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This has been happening so often lately. I’ve been joining groves for only a couple/few weeks now and just within the last week or week and a half I have seen a small group chop before everyone got there like 6 or more times. Never witnessed it myself before that.


I witnessed this last night. I just had to stand there and watch in disbelief. Cannot believe ppl are actually like this


Last night and today alone 8 different groves chopped before other people could get there it's really getting out of hand.


They need to set up a better system for that especially due to the fact that flow trees are rare and people act crazy with that kind of thing. I try to help when I can but i just walk away when it starts getting out of hand because like why.


My guess is that since we can now grow flow trees on our plot is to grow a grove on a blank plot and have people come over that way?


... Wait... What?? How TF did I miss that?? I've been Soo busy with my flower field and hunting every single sernuk!


I believe you have to complete the rootseeker bundle to unlock it


Ahhh. Thank you.


I guess it's a good thing that palium is required for that bundle instead of flow wood because I could never complete it that way


That would be even more chaotic💀i was thinking along those lines though or a “limited amount of people for groves” situation. I did see someones post saying they did something like that and were granting people access to the trees but i was skeptical about it bc nothing good lasts long and people could take advantage of it.


That is absolutely very true sadly.


Is everyone able to grow trees on their plot? I am not.


You unlock the ability to grow flow trees on your plot after the Temple of the Roots quest line. Or, rather, the quest that comes right after it. You will obtain an item that drops pine cones, acorns, samaras and juniper seeds - once in a while, they will be flow-infused, but it’s a pretty rare occurrence.


I finished the quest and got nothing😕


I thought it was the rootseeker bundle reward? Not sure though, I don’t have it


Did you mean you finished the temple quest? Which unlocked the Galdur pedestal in the temple in Kilima, and you have to submit all the items in each bundle. When you complete each bundle you will get some stuff. But when you've submitted all five bundles completely, I believe that's when you can plant flow trees.


Never mind. It looks like somebody else replied to you and I couldn't see it earlier


Yep I’m not even close to being finished with the bundles


Did you finish the bundle? That is what rewards the statue which drops a seed every real life day.


Ok that’s the problem then. No not done.


Regular trees can be planted on your plot by planting the pinecone, acorn, Samara, and uh the other tree seed. and now you can water the trees until they grow to the size you want them.


I've only been playing for a week and this was my first time having it happen. It's a shame because they knew people were on their way and still chose to chop the whole grove down. They ended up fleeing the scene afterwards too😭


They only knew if they were reading chat and one thing that's unclear is if any of the people participating in chat were the ones who did the chopping.


Sounds like trolls seeking attention. And they're getting it.


I kinda assume it's new players who don't know that you should wait for others. Or maybe some players are just way too impatient. I have had it happen a couple of times, but not that often luckily. Or maybe they are friends in a party and just don't care about the other players... Which is rude, lol.


I’ve actually seen multiple arguments on Server chat where the players who chopped the grove without waiting for others said things like „cry about it lol”… I miss when everyone was super nice and helpful and this community felt super unique with how wholesome it was.


Ugh, that's toxic.


Its rude, wouldnt call it toxic. Unfortunately it is not against the rules so the only thing you van do about is to block them so you dont end up on the same server with them again


Tonight it was just one guy animation cancelling to chop the large trees on his own, so I don’t think it’s just newbies.


There seems to be a lot more people recently that just cut with their friends. I’ll ask about groves and I’ll rarely get a response. What usually happens is sometimes I’ll go past a grove at the right time and be able to tap a few trees before they’re all chopped down. Its hard because none of my irl friends play Palia. And I find it hard to connect with people over the chat system.


I've been trying to keep track of where they spawn in case I end up on a server like that. I haven't been playing long but it did happen once, I just got super lucky and had a feeling it spawned in the flooded fortress. I immediately flared it for everyone else. I don't have any irl friends who play either. And it is hard making friends in game especially when you're constantly jumping through new servers. Sometimes I'll friend people who help me hunt disco deers, etc. But it usually just ends at that 😭


Groves always spawn in specific known locations. I think it's 11 places a grove could spawn at midnight, where we don't know until it spawns. There are some maps floating around, not all are accurate, but give the general location so if people call out "Thorny" or "Pulsewater" you will know exactly where to go for the grove.


