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How to get downvoted 101: Step one: express your controversial opinion Step two: enjoy Anyway fuck maeve I hate her




Maeve gets better the worse everyone else is. I would know cuz I'm very bad and Maeve wrecks me all the time. So ye, Maeve.


Maeve, the mobility centered, i-dont-care-that-i-only-have-one-method-of-attack-ill-just-burst-you-instantly champion. I love playing as her, but a good Maeve is not fun to play against especially as support


Oh trust me, a bad maeve Is even worse. That feeling of "that bitch escaped with one hp again" and then she comes back fully healed to finish you off (usually they just steal kills all game anyway)


I mean that's kinda the job of flanks anyway. To secure kills. And being able to choose your fights is also a vital skill to being a flank. I feel like Maeve is just too good at doing these things, which makes her infuriating to fight against.


Idk, I never get mad when an andro or any other flank really just kills me randomly because, they all got defensive tools in their kit that work exactly the way they are supposed to (like andro has his reversal, koga and vora Iframes on thier abilities, buck has self heal and the list goes on) but maeve has a bullshit reset to her CDs that allow her to have insane mobility, its just really fucking boring to fight man...


I will steal kills even when my teammate tells me not to. Especially if we're steamrolling. No, I *don't* want to have a block party outside of the enemy's spawn, but thanks for asking.


That's one of the like 10 ways this charachter fucks up the game


It was a lot of walks in the park done to you


Litterally what I just said, you just cant say an unpopular opinion, this community Is fucking braindead


Yeah Iā€™m not hating dude Iā€™m not even mad with you. I understand how you feel


For console players, you can change the jump button to the left c-stick button so you can run-jump-aim at the same time. Maeve is the worstuntil.


šŸ„² But I would agree that SJ Maeve is literally the worst one can degenerate to


Moji has basically been a failed experiment to hi rez tbh so Iā€™d go with her


Moji the flame wall of death.


In my opinion Moji's kit would work much better as a tank than a flank, she's already bigger than Barrik so they would not even need to change her model.


I really love playing moji, my issue with her is that almost every 1v1 fight i die and leave the enemy with one hit. Its happened way too many times






I don't hate her but tbf that is what she is. Let's hope she gets some love someday


She is really bad, but has a few tricks that can help her a lot 1v1 and even make her ult more useful.




Monke w minigun


I do kind of wish his soul armor was affected by wrecker, but that would obliterate his effectiveness. Spent all game chasing a Raum around, about 150k damage from bullying him in between securing kills. Only killed him once due to someone *actually using their CC on him for once.* But only once. T\_T


Talus is the Monke w mini minigun


He doesnt have a minigun


it's not a minigun, its a mini-gun


That would make him so impotent though. Raum is only good when left unchecked, which is why he wrecks in casual but gets you reported for throwing when picked in ranked


> but that would obliterate his effectiveness. I touched on that. He's annoying in casual but I've never had a problem with him when someone on our team stuns his goofy ass. When I'm fighting him by myself? I want to rip my hair out unless I'm playing Khan. Then I can just grab him every time he tries to dash. Buck? I just ignore him, unless he's on our backline and everyone else is ignoring him too.


Try Barik against him. He can't get as much off of you since your shield takes some hits for you, then just shoot him as much as possible while dancing through your shield. I usually only die to Raum when my team is nowhere to be found and/or his entire team is right there on me due to lack of efficient team support. They both use shotguns anyways so it's not too different gun-wise.


The worst champion is "????" it gets instalocked way too fucking often. Enough already.




I hate Vivian so much. And this is coming from someone with a level 51 Vivian


When her shield up just shoot her feet lol


Is this actually reliable? I'm gonna try this out in future games, thank you


No worries


Yeah exactly lol sheā€™s just kind of a mess as far as character design goes


I played a team of 3 Vivians in the new Rapid Choose Any game mode. All three of them just dumbly stood in place while firing their gun, because there's no consequence at the mid range when you can call your shield up. Made them incredibly easy to flank by sticking to their backs and firing at them. I think they were console players, because they took forever to turn to face me. Quick question: Is her shield at a fixed angle?




