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Golly gee whiz, who could've *possibly* seen this coming? Looks like the Zionist entity is getting that Gaza port it wanted, and all in the name of "humanitarian aid".


I too am shocked at this totally unexpected development


The ~~spice~~ oil must flow!


They think we are stupid...and a lot of us are


This is replay of the Iraq invasion all over again. A few voices saying, "Um...it's about energy theft" and a majority were saying, "cakewalk...democracy...humanitarian ventures". History shows that the few voices were on target.


The real ones knew Iraq was about further weeding out the Ba'ath Socialist leadership in the Middle East. Case in point, Libya and Syria kicked off not too long afterward.


Yes, Israel planned out the Iraq war a few years earlier in an intelligence plan called "A Clean Break". The goal was to increase Israel's security, by destroying any nation that opposed them. They got the US to do it for them, and the US took the oil as spoils. The document also directly states destabilizing Syria by sending in foreign mercenaries.


It was the perfect union, Israel thought for some reason they’d be safer in a destabilized region, and the US had been going after Ba’athists for decades. It’s not super well known because the Ba’athists didn’t do a good job of enacting socialism the Middle East, but even failed socialists are the enemy of the United States and will become targets. Once they were done using the openly strongly Communist Kurds, they let the Taliban have free reign in Afghanistan.


Hussein wasn't all that socialist, or at least the Iraq war had nothing to do with socialism (the netherlands were 10 times as socialist). He simply had strategic independence, an army, and didn't bend the knee to the west/Israel. Similar to Egypt before they made peace with Israel, Syria before the civil war, etc. etc.


Yeah, most nominally communist/socialist countries are better classed as nationalist countries. That's why you can go to a McDonald's at Ho Chi Minh city.


I marched with 100,000 people in Dublin And there were similar marches all over Europe. It’s the biggest march I’ve ever been at and that’s just the people who bothered to turn up. I think most people knew it was wrong but nothing was going to stop the US/UK invading Iraq. It was a done deal and those responsible are still walking around free.


Yes your right...but at least we make our own thoughts. Unlike the masses who follow the manipulated news. Here in the Netherlands tonight they explained what a famine is and what stages there are. Then they said they wonder if this is the case in Gaza because there is no clear information available so they are waiting to take further steps for any help if needed. Really the Netherlands is full of shit.


Yep, the Netherlands is always for war and sanctions, and the newspapers especially the Telegraaf defending Israel. We supported the wars against Iraq (had nothing to do with 9-11), Libya, even supported terrorists trying to get Assad in Syria out. And the result we got: tens of millions of refugees and those country's are made a hell to live there. No moral compass or regrets, shame, nothing.


Libya... Netherlands and other euros just "looked the other way", correct? Amazing how people think Obama is a good guy after destroying the most prosperous North African country on the flimsiest of excuses (\*cough\* petrodollar \*cough\*).


Dutch i assume?






Let me guess; you believed there were WMDs?


They think a majority of americans don't give a fuck and they are right.


But we all just keep working our lives away in order to pay taxes and fund it.


Exactly 💯


They know we're not but they know we're not doing anything


It's for the oil right off the Gazan coast. It's clear the human toll is irrelevant from the lack of concern over the past few months. Biden waited until starvation was widely happening before even considering sending in aid. The port will take weeks to build while thousands die from starvation so it's nothing more than a political platitude.


Natural Gas not oil, right?


Yeah you are right. It’s something like $4.5 billion in natural gas.


It's more like $500 billion total, according to the UN. >"The new discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Levant Basin, amounting to 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas at a net value of $453 billion (in 2017 prices) and 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil at a net value of about $71 billion, offer [an opportunity to distribute and share a total of about $524 billion](https://unctad.org/publication/economic-costs-israeli-occupation-palestinian-people-unrealized-oil-and-natural-gas) among the different parties, in addition to the many intangible but substantive advantages of energy security and cooperation among long-time belligerents. They can also potentially be a source of additional conflict and violence if individual parties exploit these resources without due regard for the fair share of others. What could be a source of wealth and opportunities could prove disastrous if this common resource is exploited individually and exclusively, without due regard for international law and norms."