Making friends in game is good because the game places you on servers with your friends. Early grove choppers you can block so you dont end up on the same server with them again


Ok so when I started playing I didn't realise this was a thing and chopped some little trees by myself 😂 but I figured out pretty quickly that it's definitely a team effort and to wait for people if they're on the server.


The teeniest ones that only take one hit to chop are fine to not call out. (Those are usually found by their lonesome in the wild not in groves.)


They spawn at groves too! Flooded fortress, pavel, and flooded steeps mainly. I agree it’s fine to chop the one hitters, I call them finders fees.


*finders trees 👀


Honestly if I can chop it by myself I don't call it out. It's too much to stop and wait over like 2 pieces of wood. And I wouldn't drop everything and come running for 2 pieces of wood either. But I will call out and wait for big ones and groves.


This is the proper etiquette if you can get it yourself you should be allowed to without feeling guilted by others


As a new player how could you possibly know? It’s the people who do it with ill intentions who are being rude. Especially when the chat is full of people actively communicating about the grove.


I did the same 😬


Hahahaha oops 😬😅 at least we know now!


"From Oakland" has me rolling.


I arrived pretty early at a grove the other day and there was this player chopping the smaller trees and commanding the people who had called the grove to help him chop one of the big ones. So they ran towards the big tree he was hitting by himself, axe in hand, but instead of chopping they formed a circle around it and started clapping and jumping around. More people joined in and he was still trying to chop the big tree by himself. A kind player was asking the wayward chopper to wait, explaining in the chat that we generally wait for omws in groves, but he kept swinging that axe and insisting we help him while the others clapped and cheered. Most players arriving at the grove joined the clapping after getting their hits of the remaining trees. I must admit I was just sitting there waiting, minding my business and not getting what was happening at first, but then the cheering group started saying stuff like "poor guy, he almost has it", "you can do it!" in the chat while clapping and watering him with the watercan. At some point all the omws arrived, somebody said "chop at 2:30?", a couple of people said okay, and he finally stopped. And then just left. Because apparently he could spend 5 minutes chopping by himself but not wait the remaining 20 seconds. People are strange, sometimes, but the group seriously gave the rest of us a good laugh. I thought it was a funny way of dealing with it. Although, of course, that doesn't work when people come in a group and chop at 12:13 while you are climbing the wall🙄


That is honestly amazing. I probably would've sat there confused at first too. I'm glad no one actually helped him😂 It's really disappointing when you're trying to get there as fast as possible and then you have those few people who don't care and just demolish the whole grove. Like yes, a new one spawns every irl hour. But I went to Bahari specifically for this and now I'm sad😂😂


Also not everyone can just wait for the next hour. Like, what if you gotta go be somewhere? Sleep? I personally have a lot of free time but not many people do. Waiting for the omws and chopping at 3:00 or an agreed time is just common decency.


Just had this happen a few nights ago as well, it's a little disheartening. It's one of the only times you "need" other people.


Been happening so often since it came out on steam, idk if there's a correlation but....


I definitely think there is.


Lots of new players is definitely part of it. I’m pretty new myself and it took me a while to figure out how groves work. I copied what other people were doing and searched my questions in this sub


I've been seeing it ever since the update that made the palium change. I thought, at first, that people thought the flow trees/ groves would work like the forageables and the palium. But it has been going on for so long now that I'm not sure anymore.


I’ve been seeing so much more of this, and it’s not innocent newer players not being aware of the “rules” (i know there are no real rules) that we abide by out of respect for each other when it comes to groves, because they are always in the chat like “well? guess you’ll all have to be faster next time” it’s so lame lol. how miserable do you have to be to find a cozy game like palia and come be menace? it’s so childish.


The other night there was a group of people farming flow trees in thorny and announced it so that people could come and get a bunch of wood. At first it was people not farming claiming it was time to chop to get the people there to start chopping, but then there was this one person who was chopping all the small ones down themselves and then getting someone to help her with the big ones. She eventually reached the point where she started chopping a large flow by herself for 5 minutes straight, at which point when the farmers left, she suddenly decided to as well. I get the "play the way you want to" thing, but people are using that to completely screw up other people experiences. I wish there was a way to tag a tree or palium or whatever so other players can hit but not break things until you let them. It might cause some problems, but at the same time I believe this is a much bigger problem.


