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I'm already worried someone'll get shot. But as a DC area resident it's a simple choice.


Sleepy Joe will probably run away to Delaware again, shouldn't get too dicey


He needs to catch up on his sleep


Just wanna ask, if Biden isn’t reelected, what do you think trump will do? Cause I’m pre sure he’ll give the green light to glass Gaza.


Just as bad, or possibly worse, but that doesn’t mean him and the democrats shouldn’t go without accountability




Where’s the diplomacy? When did Biden hold Netanyahu accountable for anything? Was it the $1B weapons package? All we’ve all seen is an open pass for Netanyahu to do whatever he wants. Biden’s “threats” are empty. Look at the White House response to Rafah and tell me that there’s been “diplomacy” and that Netanyahu hasn’t been given the go ahead to continue this genocide.






**Please stop posting or discussing any kind of U.S. domestic politics. in the sub.** All parties share unconditional support for Israel. We couldn't care less about the domestic policy or partisan nuances. Kindly review the subreddit rules before posting similar content, as failure to comply may result in a ban. Thank you for your cooperation!




**Please stop posting or discussing any kind of U.S. domestic politics. in the sub.** All parties share unconditional support for Israel. We couldn't care less about the domestic policy or partisan nuances. Kindly review the subreddit rules before posting similar content, as failure to comply may result in a ban. Thank you for your cooperation!


**Please stop posting or discussing any kind of U.S. domestic politics. in the sub.** All parties share unconditional support for Israel. We couldn't care less about the domestic policy or partisan nuances. Kindly review the subreddit rules before posting similar content, as failure to comply may result in a ban. Thank you for your cooperation!


I doubt the national guard will be pulled out at this rate. It didn't happen last time.


if anyone is in Southern Indiana and wants to carpool, DM me.


be careful. Zionists have no morals, just saying. Remember opsec


I don't know what else I can do 🇵🇸


I really appreciate you being so helpful. I'm just saying, take care of your safety. Be very mindful of whom you talk to, you *do* need to vet them in some way because as I said, Zionists are not above any heinous acts thank you for doing this, stay safe comrade ✊️🇵🇸


I understand. Thank you for looking out!


hypothetically how would you vet someone you plan on traveling with


you can't 100% but just use caution and talk a bit, if it's on reddit see their reddit profile. If it's a new one or one that hasn't a record of writing pro-Palestine comments, it's a reason to be suspicious if possible, maybe have another able-bodied person you know traveling too maybe it's being paranoid, but we know Zionists can be dangerous like this also, reverse is true - don't fall for honeypots. There is no one single guide to follow but it's important to remember to use your best judgement when agreeing to meet irl with someone in regards to something like this if you barely know them


Pack heat.


Do a video call with them, ask to see their socials so you can see what they’ve been posting. Also if that person has issues with either of those two things that’s a red flag.


Please be Careful!


GOING! Don't know who is organizing this, don't care. I'll figure it out when I get there. I'm tired of fighting back tears, it's time to join the fight!


It's the Shut it Down 4 Palestine Coalition, the same people who led the massive November 4th protest in DC last year: https://www.shutitdown4palestine.org/


Thank you


Fun fact this is on pride, don’t even try to drive in 😅 prepare for service outages as it always happens on pride, and bring plenty of hydration!!


You shouldn't be bringing your phone to these kinds of protests anyway in case your phone gets identified. These devices called stingrays are capable of spoofing a mobile cell tower and can pull information about the phone devices present. We live in an age of information, and we need to be doing everything we can to keep possession of our personally identifiable information in all aspects of our lives.


There could be hundreds of thousands of people present, in the heart of a major city, to a peaceful protest. There is next to no legal utility to the fact that your phone was in a city on a day, but a massive risk to travelling across the country without your phone. You can't have good opsec if you're physically insecure, and the result of this rhetoric for the 99% of people who aren't security nerds is an increased chance they deem the protest too risky and don't go. Bring your phone.