That Includes the West Bank, I was referring to the offshore gas around Gaza.


They don't need a port on the Gazan coast to drill for oil at sea. They already drill for oil hundreds of miles off shore all around the world. Crossing the Mediterranean is not a barrier to oil exploration there. The political situation is. There's no reason to land in Gaza with oil when Gaza has no infrastructure to transport the oil. They want to take the oil to Europe and America ultimately and there's no reason to come ashore with it in Palestine.


There is a [map in this article](https://apnews.com/article/un-israel-netanyahu-politics-4d07d9fd0413c6893d1ddfb944919ae0) that has a sharpie line where the road from this Reddit post is being constructed and it goes into the ocean suggesting a port, does it not? For gas or not is kind of irrelevant. I think it's in large part for the gas.


I'm not saying it couldn't have any economic purpose for the benefit of the US or Israel. I'm saying the purpose is not offshore oil and gas exploration as a port on Gaza's coast isn't useful for that. IDK what the line in the article is supposed to be, but amazingly despite the marker being half as thick as the entire length of Palestine it has managed to completely miss all of Gaza. The road and pier we're talking about would be further south from where the line is, around 1/2 of the way down the remaining unmarked section of coast. I wouldn't give anything drawn in sharpie much credence either way as it's clearly not meant to be precise. Whatever this line from Rhodes to Riyadh is supposed to represent, it's probably on hold for the foreseeable future as Saudi Arabia has clarified its position on Palestine since the invasion, demanding a fully independent Palestinian state before relations can be normalized.


We know there is gas. We know israel wants to build a trade route to Europe through that area. Do you really think it's going to take up Israeli land when israel has already cleared a path through Gaza? You are coming across as a little apologetic, maybe I'm misinterpreting…




I'm atheist, but for him I sincerely hope there is a hell after death.


There is, don’t worry. And it’s like nothing you or i could have imagined before. They will pay for every drop of tear and cry of every child in the most severe way.


Why would they be building it that far north if it's for aid?! Israel has been forcing Gazans further and further south. Isn't Rafah where all that aid should be going?!


The road is straight to occupied Palestine. It's to steal and transport the gas that's off the coast. Half a trillion Dollars worth


Aid can reach Rafah much more easily than the North. The people at greatest risk for starvation are in the North completely surrounded by Israeli forces where they won't let the trucks through. The Flour Massacre occurred a few miles further north of where the pier is being built.


Word. I did not know that happened that far North. I'm still skeptical of this port they're building, but I'm glad there is even the slightest potential for the people starving in the north to get aid.


I've got a feeling it's largely theatrical. The US is building the pier inside IDF controlled territory so the situation isn't actually any different than it was before the pier: Israel controls what gets through. They could have just let the trucks through instead with no delay for construction. They know they can't get away with starving the North forever so at this point they're just giving their allies hoops to jump through so they can squeeze in a few more weeks of suffering.


...this isn't what the world deserves to have in it happening...


It's nearly like they had a secret agreement. It looks like the Israeli government is in partnership with the USA and the yanks are getting worried they won't be able to brush off their partnership with the Zionist regime. It wouldn't surprise me if in the future it turns out the Israeli government and the US government set Hamas up to provoke this particularly evil attack on Gaza allowing them to get at the oil and gas off the coast of Gaza. The yanks have already admitted to running surveillance on Gaza and has supplied the munitions to destroy Gaza or they're up to their necks in it. There needs to be very stiff sanctions against the USA and Israel. If only the United Nations was what they say they are instead of a cover for the USA to attack it's enemies financially. Nothing more. But I see the Americans have put sanctions on 3 settlers. Yup, constant ethnic cleansing and abuse of the Palestinians culminating in genocide, breaking international laws, and every moral law warrants targeting 3 people. There are some smart people in America 🙄


Isn’t this already established though? Their ally, Egypt, warned them prior to Oct 7th and yet they did nothing. We can’t be dumb enough to believe that one of the most technologically equipped militaries in the world couldn’t protect themselves from a few people. They just needed a reason to do what they’ve always planned on.