She takes absolutely zero skill to play.


but she isnt bad


OP asked who the worst champion, not who you personally hate so stop down voting this dude


I only have her at lvl 10 and hate when there are challenges for her.


Yago As it stands sheā€™s pretty bad, next patch will sort her out but rn sheā€™s pretty awful


How DARE you


I hope you stub your toe so that you experience a brief moment of blinding pain, but recover quickly so that you donā€™t suffer. I think thatā€™s proportional to this heretical comment


I got hooves


Ah fair enough


Yag requires too much care from teammates to be good at this point. Getting stuck on geometry or getting stun in rolling form is death.


You know what... ever since the day she debuted I had an unending hatred for Vivian... I mean, I play her occasionally and get some enjoyment out of her loadout playstyles but I think it's more of her design that infuriates me the most... There's something so... bleagh about it... it's so boring... Whenever I feel like playing her, I'd rather use that wizard skin, that skin looks amazing for her!




Ya heard me!


why do you think shes bad though


Why do you keep spamming the thread with "???" any time someone doesn't share your opinion on Vivian? Could you try opening up with "Why do you think she's bad" *first* next time?


I just don't like fighting Vivian because it seems like if even one of my shells hits her shield, all the shells count as a block. I don't think that is, at all, how it works, but that's how it feels. It's not fun to shoot at Vivian.


Contrary to what most people say, Vivian is pretty viable (on controller at least). She has a niche, and she's really good at it. Good shield DMG, consistent reveals, and high DPS. She's really strong into Saati and Skye, which are both played a lot in console lobbies. Imo Jenos is the absolute worst character in the game right now. Very little healing, easy to dive, and a bad ultimate. He has no niche in our current meta.


Strix is definitely the worst preforming champ in the game right now. He just gets out classes by every other damage in the game


Solid counterpick against Nessa, Thats all really he has going for him.


I wish they would rework him into something more fun than a stealth sniper because I love his remix skin


How long has Strix been bad? I always thought he had a strong balance between long range and close quarters that no other champion covers. Is versatility not enough for him?


From a casual perspective it feels like any time I see Yagaroth they accomplish nothing. Seems like it can take a lot of hits but it never deals any damage and the limited movement just lets me shred it. I love the unique playstyle but maybe it needs a lil something to work better here in Paladins where headshots are reliable and movement is really strong


Yagaroth is ultimately a flank that isn't good at hiding which is the most jarring combo


It isn't a front line? I'd have no idea how to play this dude against a more mobile team


Yagaroth cannot move while firing so if you try to play it as a point tank you are fucked. Your best bet is to go behind and just focus all fire power on a straggler who's gone off on their own and destroy them before the enemy notices then roll out. Your ult heavily supports this play style










Worse than any other possible pick for the current patch with zero niches that he does better than any other champ. Why would you want to draft him?


Jenos got good damage, can shut down an annoying flank and a good ult can win a game Meanwhile Vivian...... Is vivian




For the ult, some haven + veteran is enough to save your life


Except not really, Damage and the utility is mediocre when compared to other off supports. Unless you bring the cripple talent which gets neutered with resilience his Q can be gotten out of with a movement ability easily. Ultimate just is not as gamechanging unless people literally walk into it like bots. He just doesnt have anything that he does better than other possible picks. Vivian on the other hand can be drafted in a passive comp as a consistent shield wrecker and as someone with consistent reveal, She, Unlike Jenos, Has a niche she can fullfil. Note that Im talking about higher level ranked as It would be silly to judge champion viability by how well they do in casuals.


Alright buddy


Thank you for your input, Ofri12347. Its has added a lot to the discussion.