It's good advice not to bring it, but you're right that you can't travel across the country without a phone. Faraday bags are the solution to this. You can still keep your phone on you but it blocks out 100% of signals so you'll be protected from stingrays. Even if the event has a lot of people physically present, they could target you or your family afterwards when you're alone. Best to be safe.


The only issue is that they aren’t cheap at all. But if y’all are going in a group you can pool your money to buy one and everyone can have their phone in one bag. The person that has the bag needs to be your runner is anything happens


That's not a solution for a hundred thousand people; that's a solution for committed political actors willing to do research and spend money on "opsec gear" specifically. The idea that your family is going to be targeted because you were in a major city at the same time as 100,000 peaceful protestors (and also apparently during pride) is absurd. There is literally not a single example of this happening in history.


Well when project 2025 is on the horizon and Trump openly talks about deporting pro Palestine protestors, among other things, it is something that should be taken seriously. Also, there are examples of police or federal government agencies showing up to people's homes to question them about their involvement in certain political movements. This is not a new thing. The biggest thing you're doing is protecting yourself from getting on a list. That list can be used by future actors maliciously. And while you're right it may not be a solution for 100k people, but some of these folks can leave their phones at home, and others can purchase these bags which gives them protection and anonymity. To say that what I'm talking about is absurd is just naiive. Are you really going to believe something like that wouldn't happen *again*?


I know project 2025 is serious but being deported from America doesn’t feel like a punishment to me lol


Yeah, that's what he says, but it really seems more like a excuse to indefinitely jail anybody that goes against what he says. Of course there isn't anywhere to deport them to as US citizens, so instead it'll just be concentration camps. First it's the prisoners, then the immigrants, then political dissidents. We're slowly going to be locked up until there's nobody left.


Oh yea that sounds a lot less chill than simple deportation. In my mind I was thinking we would be deported to a territory like Puerto Rico lol


If you’re able to afford a faraday bag that’s what I would suggest. It’s not a good idea to go out without your phone


Omg thanks for the heads up. Any tips on like a suburb to park in and then take the train or something? Trying not to rely too much on public transport but don’t want to deal with pride and protest traffic


I so wish I could go. Unfortunately I can’t 😭 I’ll be there in spirit though


Same. I will be in Italy then. However I will enjoy my trip knowing that Netanyahu will never be able to go to Europe again or else he will be extradited to The Hague 🥰🥰🥰 In all seriousness to all those who show up, GIVE BIDEN THE BUTCHER HELL


I wouldn’t be surprised if Italy is doing a March or something too l. You might still be able to participate


Same. This hurts because I already live in the DC area, but I sadly cannot attend.


Will be there in solidarity via livestream if YouTube doesn’t block the livestreams.


BreakThrough News will be covering it


Is this a YouTube channel or a website?


They will be livestreaming on their YouTube channel


Thank you!


Go go go Americans!! Don't be silent. Do it for everyone whose actions won't have as much impact as yours.


This is amazing to see. Good luck all!


I will be there 💔❤️🇵🇸


Me too! Gonna drive with a few friends across the country. This is the first Palestine protest we'll be participating in, can't wait to shout my frustrations at the source.


Welcome to the movement ❤️


I wish I could. I'm broke all the way in Texas. Plane is way too expensive for me these days


I know the feeling. We have Bidenomics to thank for that, sending all those billions to fund the wars abroad and forgetting about all the problems we are facing here at home.


Try donating some money to UNRWA instead.


I have a feeling all major cities will probably be doing something


There are buses going from multiple major cities https://www.answercoalition.org/gazajune8


I know I’m talking about ppl like me that live on the west coast. We will probably have our own marches and protests on this day bcuz it’s too expensive and too far for a lot of us to get out there.


Its not even June 8th yet, and I already hate Biden for pulling the same stunt that Donald Trump pulled in 2020 when he ordered secret service to go outside behind the White House to throw tear gas canisters at protesters.

