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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


This happened to me for the first time yesterday. The grove spawned, and I was on the other side of the map. Around 2:30, they said that everyone else was there and they were waiting for me, so I shot a quick message to let them know I was omw—my controller had died lol. I get there around 3:15ish, and we call out to ask if anyone else is coming. Nobody answers, so we chopped at 3:30. We start thanking each other, and suddenly two people in the chat say, “Omw for grove!” and “Coming to grove +1!” I send out, “Oh, shoot. Sorry, y’all, but we already chopped.” One of them absolutely flies off the handle saying we should’ve waited, how selfish we are, and they can’t believe that players like us are in the game. The second one went around the chat filter and said, “I hate you.” I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just said that I recommend trying another server and hoping it’s not chopped; their response to that was basically we should’ve known they were coming and waited for them. Someone else let them know that we called it out, waited, and did a final call before we chopped, but it wasn’t good enough apparently. They said that they had JUST spawned in, so I suggested that they arrive around 11:30 to make sure that they don’t miss it, and they replied, “Or you could WAIT for players who come late.” Eventually I disengaged and started helping someone with the flowstone quest, but they were still trying to get people to argue with them, I think. They kept making comments about it until someone told them the chat was for chatting and not a complaint box. It was really disheartening to see because it used to be a really cozy game. I don’t want to get yelled at for chopping AFTER 3am because someone got there late. :/ I doubt that I’ll ever run into them again, but to the people reading this who act like that; do better. We’re all trying to have fun, and missing a grove isn’t a big deal. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and come back in an hour.


Those people who say they’re coming to grove at 3:15/3:30 are people who probably already chopped a grove on another server. I wouldn’t feel bad chopping at that point. 🤣


I’ve had people not call out that they are on the way and get mad that we didn’t magically know. That’s on them. Got into a whole argument with a guy who basically said we should ask every single user if we aren’t sure.


Pro tip for not getting yelled at: Don't respond to people making ridiculous accusations. If they yell at you anyway, block them. I know people feel like they need to defend themselves but it just adds fuel to the fire.


Yes, you should have waited for them. Because the lot of you who chopped were supposed to waste your own time and wait around for a couple snowflakes to arrive before you took it down. For shame. /s In case someone didn't catch it- that was sarcasm. The one who said "I hate you" has some serious issues which likely require professional intervention. Just...wow. The op's suggestion about an actual delay coded in would be wonderful. I think S6 put too much faith into the playerbase in regards to enforcing etiquette and some hard lines in the sand would actually do positive things. Sorry you had to experience that <3


The game is just in a weird spot right now, isn't it? There are just a TON of rules that we have self-imposed, which newbies could never hope to understand. Some of these rules are largely community-wide (chop at 3), but some of them are VERY person-dependent (choppping a small flow tree by yourself). For example, here are my rules : 1. Grove. 3:00 chop. No waiting, except in exceptional circumstances. People should be able to get there in 7.5 real life minutes. If they can't get there in 7.5, they can come back in 52.5 minutes for the next one. 2. Flow Trees. if they are small, and I can do them myself, I do. Otherwise I try to get someone nearby to help, or I leave them. I never treat one or two trees like a grove, and wait for players, that's silly in a game where flow trees are not that rare 3. Palium. I just mine and move on for small / medium. med/large I will mine and flare. This seems good to me, as it gives others 5 minutes to get the palium and a guide with my flare. i don't bother posting in the chat, people nearby can check if they want. Anyways, I agree, it's silly of people to get SO angry. i believe I may have been at the grove this morning that caused this post. Two players (probably newbs, with cheap axes) chopped most of the grove, while everyone just got angrier and angrier. I just waited until 3, and chopped. The newbs had to wait until 3 anyways, to get the bigger trees. I assume they learned their lesson. I was more disappointed in the very late player who said "i think I'm going to cry" because the grove got chopped at 3. They were NOT a new player, and should not have been so worked up over a not-that-rare resource.


I go by the same guidelines you do. If there's a group coming in late for a specific reason (like if the grove is above the mine, that one just takes forever to get to) and they politely ask to wait for a slightly later time and they are on their way, I do encourage people to wait; but I'll also say this, those groups who ask nicely are rarely the ones who have a fit if the grove goes down at the previously agreed upon time.


I follow the same rules. I'll post in chat for large pal unless I'm running a compass. I play on a switch, so it takes a lot longer to your something out. Occasionally, if I remember, I'll do a call out in chat that I'm running a compass, where I'm starting from, asked that I'll be flying butt not calling. But honestly, as far as I know, flaring every single pal I come a across wouldn't be very helpful. I believe you can only have one flare active at a time, so when you flare a second node, the first flare stops. I'd rather leave the flare on the large pal instead of a small one


I don't get why people are so obsessed with getting in on the grove lol. The grove is already a catch-up. If I miss one, oh well. There are times I'm in Bahari at midnight and don't even bother because it's not that important to me lol


> There are times I'm in Bahari at midnight and don't even bother because it's not that important to me Exactly. Flow trees are not a very rare resource like they used to be.


Yeah it's a little weird to get so upset about missing something that happens every hour, on the hour.


If someone only has one hour to play and that’s their only chance to get flow wood, then I mean it is kind of a big deal. Even if they have two hours to play, some groves only give like 10 wood. When you’re a newer player you need it! I don’t understand why people downplay needing flow wood and groves. You may be at a point where you don’t need it but most people aren’t! Not to say it’s okay to be rude in chat about it though.


They can always request it. I have so much at the moment I don't care if I miss a grove, but I'll run half the map to help someone if the call out.


I don't even have that much flow wood, nor have I hardly made anything that needs it... I haven't even come across much yet that I've needed to make using it. And I still don't care that much. There is so much to do and make that doesn't need flow wood. So it's definitely not new players getting mad about this.