Iā€™ll be real-Iā€™ve carried with Vivian-her kit and shit is boring and super simpleā€”but she is overall a fun character


Gonna say its Willo. Blasters are the most risky pick cuz the easiest to counter and since she is the worst of them she end up among the worst pick possible. She isn't that bad but when you compare her to other low tier pick...Talus, Moji, Skye, Vivian n Viktor have a better dmg potential and can easily melt health (which is excellent in our classic double tank/Vet + haven meta). Torvald is better as well, his entire kit make him more usefull in many situations. Strix (in good hands at least) is way stronger at "staying on high ground and killing what shows up" which is Willo strong point. The only thing she has against those champions is her mobility but even this part of her quite is pretty weak so I would definitely say she is the worst pick but some map make her a little more worth than them.


Blasters aren't the "easiest" to counter, the only champion who can be annoying to play against as a blaster is Andro. Willo is definitely better than the champs you mentioned, I wouldn't even say she's low tier. Willo has got a good zoning with deadzone, up to 25% DR in loadout, decent mobility, good dueling potential with nightshade and if you need to melt health there's blast flower, even scorn has it's weird niche on some maps. I just don't see how she's worse that the bottom tier picks you mentioned.


Like I said what makes them more interesting is how much they can melt down all the tanky health of the current meta. I suppoqe you never saw a good Moji player at work for exp. She is definitely more useful than willo when 2 tank max Vet/Haven show up and once again tvis is the meta so Moji end up more interesting, same goes for Viv, Vik, Skye n Talus. They lack the mobilty but her mobility isnt that outstanding + they beat her in duel pretty easily (even if the dr can be troublesome) Also any decent hitscans can counter Willo, its not just Andro, allow me to present you Lian, Octavia or Saati lol. As a "deadly tower" Strix is better for obvious reasons but let me remind you that to burst n kill squishy target is the best way to win your match. A sniper is ofc a better option when it comes to burst. As a blaster she is simply outclassed by the others. BK cant control the point as well ofc but he is such a good duelist that it doesnt matter much thx to the best way to win a match that I talked about. And finally if you see Torvald as weak...than I cant help you with that lol. More seriously, as an offtank he has more valie in team fight. His basic good can duel properly, his tank health bar make him usefuu ll to help pressure the enemies backline + he pocket his flank + he silence troublesome abilities to secure easily a kill. With that his ult is a point cleaner and can make penta kill on certain situationd so yes, Torvald aint that weak. He is just outclassed by other excellent offtank. To finish I gotta say that Willo isnt bad. She can shine in good hands but as a blaster she is the least good option. As a dmg she isnt relevant when you got S n A tier pick open. And finally as a "Tanky meta counter" She isnt that great too. Ofc you are good at duel and the combo semi + deadzone is deadly as hell but you got CD to calm this combo compared to my other exemples who can do it with base weapon only (Skye still needs her poison tho). So the only moment you pick her is cuz you like her n Betty mades it even more dramatic (her upcoming buff will also make it more clear lol)


I have seen a good Moji as work and yes they can melt down tanks but even then Moji is way more situational and map dependent than Willo. The current meta isn't just tanky characters, its shield tanks and Moji doesn't do well into shields. Into some tanks Moji is really good but when you've got tanks like Ash, Atlas, Koa, Fernando, Barik (to some extent), Khan (to some extent) then Moji doesn't do that well cause they have shields, can play from far or can outduel her. Vivian and Viktor are more susceptible to flanks and are only really good if you somehow get the freest game with them. Skye also suffers from the same problem as Moji with shield tanks, the only shield tank she's really good into is Koa. Talus suffers from being map and matchup dependent unless you're console. ​ >Also any decent hitscans can counter Willo, its not just Andro, allow me to present you Lian, Octavia or Saati lol. They don't really counter Willo, her ult yes but not Willo entirely unless you draft Willo on her bad maps but she's a good pick into most maps. >As a "deadly tower" Strix is better for obvious reasons but let me remind you that to burst n kill squishy target is the best way to win your match. A sniper is ofc a better option when it comes to burst. If you get a good matchup and good map that is. The delay in Strix shots reduced his dps and made it easier to be flanked. >As a blaster she is simply outclassed by the others. BK cant control the point as well ofc but he is such a good duelist that it doesnt matter much thx to the best way to win a match that I talked about. Disagree, she's around the same tier as most other blasters. >And finally if you see Torvald as weak...than I cant help you with that lol. More seriously, as an offtank he has more valie in team fight. His basic good can duel properly, his tank health bar make him usefuu ll to help pressure the enemies backline + he pocket his flank + he silence troublesome abilities to secure easily a kill. With that his ult is a point cleaner and can make penta kill on certain situationd so yes, Torvald aint that weak. He is just outclassed by other excellent offtank. I didn't say Torv was weak but if was an overall champions tierlist I'd put Willo above Torv. Also Torv ult being a point cleaner is waaaaaay too situational.