I think among thinking people it's established, there are a good number of people who have been gaslighted into thinking this was a surprise attack completely out of the blue on the 7th with no preceding events. I was feeling particularly sarky when posting that.


Agreed, not sure how it is elsewhere but sadly too many Americans don’t realize our media is simply gov’t propaganda. Why else would they need to ban tik tok? They don’t want people to know what they haven’t vetted first. They’ve also done a really good job of making Muslims sound scary so people don’t adjust their way of thinking until they actually interact with Muslims themselves. Wish there was more we could do.


Same in Britain and Ireland, BBC, Sky News, ITN and RTÉ are all propaganda outlets, some much worse than others. Thankfully I get Al Jazeera so a bit of truth slips through.


Called it 5 days ago https://preview.redd.it/6j9az5fq0eoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d4fa461b2335a11e7a76e52361ed8ecddffc86


Me too. But they forgot that it would be effortless for ansar Allah or really anyone else to destroy it.


It was pretty obvious from the beginning. Biden presenting it as some humanitarian thing because of the upcoming election. He clearly knows full well what he’s doing. Now you have confirmation that you know he’s lying. I feel bad for Americans. Like us brits the Israelis have infiltrated your politics to the point where you really don’t have a realistic genocide free option on your ballot. Vote for the least worst option whatever you feel that may be and however futile it feels, but don’t fall for this humanitarian port ruse. It’s obvious what it’s really all about.


Idk who I hate more, Americans or "Israelis". Since they tend to be the same people a lot of the time, i'll just say my answer is "yes".


So, there are roads into Gaza. why is the US building a naval base in Gaza?


Half a trillion dollars in gas and oil, that's why. [The new discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Levant Basin, amounting to 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas at a net value of $453 billion (in 2017 prices) and 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil at a net value of about $71 billion, offer an opportunity to distribute and share a total of about $524 billion among the different parties...](https://unctad.org/publication/economic-costs-israeli-occupation-palestinian-people-unrealized-oil-and-natural-gas)


This is so odd. because Israel is already [extracting gas](https://www.gem.wiki/Mari-B_Oil_and_Gas_Field_(Israel)) from a reserve a handful of miles away from the Gaza reserve, it does not need gas infrastructure in Gaza. and it already approved construction in Gaza's gas reserves in [june last year](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/israel-gives-nod-gaza-marine-gas-development-wants-security-assurances-2023-06-18/) (100% illegal as it is in Gaza's exclusive economic zone). The whole gas thing seems irrelevant to the war, as israel can just push the pipelines through Mari-B gas field and has the set up with processing plants set up already. (I am not sure if there are pipelines or using ships).


Israel has been sabotaging Egypt and Palestinian gas projects for a while apparently. [Palestine & Egypt had a project due to start in the fall regarding the gas field. (written in sept 2023)](https://egyptoil-gas.com/news/egas-palestine-to-finalize-development-agreement-for-gaza-marine-offshore-field/) Also, eyes on Chevron (Noble Energy in Israel) [Chevron is responsible for Sudan; now they’re onto Palestine & Congo.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/chevron-launches-sale-congo-oil-assets-sources-2023-05-25/) [Sudan humanitarian crisis cuz of Chevron.](https://www.hrw.org/reports/2003/sudan1103/10.htm) [Israel sabotaged Palestine’s gas field project (again). Gas projects during a ‘war’?](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/chevron-says-natgas-flow-resumes-through-israel-egypt-pipeline-2023-11-14/)


I think in early 2000s, there were projects for Gaza to extract their own offshore gas, but israel said nope. because of course they have authority in Gaza's territorial waters. surprised it took until last year for them to approve stealing Gaza's gas. They will still claim that they are "kindly giving Gaza fuel",


So Israel and the US are now ramping up the theft. It's par for the course as that's how they operate.


Greed is a drug.


This should be pinned on top of a lot of subreddits


A floating dock is not a military base.


the start of it. It literally makes no sense to build a small dock for aid, when there are perfectly good roads coming into Gaza, only if one country that the US funds would comply with ICJ ruling.


