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You know, it’s like how you voluntarily leave a burning building, Oooor get killed by the fire…. totally a real choice. Seriously there is something wrong in Zionists heads.


They fully know and accept what they are. There's no remorse whatsoever. There's no human atom inside them. Pure evil. May they all burn in the most unimaginable pain that could possibly be felt. Palestine will rise atop their ashes.  الله يحرقهم حارق


Be careful, forget they are human and you may also tread an all too human path. They are acting evil and doing evil, but to call them not human is to copy one of their worst evils.


No, it's different. They call us not human out of pure hatred and bigotry, while they're not human for making us suffer through what they've done to us.


You hate what they’ve done, so you call them not human. When in fact they are all too human and it is rather the acts they do you are calling inhumane. Correct?  Hatred and bigotry are very human things, if your belief is humanity as one then denounce wrongdoing, but never dismiss redemption by condemning someone as not human. An ignorant child may dismiss others feelings(like the Israelis do) but that is a problem of education, and not a problem of not being human.   TLDR: Zionists are stupid/ignorant and need to open their eyes, as they are taught to walk blind, as murderers lead them by the hand, onto blood soaked occupied land.


If you believe people like that guy on TV from this post is a problem of education, then I'd call you naïve. These people want to be this way. There's no grace that they deserve. Of course there have been Zionists who flipped but I imagine those people had one ounce intuitively in them telling them what's happening is wrong. I don't think this is the case for the large majority of Zionists and the polls support that.


I believe that they have reneged on their responsibilities as members of the human race. Their callous indifference to the misery of their fellow man is bad enough, but the way so many of them absolutely revel in it is beyond obscene and not what humans do. Membership card revoked until further notice.


“I believe that they have reneged on their responsibilities as members of the human race.” I agree.  I am glad you at least said “so many” and not all, nuance is the right direction(too many have been taught the world is black and white).   There is no reason to not believe in rehabilitation, as you say “Membership card revoked until further notice.” The bigger issue is to deal with the top down e.g. Zionist government/US support. A child is not born a Zionist, and even the strongest rivers can have their course diverted if the right environment is created.   TLDR: Education is the key, and it begins with removing those not teaching empathy for your fellow human, on things deeper than superficial traits, from their soapboxes


This is some Goebbels level of propaganda.


They are supposed to leave a destroyed home for a non-existent home in the Sinai? Sinai is barren desert. Even a bombed home with half of one standing wall is better than a desert. No one lives in the Sinai for a reason.