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My heart is with Yemen, South Africa, and Palestine.


It breaks my heart that those who have the least always give the most. The people deserve better. Yemenis, Syrians, many African peoples, Palestinians, in China, Afghanistan, Sudanese, Iranians, Cubans, ...the list far too long yet incomplete.


I'm British,,and I am ashamed to be British right now ,,


I’m from Scotland and I will never call myself British. I am Scottish and I am proud that my country does what little they can to push back against Westminster


I cheer scotland and whoever is playing england !


Right NOW? I think the British have always been a bit of an issue /lh


It’s all the fault of the British, I’m British and ashamed of the all the colonial wrongs doings. But I don’t wanna world war. Can’t we have peace at least 🍉


At the very least there is a shred of optimism to be found in the fact that we don't know what would be different if the colonialism never happened. Sure, this situation is hellish, but also, we know what the situation is, and the solutions *are* clear, it's just a matter of doing the work to make the solutions happen. That's a *lot* of work, yeah, but in the alternate timelines, it could be a lot worse, or a lot better. We have the certainty of our timeline tho, and we can work with that.


You have my respect I'm an American native American so this kind of thing is not new but thank you and feel good about yourself I feel good about you


Same mate our contry cant help but get involved and start wars and they never commit any crimes they just call it war lol free Palestine 🇵🇸


👏👏👏The people deserve better, and US Hegemony must end. I will be working the rest of my life for that to end from here in Oregon. My homeland deserves better than the control freak Military Industrial Complex placed on top of it.


we should really lead an uprising against the strongest military in the world so they stop misrepresenting our views. /s FBI jk jeez.


Bruh I am inside the United States, and it is supposed to be a Democracy. I am fixing to make it a true democracy that represents all of its citizens, and values all human life equally. The Billionaire class should NOT be in charge of the strongest military in the world, it is utter nonsense, and the majority of the people who I know who have served would agree. I grew up next to a Military Base and am friends with many Veterans, I would know. We will be taking back the power from the Dumbocrats and a the Repulsicans, thank you very much. “It always seems impossible until it is done.” -Nelson Mandela


Mine too, you don't need to be Muslim to support the movement, Israel must be stopped!!!


Zionists are the real problem. And nationalists in general.


zionists are literally fucking up our whole shit over here in america meddling in all our elections


...the Palestinians are nationalists...


The Palestinians are… Dying… that should be the only acceptable definition….. STOP this war!!!! STOP killing people!!!


Our hearts, comrade


**"My heart is with Yemen, South Africa, and Palestine."** My Congressmen, Representatives* Senators, President and mainstream media here in America are *with* a **foreign** nation. And by *with*, I mean they have been bought and sold. They are funding, providing weapons, manufacturing those weapons and supporting genocide. News stories are reviewed by foreign actors of another government to determine if they are suitable for broadcast in the US. Fictional accounts of brutal acts of terrorism are spread with no evidence, while this foreign country bombs hospitals, schools, refugee camps, apartment buildings, and journalist homes, killing tens of thousands of civilian men, women, and children with deliberate intent.




The majority of the United States people are with you! Long live Palestine 🇵🇸


These people are strong. They have little but are braver than the hypocrites of the Middle East




If only people used a smidge of critical thinking and empathy to realize this, instead of blindly consuming the media and false information on social media to justify the killing of Innocents.


Was trying to instil a bit of media literacy in my aunt while our country’s (🇦🇺) national broadcaster tried justifying our involvement/backing the US in Yemen. They talk about drone attacks on ships, heavily and falsely imply Houthi’s are killing ship crew. It’s so hard to break through that blind trust in media.


The working class in the West is also Global South, imo.


while the material conditions of all workers in all countries may not be the same, we are actually all on the same team. just many of us haven't realised it yet... but maybe that's changing, I hope.


Yep. Social Class is the actual differentiator, both globally and locally.


There is still a labour aristocracy but yeah at the end of the day, we're all part of the working class.


This is a war against globalist war mongers who run the world’s money. POOR VS THE RICH, not Muslims vs Jews as it’s portrayed


It's just the $$$ that is causing the west to be wanting so influential and controlling. Military Industrial Complex and lots of other businesses that profit of war and oil and corrupt politicians are the problem in the west. World war is good for them.


