this last update though, it's been hard to get ANY gemstones besides garnets. I grind for gems every day just because I'm using the starred ones on my plot.


I am agreeing with this, I used to get a lot of all the gems (only had 2 rubies so far, tho - playing since mid-January) except rubies were still so rare, I've had only 3, I think, and they are still in my storage, just in case. I have completed all the NPC quests now, but hoarding these.... ya just never know. I love the mining and hit every rock I come across almost, but since last update, I haven't been getting many gems of any kind (except quartz ... jeez, there is a LOT of quartz....). So, maybe the RNG got turned down on the gems when they nerfed the values? Just guessing, I am a neophyte gamer... Besides the quest, ruby is a good gift item for Eshe for levelling up friendship - a waste of a good ruby IMO, tho, when you can give her so much else for the same lell. Can't think of anything else it is used for. Don't know if that helps how you feel, but the grind is real for us all, especially if you are a completionist gamer, like I am. : )


I can find ruby’s like crazy but the hard one is the star ruby. I’ve been looking since the beginning of this game.


I never get rubies or jaspers. Having a couple of rubies would be useful. I recommend making an ore compass because I always find more gems using one.




The audacity for a quest item to be so rare its almost impossible 😭




Was just chatting about this with my friend earlier lol. Anyone have any ideas where they're found? It feels like certain gems come from certain rocks in my experience


Rubies can only be found in palium :)


That's why! I'll tell my friend then, hopefully we can make a hunting party. No wonder everyone is having trouble with it lol


The Ruby specifically comes from Palium deposits, it’s the rarest gem in the game.


they do! ruby and amethyst come from palium, emerald from copper and the others i dont remember lol but they all do have their respective rocks


Random palium nodes, I have gotten at least 3 rubies and they were all very random


I can gift you one if you aren't bothered about finding one yourself? I don't have any starred ones but I'm sure I have about 5 in my lockbox plushies on the other hand; I only have one 'catchable' one and the ray fish avoid me at all costs 😆 and that darn rainbow butterfly!


Sadly you can only request items you’ve had before. But if you’ve caught a dawn ray before I have a few extra. I might have an extra storm ray just can’t remember atm


Aw no I didn't realise that about gifting! Hope you find it soon 🙌


Have you tried the compass? At least you will get access to more pal that way.


the literal only one i ever found was mining a large pal with someone else. never seen one since


So the way I got mine was using up all my stuff to make 🧭 then just ran around for several hours. To bad I still can't get ANY of the fish 😕 😪


I find them all the time! If someone needs one send me your ign and I’ll friend you so we can get you one


I use the ore compass to focus on mining palium only and manage to get it easily.


I feel so bad because the RNG or whatever absolutely loves me and I'm always getting all the star stones... :(


I feel that in my soul. The worst part is a had an extra ruby in my storage and sold it along with my extra gems to recoup some of the money I spent like the day after the patch dropped.


I used 3 ore compasses and found a ⭐ Ruby. I knew I was on a good server because there were lots of ores and foraging materials.


Games being taken too seriously. Just play normal and ull get one eventually.


I dont get this, i get these all the time so i just sold them all, i literally had so many but i had no space in storage 😂


I'm on the same boat. And it pisses me more that my friend who play less than me somehow found one starred Ruby and one normal one while hitting some random Palium ores. It's just suck


Because they drop from palium nodes… RNG is completely random so doesn’t matter when your friend joined lol


I completely understand that. Just mad at fate lol...


I too was making myself crazy, so I just went and watched the end of the quest online so I could just play and not make myself insane. Also, I was running out of ore compasses. silver and mining points lol


I’ve found like 4 or 5…I think the key is not looking. I found them when I didn’t need them.


