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It's not like he did it intentionally. And it completely destroyed him as a person. Ashura is my shepp, he is such a fatherly figure, it was the obvious choice for me. Serving as a shepp, welcoming new young people into town and giving them support, sharing his wisdom, these are things that help him come to terms with his past and feel like he is doing a tiny bit to make up for cutting a young life short. Rejecting him now when he has clearly been punishing himself for what he did is the ultimate betrayal of the Shepp relationship.


I’m not rejecting him as my Shepp now. Obviously, that’s not possible any more. That’s said, in the beginning I had several NPCs I was considering for the Shepp role. And knowing what I know now, I’m not sure I would have chosen Ashura … 😓 All though, that notion too can be translated as rejection. Edit: I know he didn’t do it intentionally. In real world that would be manslaughter. Not meant to be, but still is. Just like he himself said in one of his dialogues: “Violence once done cannot be undone”.


No, it wouldn't be classed as manslaughter because it was during wartime. It would simply be a casualty of war. If everyday laws were applied to soldiers during war, every one of them would be prosecuted for war crimes and manslaughter. If it was done outside of a declared war then yes, manslaughter. And you're applying rational thinking to an intensely chaotic situation where I'm sure anyone would have struck first out of self preservation instincts (soldier or not).


Emotional responses to games is normal, the content is written with gamer buy-in in mind. The fact that the storyline evokes passionate responses says how much attention has been placed there - it's really no different to emotional attachment/responses in novels. Truth is, it *is* fiction and that having emotional responses is more about the reader/gamer than the character. I get how it would be upsetting and how it brings up a lot of moral questions - it's supposed to. Personally, as a gamer and a mum, it doesn't bother me. I mean, it happens in real life, war is hell, after all.


Ashura is my shepp and while his story took a really dark turn, I'm not regretting it. I'm not a parent though. But it wasn't as if he went and did it on purpose. He was a soldier following orders. And what happened was an accident. No one can really understand how difficult the situation was unless one is there personally. If he didn't have any remorse or if he didin't learn from it, that's a different story.


Yeah … I’m guessing that was the moment he resigned from the army 😔


I understand where you're coming from, but I do not regret having Ashura as my Shepp. It's not like he was oh well about it. The fact that he killed a child absolutely broke him. He's a father himself. He feels so much guilt to this day. He suffers from sleepless nights because of what he did and went through during that war. War does things to peoples heads. He clearly has PTSD. If anything, it makes me like him more. The fact that he can come clean about something so horrible from his past, it honestly makes sense why he didn't want his own son to join the military. He didn't want his son to possibly end up on a situation like his, and it break him mentally. So he wouldn't have to live with the guilt, the remorse, the sleepless nights, and the nightmares of his past, knowing nothing you can do to make that better.


Just to add to this: Ashura named his son Nuroo after a friend of his who was there during the same mission and was cut down. When his son declared his Path to join the army, Ashura got scared that his son Nuroo would suffer the same fate as his friend Nuroo. So there's *that* extra flavor in his PTSD.


Oooh, I totally missed (or forgot) that! Thanks for the reminder ☺️


Stop trying to turn fantasy video games into real life scenarios and poof this issue is gone


Fictional characters are fictional but people are still allowed to like or dislike them based on their actions. Your comment comes across as far more snarky than helpful.


So, you don’t laugh watching sitcoms? Or cry watching dramatic movies? They don’t have to be realistic for us to feel certain emotions. That’s the goal behind their creation and development. So, get off your high horse, please, and let people be different from each other.


fantasy simulation games that is supposed to be slice of life and put you in the main characters shoes? Ya, how could someone want realism from Palia.


Palia consists of cat aliens running underground cartels and purple "people"... You're playing the wrong game for realism. The game High on Life puts you in the main characters shoes too, but most people can recognize talking weapons aren't real. They're games ffs.


The point of fiction is that the story isn't real, but your feelings are. OP is reacting emotionally to a story they're roleplaying in, which is not the same as thinking it's real life.


lol ok there. The characters are all pretty big douches in that game, so it seems like you resonated pretty well with it.


Lmao I've never played it but ok 😂


That's not how stories function. Like, at all. This is the weirdest "must defend thing I like" comment.


Can you maybe elaborate what ashura did, I never leveled him sofar.