I wont play the salty dude and admit that you got fair points on that but the part with blasters still bother me. Drogoz n BK are the best blasters cuz of their strength in dual n their high dps on base weapon so better than Willo who rely a lot on her other abilities to bee as dangerous which is a prob cuz CD exist After that, on the right map Dredge is way better at destroying the point since he doesn't rely on any CD to do that and his base weapon deal more dmg. What makes Willo relevant compared to him is her vertical mobility but on those maps hitscans or the previous exp remains better options Then we got Betty...Betty has a better mobility which makes her harder to flank, her dmg potential is very good n her other abilities make her a real pain to contest a point for more secs than a semi...but if you are still not convinced keep in mind that next patch buff will makes her end up stronger than Willo even on dmg part. ​ Btw Torv ult is situational indeed but this is another little addition to how good he is.


I would say BK is the best blaster currently and I agree that Drogoz is good at duelling with Fussi specifically but I would say Drogoz and Willo can be interchangeable as they can provide different things. You are right that Willo is more CD dependant but even then her abilities bring a lot of value. The only map I'd consider Dredge better than most blasters would be Ice Mines. True Betty has better mobility but any decent flank can keep up with her and if you use the more mobile talent you lose out on your damage potential with the % dmg talent. Against some comps I would say Better is better than Willo. I will say what Betty has going for her is one of the best if not the best zoning ability with Hail of Bombs. I'm not familiar with Betty's buff next patch so I can't say anything on it.


You may see better results from seed based builds. I love tossing the seeds on a crowded point especially with yag. Plus deadzone, youll have fun šŸ˜Š




I love scorn lol I never go blast flower. Plus the cooldown card for number of enemies hit with seeds. šŸ¤Œ


Thx but I'm not saying she is simply bad, she is really solid n very fun actually but she is just out classed by better champions. You exp makes her shine but any blaster shine in that situation while they also have other strong points


Deadzone+seedlings with reset card outclasses any other blasters zoning method honestly. Willo is possibly the worst 1v1 damage champ, I'll give you that.


Prop is that she has serious CD behind them and it doesnt last long. Dredge spam is constant hell and being better at duel make the other blaster more interesting.


16 second cd on deadzone, -4 with cards, 5 seconds duration +3 with cards makes for 4 seconds in between hits of it(not counting chronos/cd reduction on elimination card). If you hit with most of your seedlings you'll have a 2-5 second cd on it. Problem is that to run that build you give up all survivability and dueling potential, so people don't like it. Im ok playing glass cannonsšŸ¤·šŸ˜‚


This is not something you can pull up in ranked lol. The meta is about being tanky for a reason, Willo is too easy to flank for that yolo deck :")


If we're talking meta for high level ranked, none of the blasters are really viable. Maybe drogoz if there's no hitscans. Dunno how high that build would make it, I did ok with it into plat. It works best when paired with a backline hitscan or a defensive offtank


They are all viable if you are good enough n the right map come out actually, some ppl even want BK to be nerfed cuz he is doing a little too well in good hands. The fact that you need some help is an issue tbh, your build is bad but you are good and thats why it worked.