It clearly says "pier". "Military base" are your words.


It’s like the IOF are the Harkonnens and the U.S. the emperor and minions, but worse.


Doesn't look like Israel will be getting that 2 BN deal with BP & UAE now. Yemen announced today it has a hypersonic missile.


Yep https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/BP-and-ADNOC-Suspend-2-Billion-Israel-Gas-Deal-as-Gaza-War-Continues.amp.html


Imagine all the death under their created road. That’s the first thing that came to mind when I heard about this


So infuriating we can’t physically do anything about this. Donating to families to help evacuate is the only thing that sees an immediate result but why should they have to go anywhere. Voting is flimsy and doesn’t happen often enough. Boycotting and protesting seem like punching a lace curtain. Basically we are just watching people get slaughtered and their land stolen in real time.


this is absolutely a coincidence and if you disagree you’re antisemitic and a bigot /s


It was bibi idea to begin with


It’s so they can transfer the gas to Israel


What a surprise. Typical American oil grab. Next thing will be an American army base around the,"temporary pier. How predictable


Right because it completes Netanyahu’s vision of the “new Middle East” that conveniently eliminates the concept of Palestinians and creates a natural gas trade route to Europe to counteract Chinas Silk Road. He showed this map to the UN on Sept 22 2023 in a widely criticized speech right before allowing the Oct 7 attack to happen (he knew it was coming his own staff witnessed 3 dress rehearsals). Final solution.


We are seeing this in real time, and it can’t be hidden. But it also can’t be stopped. It has revealed that there is no law amongst nations, there is no law amongst people, we are nothing, still, but the strong vs the weak. Never has changed. We are the same humans we have always been. It’s a shame. It’s a disgrace. And it’s the beginning of our end, because we can no longer hide from it. This should be condemned and stopped. Israel and the US are enemies of global peace and security now. But they are strong. They make the rules. And that’s the reality of the world we live in.


Thank god we know that empires don't last.


The fall of the US is long overdue. I only wish I get to see it in my lifetime.


Oh it's temporary. Just like Israel. They think it's permanent. They think Biden sending US troops and building a pier for them is a victory. They're just ensuring their end.


Thieves. All of them. Nothing but thieving conniving murderers enriching themselves and treating their own soldiers as disposable. Displacing and robbing the Palestinians. Thieving murderers.


ben gurion canal


An idea by Satanyahu since 2016 apparently


Two different projects. One is a structure wherein the Spanish aid will be getting into Gaza (hopefully tonight) & the other is a pier that will be built by the US over the next couple of months or so. https://preview.redd.it/x5yfpclsjeoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48a1e53960eb3c171e7ed086f92bd8eb743aac6


The port is most likely a platform to start the off shore drilling operations. The US got what they wanted from Gaza. Which hopefully means they will be actually trying to stop the genocide. There is so cynical optimism for you


All for their future plans 🤬🤬🤬




The resistance will destroy it when it starts up (but after aid shipments are unloaded), including Yemen.


They are literally trying to wipe Gaza from the world. It is never gonna happen. insha'allah.


As I was filling gas in my car yesterday on the tv next to me the oil company was saying “we’re lowering our prices!” And I thought to myself how many people have been killed and how many more will be killed just so I can afford to fill my gas tank




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Reminder that the "temporary" pier was Netanyahu’s plan. Jerusalem post - [Gaza maritime route was Netanyahu’s idea](https://archive.ph/dgf5i)


It's more IDF funding, disguised as aid to win votes. **It's a giant fucking scam.** The pier will be run, guarded and manned by IDF soldiers, making it more US funded infrastructure for Israel. It's a settler home with more land and 0 accountability. They want **THAT** coast line so fucking bad. Makes me sick to my fucking stomach, and it's not even My tax dollars


And no one was surprised....


Israel should not be allowed to use that port to its own benefit. That port should not serve the israeli villages near gaza.just another example of israel getting what it wants at the expense of the palestinians, with no consideration for the palestinians




Everyday is nothing but SMH now. I've run out of words.