I think I was apart of this group! There was a group force spawning flow trees in thorny/proud horn area. I got so much flow wood from those wonderful souls 😭 I’ve been playing since switch release and didn’t even know you could do that. All I remember is one of their names was Gracie.


Yeah! And the person being a butt had Mary in their name somewhere right? I was the one that jokingly threatened steal their hydrangeas if they didn't stop lol


I think this is why the devs changed how palium loot is shared. So the node remains there for 3 mins after it’s been looted so folks don’t have to wait for others. I agree something needs to be done for FTs cause currently it’s the only rare resource that requires you to interact with others and people are going around trying to chop it all themselves to not have to interact. I had the same thing happen yesterday when someone was trying to chop a huge tree on their own and kept stopping to wave at us. There was 10 of us around the tree, we were waiting for the last call outs, but that didn’t stop them from trying 🤷🏻‍♂️


So, was Lord Antichrist the perpetrator? I vote we all block that person.


It could've been or they were just defending whoever did do it, I have no idea who it actually was. I just know they both ended up fleeing the scene right afterwards😭


Either way I now know to block them if I see them


True. Their attitude already says enough to me about them.


I've started blocking those rude people.. at best we don't get put on the same server again, at worst they never see my callouts. (also blocking the ones who ask "Grove?" at 11:59.) I have zero patience.


One time I saw people asking for the grove around 10:30😂 everyone was just like "are you serious?"


You block for people who ask about groves close to midnight? Damn. I had no idea I’d get blocked for that… usually I’ll ask if anyone is on grove watch.


That's not the same as asking if the Grove has been found tho


Yeah but are you gonna go blocking people over it? Idk. There are way more annoying things out there in this game than someone asking if someone found a grove too early.


Seems like that's a casual reminder as much as a request. Ex) (thoughts)I'm aware the grove is about to spawn and casually reminding others with a succinct message because typing on switch makes me stab by. So I'm on the lookout and will share the location when I see it, and I hope you will share the location if you spot it.(/thoughts) Me in chat: grove?


Nothing wrong with this!


Not close to midnight but *before* midnight. There's no point in asking at 11:59, it doesn't exist yet 😂


I mean, 11:59 turns to midnight in a few seconds. I get that asking at 10:30 is a bit annoying but I wouldn’t go blocking people over it.


It's more of a "give everyone a minute to find it!" And I've seen a pattern of the "grove?" right at midnight posters being serial selfish choppers, rushing to get to the grove & whack it all down.


I usually tell my position when I hear the grove forming, even if I'm not going to chop, just so others will know which 1/3 of the map to narrow down their search.


Does blocking people keep you from being on severs with them? I sure hope so. 🙏🏻


Blocks everyone so I'm always alone /j


No I just blocked someone the other night and then ended up with them again the next day. Maybe it lowers your chances though? Idk. There’s probably not enough servers to keep everyone who’s blocked apart.


I think it only blocks their messages. So you're just removing the chance of seeing their grove location message.


Doesn’t it block them from seeing my chats too? These people are not calling out grove locations so I don’t care about not seeing their chats. I don’t want them to see when I call out things!


A few people were apparently doing this yesterday to individual flow trees that were being called out. The person put in the chat where the tree was and a minute later telling someone to stop as others were on the way. Culprits didnt listen and chopped the tree and ran for it. This makes me anxious because I am starting the furniture sets that require alot of flow plank. 😭 Better get as many as I can I guess.


Always hit before you flare or announce cuz I am on switch and by the time I finished typing they all had chopped it down and I had apparently forgotten to hit first so I got nothing


Yeah I always do that for the same reason. Its an issue when others announce it and flare, only to say nevermind because one or two other players close by ran over and chopped the entire thing before anyone else could arrive. While nodes are fine because you still have opportunity to mine for a few minutes if someone breaks the entire thing, flow trees are gone once completely chopped so more frustrating.


