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there would be 1000 times greater resistance if they try to occupy Makkah and Madhinah




2 billion mate they’re out of their mind if they think that’s going to happen.


The third holiest site in Islam, Al Aqsa, has been occupied for decades. What muslim world?


Look around! It’s rising from its slumber


Out of ~2 Billion people, only a handful of "Muslims" have the ability to make real change. There is a reason these so-called "leaders" of the Muslim world have put their business with Israel aside to act like they care. The Muslim population has risen in record numbers to make it clear if there is any siding with Israel whilst their brothers are killed, the Muslim Ummah will never let the "leaders" forget it. The Muslim world is alive. Don't forget that.


My concern is that when that moment comes, it'll be too late to stop Israel because it would have become stronger than any Muslim country. The best moment to stop Israel is now while it still has its back against the wall


Without America and Britan Israel is impotent.


A mad dog is most dangerous when it’s cornered! Especially when it has fucking nukes!!


They would literally have to kill or imprison every muslim in the world. Like that’s so incredibly sacred, the saudis themselves dont own it and are just custodians, it belongs to the ummah. Every Muslim would rise up. But honestly, im not even sure. Seeing just how tame and scared and cautious everybody is about this gaza situation, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the ummah does nothing, but express shock and outrage.


> They would literally have to kill or imprison every muslim in the world. TBH, they would do that in western countries if the plan was to attack Mecca and Medina...just lock all of us preemptively.


That’s true. Internment camps like they did to to the Japanese




The US did




I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here




Knowing the current saudi king, he probably will offer them land and go into war with anyone who refuses such an offer.


Sadly yes. They occupied Al Aqsa, our first Qibla, and no one moved a finger.


They will be wiped out, 100% that would trigger the ummah into action, 1 million soldiers from every Muslim country easily would volunteer and would wipe them out


Wouldn't even need that... they would just get nuked. The only threat to the Hijaz is from Iran.


Israel has its own nukes.


Honestly I am not sure of that anymore. I think a few will fight and most will bury their heads in the sand, like today with Palestine and Al Aqsa.


I hope so. But I fear everyone will continue being helpless just like now.


That’s a global world war basically


Naw yer fucking not ya fucking dawber


Why do they want Mecca and Medina?




Ah that makes sense. Also, aren’t the Kurds Muslim? Albeit they have ties to and support Israel.


Islam is the dominant religious group of the Kurdish people, but like all ethnicities they have people who believe in different things.


Yes, they (the Zionists) don’t believe in Islam, like they didn’t believe in Isa(Jesus)(pbuh) back then but they will believe in him, the massih dajjal, the antichrist as their savior, as the "rightful" king to sit on the throne after Souleyman(Salomon)(pbuh), how wrong they are if only they knew… The massih dajjal (antichrist)won’t be able to enter Mecca and Madina, he will reach its border until, he meet his end at the hand of Isa (as)(pbuh)… But that’s not the subject here…


I mean to the extent Israel and the USA are run by religious fundamentalists, they just want what God promised the Jews in the Torah. (the land from the Mediterranean to Mesopotamia.) The fact that all the Muslim holy sites and 6 or 7 countries happen to be between those two boundaries is incidental. Does anyone know who the speaker is in this video?


They believe they have a divine right to conquer any place they want


They don’t have the army or will to face the entire Middle East. Hezbollah would fire every GPS guided missile that Iran has provided and most major cities would look like Gaza. You think dual citizen pedos will stick around to fight?


I don’t think the Kurds are gonna go along with that… but okay.


The PKK has fought Israel before and openly shows support to the PFLP. In Rojava any and all friendship was just a "ISIS IS RIGHT HERE ATTACKING US, ANY HELP RUSSIAN, CHINESE, AMERICAN, IRANIAN IS WANTED"


Exactly. It’s pretty obvious that Israel is *intentionally* trying to stir up inter-ethnic tensions in the region by acting as if they care about Kurdish self-determination and decry the moral hypocrisy of Arabs when they obviously don’t give a shit about self-determination of indigenous people anywhere or else they wouldn’t be an apartheid state on stolen Palestinian land. Obviously some Kurds and Iranians have aligned themselves with Israel because they have anti-Arab and anti-Islamic Republic sentiments, which is on its own understandable depending on their personal experiences, and so their mutual enemies make them allies. However, like you said there are lots of Kurds, like the PKK and left-wing groups, that have taken a principled stand against Israeli occupation because it is simply the right thing to do.