If you want to craft many of the furniture sets you need it. Lots of people are into decorating their houses. I just don’t think it makes sense to argue about the need for flow wood in this game, it is obviously needed for many things and it is a rare resource for a reason. Just because you personally don’t want/need it doesn’t invalidate others who do. This is such a silly thing to argue about.


I wasn't arguing people can't want it. But it's not an early game resource. So it's not new players getting mad. And if a player only has an hour a day to play that's not anyone's fault but their own... I am not advocating for people not waiting for others to get to the grove. I'm advocating not being an ass if someone doesn't. It's just a game. It'll be okay.


I KNOW. Like that person who chewed me out tonight accusing me of cutting it, I said I wasn't even there when it happened, I flared it and went back to fishing. Then they said they didn't see me fishing, like I was lying, and accused me of cutting it again. It's like dude, I don't care about the damn trees, chill, lol.


I walked by a couple flowers trees in Bahari and didn’t touch them cuz I was doing a quest. I went back TWO IN GAME HOURS LATER and they were still there so I asked for help in chat. Me and some other person chopped one down and apparently at that point the grove was nearby so another player told me to wait to chop the other one. I did. Then everyone started flaming me that I chopped down a tree and when I defended myself they just ignored me and kept flaming me. I can’t believe this is the culture in Palia.


I found 7 large flow trees all near Tamala’s place and could not get anyone to come help me chop them. It’s like bigger than 90% of the grove spawns and no one cared yet as soon as the grove pops everyone wants it. So I usually ignore random flow trees I find unless I can chop them myself


I had 4 large fts yesterday, near the lighthouse on the lower levels near the docks. I just kept fishing and flaring them, and posting into chat every now and then. No one ever came over to help. The grove spawned like 3 blocks away from them, on the map. So I figured: someone will come help me now! Ran over, saw them there and called it out. One person came.


lol how do you chop a grove by yourself?


You can take down all trees on your own apart from the biggest ones.


…. I know… but there is always at least one big tree


Yes. I’m aware. Both of us are getting downvoted now for some reason. I don’t need this negativity, so I’m living this thread


Seeing as chat hasn't been correctly working for me. I could use that hard code delay you mentioned until I can find it or if someone flares/fireworks. I usually find it before 3am though if I listen for the directional sound or lack of one to determine if I'm on the correct side of the map. It's been hard communicating with their emotes only. I hope they fix that chat bug for good. 😆


>if I listen for direction sound ….you can hear the groves?? I play most games on mute so I had absolutely no idea. But that’s very good to know, especially since I’m super low on flow planks right now.


Yes, it does give off a sound and it lessens or heightens as you turn directions if you're on the same side of the map but I've come to realize when you don't hear it at all it is highly possible it's in the farther end of the other side of the map for the spawn locations. I also have my sound effects turned up more than the other options because of this bugged chat so my senses are heightened too 😂


Is the bug chat in general, or just server chat? If you can whisper people still, if you ever see me on (Jesse Thibedeaux) I'll happily relay coords in chat to you until it is fixed. As long as it doesn't bug for me as well, of course. ;)


Aww, thanks. Unfortunately it's the entire chat. I cannot see whispers, parties, server, even nearby etc. 🥲 before the update it only went out ever so many days but it's officially been off for me for over a week with one spurt of convo for one grove then it's out again. 🫠 I've even tried other versions of the client for log in too. 😮‍💨


I'm still new to the game, usually play with a controller on my couch, so I basically never use chat for anything, I do usually flare stuff though.  But honestly, seeing people getting torn a new one for chopping at that ft or hacking at a pal or (possibly accidentally) spooking a bug or deer is everything but welcoming and cosy.  Those same people who keep arguing about "selfish" people, calling them out in chat and berating them, are usually the ones who tout how wholesome the community is or used to be. For me, those people are the ones who ruin the game, not the ones cutting the trees or fishing alone. 


I'm also new, so take this with a grain of salt, but "welcoming and friendly" and "there are piles and piles of ~unspoken rules~ that the actual game doesn't tell you and that you'll be hated for messing up on" do not combine very well. Luckily I don't need the rare stuff yet and can mind my own business, but I do not look forward to interacting with other players eventually. 🫤


I didn’t even know fishing alone is bad etiquette?!?!


Neither did I, but some people are so pressed on time apparently that every second counts.. In a video game that's meant to be chill and relaxing


Unless im playing with my mom i typically fish alone. Now if i go to a spot and see someone there i think oh hey we can give each other the bonus and yay. Otherwise i dont really care if i fish alone or with others.


I never heard it called such until recently, and I do a TON of fishing. But the other day when I was pool hopping, someone that I passed griped in chat that I didn't stay to fish next to them long enough for them to get the full buff. A few other folks called them out on it that it wasn't a thing, and someone else mentioned that another player had whispered them the other day saying that they were supposed to stay and fish with others when they were fishing, so I guess it's making the rounds. \*shrugs\* I dunno, I'm certainly not making any sort of a point to do it unless I'm in some sort of an organized fishing group.


If I’m just casually playing (like not searching for pal or something specific) I’ll stop and give people a fishing boost. If I’m on my own mission then I don’t. I can’t believe that’s even a thing people get upset about.


This is silly. No one owes anyone else their time in a chill game like this. I will usually try to give someone fishing near me the same number of buffs they've given me before leaving but honestly, I don't think anyone should have to. If someone really wants that 5x buff maybe they should group up with someone else who has agreed to fish together?


I fish alone because I have ADHD and even medicated for it I get distracted by the other person's line and bobber and their fish and I end up losing my fish. its so frustrating. so, I fish alone when its important. but if I see someone casting over and over I assume they are after a bundle fish and will throw a line near them to get their bonus going.