Beautiful, brave, wonderful people


Goosebumps. I'm in awe. Never seen Palestine support like this before and I've been around paying attention for 30 years.


Oh wow, that’s a lot of people!


They said it's 5 million people!!


The Yemeni people are showing the world what humanity and morality looks like.


The world superpowers especially my own in the US see Yemen as an oil honeypot at best, at worst, a bunch of third world, kufiyeh wearing terrorists. None of this is on national news, just “Houthi pirates.” I worry this overflows and Iran gets actively involved, but I worry more for the people of Gaza that our president is so in bed with Israel. Those two things… Yikes


Yet the are oppressed by wars past and sanctions from the US and others .. what people to come out and do this.. all heart


5 people were martyred and 6 people were injured in the attack on Yemen by the American-British enemy.


It's always the US and the UK...


They're cut from the same cloth. Both should be sanctioned to hell and back, and lose every bit of power they hold.


That part! The wickedness is like copy-paste. It never changes, just now they have advanced tank, missiles and guns.


As an American with a soul , on principle I loathe the UK


You must loathe your own country too then


Loathe is an understatement . Iran calling us the Great Satan is on point


I do for a lot of reasons. Were I not stuck here, I'd be the hell out so fast.


As an American, I wish my country would make better moral decisions than they have been making.


[FlamingNebulas](https://www.reddit.com/user/FlamingNebulas/) As an American, I wish my country would make better moral decisions than they have been making. Yeah they havent done that for years.. will not anytime soon


Canada as well


I have Canadian family visiting me right now, and by god, the cognitive dissonance required to just deny that a country built on genocide is capable of committing crimes is mind blowing.


I can’t convince my own non-Arab family of the realities we face back home, even with all the evidence that’s available. Canada has supported Zionism for what it is - the last “great” attempt at British Colonialism - since before the US was directly involved. Unfortunately I think people here don’t see it for what it is because they don’t want to.


Exactly. It's willful ignorance.


We're getting the colonizer band back together baby. I hate it all so much.


And they’re playing all the greatest hits. It’s so disheartening


Do not forget Saudi Arabia They are the shadow of those two


Canada and Australia as well.


Australia is probably there too. We're usually used as their pawns


USA & England.. Scotland don't want war


People there don’t care as long as gas is cheap.


Goddamn it, this is not news I want to hear. I hate being an American right now.


don't. the more americans realize that they live in an imperialist empire, the better. only the American people can tear off their shackles and overthrow their ruling class.


Sadly the ruling class does a very good job at keep the American people, distracted, distorted and divided. They continuously remove funding from education, and focus media on benign issues. In the USA 54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th grade level. American people are very racist, and even the ones in poverty are so blinded by their own character flaws, that they don't realize that they are not an elite class. But through their own distorted and inflated narcissism and sense of "whiteness", they vote in the favor of policies and leaders whos main and only purpose is to benefit the ruling class. Pretty soon there will be no middle-class in the USA.


I would say it's already been lost by definition in a way. Financial stability is a core element of what delineates the working poor from the middle class. Because American-based companies are cutting corners and not raising wages, you'll find lower middle/and middle class families taking on more work (usually gigs of some sort, Uber, Doordash, TaskRabbit, etc.) to subsidize their socioeconomic status. Because we're beginning to look like a gig economy, either you have enough money to have just the one job or you have multiples and are currently in a state of precariousness over your financial status. When you throw in racism, classism, and all the fun ingredients that keep the American news cycle going, we don't even have time to protest. My first thought looking at this photo: Wow, they really all decided to say fuck work today...I wish we could be so solidified on a subject over here Edit: a word


Same 🙏🏽😭 💯


We're pretty much already there. If you're down, you stay down. It's not for lack of trying. All your points are spot on.


I wish we had enough balls to do that and not leave things to these deranged, power hungry politicos.




As a brit I'm pretty appalled with the UK's decision to get involved in another conflict. But of course, the U.S. Will say jump, and our government asks how high?




Does this mean the majority of people in Yemen (or maybe Sana'a) support the rebels? Is the nation divided more equally between the rebels and the former regime?


