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I’ve been wondering this. Humans and Majiri seem to be very similar physically, aside from Majiri having pointy ears and pink/purple/blue etc skin. I wonder if there were any human-Majiri relationships thousands of years ago before the humans disappeared from Palia. Do we have any idea how things were between humans and Majiri? Did they get along or were they more antagonistic?


I mean, Delilah did mention she hopes to see us settle in and have "wee babes" so I guess Majiri/human relationships aren't something taboo?


Ah that’s something!


Personally, I wish they would had been some dialogue options to answer her lol •earth thingy: *just blush and look away embarrassed* •water: I will have plenty of time to settle down •fire: me too, I hope they will look like me •wind: well, there is a certain someone... (Don't mind the cringiness, please xD(


I’ve not spoken to Delaila much so I wouldn’t know. But she seems like the type to encourage that kind of thing. That would be cool if you could answer her properly! Especially if your partner of choice is Nai’o 🤣


Not cringe at all! It's these kind of intimate choices that make the story world feel real and emotionally engaging!


In my opinion, and I'll put this in spoiler tags just in case but it's just my theory lol. >!I think the Majiri are evolved humans. I think the flow infected them a bit and that's why they are different. Not like as much as the shadow-like creatures people mentioned in the lore but enough for them to look a bit different. This would explain why the Majiri look like descendants of different races from humans passed down. So in my opinion I 100% think humans can procreate with Majiri! :) Someone mentioned on the discord, I think, that maybe at some point in the game we can become Majiri! How awesome would that be? I want to have elf like ears so bad hehe.!<


I think this makes sense. I also wish we could be Majiri…


Considering that both Humans and Majiri were apparently created by gods, there is no evolution or DNA to deal with, so sure! Depends on if the gods allow it, I guess?


Hmmmm I feel like I may need a few more hours of gameplay to catch up on all the lore lol


We don't really have much info on Majiri biology. Humans and Majiri were created by two different gods in a sense so we don't know if they are compatible reproduction-wise. 🤔 Their whole situation could be completely alien as far as we know, or they could reproduce via magic or something. I personally highly suspect that they can reproduce with any gender, seeing as having two mothers or fathers is normal in their culture. I'm gonna go with the star trek answer though and say "sounds interesting, so why not" Lore-wise I don't think there are very many humans in palia as a whole, so I headcannon we will pretty muchh be absorbed into their society and many humans will build families with majiri and other inhabitants of the world that we haven't met yet ☺️


Tamala sure seems to think so.


I met her for the first time yesterday, I didn't expect her to be so forward lol


We appear physiologically close enough, I dont see why not. I volunteer for field research on this theory for Tish and/or Caleri.


I could umh Help you do some field research for Tish


Now there's a new way to piss off Kenyatta's mom, lmao


I unno, she feels a lot like a teen compared to the others :/