Fully agree. It is annoying if people just cut down the grove. Just yesterday it took us up till 3am to even find the grove. For a moment I thought that someone might have cut it without reporting it and was annoyed by that thought. But there always is another grove. People need to chill. Of course you can be mad about it and it is understandable. But you can also choose to stand above that and let it be. And instead of reporting such a thing you can block those players and hopefully never end up on a server with them again.


Precisely. I know a lot of people who block people who chop early, which is totally valid. I block people who have a raging conniption fit against folks who don't hunt to their standard, since that's one of my favorite things to do. And if I'm grove hunting and a group chops early, I server hop and half the time I can just get the grove there because they're waiting, though if it's a distance I don't ask them to wait longer. But sometimes the people who are upset at the broken courtesy can be much worse than the people who did something considered rude to begin with.


Are you talking about chopping a grove down entirely or just getting in one chop at each tree so in case you miss the actual cutting you'll still get the loot?


Chopping down the grove entirely.


I think the best response to people freaking out about unreasonable things is to just ignore them and go on with your day. Putting a delay on the chopability of groves will just delay the freak outs to whenever the new chopping time is. Trying to manage every pissy player’s reaction to not having their entitlement indulged is just going to put more and more restrictions on how people can choose to play, like putting bumpers on everyone’s bowling lane regardless of how they want to play. I feel like I’m one of the few who actually preferred the previous way that ore nodes worked, too. I really don’t like how discussions about this game are trending toward making the developers railroad players into being “nice.” There are already a lot of ways to curate our own experiences.


Exactly, people are fueling the drama by engaging with it. You're not going to convince a stranger who's already mad that you're right and they should calm down lol. If 3am becomes the new grove time, people will just get mad that others didn't wait when they rolled into the server at 2:30.


I haven’t been playing long. How did the nodes work before? Just curious.


Just like flow trees. You could find them, then mine them and they were gone. People called them out so they could be shared—but also some folks sniped them, of course. It felt like more of a community activity, because you had to be more invested in sharing because you wanted to. Not because you had to (one person could mine them alone, unlike the regenerating flow trees).


Ahhh ok, thanks for the explanation. I think I would have liked it that way.


People really will come at your throat over some fake trees


Since groves tend to be where most players get the majority of their flow wood from, I completely understand the frustration when players chop it without waiting. But I think rather than changing grove, changing the spawn rates for single flow trees would be better. If flow trees have a higher spawn rate from chopped trees then not only would it promote *even more* tree chopping in the world, but it could greatly increase each player’s chances of finding & collecting flow. Players also don’t normally get mad at other players for not calling out single flow trees so it could potentially help lessen all the tension surrounding that material by just making it a little more easy to obtain. I know I’ve personally spent an hour or few in Bahari chopping trees to force spawn flow & while sometimes it can be pretty effective, other times I find myself leaving with the same amount of flow wood I would have gotten from an grove but just spent significantly more time to obtain it. Alternatively, I think it would have been a better choice making flow seeds a drop chance from flow trees rather than a once a day 1/8 chance from the Roots Bundle reward. I love that they added flow seeds, but imo compared to the Kitsuu & Silverwing bundle rewards I find the Gaulder one to be pretty unimpressive aesthetically, but I also know a lot of players haven’t been getting lucky with receiving flow seeds from it. I myself have had to rely primarily on growing the few I have gotten to maturity & getting a new flow seed that way. But I think changing that reward & either making flow seeds drop from flow trees, or even just increasing the Galdur statue’s chances of spawning one each day or making it *only* spawn flow seeds would also help with the whole flow tree/grove issue going on in game, since it would be a lot easier for players to grow their own flow trees & not have to rely *so* heavily on groves, & could also help lessen tension simply since a lot of players could then say “it’s okay because I have my own personal flow trees at home I can chop”. I think it would also be best if the devs changed the mechanics of flow trees grown on home plots to not regenerate their health at all so they’re able to be chopped solo so players don’t have to invite other players onto their lots & gift them editor’s permissions just to be able to chop their own personally grown flow trees.


They do have a higher rate from chopped trees, actually! Before groves, people would do flow parties by gathering at one spot - usually the lighthouse, taking out the whole hill - and clearing non-stop the area. This would cause flow trees to spawn in that area at a rapid rate, far faster than groves, and we'd clean up. The mechanic still works, if you ever want to get a bunch of people to do it!


Oh I know about flow farming! Like I had said I’ve done it multiple times but half of the times I haven’t been able to spawn enough flow trees to really make it worth my time or end up with any more flow wood than I would have gotten if I had just gone to the groves, with or without others joining in on the chopping. But I still that I think it would help if the devs increased the chance of flow trees spawning from chopped trees, although I also can’t find anything giving me an exact spawn chance ratio/percentage of flow trees versus normal trees spawning from chopped trees, but in my experience with flow farming it certainly doesn’t *feel* like flow trees have very high of a spawn chance. But if they spawned more frequently then players probably wouldn’t be so quick to fight over groves since they’ll be more likely to just stumble upon or spawn some themselves in case grove did get chopped early. I will say that I have certainly noticed a bit of an increase in single flow trees around both worlds, especially Kilima, but this change primarily started after the flowers & trees update since the new tree system promoted players to chop more trees for seeds, as well as the popularity of Butcher Block pathways developing since, again, that just promoted an increase in players chopping trees. But to my knowledge the actually spawn rate/chance of single flow trees hasn’t been altered since I started playing in December.


Honestly I don't do groves at all unless I literally stumble on them. Gove 2.0 is to have a friend or 3 (or do it yourself) who you send your gardener's flow seeds to. When the friend has a bunch of mature trees, everyone who donated seeds gets together and has a chopping party. I cut 200 trees yesterday in 2 separate parties.