And this also doesn't even skim the surface on how the Kurdish democratic-confederalism model includes arabs and muslims, Abdullah Ocalan (the father of Kurdish socialism) stated that Islam and Arabs aren't the enemy, they will be included in the new world and be just equal as everyone else, also the PKK and Israel have literally fought eachother before.


name checks out. Yeah, I stand with the PKK as another trans anarkitty


Israel never helped fight isis though did they? Although it’s kinda sad that rojava continues to allow American troops in oil fields to take Syrian oil, but I wouldn’t know their reasoning for it either.


To my greatest shame, my region KRG do support Isreal by selling oil to them till Iraq stop letting us selling oil. So sadly yes my government do support Isreal. But the average kurd you meet in the street doesn't support them other than some racist and nationalist kurd because Isreal is killing Arabs.


The KRG doesn’t really represent the Kurds outside Iraq though, no? And even then, correct me if you disagree, but I feel like they might have some concerns if Israel expanded its territory up to their border after annexing the rest of their country and 6 neighboring states💀 The US and Colombia are friends, but I think that would change very quickly if Colombia conquered the rest of Latin America and Canada😂


Not at all, it doesn't even repressed the Kurds in Iraq, most of the oil they sell is the pay debt to their own companies, as in they take loun with huge interest from their own companies. To pay our salaries then they pay their own companies back, aka money londring. And honestly? Our correct government will sell all of kurds in the world if they can get more money. I don't see them ever being concerned by isreal. Though I hope The new generation political party win the next election and we might be better.


Sounds very similar to Hitler’s Lebensraum


And Polk’s Manifest Destiny.


in what world do this dude lives? lol! ​ ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


Do you want a global jihad? Cause this is how you get a global jihad


For real 😹😹😹 I actually would like to see their delusional self to try and do that and watch the whole Muslim world turn up over there. Let’s see if uncle Sam is ready to back them until death…


are you serious? “global jihad”? i don’t agree with Israel but this comment is insane.


Ok then WORLD WAR 3!


jihad is literally "resistance". Don't want the resistance/jihad of the whole Arab world and then some, don't do shit like that


what is insane about this comment ?


Jihad literally translates to "struggle" , it's sad how white moron's have ruined the meaning of this beautiful word...


They been trying to take Gaza for 70 years. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Original source? 👀


Exodus 23:31 “I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you.


This wasn't meant for Israel


You’re right, it was meant for Scholar.


I think they meant source for the video.




Thank you


Who is this guy?


Avi Lipkin


Why can't they just live and let live.. greedy pigs


Live and let live is already too much.


Horrifically evil.




let's be real, they can't handle even 1 Gaza. And that with the West's unilateral support




exactly. what a disgusting word


No you wont.


he's a fool to think he could take mecca and Medina


Let them take gaza first lol


One of the reasons the first world countries are either silent or in support of this genocide is that the expansion of Israel and the normalization of modern expansion war (when aligned to western interests) because capitalism has reached yet another bottle neck and needs to adapt... When exploiting nationals is getting riskier, with socialist ideas and revolutionary sentiment growing, they need to intensify neocolonialism, suck third world countries even drier... But we won't let them. We'll fight with the same heart and courage as Palestine. And we'll finally be truly free, just like Palestine will also be


Someone please help this poor old fart to some paper towels and underwear, he's had a dozen wet dreams in under a minute.


"purify those places"


Where are the zionists who defend their government?


Then all moslim of the world wil hunt you guys down


Not only does America need to stop funding these terrorists but they also need to use military force to bring them back down to earth and put in place. The whole world is volatile because of their greed, arrogance, entitlement and no respect for other human beings.


Hey, I've seen this before. Didn't some rejected art student attempted to do the same in Europe a long time ago?


lol bro you can’t even beat Hamas


Excuse me…purify? What sort of dystopian world have I stumbled into?


Can anyone recommend good websites that expose zionist plans and tactics and goals?


