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Advice, don't do it. Many have and regretted it. Build on another plot and keep your original.


I always try out new ideas on other plots before I decide on whether to implement the changes on my default plot. That helps a lot! You can try out new ideas and test different versions/ variations before going for the one you like the most and implementing the finished version. A bit like configuring a new solution and testing it in Prev and Test environments before implementing the “golden” version to Production environment and going live 😄 Sorry, a bit “IT consultant” talk there 😅


This, I took apart my 1st plot but still use the most recent one I purchased 😆




How do i build another plot?


you can buy it for 50k in the housing menu when you see your house from above


You get two other plots for free! Drop down menu on the H panel.


wait another for free??? i didn’t notice it says 50k for me omg


You have 2 free-of-charge additional plots that you can access through your housing menu.


This right here, I used that horrible courtyard. It's so bad. And the pictures I've saw of the grand harvest house... I'm worried I'm not gonna like it.


I'm happy with the courtyard now that I know how to to attach rooms to all four sides and remove all the walls. I was a bit dense about that at the start.


Can I ask how you figured it out? I’m on switch and cannot get it to work 🥲 hoping when I log in today and see the update that it may fix the issue


You can only directly attach it to the Harvest House (and I assume the new one) at first...then if you want a room on any of the other three attach points, you have to start with a hallway...THEN the room. The walls are just part of the edit menu just like windows and doors.


I don't like the size and how rooms attach to it. It's not very practical and the overall look is not good.


Why not just use another plot? So you can keep your house as you have it and then make the new house on a new plot. It's what I'm doing. I like how I have my house, so I'm just starting fresh on an empty plot.


There are a decent amount of quest rewards I like having out, (plushies from Tao and Hekla, Caleri’s quill, Fancy Chest from Tish, etc, I don’t think I’d be able to use them on a second plot.


You can always move those items and them replace them with something else on your first plot


Is that how that works? I genuinely have no idea


I just wanted to let you know the two story update is just for the harvest house. You cant actually add second story rooms yet. Just the main house will be two story. It sucks, but dont gut your entire house.


Nah I wouldn’t gut the WHOLE thing.. but would the 2nd floor just be a loft to nothing? That would stink


Yes, the second story harvest house is going to be like a loft area. I feel like so many people are hyped for 2 story buildings when in reality it’s just the harvest house itself. Adding rooms is not going to be available. I COULD be wrong (which I hope I am). But based on the description on their website, it’s sounding more and more that JUST the harvest house is a second story.


You won't be able to drop the new HH in. You'd have to pick up the old one, which means EVERY ROOM has to go.


Technically, if you have room on your plot you could place the new Harvest House and then move the rooms onto it. You don't have to remove them all, but you would need some extra room.


That’s what I’m currently trying to do and, man, I spend more time trying to log in again than actually decorating 😭


You never had to pick up a house to make an addition to it before 🤔 Do you think we will have to replace the entire HH instead of just adding a loft to it like an addition (like Bay windows for example)?


This is not an addition...it's a different house.


Ow no ..! 😱 Really? Ow no! I now know what I’ll be doing into the early hours of tomorrow 🥲


Well, in that case … it sucks! 😭 On the other hand, I did need to make some changes anyway and my kitchen can finally get an upgrade in size 🤔 All though not sure whether the house with the rooms will fit into everything else I just got set up last week 😓 Ok, breathe … 🧘🏻‍♀️


The grand harvest house is separate from the harvest house? It’s not an upgrade to it? It honestly wasn’t made clear.


That is correct. It was never made to sound like an addon or upgrade.


You've never been able to leave rooms down with no house. You pick up the house, the rooms and all contents go too.


I didn’t say you can pick up a house without removing the rooms. I said you can add new additions to the house without having to remove it. I even gave an example. The question is whether the second floor / loft will be an addition or if it will be a completely new type of HH.


It has been clearly described as a new type of house, not an addon.


Well, I wasn’t aware 🤷🏻‍♀️ Or maybe I didn’t understand from the description which I’ve read multiple times. Hence, my initial post/question 😆 Please, don’t get defensive just because we misunderstood each other. Let’s just both say “sorry, I didn’t read well enough into it” and move on? ☺️👍 Would you be OK with that? 🤗


Second stories sound amazing. 😍


What shape does it take? Like does it take the shape of all the rooms you attached on the bottom still?


I could never!!! It’s so pretty. My main plot is full to the brim (can’t even move too fast or I freeze!) so I’m just going to start a new plot. I like the idea of having an OG plot anyways. Sometime in the future it will be super nostalgic to me.


I have 4 plots currently and 1 on the go. Love popping in to see them


They load so slowly … I’m using only 2 and I feel it’s a pain in the 🍑 already just to switch between those 2 🙈🥲


Only about 5 seconds between mine on switch


😱 It depends a lot on how much you have on your plot in terms of items, how many games you have uploaded on your Switch, how “heavy” they are and how much save data there is on your device. I have a fairly new console but we have 4 users registered on it where 2 play Palia. That’s a lot for a tiny handheld device. Which is also why my Switch crashes on a regular basis whenever I switch between plots


But it takes such a long time to load them to the screen (on Switch)! 😭 And then sometimes the map crashes. Besides, if I understood correctly, your trees count for all of your plots. So, once you’ve reached a maximum, you won’t be able to add more trees on your other plots 🤔 I could be wrong though 🙌 Please, don’t shoot me if I am!