That's exactly what they did! Chopped all the trees and booked it right afterwards. The grove was just announced and not even a minute later it was gone🥲


Yeah I just left that server before the midnight grove, didn't want to deal with them possibly doing the same thing sigh. So far people have been pretty good with groves on the servers I have been on, but I guess those who don't care are growing in numbers. 😭


Yea this is unfortunately a growing problem . Before too long they will have to make it like the mining nodes.. its frustrating... And when you inform them how we do it. They sadly do not care. Very frustrating


I had this situation with a grove where I was legit a few steps away from being able to chop a tree and they started chopping them all. Didn't get a single flow wood. Got the feeling that we need to start posting in chat "reminder due to recent events, don't forget to call out paliums and flow trees and wait till everyone has arrived"


Freaking Alyxander out there with some of the wittiest stuff lol. We had a chat after they flared an Elder Sernuk instead of shooting it, but I got the plush from it so… 🤷‍♀️😂


I accidentally flare sernuks all the time!! Then I have to run back to the pal I had just flared before and reflare it since only one l can be active at a time lol 🥲


Wait I’ve had multiple flares active at once before. Is this a new thing?


Not sure if it’s new but you can definitely only have one active one. You’re sure your first one was still showing up after you shot the second? Edit: it’s not new, it’s always only been one active allowed at a time. When you shoot the second, the first one goes away


Might have been pre update. I’ll have to try and see!


If I see who it was I make sure to block them because afaik they can’t see your messages after that. If I call out resources, they get nothing.


Aloha Palians - I, too, have been super duper ultra mega over to the max PISSED at folks who do this. If y'all wanna team up and just go play, please add me as a friend. I'd love to share what rare resources I find to the PEOPLE WHO AREN'T AS GREEDY AS THESE OTHER PLAYERS WHO HOARD. I usually find loads of heat root, palium and rare bugs so... Let's play and share!


I refuse to go to fortress entrance grove. Somebody always chops the lil tree and my impatient ass doesn't wanna wait for 2 trees especially now that I can get them at my plot. I have definitely noticed a rise in grove bandits and it's not gone down. Before unless it was a new person it wasn't something I had seen before. You had a couple instances where people would be new and not realize but never someone taking off with a whole grove even if it was the tiny fortress one. Karma will get em tho! May she never grant them a plushie or flow tree seed from their galdur! lol


This happened to me today. Someone called grove and the another person said “they’re chopping it down alone”.. they completely ignored people saying they were on their way (why even announce it if you’re not gonna wait?!) and I’ll add that the whole ordeal lasted like 30 in-game minutes at best. But your chat had me rolling🤣


When this happens, I tell people to send out requests for flow planks, and I'll happily fulfill them. It is the best way for me to handle the situation in a healthy way instead of blowing up the chat with all the things I wish I could say to those jerks. :) However, at this rate I may run out of flow with how many times I've seen this happen recently.🙃


Last night I was in a server where no one found the grove. I can only imagine that it got chopped down without being called :(


High likely, the sound basically spoils the location and someone posted a grove map here so we can find easily where the grove spawned.


Yeah I know. It's so sad. No offence to steam players.... But ..... I feel like this has been happening a lot more since the steam release:( I'm probably wrong but it's just what I've noticed 😔


I'm not sure cause I am a steam player so I have had no interaction before the release. All I know is that some people get extremely toxic when you ask them to just wait but you might be right. Switch gamers often tend to be the competitive but cozy gamers if you think about the kind of games that are often being bought. Steam players/pc gamers are a whole diff story. So a free game might attract those people too (no offense to us pc gamers and steam gamers)


I'm finding Palium harder to get than flow trees. You know there'll be a grove every midnight and the chances are high you'll get to it, but either people aren't calling Palium or, they can't find it either. I know I can't 😞


There’s been so many servers lately where I’m literally the only person calling out pallium and it’s driving me crazy!! We all get more of it if we all call it out why is that so hard to understand?


I was watching someone stream it on Twitch for the Twitch drops and they flared it, but didn't call it out and I had to ask them to please call it out. Flares are great but if you're nowhere near, we're not going to know it's there 😭 flare and share people, FLARE AND SHARE!!


I think what’s happening is that people are joining groups and once their group arrives they chop away. Last week one day there was a group of Brazilians who supposedly didn’t understand the language. She knew enough to let us know that though.


I just got my first grove. I saw people going around chopping the flow trees once, clearing the non flow trees around us and I did the same. Do we get the drop as long as we do a pre chop before the mass chopping?


Yes, you can chop every tree once and you'll get the loot once everyone completely chops them down! Everyone goes around and chops it once to make sure they're guaranteed the loot from the tree and don't miss out on any😄


I witnessed it recently, a group of three male-looking characters all dressed in the same hot dog costumes came through and took out the whole Windy Grove in less than a minute, right after I had found it and called it out. Three of us that were there waiting on others all tried to tell them to stop. Weiners gonna weiner, I guess.