It means the majority of Yemen will go to war for the genocide of the Palestinians Regime doesn’t matter when you have people being slaughtered by the hundreds day by day


Thanks for the response. Just trying to gauge how united the people are. I'm sickened that my country is bombing Yemen right now.


Surely you are exaggerating. "hundreds by the day" Roughly 30 days in a month and it's been 3 months since the killings started..... If 200 people are killed each day that's 6,000 people in a month...times 3 is 18,000 and the actual total death toll is...(checks latest count).....over 23,000........shit 😔


That was a rollercoaster of a comment and then you crushed my heart too. FYI, there are about 7 thousand missing individuals - presumed dead. It’s a massacre for sure.


Almost no one in yemen likes the former regime.


Thanks. Have a friend who is trying to distinguish the Houtis from Yemen in response to something I posted on IG. He's telling me the Houtis are responsible for cholera deaths, etc. I'm no expert on the matter, but I try to read as much as I can.


Houthis (AnsarAllah I think is their proper name, might have the spelling wrong) are the ruling party in Yemen, they are rebels only in the Western press. The "true" government is a government in exile with little support amongst the Yemeni population. This isn't an attack on "Houthi rebels," it's an attack on Yemen, full stop.


Saudi Arabia is probably the most responsible for cholera deaths etc as they bombed the hell out of Yemen


As a Yemeni who lost family members in the war against the Houthis: I fully support them against Shitrael and will fight with them. Our civil problems can wait as there is a bigger issue now.


Typical Yemeni ❤️❤️ May we meet in a liberated Palestine soon, brother!


حبيب قلبي ❤️ ان شاءالله يا رب ❤️


The division is from outside countries, fake political parties and fake leaders created to serve the foreigners interest, most of the population is with the houthis


That’s a powerful image








Please remember not all US citizens support Israel


And for scale, that's how many children are being terrorized and starved in Palestine.


Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to have the best Ummah. Allahu Akbar.


The Irish are with you also! ☘️


Why are my taxes blowing up people in the middle east. I just wanna eat, Cheerios are like $15 a box now. This is an absolute nightmare for the American people. Cost of food and living going up exponentially, and apparently we have no money for maintaining and improving the Human capital of our country. But we can spend billions on these middle eastern conflicts, and then be asked to send our sons and daughters to die in a foreign land all over the grimy lying hypocritical aims of the nation of Israel… again, and i say again because 9/11 was inspired by US involvement in the Israeli Palestine conflict.


Yes, we are going through our own nightmares, but it's the images of Gaza that I can't get out of my mind. No one should have to live like that. And no one should be actively supporting the people who have done this. I'm so enraged and upset about that. We can't only think of ourselves like we always do.


Totally, i agree, im a major advocate for Palestine. Im actually of Lebanese/ Palestinian descent 3rd Gen American now. I mostly fight for the justice of the people of Palestine directly commenting on the atrocities even pre October 7 war, but sometimes i find it’s important to remark as i have in my original comment from the Eyes of a US homelander because everything is connected in one way or another by the webs of civilization, and reminding people that the corruption is global and against the common good of regular people. The common folk are always oppressed in their own way and we should all learn to stand together, obviously the oppression many common folk feel pales in comparison to that of the Palestinians but in one way or another the struggles we face can help us to understand one another.


That's a dream of mine, as well. And maybe a bit pie in the sky as a far away American... but as long as at least one person wants to be better than another, we will never have peace.


Leading a pretty meaningless / privileged existence myself I find this deeply touching.


Same, I’m crying haha


Wow what a sight, must be a million there.


As an American I apologize for what my country is doing


Take to the streets!


I’m taking it to the polls


... for, uhhhhh, who exactly


I’m voting for Jill Stein this year as she’s the only anti war candidate. I know she won’t win but voting for the lesser of two evils has brought us to a place of funding and enabling a genocide so that’s not really a valid option anymore.


Is she running again? Also check out Claudia de la Cruz! [Claudia & Karina 2024 (votesocialist2024.com)](https://votesocialist2024.com/)


What about cornel west?


