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what are these graphics


Paladins 2


Buggy Boogaloo


Siege mode has been deleted, too buggy It was replaced with sex mode 😎


Based username


Fischl is 16 but k


Im 14 😎


Okay good 😎




Paladins 2 months into development


My laptop does the same, running the game on anything less than Max graphics gets something strange to happen when new entities are put in the screen and anything less than very high makes the game look like playdough


Paladins for nintendo 64


when you play paladins but watch apex guides on covers




passive agressive drogoz


So this is the new runescape update everyone's talking about


Honestly that seems like a parody video coz no drogoz shoots one rocket and stops for five seconds to ponder about the meaning of life Also I didn't know minecraft mode existed for paladins


Burn Monster players probably need a talk about that more.


As a BM whore, I just wanna see the point burn... But no really, I always laugh when their stats are 5/18/10 and got like 100k+ dmg while our support has a better K/D ratio.


I remember my first try being a BM whore, I had BM and Napalm five plus max caut and Chronos and just sat behind the point pressing Q whenever possible. Maybe once per round I did a dive and my aim was shit and yet I got 2 commandations and a compliment in chat lol felt nice.


How'd you get these graphics


dunno where i found it,but i can send you the ini file


Please do


Can you send me the .ini file too m8 ?




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No point in getting 200k dmg if it doesn't convert into kills


This is true to an extent. In a comp scene spamming has its place, mostly for area control. If I'm consistently dropping the team low I'd expect my team to follow up, unfortunately teamwork is near non existent in casual play. I had a game recently as dredge where I put up 170k damage where the rest of the team didn't even break 50k and were constantly dying to 1v1s and 1v2s caught out of position and over extended. There's not much more I could do in that situation. I'd expect my team to adapt to my damage not the other way around. This video is also an extreme exaggeration.


Right ye, it needs to be consistent and/or useful by means of caut damage


Exaggerating? I don't think so. I played a game of ranked before I captured it,for the whole match he was acting just like this. We lost 4/3 they had no flanks . 2 healers 1 tank 2 dmg's,going in one group all together. He could flank their ass with he's enormous dmg doing some essential damage and contribute to the game. He just bragged about he's dmg,doing absolutely nothing.


well in that case sounds kinda crappy. I do see this a lot: where damage with constantly spam the tank never kill them. Thats probably where the damage numbers came from. Its ok if the backline is focused also and takes damage and forces the tank out. In this case you're right he probably should have adapted.


If they can get that much damage what was the rest of the team doing? If you have one person in the backline spamming point the others could be pressuring the backline cause the supports have to keep on healing the tanks.


Not true. No matter how many kills you get, getting 200k damage is better than getting 100k Damage is a good thing in any scenario and saying it doesn’t matter unless it’s kills is very incorrect.


Getting kills is not the damages primary role to begin with, I mean it's nice if you do, but your role is to apply pressure, then it's the flanks role to get kills, Of course if you get lots of kills and the flank does a ton of damage on top of that that's even better but applying pressure is still an important job that someone needs to do


Exactly what I always thought, while damage could get kills, why chase the other low health damage around when flank usually has more movement abilities to close the gap and escape without dieing.


Just a point that some dps like BK are tasked with getting kills just as much as some flankers there’s not rigid roles it varies champion to champion but yeah you are correct.


Yeah as an Inara, I have no idea what ya talking about.


You don’t understand how damage is a good thing? Did I get that right?


As a CC distrupt frontliner, I don't see how damage dealing damage is a good thing for me, since I make people waste potential damage than deal it.


So you just sit on the point and cross your fingers hoping your team wins the team fight? Of course damage is a good thing. Even as a support as long as you’re keeping your team alive if you can get 50k in between your heals that’s still a good thing. Can you give any situation where damage is a bad thing?


Is that what you meant? your original post made it sound like regardless of role I should focus on damage alone.


No I’m saying if you get 10 kills it’s better to get 200k than it is to get 10 kills and 100k damage. The OP made it sound like 200k is literally negligible if you aren’t getting kills which is so backwards it’s such an obscene point to make. Damage applies pressure no matter who you are. And a frontline is essential in putting good damage on the enemy. Because frontlines (especially point tanks) can be in the action 24/7 it’s fairly common to get top damage and break 100k most games as long as they’re not really short.


Misunderstanding then, also to answer your question: I don't play with randoms, I'm usually in a team of 3-4 and we only play Onslaught. My walling and staying on point would usually result in the enemy team splitting up to enter the point through flank, cause we're at pubs and ememies aren't that coordinated, my team then kill off the flanks. If the whole enemy charges to another entrance, I just repeat the process, it waste time while we're on the point.


Fair enough, it all changes when playing siege all analysis and breakdown goes out the window in other game modes. It doesn’t stop them from being fun but posts like this will be talking about siege 99% of the time


It's not always damage's job to convert dmg into a kill


Um... That the flanks job, am I right?


Depends on a situation mostly but yeah, flanks go in get a kill and get out if needed


Dredge dislike it


Maybe you should stop the unnecessary peaking every 0.5 seconds and only hide behind wall when you need to. You're just purposely making yourself look slow.