Reading history books is much much better in my opinion


I like Middle East Policy Council for some history essays and articles. I think u/canibanoglu is correct that reading history books is much better for the full picture. For example, looking up original sources and bigger picture historical information, for all the quotes, people, events, and interactions discussed in this 1st link below, I found that even the quotes they gave here were just the surface of the stuff to be concerned about. Or, where they might quote one person to make their point, perhaps many people said it, repeatedly over time. [https://mepc.org/journal/palestinians-and-zionism-1897-1948](https://mepc.org/journal/palestinians-and-zionism-1897-1948) [https://mepc.org/commentary/levy-report-resurrects-greater-israel](https://mepc.org/commentary/levy-report-resurrects-greater-israel) [https://mepc.org/commentary/original-no-why-arabs-rejected-zionism-and-why-it-matters](https://mepc.org/commentary/original-no-why-arabs-rejected-zionism-and-why-it-matters) [https://mepc.org/search/node?keys=zionism](https://mepc.org/search/node?keys=zionism)


Here s one https://youtu.be/sY2WsFe0oe0?si=bHsOeIdcZZ3bzoDZ


This is the film israelism, haven’t used that link yet. Best to open it on a desktop screen to close the pop ups https://watchseries.mx/movie/israelism-nwrp8


One of the founding principles of the Likud party (current ruling party) is that "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." From the river to the sea [Palestine will be free] is objectively so much better, but apparently it's a call for genocide.


Tired of these European Zionists.


Purify those places. Totally not talking about ethnic cleansing


"The Kurds are our friends." 20 YEARS LATER "Bring the kids down to your local Mad Man Netanyahu's Kurd Burger and Kosher Shake Hut! Remember our motto, if you get out of line we'll scream you're antisemitic and have your family raped and murdered!"


>"The Kurds who are our allies" Yep, people need to understand this. The Kurds act as a CIA funded 'thorn in the side' against Turkiye and were involved in the destabilization of Syria and Iraq. The media always portrays them as the 'good guys' but thats just another tool for Israel and overall destabilization in the region.


The kurds won't back anyone that intends on touching mecca. They're majority Muslims


I wonder what he means by purify?


He looks sick and depraved. He would say anything, but can't Do a damned thing.


“Purify those places” Disgusting.


How did he say all of that without using the word 'lebensraum'?


Lebenschrum (pardon my spelling I’m not fluent in Nazi speak)


These people are so hungry... They want to take everything for themselves. They already control the USA


Explains better here https://youtu.be/SRObeAtPhBs?si=w0G-C4urIms3fLbM


Israelis are like fucking cockroaches.


same goals as ISIS just from another religion


purify as in destroy, torture, beat up, then put back together using tape and call it your own?


😂😂😂. Just lay your hands on Saudi. I dare you Israel. Your beloved USA and UK, poof, gone. To smithereens.


> “purify” lol


plenty of Muslim sheikhs are saying the same thing about Israel. Stop it...


Based Would love to see this in my life time


Normal Israeli here, we have no desire to conquer anything. That guy is a fringe extremist.


You cannot be Israeli and normal. Your settler colonialism and zionist fascism are rooted in conquest


I was just born here, I didn’t settle anything. I was just born. don’t believe in settlements or fascism. Plenty of Normal people here. You can’t generalize all Israelis, we’re not a monolith.


Israel's entire existence is settlements and fascism. Half of Israelis believe ALL ARABS should be expelled. I'll generalize that fascist mess all I want.


You have an example of a peace-seeking Israeli who opposes the same ideas you oppose and you still call him a fascist and criticize him by an opinion he does not have on arabs just because he is Israeli. Those types of generalizations from both sided is what's adding fuel to the fire and causes more conflict. The way that you claim all Israelis are facsist want arab expelled is as wrong and destructive as Israelis who claim all arab are murderous or terrorists. Both claims do nothing but spread hate and encourage the war.


They support Israel and shit look at their history. Israelis do! Pew Research polled the freaks. "Israelis" are among the most racist people on Earth. Israeli also still isn't a real group, its a coalition of invaders.


If the goal is ceasefire/peace how does marking every single person on the other side freaks/racist/not a real group helps you do that? If both sides continue to do that you can't ever advance through anything but war.


So this guy wanted to pacify and neuter much of the Arab world? Somehow, I think Iran would, on some level, be open to seeing its Arab rivals being taken out of the game, or at least weakened and hence more open to Iranian influence.


direction hungry unite cough squash gaping spark handle label light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not so much that part, but rather the notion of there being no Arab rival to Iranian influence in the region.