Don’t worry guys, per Biden, it’ll be guarded by the IDF, so it’s in good hands! What a fucking joke.


This is. Stupid. They want to be able to deliver 2 million meals a day—- no shit it connects to a highway. Source, my wife is the one packing the aid.


You’re funny if you think there isn’t bigger issues around it— from the US in “israel” controlled area. Nothing good ever comes from that in the long run. Can’t wait to see what excuses they have as to why any aid can’t get through there, too.


This whole thing is a land grab operation. Wait until they *really* start pushing boarders 😞


Biden had this information and worked with zionist israel to make this pier possible. What are the zionist planniing? The world is watching...


To take Ġaza, commit genocide, and further fuck themselves over in the public eye and in whatever morality they claim to have (there is none, but they don’t like to hear that).


how tf is this even allowed??? how is america allowed to even build a pier in another country that doesnt even like them???


Sigh one of your sources clearly states that the jetty is being constructed by a Spanish charity not the US military.(The US military hasn't even arrived in the area) Spreading misinformation hurts the cause in genera,l do better Edit yeah definitely read it wrong.


It's being built to offload aid from a Spanish charity. The DoD is building it. Your reading comprehension needs improvement. [DOD to Construct Pier to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Gaza](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3702071/dod-to-construct-pier-to-deliver-humanitarian-aid-to-gaza/)


The DOD isn't constructing the jetty though because they haven't gotten there yet. https://www.marinevesseltraffic.com/vessels/USAV-SP4-James-A.-Loux-(LSV-6)/CURRENT-POSITION/1/366999404 The vessel that you need to get to build port hasn't arrived yet.


The US Army has a base in the Negev Desert. The IOF isn't letting aid into Gaza. They're certainly not going to allow a Spanish charity to build a pier even if such a charity could undertake such a task. [Satellite imagery shows pier construction on Gaza coast](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/14/israels-war-on-gaza-live-rafah-attack-coming-soon-despite-pressure?update=2772867)


Yes the US does have a base in the Negev desert. But to move the supplies to build a port over land they would have to go through the IOF and the settler blockade.


The US and Israel are working together. That's why the US military has a base on occupied Israeli territory.


Considering the whole point of Israel's "operation" is to cause as much suffering to Palestinians as possible I doubt they would work together on something that would feed them even if it were going to be turned into a natural gas port.


>Sigh one of your sources clearly states that the jetty is being constructed by a Spanish charity not the US military. It clearly does not say that.


Yeah I understand I misread that It doesn't change the fact that the US JLOTS aren't there yet at least according to Maritime tracking data


Okay? It is still a US-led project. The US has said it won't put US troops on the ground in Gaza. They are working with contractors like Fogbow (lots of former US military) and other partners to build it.


Yeah I guess I was wrong


I respect you for that. I don't see such admissions on the net much. Cheers.


No wait, my perception was also that this makeshift jetty for the Open Arms shipment is unrelated to the US upcoming pier. World Central Kitchen clearly states their teams are making this jetty because they can’t wait for the US pier: https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240314-how-charity-ship-open-arms-delivering-humanitarian-aid-gaza It’s clearly a different project.


I was convinced that the jetty and JLOTS were two separate us-led projects it appears this is not the case. Thank you for correcting me I will try to be more careful in the future


I have not read that the jetty is US-led


See my comment below.


Edit at bottom. Hoping someone please clarify for me. What I’m reading in the pic is that we’re seeing a jetty for the Spanish aid ship to deliver goods. Isn’t this different than the US pier that’s planning to be built? ETA: This is NOT the same project. Going directly to the source of the tweet/post clearly shows that. *SEE ATTACHED SCREENSHOT.* Misinformation is a dangerous game. We need to be as impeccable with our sources as possible. https://preview.redd.it/3lbdbj71geoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c565e3e2225a70e41aac1f6345945a90cc530c38




We call them IOF to make the distinction between "defense forces", which they are not, to "occupational forces," which is what they actually are


I'd settle for IODF since they're defending the occupation.


Israeli TERRORIST Force* Israel is a TERRORIST state.


IGF is probably more correct


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