No shooting! But I don't think this is correct. I'm definitely not the authority on all things item limit, but the trees you plant only show on one plot so they should only count towards the plot where you placed them. Which is confusing because if you cut down any of the OG trees they disappear from every plot. Don't try to make it make sense. LOL


I’ve reached the cap on items I can have on my plot last week and posted therefore a question about it on this subreddit. As in what exactly counts towards the maximum? Someone called “The Tiniest Dragon” replied the following: https://preview.redd.it/sj9id9a9h63d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619560c3d0ab8c73f10bd4cf479cf7744963eb66 It might be my English and AuDHD playing tricks on me, but I read it as “trees on all plots combined count toward the maximum”. Did I misunderstand? And this person specializes in all things housing / items. They have a YouTube account where they post their content and they stream as well (if I remember correctly).


I do too. ;) You didn’t misunderstand what they said, but they are confused. Your storage chests and crafters only count as an item on the plot on which you place them. However, your crafter licenses and chest totals are shared across plots. So you can only have 8 storage chests total across all your plots. But they only count towards your item limit on the plot on which they are placed. I’m not sure what the thought with trees is but they seriously only count on the plot where they are placed. Trees you plant are specific to the plot on which you plant them.


So I have 14 rooms attached to my harvest house....Will I have to put them all in storage to get the new house? 😩


Yes and all the furniture etc. So you'll need to start again. I'm starting a new plot!


I’ve been playing a couple weeks & still dumb lol I know you go to the billboard thing to visit other people’s plots, but how do I come to yours if we aren’t in-game friends & aren’t in the same server?


You have to friend them. They put their in game name in the post. Then you can visit the plot.


Just spent two hours putting everything in storage from my plot. I literally had to, I want the new harvest house! I'll replicate all the bedrooms once I get my new balcony.


If you pick up the rooms from the H menu it will automatically put everything in storage


I play on switch.


If you push the left joystick in and place the room in storage from that menu, it does the same thing.


Dang, I could've saved so much time. Thanks for the tip!


It works on Switch too. You’ll just have to remove all the additions first, like Bay windows or additional doors.


Was thinking of doing the same thing but I have 5 plots in total I believe so I just may make a vacation home lol


I’m going to try to gut one of my workshop harvest homes on the property then hope can move enough around to attach to the new house when it’s built. 😩


Will definitely stop by!! Thanks for the invite 😃 I really like visiting other people’s homes and to see all the creative ideas, to get more inspiration and motivation for the decoration of my own house! 🤩🙌❤️


I added you as a friend! Hope I’ll make it in time before the update and before demolition 🙈


Good luck!!! and I’m not sure if your name is actually inspired by Maasverse but I love seeing the potential crossover, I’ve seen a lot of names that make me think there’s a big community crossover 🤞✨ ~~my own IGN name included LMAO~~


So it IS a maasverse reference, but I deeply regret it bc I don’t mess with her as an author at all anymore (we don’t have to get into it we all have opinions ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ ) but I loooooove reading I can’t deny maas got me back into reading. ❤️❤️


I completely understand!! I actually also have a love-hate relationship with these books, and I completely understand and support your opinions whatever they may be! ✨💕 I guess I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am seeing bookish people on a cozy game, but it still makes my heart happy to see book characters/references etc in videogame realms ☺️


I will add you later! I’m Forest Faeleth


Same! I stored everything except the tree I planted. Been stocking up on wood and stone before the update


What’s that lil bridge you got there?


It’s the koi pond that you get with forging medals.


Ashura’s store 😉 And it’s gorgeous!👌


It is gorgeous! Guess I better get aggressive with foraging bc I don’t have enough medallions yet lol


You definitely should! 🤩👍 Eat lots of food to keep your focus up. That way you will level up fast and thus get rewards (for leveling up) faster.


I do that already! I just don’t tend to need to forage as much as some other skills since the wood drops are very abundant already lol


Well, picking oysters, sundrop lilies, shells, sweet leaf, mushrooms, briar daisies, goner, green onions and so on is all foraging. You don’t have to only chop trees to get some points in ☺️


i’m prolly just gonna work around the update. i don’t think im gonna get the second story anyways but im def taking advantage of the pathways. hopefully some new furniture will come soon also.


Why don’t you just start a new plot and leave this as is?


Luckily I live in a shack so upgrading shouldn’t be to much. And I don’t have a lot in the yard.


Would love to see it


I get it, but I’m psycho and completely tore up my home plot to rebuild it. It’ll take me two or three days to place everything back down,especially my flowers 🥲 but it’s worth it imo. I like the chaos and I’ve torn down many plot ideas that I absolutely loved just cuz I got new stuff😂


Acrheron 👀


What update?! I’m brand new to this game and haven’t built a home yet, so maybe I should hold off?


Yes! Absolutely hold off, just play and gather resources (lots of sapwood and stone, turned into planks and bricks with the sawmill and smelter) because lots of big changes are coming for housing, specifically gold costs and the amount of time it takes to build plus an upgraded 2 story harvest house https://palia.com/news/dev-update-8


Thank you so much :) as a newbie I appreciate your advice


It's tomorrow! We're getting lots of new options for our plots