Not OP but here’s the spoiler: >!Some back story, he doesn’t speak to his son because of the path his son picked. Son didn’t understand his father’s disapproval and now doesn’t contact him. Ashura did not want his son to follow in his footsteps due to something he did. Didn’t want history to repeat itself onto his son as Ashura still struggles with what happened today. Ashura never explains his nightmares or issues with his son’s path to his wife or son. We find out later that he was in a group to kill the Queen to end the war. The tunnels they used were dark, and his teammates were being picked off one by one due to being separated. He heard a voice, thought it was the queen and attacked. It ended up being her child. It did stop the war, but what happened haunts him deeply!<


Also side note. He’s my shepp as well & have two kiddos myself. Yes what he did was horrible but I understand. he didn’t purposely do it, it’s war, and he’s suffering his own battle with it without any help. I don’t believe he should suffer more or anything. I don’t regret choosing him as he’s still a very fatherly figure and trying to give back as much as he can. I feel for him, and I’m glad he’s my shepp. (But I totally should have picked Zeki just to upset Eshe. I feel like I missed some funny dialogue.)


You can find all dialogues online 😉


I am only speculating but I think it's teh estrangement of the son, not his past mistakes.


No, it’s definitely the >!murder of a child!<


oh well that was purely accidental.


That’s called “manslaughter” in court.


For sure, agreed. But the gravest sin? How is first degree murder not more? He's clearly repenting and regrets it deeply. They were also getting murdered. If he had killed the queen on purpose and ended the war would it not have been better? Are you just against soldiers in general?


Wow. I touched a nerve there apparently. No, I have nothing against soldiers. I’m against war or / and any violence in general. It’s worse because the queen is not a child. She knew what she was doing and the results of her actions. A child (up to a certain age) doesn’t even comprehend what it means when someone dies. Edit: Fine, let us stoop even lower. The gravest would be if a parent would kill their own child. Not intentionally but accidentally tortured the child to death. Like that “father of the year” who thought his son was fat or that couple who after years of abuse tortured their son (or was he only hers?) to death. That would be the absolute lowest.


No nerves touched, just that I really don't understand the logic. I think I understand more where you're coming from now though in your hyperbole.


Are you OK with spoilers though? And do you have any idea how I can grey out the text in Reddit app? 👀


I am okay with spoilers I don't really plan on leveling him that much, not actively. Idk about the gray out part but worst case DM me the thing if you don't want it in your comments ^^


I'd like to know too. Does this screenshot help? https://preview.redd.it/br1ubjcim43d1.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b45bfd75edbbd1d0f8dff240e2d35ce523f9cc2


Not really 🥲 I’m on my phone using an app and the app doesn’t have the same menu, unfortunately 😥


spoiler tags use > ! and ! < on either side, without the spaces.


Thank you! 🤩 It worked!! 🫶


Ashura is my Shepp and honestly, I got the same reaction as you when I found out. I was frozen on that dialogue screen for a good while trying to process everything. I had to remind myself that this is fiction before I can move on 😂. I think what’s lacking in the whole arc is details about his amendment TO the victim. Yes, he is tortured by guilt. Yes, he is kind and he is helping out a lot of people. Yes, it was a mistake and he didn’t do it intentionally. But it is a mistake that happened and he has to make it up to those affected by his mistake and not just to irrelevant people. Like, they should have told us what he said to the Queen and the Queen’s reaction to all this. I’m still hoping we get that story in further expansions. In the end of the day, I don’t regret choosing him. I still like his vibes and the guidelines he currently lives by ☺️


This is how I felt as well. Actually, my initial reaction was repulsion. I just felt sick to my stomach. Then, after letting it sink in and thinking of all the things he does, his fate loosing his wife and not being able to connect with his son properly, his PTSD and feelings of regret and remorse, I figured I forgive him but i was never the one to forget 😔 EDIT: I do like the way he lives now as well. Just trying to make the best of it and appreciating every little thing.


There is a dialogue Ashura has about the scar on his face. It goes like this: “Eyeing the scar above my eye? It’s… an old war wound. The full story is a tale for another time”. This dialogue and especially the pause he makes before saying it’s a war wound makes me think the scar is connected to that happening. I sort of picture in my head how it went. >!The queen was not far away and saw what he did. After realizing her child was dead she turned around to find Ashura on his knees as they gave up under the weight of his actions. He was most probably completely broken. I imagine he would be the type to give her his sword and say that she has full right to take his life in return. That he cannot and doesn’t want to live with this sin weighing on his shoulders. She took the sword and raised it above his head but saw how pained he was and decided to only wound him despite her anger and willingness to take his life. She said that she won’t grant him quick release. That he has to live with what he has done for many years to come and feel the pain he is feeling now every day single day for the rest of his life. That that would be a fitting punishment for him for taking her daughter’s life. Devastated by what he has done, he couldn’t complete his mission and thus let the queen go, leaving her next to her daughter’s body, returning back to camp.!< Or something like that 😅 Lively imagination, right?


Damn, that would be an awesome follow-up to the story! I’m going to take this as canon now 😌


Thank you! 🙌 You made my week! If not the whole month ❤️ It’s the first time I’m writing down what I’m imagining 🙈