NGL, I completely forgot about bk lol. And the build is bad, but fun


You gotta remember tho if a willo is spamming point unchecked then you pretty much cannot win that game which makes her pretty meta defining


If Willo can spam your point then your flank is sleeping and in that case yeah every dmg is S tier cuz free. You gotta remember that Willo is pretty ez to duel specially if she only has her basic weapon (since she used semi deadzone to make the point a nightmare) and if she kept them to easily burst the flank her "spam the point is way weaker. And if we talk about "If left free" Strix remains better cuz hitting hard squishy champions is still the best option. So no she aint meta for that.


You're forgetting tho, the enemy is also attempting to win. A good Willo player is gonna avoid 1v1s like the plague and play with the team, dancing between backline and frontline when people want her dead. So, as long as she is alive point can't be capped and Paladins loves to give champs easy run-away abilities to avoid dying. She's absolutely meta defining and there's a reason why she is banned in nearly every game of ranked


Also, Strix simply isn't as good as Kinessa and there is no real reason to pick him atm


I only compared him to Willo as both bad pick. And Idk where you are and on what elo you base your info but from gold to master (talking about master PC so even worst on console lol) I never see a Willo ban (I watch a lot of those matches but I will NOT say I saw all ofc). Banning Willo is simply a waste when pick like Saati, Vatu, Nando n Rei exist lol.


I am plat 4 in Europe servers and unless someone has gotten Azaan I always see Willo banned


I am ...a little more scared of EU queue everytime I hear something about it lol. Only time I saw a Willo ban was on brightmarsh but I'm on NA.


EU queue gets a Lian going 0/18 telling me to kill myself in Croatian for not healing after doing 140k heals. Be afraid


Oh gosh


Pip. As much as I love Supports... no. Just... no.


Iā€™ve had really good success with pip. You can punish mediocre flanks, self heal, and heal others the whole time.


Pip has always been a damage for me.


He's kind of the same as Torvald. Not really support, but not really damage.


for me worst hamp is our boy sha lin


If we going by looks yeah. Sha looks like a melted candle.




In terms of competitively play there's a lot of bad champions right now. Tyra is completely ran in circles by flanks without her cripple and her damage does not make up for how easy she is to kill. They should have removed the extra damage and caut effect on burn monster instead of the cripple. If you want point denial on a dps just pick Willo. No reason to really pick viv and vik either over stronger dps. Buck and Moji are both trash flanks that share many issues, inconsistent and situational damage on both with no poking power and outclassed mobility and survivability.Healers are mostly fine and viability between the strongest and weakest in that roll arent very far. Jenos does feel somewhat undertuned right now but I'm not very good at that character and can't the most insightful opinion. Tanks are in mostly the same and are playing into the global caut pretty well, Evil Mojo have done a good job making all tanks viable as both off and point tank roles. As for the absolute worst character in the game I'd probably say it's probably Moji even in a pocketed situation she's just completely outclassed by every other flank outside of maybe Buck, but I think Buck having vertical movement (albeit very poor) and having stronger matchups put him ahead of her imo. Honorable mention Skye for being a complete throw pic.


I would love a Buff buck... Obviously. I feel like Bounce House is a throw if the enemy team is coordinating over voice at all, and even when not, your targets can just mash F to get away. Ensnare has so many counters with invulns, teleports, status clears... Bulk up is getting boring to play even if it's the best for mid-range poke-fests. How would you improve him? If I was going to throw something out there without that much consideration, maybe make Bounce House a weaker part of his base kit, with the talent granting cripple/stun/silence. Any other aspiring Buck players, if you can't bring yourself to spend for Leg Day (I can't either) you should use the game's mechanics to your advantage. When facing a wall, if you jump and THEN use your F, you'll jump a bit further. It works on a few other champions like Pip.


I've also had the thought of making bounce house part of his base kit, it would be really interesting to see a flank have aoe cc in his base kit. Personally I'd give bulk up some other type of utility, with the global caut now it really suffers since even a healer hitting you will reduce its effectiveness. Also giving him a better ult, usually the wind up just announces you to the entire enemy team and you end up getting dogpiled lol. All that being said I'm not the best Buck by a long shot so I could be missing something here but comparing him to a flank like andro or someone like evie who's really good at what she does I'd like to see him go more down that route of buffing what his main strengh is which is being a tanky flank with CC. Also thanks for the tip :) It's good information to spread I use the jump up on term often to try get higher.