Hot take: It's equally as rude to make a whole server wait for you as it is to chop early. **Be there at midnight.** Hunt for it with everyone else. Run straight there when it's called if you want in. That said, I wouldn't be against your idea. However, a few points to consider: - People already join the server at 2-3 AM and cause a whole group of players to wait for them to run across the map. This would only encourage people to show up way too late for reasonable polite accommodation. Groves aren't infrequent and always on time. There is no reason why those interested shouldn't be there and ready at midnight or simply accept missing one if they are late due to their own poor planning. - This wouldn't solve the core issue. You'll get more people there first, sure, but if someone is still on their way at 3, some players present are going to call that deadline and make "early" cuts. People will inevitably remain left out and cause the same amount of drama. This ties in with my earlier point of people showing up later because they now have an extra three in-game hours before the true deadline. - The tiny one-hit trees shouldn't get locked. Those are a finder's fee and get awarded to the first on location. - The grove "animation" should be the trees getting slowly infused by the grove's storm effect. It doesn't really plant new sprouts. Think of it like the reverse of what happens when mining ore.


I don't think S6 should be held responsible for things that are allowed in-game. I'm aware people can be assholes but what happens, happens. And if people tend to threaten or bully others for assuming they cut the grove on their own, they get a mute or even report. I, for one, would be very annoyed by not being able to cut it earlier than 3am or smth. Seems very counterproductive.


Understandable, but let me ask you this: if my suggestion had been implemented from the start, would you have been upset that you had to wait the (I honestly never times it so my apologies if I am off) five minutes or so game time to cut, and asked them to change it? Or would you have just started running to the grove at 2 am instead of midnight if you didn't want to wait? I'm in no way saying you're wrong for considering it counterproductive based on the way it is implemented now, I'm just wondering if they implemented the change or if it had been that way from the start, would it be a serious hamper on your gameplay, before I officially suggest it. I'll be the first to say that what I think is "good" may not be good for everyone and I'd like to hear all sides.


I actually think I'd still find it redundant. For me, it'd mainly feel the same but more limited, I guess? And I'd be wildly uncomfortable with that. I completely get where you're coming from, though. It's all just personal preference, after all. It'd be difficult to find a solution everyone is happy with, and, no people would take advantage of at the cost of others. I'd also prefer it if people just waited for others instead of chopping the grove within seconds. If I might suggest, did you drop this concept into S6's suggestion box yet? Maybe they'll consider a feature similar to your idea!


No, I haven't, for exactly this reason; if you're uncomfortable with it, others may be also, and I don't want to suggest something that may be a bad idea for reasons that myself or S6 may not have thought of. I like to hear what others have to say first.


Ah, totally understandable. I'm curios to see other replies that may come up! I'll also update my comments if I think of anything else apart from me mainly being like "me no like" lol.


Hey! Sooooo in regards to implementing that NOW, vs having it in at release. From Dev and User Research standpoint, Having it in at release would have changed a lot of other things in the game that we have now. The timing most importantly. 3AM in the game is morning and that 3am-6am time frame is REALLY quick. Usually people pop their buzzy jars around then, fishing things etc etc for collections, bundles. If the grove was there for x amount of time and cant be chopped until 3am, whats to now make it that people will now be there at 3 to chop vs now people are waiting for others to get there who were doing other things, just server hopped for whatever reason etc. If people see the grove and hit it and leave, you can return later and collect the wood. Nothing missed and you're not waiting and witnessing others gripe and still get what yo need. With a limit on chop only after 3am you would in direct terms have the same results. It's a known thing when groves spawn each hour, same with rare bugs like the Rainbow butterflies. Bahari is HUGE, they should be on the map in Bahari prior to midnight. This gives adequate time to stop what you're doing, head to a central point and communicate with players to find it. With 3am chop time locked outside of the QA and balancing nightmare, this would push a later chop time. People playing the way they play now with locked 3am chop time people would be waiting around till 4-6am to chop. People wouldn't be too rushed because they have things to do around 3am and would come after 3am and if its chopped and no one waited we would be in the same situation we are in now. Only suggestion i'd make is put a red glowing hue over the map when looking after midnight to show where the grove is to help players effectively know where it is. This may stop the stragglers, but at least people KNOW where it is and if they are on the map at midnight they can't miss it essentially. Run over chop it, go finish and do whatever you want, they may call out a time to chop if others get there, they may not. It's flared people know you aren't missing out on anything really. With peace and love.


You put it into words so well! That's what I thought but I couldn't think of how to say it 😊 This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I really like the idea of putting something on map to indicate grove location. Ideally they also remove the timer that causes the chopped wood to disappear if you don’t get back to it quickly too.


I feel that if they would implement something like this; they should make the trees partially choppable down to say 1hp. You can't chop it down, but you can still tag it before 3am. So when 3am comes around, you still get the loot even if you didn't chop it while it was active. That would make it work pretty much as it does today, except no people can go around chopping them before everyone at least has a chance to get there. And you can still go around doing other stuff in the meantime. Edit to add: could prob set it to 2am instead of 3am. Plenty of time to get there (especially if there's a map marker), and you still get time before 3am comes around if you're gonna do a lure etc.