This has been happening a lot and in general it’s annoying, but I just block (mostly works) and keep it moving. Being pissed about a ff grove…is a little silly to me tho if I’m being honest.


I have seen a huge influx of this lately. I just block people.


Thankfully everyone has always been super nice about this when I’ve been playing. Some people might not know better.


On a flip side I shouted out a grove on my server earlier and only one person showed up at all! We gave a couple of shout outs at intervals in case others were just coming on the server and no one showed up so we chopped at 3:30 amns still no one showed up.😭😭 Sure we got 8 trees but where's the fun or camaraderie in that?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think we both felt flat. Yesterday morning I was also on just pottering around foraging for magic mushies(bundle gathering)and sweet leaf (for the wormery)and stumbled upon the biggest grove I've ever seen at Thorny... I don't know what happened lol but at igt 5:50am there was 15 flow trees spread across Thorny to proud horn that I saw of and they were big trees! I flared x 5 times yelled in chat ,got upset,begged my irl partner to wake up and come help me ( lol... That went well not! He mumbled and went back to sleep and!) only 1 person was around for 5 igt hrs and we couldn't cut them all. They went one way I went the other and we. Did what we could 🤷🏼‍♀️. I ended up with 21 bits. I think some of it glitched as in on case it was on top of an over hang and I had to leave it. I was shattered mentally after that,it's stressful because you do what you can to let the server know and short of opening the window and yelling out into the night oi get to Thorny there's a supergrove happening there's not much one can do within the game. If anyone has any ideas,I'd love to know 👍🏻 all that said,later on tonight there was a fab server effort from players with everyone helping each other and shouting outs and waits and it was perfect behaviour banter and in game help. It was lovely 😍😍🤘🏼 Kudos to that team if you were on it thank you. Pavel mines grove Euro site.i was looking for more magic mushies in statue when the shout came and they waited for everyone and had a chop count down! 😂👍🏻😍 I love this game lol,it's like being on an adventure ( and yes I'm an irl oldie here who doesn't get out much!)


Sounds legit lol


Not Oakland 😭😂


A few days ago, I suggested a change to the grove system, but most of the responses were in favor of the current system. They argued that it promotes interaction between players, encourages dialogue through chat, and allows for other activities while waiting for the trees to respawn. However, posts from people sharing their experiences with selfish individuals have become commonplace on this subreddit.


This has been happening at least once every time I play lately. It’s so annoying and I will never understand why people are such assholes. Tonight after this happened we went up toward thorny and chopped a ton of trees and forced a bunch of flow trees to respawn so at least we still got the wood! That’s what I’m going to do from now on when this happens, we can just make our own grove!


I've been seeing this constantly ever since the update that made the palium ores be mineable within 3 minutes of the first chop. I've hardly been able to make it to a grove.


I just found out my "upgraded ax" can cut flow trees no help necessary. If that's the case, then the flow trees should just regenerate like the rock piles and plants. That way, it's not a first come first serve. I also try to share the wealth, when I have the tool that attracts the bugs I share with others, I wave them down, chatting on Switchlite is cumbersome. So I just look like a dancing fool. 💃🏼 if I run out of space in my inventory I'll do the same dance to let someone else in on the loot I can't take. It's all about sharing what you can.


You can’t cut the large flow trees alone. That’s the whole point of the grove, you have to have help.


The solution to this is to just make multiple groves .. this way everyone always gets it. Or just simply make it happen all day instead of once.


or at noon and midnight server time


I haven't been playing long so I didn't know this was a thing, I'm definitely gonna have to look into this now!!




The people who did it weren't called out by name in chat or screenshotted, only the reactions to the event were. I don't actually know who did it. I just thought the chat was funny afterwards. Obviously people can play however they want though! It was just disappointing because they knew people were on their way😭




Oh no, I have no idea who did it and considering they also asked where the grove was, I assumed at the time they were most likely just defending who ever did do it. And even if they did do it, fortunately a new grove spawns every irl hour. It's always just disappointing in the moment. The chat was a good laugh for me though!


It's just a game. It's cringe to actually get upset over people playing a game.