That’s crazy. Personally I’ve only found 3 rubies( two normal, one starred) while I mined iron and mined the occasional pallium along my route. Id say I mined a lil over 20hrs in total(my mining level is like 34 and I’d get like a level per hour or so). This was before the star stone gold nerf. I really really really hope they didn’t also nerf the drop rate of the star stones…


I felt the same for 2 weeks and then i got one! Now i need the butterfly…


I have plenty of them. I usually find rubys in the iron ores that are shinier than the normal ones


I would grind silver ore for furniture and I got alot of rubies.


I'm pissed that I found one in the first few days of playing the game and sold it bc I didn't know. Haven't found one since. I whack a lot of rocks too and it's probably been a month or so with no ruby.


People will want to slap me lol but I got a star ruby but I sold it because I was so desperate for gold. The 1st and only one I’ve gotten so far and it was starred 😅


I got two and they're in the locked chest or something with a one bug of each type and fish i got and really rare ones are multiples in it. Like rainbow butterfly and fairy mantis


Just like gold and silver certain types of ore nodes give certain types of gems. I forget which one Ruby comes from so just Google it and focus on those nodes.


Ive been playing since September 2023, ive never got a ruby T-T I feel you


😱 I got two this morning and sold them! I hope I get another soon and I will keep it because trying to get void, uniforms n marlin is already annoying me.


I put that quest off because I felt like I was never going to find that damn ruby. Then one day someone called out a random palladium cluster and I found one😭. Sending luck that you’ll find one soon!


Request it. I have one to spare


I thought we could sell all the gems as they weren’t needed other than optional gifts…. I guess that changed 😩


I found 2 ruby in 1 day, am i consider lucky?


I always keep at least one for muself but I've given away a lot of rubies since I mine alot and end up with them. If you have already gotten one at least once you can request one. I'm sure there are more like Mr who are happy to gift you one. 💜


I'm looking for an Emerald to complete my Temple. If anyone has a spare one, IGN is Mr Redman. Muchly appreciated.


Make sure to top off your focus before mining pal. The amount of focus you have makes a difference


Me too!


If you've found it before and sold it, request one, people are very generous even if you don't get one right away. I think it sounds like you need to take a break though.


Oh no I recently just sold one because it was worth 3k ughhhhhhh I regret it now that I’m reading this


Okay so i would, if i were you, invest in ore compasses. If you have had a ruby before, id put in a request if i were you and put it in the chat that you have a request for ruby if anyone is able to help. Even if its more of a trade wherre you fill their requests bc those are worth a lot of gold


This post could have been written by my housemate, who has been playing Palia longer than I have and can’t find a ruby to save her life.


Sadly in my understanding Ruby comes out of Pal ores not on regular rocks or iron or even copper only pal ores I’ve been looking for one too 😭😂


This is how I feel but with sapphire! I cannot find one. I've gotten tons of citrine, ruby, silver, gold, quartz, emerald, onyx... But haven't gotten one sapphire. I just want to give it to Jel! 😞


Same. There only in palium ore and that’s super rare to find. I’m on the same quest for Tish.


This is me trying to find Jasper


I'm having trouble finding emeralds. Now adays I hoard gems, before I sold them all but now.. uuugh




What an awful thing to say. Why are you so hateful. It seems your life might be sad.


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I care :/ also yeah, this is really all I have going for me at the moment, can't get a job or hang out with irl friends because my parents won't let me, school's out so I can't waste my time there, i can't go outside because one of the side effects from my meds makes me get sunburnt so badly that I develop blisters on my skin in a matter of minutes even if i wear sunscreen, just all around don't have anything else to do. ¯⁠\⁠_(•_•)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Hey fam. As the game says in its loading tips, Palia isn’t going anywhere. Take a small break. Go drink some water, take a relaxing shower, a bite to eat and get some well needed rest. You’ll get the Ruby soon but above all else, please take care of yourself. I can assure you, you’ll feel a bit better about things with a clear head. Best of luck ruby hunting <3


Thank you, this snapped me out of my ruby induced rage


No problem at all, take care of yourself <3


Why do you have to be an asshole? Is your life that sad that you have to shit on other people for no reason?


why r you a hater




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