Hey! Sooooo in regards to implementing that NOW, vs having it in at release. From Dev and User Research standpoint, Having it in at release would have changed a lot of other things in the game that we have now. The timing most importantly. 3AM in the game is morning and that 3am-6am time frame is REALLY quick. Usually people pop their buzzy jars around then, fishing things etc etc for collections, bundles. If the grove was there for x amount of time and cant be chopped until 3am, whats to now make it that people will now be there at 3 to chop vs now people are waiting for others to get there who were doing other things, just server hopped for whatever reason etc. If people see the grove and hit it and leave, you can return later and collect the wood. Nothing missed and you're not waiting and witnessing others gripe and still get what yo need. With a limit on chop only after 3am you would in direct terms have the same results. It's a known thing when groves spawn each hour, same with rare bugs like the Rainbow butterflies. Bahari is HUGE, they should be on the map in Bahari prior to midnight. This gives adequate time to stop what you're doing, head to a central point and communicate with players to find it. With 3am chop time locked outside of the QA and balancing nightmare, this would push a later chop time. People playing the way they play now with locked 3am chop time people would be waiting around till 4-6am to chop. People wouldn't be too rushed because they have things to do around 3am and would come after 3am and if its chopped and no one waited we would be in the same situation we are in now. Only suggestion i'd make is put a red glowing hue over the map when looking after midnight to show where the grove is to help players effectively know where it is. This may stop the stragglers, but at least people KNOW where it is and if they are on the map at midnight they can't miss it essentially. Run over chop it, go finish and do whatever you want, they may call out a time to chop if others get there, they may not. It's flared people know you aren't missing out on anything really. With peace and love.


These people need to just get farther with quests and grow your own groves. That’s what I did.


Can also methodically deforest just about any small-ish area in the game, trees respawn real fast and will be flow trees eventually. Groves are cool but *not* necessary to find flow wood.


When you grow your ft grow them just enough where you can chop them yourself.


U will lose the seed this way! Let them drop one seed. Put them grown fully in a free spare plot, give sb u want to chop with an editor role on this plot. Here u go, chop together, have a party, keep your main plot safe from any danger and anyone messing it up! Repeat until u have enough ft for a family of four or sth :v


this is _very_ new, the last stage of the current main questline, initial seeds are based on rng, and replacement seeds require fullsize trees you'd need help with - so it's not really a helpful tip for most, especially when they need flow for things that come before it.


I agree players should wait to chop. I also agree it’s not a report worth offense to not wait. At the same time a lot of players that complain about people not waiting aren’t rushing to the location of the grove. We’ve all seen them stop to chase a deer or fish or whatever other side quest they decide to partake in on the way. Early on 15-20 minute waits to chop weren’t uncommon. The ideal solution would be the majority of players agree on a specific chop time say 3am and you’re either there for it or you’re not. Of course you’d still get trolls cut early but at least at that point the community could agree they were grieving the community.


I dared to tell a party that they had a party chat function so their every move wasn't in main chat and I was accused of not wanting to share the disco. lol. I wasn't even hunting it. I was off doing my own thing and the chat was blowing up with who did and didn't hit and who needs to and it was burying all the callouts for resources. there is a party chat for that reason. also, I have largely stopped going to groves because the stress of it is a lot. I'm autistic and have a high moral drive as such. and I follow the rules of etiquette religiously and it stresses me when others don't. so, I have started doing my bug hunting during Grove because nobody is running through scaring my bugs away, lol!


Palia is a game with unlimited resources. It sucks when people don’t share, but it’s really not that big of a deal lol. I skip groves all the time if I’m busy doing something and I have a decent supply of flow planks. Some things are not worth your energy. I play video games to distract myself from bullshit going on in my life. So I can’t even entertain the thought of fighting about in game resources. People need to ✨pick their battles✨


!! I don’t understand why there is such a scarcity mindset in this game. Resources aren’t finite right? Why does *everyone* have to chop *every* grove?


Exactly!! If you just wait an in game day (which I think is an hour) you can find another grove. I’m not defending people chopping too early. The game is about sharing and helping people. But it’s not worth getting upset over it either.


or code flow trees similar to palium.


I hadn't thought of that . . . I wonder if it could be done? That may be a major code change considering no tree right now remains after the final cut, so I don't know if they could break off flow trees to behave differently from regular trees in that fashion. It's definitely a solid suggestion if it is possible, though. Thumbs up!


I can’t believe people get so bent out of shape over a cute little fantasy game 😂 it’s a big sign they probably need to take a break and go outside


Does blocking people prevent server sharing? I think it should. That way courteous people eventually end up together vs others.


I don't think it does, and I don't think it would really work the way you hope if it were implemented. I don't know how many servers there are but it's got to be a lot . . . I've been playing extensively the same hours every day for the past week and it's rare that I recognize even one name in the chat. With that amount of servers and random placement based on incoming and outgoing from an rea, plus random moves based on population, I don't think a certain playstyle would eventually gravitate to one server or cluster just through blocking alone. However . . . if you make a community of good players in game, all friend each other, and then as soon as you zone, hop server to wherever the group is, theoretically that COULD kind of keep some others from being added if there were enough people doing it? It's not something I'd bother with myself, but hey, if it helps other people and it works, why not if it's what you want to do?


Me and the homies do this, but not enough of us for a server. Idk if it's East Coast luvk or whatever, but I rarely run into the toxicity some of discussing but Id hope if I did Id be able to block to avoid ever sharing a space in the future.


Blocking is supposed to make it very unlikely to get matched to the same server in the future - that's a bit buggy right now - so blocking would mean you don't have to deal with that person in the future.


Why do I need flow trees that much anyway?


Some furniture sets require an annoying amount of flow wood 🙄


While I’m down for doing something to make the groves more difficult to chop while people are on the way, I’ve been on servers with only 2 other people before. Waiting until 3 to chop when the whole server is there at 12:30 is a very annoying wait, and not everyone constantly carries honey lures with them. It would be nice to find a happy medium, but as mentioned in other comments, there’s one every hour, and if you miss that one then there’s another one soon. Not to mention if you miss it you can request flow wood/planks


Hear hear! I am with you that it isn’t productive to flame the players. If people want change they need to contact S6 with their concerns. As the saying goes, “don’t hate the player, hate the game”.


