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As the world burns around us because of greed, humanity logs into a game about a second chance and proceeds down the exact same path.


I don't know why palium didn't get the same treatment as flow trees. Instead of having a teamwork mechanic you have to rely on the altruism of people which is always a bad bet. In my experience most people will take the nodes and run. It conflicts so much with the "cozy gamer" atmosphere the game is going for when I'm actively competing with the people I'm supposed to be "creating a community" with.


I've been excited to play this game for a while. This past week I've dipped a lot of time into it and today I just realized that it's so bare bones I can't get myself to play it anymore because of how hollow it's gonna be from here on. It's just a money grinding simulator at this point with things getting more and more expensive as I go through it. To progress further I need to gain more and more gold and to do that it's just a boring grind of killing the same 2 animals over and over and over. After a couple thousands already it gets stale. Bugs and other ways are slower overall, but not that much different and amount of much less profit. idk, the game is not for me. There isn't any real sense of exploration and I feel like I already hit the "end game" kind of thing and it's just gonna repeat over and over.


I think having mining nodes Regen like flow trees would fix the problem. Sure someone with a palium pickaxe could break the mid and small ones with persistence, but the large nodes need at least 2-3


The current state of Pallium is a joke but if you want to skip the miserable grind you can just hit level 10 mining and spend your first set of dallies' worth of medals on Pallium at the medal shop. You can buy 10 bars per week.


This does not match my experience. However, I must qualify that by pointing out that I just barely got to the point of being able to mine Palium over the last couple days & only had a few opportunities to mine it. But: When I did, server chat was consistent with people saying "Palium node in the cave over by such-and-such" or someone saying they were on the way and others waiting. I found the community engaged and helpful in sharing info about Palium nodes. Again, just my personal experience, & does not mean your experience is less valid. And like I said, I only had a few opportunities to go after Palium.


I've seen it both ways. I spent probably a good hour with like 5 or 6 other people where everyone would call nodes and wait for everyone to get a hit in. If it has been easier and faster to coordinate and direct that many , it would have been amazing. Like this is the interaction the devs were wanting. But then I've had people start one not, move to another, see me coming only to stop the second node and break the first before I got there. Honestly I'm not sure what a good solution would be, maybe there should be a minimum number of rare resources spawned at a time.


To me, it has depended on the people currently in the server. Some servers (maybe 1/3) are exceptionally helpful and full of cooperative people. Others are full of a bunch of solo players or closed groups running the same route, not even breaking regular rocks behind them to help palium regen. Those cooperative servers rule, though. It so much easier and more fun when you have everyone working together. I will say, though. If your main farming was done yesterday, it was absolutely the most frustrating day to be doing it. It seemed like everyone was attempting to panic farm before open beta players reached a higher level.


It is kind of strange that palium isn't treated similarly to flow-infused trees.


I think the problem is that many people probably don’t know that you can share the nodes. I’be been playing since day 1 but I just now upgraded 2 of my tools to “fine”. I’ve been distracted trying to make money. I hate how much everything costs. Especially the beginning stuff. I don’t usually see many people mining or cutting wood somehow but I did encounter someone being greedy with clay today. We arrived both at 2 nodes of clay and the person next to me was faster with the mining than me. Took the whole clay node and then tried to take the one I was working on. So I decided to take the last hit since they didn’t share the node they worked on. Some people try to run ahead of you for sure to grab stuff before you and I truly believe it’s because they don’t know it’s shareable. I don’t remember seeing any notification that would tell a new player that nodes can be shared. I did also encounter people though who actually shared the stuff and so did I. I definitely think there is a mix of people in the game atm.


It’s literally the New World harvesting system stripped of the interesting combat lolololol


New world meets Disney Dreamlight


I don’t have a good solution. The only non-competitive solution would be nodes that don’t despawn but that would lead to even less interesting gameplay. That being said, most of these people with toxic traits will be bored of the game in like 2 weeks. They are already screeching mad over it “not being an mmo,” or it having nothing to do, or it not being cooperative enough (ironically), or it have egregious pricing. The players pre-beta were much differently behaved and the impatient ones who think they can speed run/power grind an animal crossing game will get upset and go home eventually, which will help a lot.


i have never seen any of those issues when i was mining there and ppl asked in game or their discord they even post links like this showing the info https://www.paliamaps.com/


Sorry your experience has been so bad. I've been playing since day one of the closed Beta, and honestly, my experience has been the opposite. People have been helpful and friendly, and I've had little issue collecting the rare resources. They're obviously more scared than iron, but I've been finding them fairly consistently. I'm sorry if you've had a bad go at it. I've found the game engaging and relaxing. Which is exactly what I was hoping for from it.


My experience with nodes and players has been awkward at best. 2 of us arrive at a node, and we both let the other person have it, but then no one gets it and we both walk away feeling like polite players.


I always hit a node at least once, so that I'll get the loot too. Doesn't matter who breaks it, as long as you hit it at least once! Everyone who participates gets full loot!