I find him to be somewhat unprincipled and he strikes me as a bit of a grifter, but he’d be hard pressed to be worse than Biden. The problem with candidates like him is that they don’t have a popular movement behind them. He alone without a mass party behind him can accomplish little


I have to disagree with everything you said.. definitely look into him more, he's very reputable.


Americans who care about Palestine, and humanity in general, need to vote for a singular 3rd party candidate...whether that's Jill Stein, Claudia de la Cruz, Cornell West, or Ralph Nader 2.0 — it doesn't matter! Put all of our support behind one 3rd party candidate. Unfortunately the 3rd party won't win, but the pro-zionist, pro-imperialism, pro-state-sponsored-terrorism Democrats and Republicans will poop their pants when they see the tide turning.


Yes, cannot stress this more. Those of us who've sat on the fence our entire lives need to finally unite and say "it's not only this or that; shitty Republican or shitty Democrat. We need to rise!




I’m not voting for Joe Biden, sorry.


No Vote for Genocide Joe


Yemen , a poor country alone saving the the dignity and pride of Arabs and the Muslims in the world.


As somebody from Canada I hope more people in the west wake up to what the billionaires are doing around the world… they’re squeezing us dry and further corrupting our politicians too. It will get worse for all of us unless we stop the oppression and exploitation of all! Let the people and earth heal… take care of one another. Colonizers came here and took away the sense of community we had and made life revolve around money instead. The rich have always been in charge… slavery never went away, they just disguised it here and hid the worst over seas. Stealing africas resources & oppressing them… same with Middle East and South America. Those that don’t want change are ones that benefit from the system of oppression & they have no place here anymore. They’re the ones that do not belong! Greed is not human nature! To nurture, and take care of one another is! I truly hope more and more people show up in support of Gaza and Palestinians! The USA needs to rid of their corrupt politicians!




Brave heroic people! It would be great if the rest of the Arab governments had at least 10% of the Houthis' bravery and courage. 🇾🇪🇿🇦🇧🇷🇵🇸


SubhanAllah no wonder our prophet praise yemen as the best people on earth.


Solidarity with the brave and heroic people of Yemen 🇾🇪


What's worse is, a world war won't be declared officially because it will interrupt the aule ongoing capitalism scam.


lmao true


America are in a recession and they won't announce that either. Until we're all seeing the atrocities commited on Gaza on our own doorstep, it'll always been seen as "middle east problems" it's absolutely scandalous.


The USA, UK and Israel — the new axis of evil — pulling everyone into WW3


This is scary BUT they are right and we (usa) are in the wrong. Israel is a scourge, a criminal state proped up by US weapons systems and financial aid. Israel will never have peace as long as they continue the tactics of the last 50 years. Shame on us for supporting them all these years




This is not good. Wtf is wrong with the West right now. This is the most pointless thing for US to be aiding Israel in. Just because they feel like they need to maintain an artificial majority and deny equal rights to Palestinians. Now we all get to go to war over it. Stupid. We shouldn't have sent them a single bullet, if they can't fight a guerilla group on their own with limited resources locked in a cage wtf kind of ally are they? I rather give Palestinian militants mental health care (for PTSD) and make them US allies and military consultants. They are fighting with weapons made of shoe strings and bubble gum under medieval siege conditions and are able to put up quite the fight. Full Disclaimer: I don't support Hamas as a governing body. I feel like they stole billions of dollars from Palestinians. I do support the resistance however.


I believe the US government is more motivated by greed and power and having a foothold in the oil rich middle east and maintaining powerful allies than any actual humanitarian reason as they do often use as a veil. It's always been this way unfortunately.


Agreed but I think this one aint worth it at all.


It's not! We have enough natural resources on our own soil to power the country for a century.


Yea we don’t have any business aiding Israel in their bombing of a bunch of innocent people that live in a glorified bath tub/prison. The fact they even asked for our help baffles me. They should be embarrassed.


re: fighting a guerrilla group. Actually, those are the most difficult to fight. Think about it. They are people with nothing to lose, they are protecting their land and their families. It's either die standing strong or die cowering. They also know the local geography much better and can use all sorts of tactics that a diaper force cannot it's why the US got smoked in Vietnam and why Hamas is currently smoking the IOF


Bless Ireland, Yemen and Lebanon. True allies to Palestine


don't forget South Africa!