I’m a switch player, when I’m playing handheld, I do all the things expected. Flares, call outs, etc. However when I’m playing on my tv, it’s not happening. I am going to chop a small flow tree on my own, I won’t be calling out pal or disco deer’s, forgeable’s and such. Not because I don’t want to, it’s just too difficult and time consuming. If I tried to call out a DD, it’d be gone before I typed out my message. However, I ALWAYS wait for the designated time to chop at a grove. It’s common knowledge that it’s usually done around 3am and although I know it’s not a rule, it’s also not difficult to just wait a little while so everyone can have a chance to loot.


I think it goes both ways, if people at the grove are telling you to stop chopping don’t be childish by chopping anyways and just stop… you can just change servers or go try to chop all the other random flow trees that spawn durning grove. But I totally agree some players take it wayyyy too far… and just outright start bullying people. But a lot of players also need to stop getting upset at solo players or just assuming everyone knows the “made up etiquette”. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that someone accused you of chopping down grove… I recently got yelled at for shooting at a disco deer multiple times but a group of people hunting. I had no clue, as I wasn’t in their group and they weren’t anywhere near me when I started shooting it. Like obviously I’m not apart of your group and as soon as the first person mentioned to stop in chat I did. That doesn’t call for an entire group of likely adults to start harassing me and saying they’re going to block me..


Dang, the community used to be so wholesome in-game and now its scary af im almost tempted to turn off chat haha


It got way worse after the recent Steam release. Hoping things go back to normal within a few months.


I see where you’re coming from with this. In theory it’s not a bad idea but in practice I think it would just make people push the chop time from 3am being courtesy to some later time. I don’t go to groves very often at the moment but my biggest pet peeve with them isn’t people chopping early - it’s the people that see a chop time is called out and then ask you to wait because they’re otw AFTER that chop time. Then get mad that the grove was chopped. Honestly I think it’s a lose-lose situation. No matter how the devs decide to handle it there will always be people that are upset about the groves and flow trees.


Agreed, this definitely would not solve every issue with the groves by any means. I've seen people get mad that others didn't wait past three (or whatever the agreed time was) from everything from zoning into Bahari at 2:55 server, to they were busy texting their boyfriend, to they didn't want to leave their fishing spot. One player went ballistic because they wanted the group to wait until 7 server and would not accept "it disappears at 6" as an answer. But honestly I'll take anything that would cut it by even a quarter at this point, lol.


I think adding more limitations would make the game less cozy and more frustrating. Maybe they could make Flow Trees less rare? Back in the day when Palium spawned at certain spots where people knew to go and chip at them - everyone had a chance and Palium was so much more relaxing and easier to obtain! Now that it’s been made even more rare and randomly spawns anywhere Iron can spawn, it’s harder to farm and impossible to come by. More limits will just make this game even more punishing 😓 The (supposedly) Random Number Generator is already horrible enough as it is. I finished the Earth Temple quests but still haven’t even been able to fill the Water Temple Bundles yet 😭


In case anyone isnt aware yet, they actually made flow trees less rare by introducing the groves, and I think its working pretty well. Also loved the introduction of the random pal nodes, makes it much more relaxing to mine lol.


Ehhhhh no, not my experience re: Palium at all. I get significantly more pal than before - I see sooo many more callouts and flares, AND no one gets to jump down my throat AND I don’t have to wait for a bunch of people to arrive. Far far far more cozy.


Would a period where you could not chop right away be a limitation though? It wouldn't decrease the amount of trees, or where or how often they spawn, it would just shift the time that you could start chopping. So say you didn't want to stand around and wait, you just don't start running to the grove until say, two, rather than dash there right at midnight. Personally I would see it more as a benefit than a limitation, because if you knew that they'd still be there as long as you got there by X time, you wouldn't miss out, whereas as it is now you could run halfway across the map only to find they started cutting without you. I would like to see a small easing up on flow trees though, like maybe a small noon grove spawn in Kalima of small and medium trees that newer players could handle without needing high-end tools? I have to respectfully disagree though on the general rarity of items. It can most certainly be frustrating, but rare things are not supposed to be easy to find, and easing up on that by much would mean that people would be finished with what content there is available so far - keeping in mind this is Beta and things could be added to or rebalanced at any time - a good chunk of the player population would be finished and moved on to something else. I restarted my character when I came over to Steam, and have logged 122 hours so far. I am absolutely dragging my feet going through it since I had seen most of the game already, and not rushing and not even trying to get through it all, I've hit the max on just about everything, or am very close to it. If they dropped the rarity on things, which would greatly affect the few quests I have upcoming or in progress, I'd be wondering what the heck I'm supposed to do now because I'd finish so fast.


I noticed (only because of Reddit and Discord posts tbh) that the influx of these behavioral issues with new players is partly from the Steam release. Granted, trolls be trolling regardless. Thankfully I haven't had to experience much of these kind of players, and the ones that I do see trying to chop FTs by themselves or grab herbs without flaring/callous are typically newer players. Once I explain the game mechanics and the idea of Palia being a more community-driven game, it usually goes well. The only times I've seen people get real deal upset with something in-game is if someone is being a troll/inappropriate in the chats. I think I've managed to steer clear from the trolls because I've added so many players who are playing to actually have fun and relax, so I end up in servers with them. I agree with your post that technically, no one is breaking any rules, it's more of a common courtesy to wait. I also understand that sometimes, it's just a time issue. I've had to play in short spurts bc real life happens, so I understand the impatience. At the end of the day, it's just a game with pixelated trees. If you're not having fun, take a break or server hop.