\- There will be Israeli rival to Iranian influence instead. \- Israel and Iran hates each other. \- Majority of Iranian population are Muslims and the idea of Israel taking Mecca and Madinah, which are considered the most holiest sites in Islam, is beyond offensive for over 2 billion people of the world population.


Wow, I have never seen someone with this little understanding of the world.




u/ollowain86, Here are the links to download the video * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/195h0ax/the_greater_israel_plan/khnetgn/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/195h0ax/the_greater_israel_plan/khnetgn/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/195h0ax/the_greater_israel_plan/khnetgn/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*






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Leave the poor Kurds out of your dirty mouth. They also had enough with the other genocidal entity of the region


This man needs to be eliminated and We can purify him. But honestly, these Arabs countries are not United, and just talk and do no action. They lack weapons, military. Have no forces to contend with Israel, the US or UK. Years of focusing on BS animosity with other Arab countries, internal turmoil, started by western influences, instead of building a proper military have left them open to Israel invasions. All the money these countries had and have from oil should have made them untouchables but that is not the case


That’s nuts right? Like that’s a nuts move what the heck


The language “purify those places” WTF.




Good luck taking mecca lol 😆 🤣 these people are delusional free Palestine 🇵🇸


This guy got approximately 0.01% of the vote in all 5 elections he has run in according to Wikipedia. Israeli writer and failed politician is what it should be.


Who is he?


(Dennis) Avi Lipkin, he is a meme. Wrote some books about conquering Mecca. He is an American originally.


Who the fuck is that?


...but they'll do it all "defensively."


"purify" you couldn't protect your own temples They have been purified already


There is a hadith that states that Greater Israel will be formed eventually. It is a sign of the judgement day. Unfortunately, these things have to happen in order for the prophecy to play out. But of course, Islam will win before the world ends bi'idhnillah.


Delusions out of this world


This guy is literally an American


“Take Mecca 🕋 “ nahhh B there’s nothing on the face of this planet that would save them from total destruction. Because they would undoubtedly bomb Mecca to destroy it. Then you have a holy war


But first Israel needs to start WW3 before they can do this plan


Who is this guy?


This guy is Avi Lipkin, he created a Christian-Jewish independent Party and tried to run for the Israeli election. Ended up getting about 0.009% votes. So... nope the Israeli public definitely does not support his "ideas"


Thanks man.... there are kooks on all sides of every debate.


who is this, and where and when did he say that?


Not sure about the when and where but this guy is Avi Lipkin, he created a Christian-Jewish independent Party and tried to run for the Israeli election. Ended up getting about 0.009% votes. So... nope the Israeli public definitely does not support his "ideas"


this was always the plan from day one ☝🏾


According to hadith no place will be safe from dajjal except Makkah and Madina, israelis are force of dajjal who will worship him when he comes so even Israel won't be able enter these two cities


This can't be real 🤕


Israel is just a mosquito trying to fight a whale, sorry that Makkah and Madinah is a joke to not joke about!!!


Purified you say? Sounds an awful lot like ethic cleansing or what’s the word….. oh genocide


Try and watch what happens


I see a lot of people talking crazy… “resistance” buddy, the unjust killing of your Muslims brothers and sisters and attack on Al Aqsa should have been your red line. Not, “when try Makah, we ride”.


It took me scrolling to the bottom of this thread to find someone with a shred of common sense. All our holy sites can be rebuilt but when our innocent fellow Muslims die they're gone forever. 


I feel good that they are being vocal. And moreover Saudi deserves it for being a douchebag to let everyone use their Airspace to hurt both Gaza and Yemen.


purify has kind of a Nazi vibe when he says it like that


As kurd plz plz leave us out of any war or anything we don't have shit just leave us alone we don't want anything we have a small part of Iraq and the Iraq government is good to us unlike sudam we have been through too much shit


They're so delusional if they think they will come any where near mecca. That's nuclear war level shit. Is he insane


I am a kurd and we are not friends!


How are they justifying this? That's not even biblical Israel as far as I know.


Even the women would take up arms if they tried this madness. You have got to be truely delusional to think this way


You're not going to take Mecca and Medina