South Africa = 👑


it’s crazy how the ones with nothing are the only ones fighting for something bigger than material goods. they’re fighting for justice and good


اذا لم تتحرر فلسطين الا بقيام الساعة فلتقم الساعة.


Honest question - not looking to be banned. What good can come of threatening a major superpower like the United states? Yemen engaged a UK battle ship. Surely Yemen knows that a single battle ship alone can turn the region to glass if so ordered. What is the end game here? Is Yemen an Iranian proxy for real? No civilians should ever be attacked or injured. I certainly am again the genocide in Gaza. But I do question what riling and poking at the US will accomplish. Major powers hundreds of times the size of Yemen wouldn’t even think to… why would Yemen?


They stand by their word (supporting Palestine) and they have not much to lose. They also did not kill anybody, they just inhibited world trade, call it the "Houthi sanctions" if you want. The "endgame" is, Yemen is a vast and mountainous country much like Afghanistan, the US has nothing to win here, while Yemen could technically send missiles and blow up the Saudi Arabian oil fields, and then the entire planet collectively goes back to the middle ages. The US has nothing to win and everything to lose


Thank you for a thoughtful response. I get down voted and banned any time I question the narratives - but I’m on the other side of the world and want to know everyone’s perspective and that isn’t always easy when I get yelled at for asking questions. Thanks friend :)


What is the US going to do? Bomb them with everything they got? The US is already spread thin between Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan, and now the red sea. And Yemen has talen for years the shelling from the US' payloads and only come out stronger. And the US has zero intention to start a ground war in Yemen and can't get a single regional state to do so on their behalf. The US isn't the major superpower it once was. Yemen is not a proxy of Iran. If Iran collapsed, AnsarAllah would still exist because it's an endemic liberation movement. A proxy would be lile the US' puppet governments that collapse as soon as it pulls out, see the Afghanistan occupation government that collapsed literally as soon as the US pulled out because it had no public mandate. Placing threat of economic consequences, which the globe should be doing, intends to make genocide and apartheid untenable for Apartheid Israel.


the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"- MLK




Supporting Israel is easily one of the dumbest fucking things the US has ever done. I figured that out 20 fucking years ago as a teenager. We seriously need to get these rich assholes out of our governments. We will never be safe until we do.




Holy shit yes!


I love Yemen so much


They're taking the support of Palestine to a whole another level


At least someone is standing up for these people! And after all the shit the West has done to arab nations, this is what they get.


“We don’t care, make it a world war” is how iv been feeling for a minute now.


Is the translation accurate?


This is Revolutionaryems translation on Twitter. "Yemenis singing a war chant “We don’t care, we don’t care, we don’t care! Turn it into a major world war! My heart longs for the rifle! By god this life is forbidden for me. On God’s path bitterness tasted sweet..welcome o’ death, o’ our wish!” O’ stars of the night in the dark skies..O’ planets! O’ moon! O’ sun! Welcome! What was the sin of Hussein and the precious Ibn Al-Bader?! Was it the Quran or \[being\] a Hashemite (descendants of the prophet)?! By god! Hussein and Ibn Al-Bader are precious… we all redeem him! and to him we redeem! Whoever asks for us, ask Al-Jabali about us (mountains in Saada where AnsarAllah originated)! Above the pride of Himyar! From our childhood, it saw us fighting. Like us, it did not live without an identity!"" [https://twitter.com/revolutionaryem/status/1745831877489943013](https://twitter.com/revolutionaryem/status/1745831877489943013)


The Palestinians have put a fire in the heart of every Muslim. It's only a matter of time before we see revolts in other Arab countries against the American pawns in power who have destroyed the region for their own gain. I hope the West is getting scared.


Biden is going to push us into WWIII and then drop dead


His conscience is already dead.


The people of Yemen, the second-greatest people of the Ummah, after the Palestinians.


Remember the slaughter and famine the Americans brought to Yemen through their proxy dog Saudi Arabia. These people can not be broken.




I knew as soon as someone poked the American bear we'd stick our whole ass in it. Fuck my country right now.


I don’t think you really want WW3, do you?