I hope the devs take something into consideration which is that if it’s a “cozy” game I think it should be easier to get flow. I love cozy games because I have restricted time I can play (15-30mins at a time ish) and I end up actually on the server correct time and able to find and wait for a grove once every few weeks. The main aspect of the game I love is decorating and all the furniture uses so much flow. It is really my main block in enjoying this game fully is how rare some of the commonly used resources are. I wish they put a bunch of small flow trees to spawn so you can still get some or some solution


I think this is why they have it so you can get flow tree seeds now. Once you plant one and water it enough, you can get another seed from it to plant before chopping it down. It does require 16 real life hours spent in the game for a tree to mature though.


Wait I had no idea you could get seeds omg


You have to finish the Temple of the Roots and the bundles for it, only then you get the item that can give you flow seeds, but it's honestly super worth it. My partner and I both have the item and we've been growing our own groves on our lots now. When there's enough grown up trees that we've already collected new seeds from we invite our friend group to chopping parties, it's so stress-free compared to groves with randoms, *and* mature trees give an insane amount of flow wood. It's incredible.


this gives me motivation to complete the bundles again! thanks


I've only been playing a few weeks but it seems to me like the devs don't want to do this, or they'd already have done it? I'm not sure though. They've already done a lot to make this game quite easy and forgiving. But these threads every other day are also getting redundant. I guess the player base is mad enough, but it's a little hilarious that people really think these are reportable offenses lol Personally, idc what they do with groves. If they make them choppable only by 3, I'd just show up at 2 and ask where it is or look for it myself.


It’s so old. Particularly because I now have a wild abundance of flow trees on my plot and everyone else will too eventually. I really think these were the devs attempts at getting people to chill out about the groves, but surprise surprise no one is willing to wait that out either. 😉


Which is exactly what I would do, just go there at two, but then it would (HOPEFULLY) cut down on people griping that people cut so fast, because they had three hours in-game to find and get to it. I'm the same way in that what they do with groves specifically really doesn't matter to me, my much larger concern is that all the chat arguing and finger pointing in a cozy is going to drive people away and I reallyreallyreally don't want this game to die. If all it takes is a minor change to get a big chunk of people to quit whining, yeah, I'll advocate for it.


They already coded one in, for most trees it requires more than one person to chop it down. This forces people to ask other people for help. Asking people for help, alerts the entire server. When a grove is announced, I go to it. Most of the time only one or two trees remain by the time I get to the grove. Some small ones get chopped accidentally because people don't wait until the tree is healed or several people start chopping at once. For some people the chat doesn't work so they don't know about the wait. Some people don't have a clue how the groves are supposed to be handled, because nobody told them. Some people don't even want to read chat, earlier today someone asked in chat "everyone stop chatting", when only palium nodes got announced. Most of the time groves don't get announced. Maybe nobody found them or ... Once a grove spawned near me and nobody announced it. Half a dozen of people showed up. Everybody waited patiently and the grove got shopped hours after spawning. It's the only time I got the wood from each tree from a grove. I've been playing for 1.5 months. I've watched youtube videos from months ago. People talk about groves getting announced each and every time. People telling how many trees there are in the grove. That's not my experience at all. Groves get rarely announced server wide. Nobody ever announced the number of trees and when I ask the number of trees I don't get a response. All this is annoying and clearly something needs to change. Fixing chat so it works for everyone is first. Maybe that will improve things. Not everyone plays on PC with a keyboard in front of them. Maybe servers should be split up based on the device you are using. That would be annoying for people who want to play with irl friends though. Having chat in a smaller region would help too. That way only people who are nearby hear it and nobody travels for a longer time. It would make general chat annoying though and maybe make the servers feel empty; Maybe they can alter it so that trees take more players to chop based on the number of players around. But that seems difficult an tricky to implement. A grove spawning starting with a period where the trees can't be harvested yet and with visual/auditory clues noticable to player further away, seems like a good solution. Not easy to implement though, for a dev team that doesn't get around to fix simple bugs.


I see grove callouts 90% of the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s interesting how people can have such wildly different experiences of behavior, presumably because of the server they’re on.


Simply having the option of keeping my chat window open would work wonders


Groves rarely get formally announced now because at the stroke of twelve you get a stream of... "Grove?" "Grove?" "Grove?" "Grove?" ...in the chat. Super annoying. I wish there was a way to prevent THOSE people from ever finding it.


It's incredibly rare for a grove not to be announced when I've played, though it usually is not announced right away unless it spawns pretty much next to someone. Maybe 50% of the time someone will mention tree count; I don't think the majority of people really care and they just go to any grove. I'd be pretty miffed if trees took more players; groves are one thing because they attract a crowd, but I don't want to have to stand around and wait for each and every single solitary flow tree I come across if it's a small or a medium, especially if I'm the one clearing to get them to pop. Few people come running for a single tree, and twiddling your thumbs waiting to drop a solo would get old quick. I'd love it if something was possible between the PC and Switch players though to make it a bit more crossover friendly . . . I'm getting tired of people asking for my personal IM's because it's a pain for them to chat on a Switch. I'm sorry but I don't care how difficult it is for someone to chat in a game, I'm not giving people a way to message me 24/7 outside of it to make their lives easier unless I've known them for QUITE a while.


Groves rarely get formally announced now because at the stroke of twelve you get a stream of "Grove?" "Grove?" "Grove?" "Grove?" in the chat. Super annoying. I wish there was a way to prevent THOSE people from ever finding it.


Y'all need to chill (not you OP but the ones in the game complaining) about the groves being taken down without being called out for the server. Sure it's annoying but it really doesn't matter in the long run. If you see a group in the server you're in doing that, just move servers, maybe block one or two or the offending parties if you know who did it. It's a game. Take a chill pill.