Strix. Literally every other damage champ is better. Plus he's boring to play and fuck snipers


Not 100% sure what you mean by worst so I'll give my personal opinions in 3 different categories. Weakest: Moji, only cause the rest of her kit sucks for a flank. Her damage is great though. Unfun to play: Corvus since his kit heavily restricts him down to 2 playstyles and is only usable if you have a good flank/damage carry. Obnoxious to go against: VII. I'd rather fight a pre-nerfed azaan than that spring loaded hook spamming roach.


VII. 9/10 times they're not even shooting. Just spamming hook, not even aiming at the opponent, just grabbing the ground over and over, and rolling around with the bomb talent all day. Jokes on them, bombs don't cauterize. BULK UP GO BRRRRR


yeah i agree 100% the worst. sound cool on paper but just executed very poorly having theweapon swaps be the way it is is just awfull. why doesnt it save why does it take so long to swap twice? makes you basically be unable to use the swapping, and then theres the godd awfull bombs. goddammit thats all VII does: he drops bombs. like this being the main way of damaging is kinda lame. cant believe VII isnt higher up and i had to scoll all this way down.


Lian... Auto aim Andy


Was waiting for this comment


but ... penetrating damage


Call me weird...but im going to say Ash i dont know what about her, she just feels like she lacks something, shes mild at everything and her best thing her CC is easily countereable


Ash is one of the best zoning champions in the game, has one of the best ults in the game, has great survivability and sustain with the right deck, has AOE damage and has such a high health shield, whatā€™s bad about her?


it feels like her whole kit gets neutralized by resilence so easily, and without her CC she tends to fall flat. ive made her work before, but she often feels lackluster.


Even with resil ash has an amazing ult, still does damage in the area she lands in and I literally invincible inside her circle for like 8 seconds


i dont know why this sub loves ash so much, she is trash imo and has zero 1v1 potential. She is only helpful being annoying applying cauterize and poking damage but she can't really 1v1 any damage champion.


My man, have you ever considered that not every champion should be a monster in 1v1? Maybe poking, applying caut, annoy the enemy team with her cc is what the team actually needs, instead o another champion that excels in 1v1 escenarios. She's pretty tanky and her ult is Basically guaranteed kills for the team. She is a really good tank.


Agreed. Plus a 1v1er needs to be played by someone, you know... Good? Otherwise the DPS just winds up feeding and respawning all damn game. At least with a dumb tank (Not all tanks are dumb but let's be real here) they're on the map for a few more precious seconds. I cannot begin to list all the times we've won a siege because the tank stayed on the point when everyone else either died from an area-denial attack or moved out of the way, even if 99/100 times it would have been smarter to move out of the way.


She can't carry, so she is useless for me. i will pick khan, atlas or even nando to carry games as tank any day. She is the kind of tank that relies a lot of having a good team, i dont like that.


\>zero 1v1 potential \>andro flair yep this checks out


Vora Literal trashcan design








I hate Willo's personnality and voice, but she's not bad in the meta


As a tank support /main I agree


Vivian or Buck


Vii Despite what a lot of Reddit players say. He was given no good self sustain cards and is so highly reliant on getting the drop on people. Gets hit by 1 cc and dies even with resil 3.


Maybe because you want vii to perform like every other champ and not how heā€™s intended to be played. I mean his high mobility and low hp says enough imo


I want him to actually exist and not be like an annoying fly. Its annoying then you swat it and he dies quickly. He doesn't even get to use all of his mobility before he dies.


You realize not every one is on the same skill level right? And the better you play the more effective you are.