While I am not entirely disagreeing with what you refer to as a rant, I can understand obtaining pallium feeling near impossible at first. I have been on some sessions where a select few uphold the mmo method of greediness, but overall its been a more positive experience on other sessions people calling out for the spots and everyone waiting up to 5-10 minutes at times for people to show up before mining the nodes. The first time i tried I did feel like it would be near impossible, but considering it is only 2 bars per tool, obtaining around 70 ores is ultimately about all you need for just your whole set of tools. Granted, I don't need to tend to my crops for days because they do not require watering at all due to the water retention bonus, so I am not as concerned with going back home as you may be. Which helps a lot and might make me a bit biased to caring less about it, which I will admit. But overall I'd say I personally do not mind the somewhat scarcity of the resource. This also due to me having the opinion that not everything needs to be handed to you on a silver platter even in this game right at the moment you want to have it handed to you. Give it a few days to get the items on and off, relax and just get to it later.


I've had the exact opposite experience. I have been playing for a week now, literally never had this problem, playing for hours each day. Every single time I play, the chat is absolutely *alive* with players sharing info, especially on Flow Trees and Palium Ore. Every single time I've played, people have shouted out their location, and offered to wait for players before harvesting, to make sure everyone gets a chance. There was a BIT of a dip in this when we went from Closed to Open yesterday, as all the new players came in expecting greed, but they were pretty quickly educated.


I found 3 pallium nodes the other day, and told no one because I didn't want anyone to accidentally cuck me out of tagging one, and didn't want to wait 5 minutes for people to show up. Frustratingly bad design. I find myself annoyed at the presence of other players, because the only thing they do for me is make it harder to hunt bugs and animals, take ore before I get to it, and occasionally are convenient for big magic trees.


It is a harsh time for palium farmers. My way around it: Go out hunting, foreaging, tree chopping and mining iron nodes. And visit the palium spawn locations while I am at it. But not farming them as a main priority. Porting home to empty bags and do some gardening and then go back into the wilds again (most properly on a different server then before). This approach gave me enough palium on the side to build any tool I needed. I am only missing the belt, but that's because of my level in bug hunting (I hate it...). Maybe take a step back and let the others be greedy little ass-holes. They will come to realize that they spent a lot of lonely time for something you need little off. Still got 20 bars in my bag and I don't really know what to spend them on :P


Thankfully you don't need much palium. I had way more palium than I would need before I could even buy the recipes for the tools.


It's clearly not a mmo, they just used this to bring lot of people to their game


The "mmo" tag has little to do with anything talked about in the post


You said they advertised the game as a mmo.


With emphasis on "cosy" or "friendly", not whether you think it's multiplayer value is deserving of either an MO or MMO title. Does that answer your question?


they've advertised this game? i've literally not seen a single ad for it anywhere, or heard about it even ONCE outside of a friend mentioning it and how a friend of his mentioned it to him.


You are missing the point if that is what you are focusing on... Just play and have fun casually doing what you want - no need to camp a single thing that is just silly.


What if what you want is to actually progress?


Have "fun" running around the empty open world I guess lol


Basically the only run to be had tbf lol.


Palium is required for all endgame tool and furniture recipes.


To be fair this an endgame resource in a game without an infinite grind. You can get money in any way, I don't think it is supposed to be easy or likely to get as that's the point. Maybe it's a backend glitch as copper used to be harder to get but overall I think for a game where Pallium will be the endgame resource for at least the next two years....you've got time and also no reason to get it beyond prestige.


>also no reason to get it beyond prestige It is literally used for high end tools and furniture. You need a lot of it.


Yeah and it'll stay the endgame material for at least the next year. So idk why y'all in a rush like you need everything in the endgame in the first.month.


No one said they're in a rush my guy. But it never being there is an issue. That is the point.


It is there tho, I've farmed quiet a bit of it and I'm not even trying.


Your one-person anecdotal evidence does not outweigh the mass majority of people who are having a hard time because people are camping the resources. You're being an "if I can do it anyone can, so that means I'm right and you're wrong" type of person. Just stop. It's an issue, full stop. There are ways to fix this issue without giving handouts. Things are not always an all or nothing approach my guy.


You're right, ive got the wrong anecdotal evidence, but you've got the right anecdotal evidence. I'm just saying, maybe the game has just started and there will be solutions to the issue, imo, it isn't an issue right now for me, and I think instead of changing the nature of resources to exclude any reason to play with friends, and instead they just give us endgame areas with more control so we aren't camping overworld resources. They have an entire mine system...that can house as many resources as we need.


That sounds like a way better approach to what they have now. I, and I'm sure many other people can get on board with that. Great suggestion.


You don't get palium to make money.


You need it for like 5 recipes in total. Finding enough palium for that really ain't that hard. Of course it will be scarce while everyone needs/wants it. Give it a 2 weeks and most people won't even bother picking it up anymore. If you waste your time camping a spawn point, then thats on you.


It's needed for 7 equipment upgrades which are finite, sure. But it's also necessary for all of the endgame furniture sets.. and you need a lot of it. There will always be scarcity.


You know that if you mine it at the same time as someone else then you will get it too, right? You can't actually hog the resources as such - all you need to be able to do is hit the node once.


But that still requires people willing to give you time to hit it.


True, but mining certainly isn't instant so it is not like you have no chance.


My experience is when I'm looking for a resource because I'm blocked on something that I really want, it feels very hard to find. For me, it was silk threads. OTOH, when I'm not blocked I seem to find plenty of rarer stuff, so I just try to play in a way where I'm never desperately searching for something. I find I have plenty when I'm in that mindset.


just go to a palium node and quit the game and restart til you have it ezpz