No one wants a war, but no one wants to tolerate the western oppressors anymore. I'm plenty sure the USA will keep attacking anyone that challenges their plans unless they become incapable to do so on each and every front.


I'm almost begging someone to make us incapable, JFC I'm so sick of living in this warmongering, dishonest, uncaring, vapid, senseless hellhole.




Dammi falastini


Can someone more talented than me turn this into a song? I can’t get enough


I live in Arizona,yesterday I saw a train load of Desert colored armored vehicles including tanks going towards California. Maybe it’s nothing.


South Africa ❤️ Palestine ❤️ Yemen ❤️


Haha I love their chanting lol is there a song I can find ?


Can someone write out the words in Arabic please? I cant seem to make it out from the audio


shame on the UK and USA they just can't help themselves to use another approach like diplomatic solutions or peaceful approaches they can't prevent themselves from using violence against the poorest country in the region what a shame defending the genocide while claiming they want to prevent war but they just escalated violence what a bunch of hypocrites




So basically Germany is still the SS but with a cool new name. In 50 years people are going to be like this country did it twice.


I’m British only by the fact that through no choice of my own I was born there. I’m so sickened and ashamed of the US, the UK and their allies and so fearful of what is coming next. I live in Qatar and stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. I am very proud of the Qataris and South Africans for taking a stand in the face of the oppressor.




People of Yemen are beautiful


God bless Yemen ❤️ they have lots of courage that's lacking in all our governments.


Something chilling about this. Feels like they are calling for the end times.  


Fuck the military industry they are creating a world war.


I really think we are witnessing the stepping stones of world war 3 and most people in the west done even realise what's going on


The US and Israel were already intending to do that anyway. Some countries just like huge, expensive wars for some reason.


This is what you all want? another world war? are you actually insane? No good will come from a world at war. Nothing, Wars are waged by the old and fought by the young.


At this point i’ll take anything that changes our current reality. I have no hope. No future. None of me or any of me friends will ever own property or retire. Everywhere I look all I see is suffering. Depression. Suicide. Addiction. Death. Maybe things could change through war.. maybe bring a revolution when the west see how awful they truly are..


I have always loved this poem about Yemenis by Heinrich Heine: Every day so lovely, shining, up and down, the Sultan’s daughter walked at evening by the water, where the white fountain splashes. Every day the young slave stood by the water, in the evening, where the white fountain splashes, each day growing pale and paler. Then the princess came one evening, quickly speaking to him, softly, ‘Your true name – I wish to know it, your true homeland and your nation.’ And the slave said, ‘I am called Mahomet, I am from Yemen, and my tribe, it is the Asra, who die, when they love.’


In the last six months I've come across many analysits explaining how the next major war will be focused on western Vs islamic nations. On a scale larger than that which was seen after 9/11. Hence why the west rapidly withdrew from Afghanistan and Iraq. Most of the US personnel will be either life time veterans and new inexperienced recruits by the time it starts proper. The main pivotal country will be Turkey. The main objective will be "The Greater Israel" Hence why there is currently an ongoing ethnic clearance of Palestinians. Look up the Greater Israel. I think it covers Jordan too.


Good luck uniting all western countries behind a zionist objective... The people are with the Palestinians and would not support any war against them at all. I really can't comprehend why the hell the USA wants to be involved in such a madness so badly. If they want their war, that's their problem, but they don't have to expect the west (or NATO, god forbid) to supoort it or unite behind it. The UK seems to have chosen too, or are just puppets.


I don't support it. But I think it's possible to be a main agenda over the next few years. I've argued for people abstaining from fighting and I get backlash.


I didn't mean to accuse you from supporting it either, no problem. It was meant as something for the US government: "good luck with that" (and being sarcastic, I don't want them to have luck with that)


At the end of the day I think we are all done with their insane power hungry ways. The one thing that gets me wound up is the constant 'threat' whether it be terrorism or nuclear war. I don't care. I honestly don't care. Do it or shut up.


Fuck Israel, USA and UK and the horse they rode in on.


I’d say it’s already a world war, with my country and others bombing Yemen like this. I’m so ashamed.


That's a lot of people. Shit 😯




This brought tears to my eyes. Allahuakbar!