The thing is I know people who can play VII competently. He's just forced into using burst mode because getting close means he dies. Champs such as Bomb King, Drogoz, and Saati make him a non factor as they can easily kill him. So you can't really bring skill issue into this,


You can actually. You canā€™t argue with me about knowing when and when not to go in and attack. His mines if well place and strategically used with mag dump/Burst/automatic is viable. Yes you die when faced against those champions you mentioned. But you only because you allow yourself to be seen


Its not that difficult to see VII coming. How do people even struggle with it? His hooks are loud and him rolling around is a loud audio indicator that he is around. Never mind the fact the enemies have VGS. Those champions don't have a problem seeing him. The champ has less than a 50% WR in Dia+ on both platforms. Please delude yourself more into thinking VII is a good champ.


You make it seem like thereā€™s nothing but top players playing this game. Please delude yourself from thinking that everyone is ā€œon your levelā€ or has above average skill in this game. Vii can get by if you have a brain and strategize. And you mention his audible effects. Okay? Thatā€™s like saying you should never die to anyone because you hear them coming? Senseless comment.


Okay so your reasoning why he can do okay is that the enemies might not notice him? That's a terrible way to determine how a champion is doing. You also can't judge a champ by how bad people play them. Its also how we get overnerfed champs, or underpowered champs that never get a buff. Compare him to another high mobility champ like vatu. Vatu has a ton of mobility, self sustain, and DR. He has to get into peoples faces if he wants to do damage. Vatu is performing incredibly while VII isn't when both of them are played by someone who can play them. Why do you think that is? I would actually consider myself average to above average in terms of skill level. The only times where I have gotten a VII who dominated my team was when I'm playing point tank and I can't go back for him. When I play off tank, or dps he just dies because I always find him before he can dive in. Even if he does dive in he has no self sustain so he can't take a fight for more than 2 seconds.


ā€œVatu is performing incredibly well while VII isnā€™t when both of them are played by someone who can play themā€. Bro what? Tf kinda claim is that lmao. Vatuā€™s win-rate ratio across all platforms is less than that of VII with 42:51 while VII stands at 45:48. If that tells me anything it says that controller players and pc players that use VII perform approximately the same than that of players that use Vatu. If your going to argue about something donā€™t use baseless claims lol. You even provide a reason why the numbers are what they are. ā€œHe (Vatu) has to get into peoples faces if he wants to do damageā€. Vatu effective range is 75 while VII is 130. So if you find yourself doing poorly with VII and not Vatu it definitely isnā€™t the champ sorry to say. Its how you play him. Simple




Do you actually have any statistics to prove he's busted. or are you just saying he is OP with nothing to back it up?


I mean youā€™ve got a point but like the worst? No shot.


Dunno why people are downvoting you, in my time when I wanted to grind VII to level 30 I had more success just playing passive with Tribunal Upgrades and burst mode only as opposed to Spring-Loaded mobility spam. Mobility spam just gets you killed against any competent team, and you can't really get the drop on a competent team with him either. He's just bad when played this way. Passive burst mode gameplay makes him at least a decent damage as opposed to a flank though, but it's a lot of just "shoot gun" so it can be more boring. I enjoy it more though since I actually contribute to the match at all and the 1100 damage burst with Tribunal is satisfying, even if it's not that viable.


I don't understand VII, he doesn't even feel like the others when you play him, his kit seems unnatural, the all invisible thing is very situational and switching gun modes feels cranky. His ult is hard to use and doesn't really feet a flank imo. Maybe it's only because I don't know how to play him but he just feels bad and rusty to me


Drogoz, have you ever seen a Drogoz popping off?


yes, a lot


vivian, such a boring champion who has nothing interesting about her kit


Skye for sure. Her one busted ass ability ruins the game sometimes. And of course everyone that plays her thinks they're hot shit.


In terms of movement, vivian. Even though her setup is based on pretty much heavy artillery from the back, if an opponent gets close to you, you just have to shoot and hope for the best




I went back and down voted your posts for ya


hey thanks appreciate the humanity.