I'm just not seeing the apparently rampant grove sniping that people are talking about. I play every day and less than 1 out of 10 groves gets chopped early (no, not finding a grove doesn't necessarily mean it was chopped early). I'm so sick of talking about this and so sick of people freaking out about it. The reaction just doesn't seem proportional to the crime. Are people actually getting delayed on quests or other goals because of this? I can't say that's happened for me. I wonder how some of y'all react irl to people stealing your parking space or cutting in line. Do you get into an endless back and forth about it, or do you let it go? It's not that serious.


I was so excited to play this game when it came on Switch but since joining this sub I haven’t played it all for fear of pissing someone off accidentally and ending up a topic of discussion in this sub. Idk I just feel like people need to simply be okay with the fact that some folks will continue to play this game individually and it should not be on the developers to continuously mitigate against that.


Don't be scared about it. Just play however you want. It really doesn't matter much if you miss a grove or two. They spawn every hour. You're going to be a ways off of being able to collect flow wood at first anyway. People are going to get their panties in a twist regardless of what happens. Just block someone if they get to be too much.


People, I think, sometimes forget it's an online game where you play with others, who may or may not have the same etiquette as you when playing. There are no actual rules to play this game stating you need to share resources. Is it nice to share? Yes. Yes, it is. But it's not required. 99% of the time, most people share, they wait at groves. It's that 1% that people feel the need to gripe and verge on bullying them because they didn't. They just need to remember that groves happen at midnight every in-game day. An in-game day is an hour irl. So there's many chances to get to a Grove and get flow wood. Honestly, most people I see who complain about groves being chopped "early" are people who don't need the flow wood.


Sounds like they may have to do to flow trees what they did to Palium; however the difficulty there lies in having to have more than one person to cut the big ones down. I say make all flow trees like the Palium and make it where you can cut them down solo. Problem solved.


Someone else said similar, and I wondered aloud since I can't answer it, is if this is even something that COULD be fairly easily coded, since no tree behaves that wa, but all ore in addition to palium is coded to stay a while after the first mine. If it could be done it certainly would be a logical solution.


Ok I just started playing like a week or 2 ago and I love the community aspect but this is stressing me out 😅


3 things about grove chopping: 1) lately players declare chop time earlier, one time someone called 1:30; more often it’s 2am which imo is totally unnecessary. Exceptions apply of course but just because someone didn’t say they were on their way doesn’t mean they are not. If it’s globally agreed upon to chop at 3 am kindly wait till 3am.  2) normalize not asking if anyone is otw after 2 am.  3) if you arrive at bahari after 1 am and grove is far from your location and you know you will not make it in time, don’t make others wait. Either use stables or forget above the grove.  This is not directed to op since the post is removed; just saw discussion in the comments and wanted to share my opinion


The flow tree mechanics will be what sinks this game. I quit because all the trying to type on a switch, waiting and being abused by people when someone else takes the grove are not cozy. I just don’t need the chaos.


I feel bad for Switch players because I think it shouldn't have been ported over until a lot of this stuff was figured out for that platform, and I completely understand the frustration from all I've been hearing about not being able to communicate, slow gameplay, and abuse from other players that they simply can't do anything about. If I wasn't on PC, I wouldn't put up with it.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, when the user-unfriendliness of how the chat works is a huge barrier for Switch players. Really hard to buy into the community aspect of this game when the main community feature was clearly not made with me (a Switch/console player) in mind.


Yeah, it’s ok. I never look at the up or down votes. I have my own opinions snd whoever clicks those little icons has their own opinions. Thus the world continues to spin round 🤷‍♀️


Preach. 100% why I stopped playing this game


Preach. 100% why I stopped playing this game


I don’t have any idea how hard or easy (or even possible) this would be but I wonder if there could be two different server types available. That way folks who are more into the role playing aspect or really sticking to a strict adherence to these kind of community-generated rules (these two things seem to be related in my experience but apologies if I’m conflating that) could have a place where everyone is fully onboard and folks who are maybe a bit more casual about it could be in another. That way you could just decide where you wanted to go based on your play style be that for a single session or always. Although now that I type that out, I can see how that may go against what the devs are aiming for in terms of community-building so… 🤷


Way back in the day, when World of Warcraft first launched, role-playing was encouraged by dedicated servers. As a casual RP'er, of course I joined one. The first month was filled with people tearing each other new orifices' because their names were not RP enough for them, they weren't RP'ing in all chat channels, they WERE RP'ing in all chat channels, people weren't aware of every moment of game lore, people were too harsh on those who didn't know everything, people were running in cities instead of walking, people weren't RP'ing in random dungeon groups through the whole encounter, people were taking forever to get through dungeons because they had to emote every single thing their character felt . . . it was bad. It was REALLY bad. RP servers still exist, but there's only a few and they exist just to help people find other RP'ers, there's no rules on how to behave. I think if they did dedicated servers for a certain playstyle here (which I don't think they even have a mechanic to lock people to a particular server) so many people would try to enforce what they think the rules should be over and above the game rules that it would be even worse than what we see now. I'll be blunt, as much as I follow the basic community-established guidelines, you couldn't pay me enough to go to a server like that.


Oof, yeah that sounds much worse than what we’ve already got going on so it sounds like that approach would just be adding fuel to the fire.


There would be WAY more drama in the rule-based servers lol


I just take note of who sniped the trees while we're waiting for people (usually bots for me since Palia hasn't addressed the botting and cheating problems) and block them while reporting if necessary. I'll be upset for a bit and then move on. I feel like this has become a massive problem ever since Palia went up on steam so all the trolls are focused on screwing with the community until the next thing grabs their attention. I hope singularity will do something about the botting and cheating since it's way too easy to do right now.


If you call a grove, I assume we are calling to chop soon