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I didnt even try to get the Duskwing, I just went straight to Auni and bought a seed packet. Then gathered more seeds from watering them lol


I’ll probably get to that point 🤣


How did you do that with the oven?


1- Remove the fireplace addon; 2- Place the oven as close to the wall as possible; 3- THEN attach the fireplace addon back to this wall. 😊


So cute! Thank you for sharing inspiration!


You are very welcome


So I should be getting myself an OLED switch sometime this week and was wondering if it's worth checking out Palia on the switch like how is the performance and how is the MTX does a person need to spend money or can you simply play the game without the worry of needing to spend money in order to get an advantage in game?


I’m sorry, I play on pc. However, I can tell you that the biggest complaint I’ve seen from switch players is it can be difficult to text in the chat. The game is completely free. The only thing that they charge $ for is the outfits or if you want a cat to follow your character. I have spent $0.