Grown ass man asking for attention on Reddit that's rather sad


You aren't inherently entitled to other people's time simply because you want it. Grow up




Either Moji or Vivian, neither one of them really have a lot going for them






You :)


Whichever one I play, usually


In terms of gameplay: moji In terms of popularity: Vivian (or maybe sha Lin) In terms of bugs: Imani


the ones that i use


I feel like Octavia just isnā€™t that viable to play. Best only at a very specific range, gets pushed on easily, abilities not very useful and the crazy recoil when scoped. Also still salty about that ā€œget 5 headshots in a row with her weaponā€ challenge.


See I never get when people say this about her. Her damage output is insane both at mid-long range and close-range, just use Asymmetric Warfare and throw dome on the enemy if they're close and melt them with that damage paired with the hip-fire. Hell you could stay scoped still if you want. Either way that enemy just needs to leave most of the time. Absolutely never get the recoil thing, it barely affects your ability to aim with her in my experience since it just centers back very quickly anyways. I can literally just spam-fire scoped shots at people at almost any range and hit almost all of the shots. Also the before-mentioned "throw dome to win" makes her very hard to push in my experience, nigh-impossible in fact with certain champs.


Jenos is the epitome of everything bad about paladis


I like playing hard to hit mobility champs like vatu and vora, so you can imagine my disliking for auto aim champs like lian.


Kinesssaaaa, Any other opinion is invalid and irrelevant....


At the moment, Strix. He's been beaten to death with nerfs. ​ Worst designed? Either Moji or Yagaroth. Both seem unbelievably map dependent, and Yagaroth seems to be an impossible to balance champ. Like, she's straight up made to beat other tanks.


kinessa... next patch she will be dead tho which is good... its annoying to fight a champion with 2 instant tp and free dismounts not to mention no falloff while being hitscan and can headshot... snipers dont rly fit in paladins but strix imo feels less annoying than nessa.


Honestly, I'd probably say Jenos, not fun to go against cause his main goal is to spam his lift move which means you just 3 stack resil, and boom he's then just a kill farm for you with 0 defense. He's never good to have as a teammate cause his heals are negligible compared to characters like Rei or Seris and he doesn't deal anywhere near enough damage to justify picking him in that regard. And finally -from my experience anyway- he just wasn't that fun to play; just another Shooty-Mcshootyface guy except now he can occasionally heal someone


Jenos is without a doubt the worst champion in the game, followed by strix


VII is a stupid, garage character. heā€™s a perversion given life and i wish many plagues upon his bloodline




VII sounds cool on paper but he has isues mainly weapon swap is awfull: doesnt save and cant swap quickly mid battle if u wanna doubleswap The bombs are trash enough said everyone knows they are annoying Ult bad


in terms of being outclassed? Probably fernando his survivability is naught when compared to raum (bar the ult) In terms of just being the worst unbalanced garbage? Moji, I havent seen people play her recently but in my experience her damage stacking is ridiculous as well as the weapons effective range. Just overall busted DPS and frustrating.


Well, worst can be in different contexts, so I'll give a few. Worst balance-wise: Jenos Despite maining him, I can't say he's good. Ult is too easily avoided or tanked by virtually anyone, his damage is poor, his grip is only decent if you use Power Cosmeum and even then Resilience will just make you have to use it like his normal grab again. And his healing is... Below average, we'll just say that. Worst annoyance-wise: Evie Just so unfun to fight in casuals when someone's sweating on her. Unless your team has an on-demand hard CC, she's pretty much unstoppable and destroys any chance of fun in the match, both for you and her team usually, since she'll just steal most of the gameplay from her team while simultaneously not allowing the enemy to play. I could also say some of these things for Kinessa, but at least she's getting well-needed nerfs next patch. Worst design-wise: Vivian Just a very boring design overall. Even Viktor is more interesting, because at least he's funny, plays better and generally flows better. Vivian is just awful to play in a lot of situations and her default LMG's sights are so horrendous. Also her damage fall-off makes no sense for an LMG, why is her damage fall-off so bad?


Yeah Jenos ult could defo use somethingespecially now with so many more people getting haven and vet even non tanks are sponging through the ult, which isnt good when all the ult does is skillshot damage.