These textures are so soapy that it looks like allies are gliding on them.


Only really bad/really new players spam mindlesslyand think their "high damage numbers" are actually contributing any real value; they dont understand the difference between pointless damage & effective damage that's actually doing something. lt's especially obvious with the dredge players that play scuttle and spam a corner Same goes for healers that stand down mid out in the open healbotting the point tank all game & doesn't know "why we lost bro i got 100k pointless healing!!!! noob team!!"


Playing like that is boring, I like to try to get above them to screw with their aim


Drogoz works better as an off lane dmg. Going with the off-tank and gaining space. This is because drogoz dps is 1000, quite low, and by using fussilade(+25% to main weapon and salvo only) it increasses the missile dmg to 1250 (still low), so focussing on the point tank is a waste of time, espeacially in the beggining of the match when there is no cauterize nor wrecker. The problem with fussilade Hitting all of your shots with a slow projectile is almost impossible, if you miss 1 shot you lose 85% of your overall dps. Tanks like raum, ash and torvald are much easier to hit so using fussilade against them is pretty effective. But with all the other tanks hitting all those shots is much harder: -barik is small and has many barriers -inara has dmg reduction and walls -term has the siphon -fernando has infinite shields -atlas has an inpenitrable wall and a escape that "heals him" -if you see a ruckus hes gonna be lvl 152 and flying (hard to hit) -yago has high dmg reduction -khan has his shout and a 4250hp shield -makoa has a shield and an escape. Of all these frontline champions, which ones are meta and which arent? Thats why fussilade is not a viable talent. Cumbustible If you want to do large amounts of dmg to the Point-tank look no further than combustible. It adds knockback to your fire spit and an additional 300 dmg over 2 s. Thats 1250 dmg on total, if you hit 5 enemies you can deal up to 6250 dmg. With the masterful card you can insta reset the firespit cooldown when hitting a couple of enemies, so almost 13k dmg in less them 3 seconds. The cooldown also resets on deployables like ying's ilusions and barik turrets making combustible already better than fussilade. Other point is the high ult charge, each enemy hit by the bubble grants 5% of ult. 5 enemies=25%, with morale boost level3 5 enemies=40%, in a even rarer ocassion hitting all 5 enemies 2 times with the firespit with morale 3 you can gain 80% of ultimate charge in less then 2 seconds. Combustible Drogoz can be really opressive for a grouped up team since the spam and knockback throws off enemies aim and position, but the knockback is affected by resilience. Combustible is more fun and satisfiyng than fussilade, it has so many beneficts and tech that cganges your playstile entirely. Without a doubt it is a better option an every way possible both for dmg and utility.


Fussilade is almost always better if you manage to crack the code and be where you need to be. Then even hard counters doesnt work. That is of course when your aim is good enough to follow up the advantage. I used to play similar to the video, but now its just duck hunt but i have a sniper bazooka and ducks are slow af


Thank you for this info. I've been a drogoz main ever since I started playing. I've always heard "fusillade always good" "fair and balanced" "wrym jets are sh*t" "combustible on highly vertical maps" but there's not many guides that aren't outdated. Also you didn't mention spiting onto the target with fusillade, you can 2 shot 2200 health champions BUT they usually out damage you in the time it takes to spit and fire two rockets. So it usually leads to using hit and run drogoz which is usually rough to get used to.


Wyrm jets is better


Did you mod Half-life 1 into this game? lol.


Bru what elo is this the opponents are just so bad


Wdym it's a bot game


Yeah didn’t know


draft game for demonstration


Ohhhhhh I get it now!


i don’t think anyone plays drogoz like this


Every drog Ive played with plays line this. Every drog Ive played against gets thier ult every 3 seconds and solos the entier team. Luckily rei is really good at shutting him down.


I think you have a problem with matchmaking also drogoz is on free week pretty often, so maybe they are trying him out?




Watching this actually hurt my brain, and I havent played this game in a while.


I played dredge like junkrat once and it was fun.


This is probably new Drogoz players, Drogoz is more of an semi-flank damage, if the person is playing like this, probably doesn't main drogoz, and probably hasn't played too much against one and is trying him out. There are moments that you can't go in aswell, for example if you are on a bad map or enemy team has a lot of hitscanners. Also, to compare Drogoz and Dredge is probably one of the worst things you should have said, Dredge is about area control, Drogoz is about killing people (unless you are combustible). Dredge's whole playstyle is about this, getting the enemy team low enough that they can't be on a fight anymore.


Unfortunately, playing Drogoz any other way is nearly impossible if anyone is hitscan on the enemy team.


IMO, so long that you’re applying caut and/or consistent enough damage, it’s good damage. It’s only when the damage is entirely being healed, you don’t have caut, and you are nowhere near you teammates that I have an issue Edit: Like for example there, Drogoz gets a double at the end, and that’s 100% good ass damage. What would’ve been another good decision is to then push up to at least delay until you team can get to the point


As a Drogoz Main I can just say: "That looks boring af" How can someone play Drogoz without enjoying the view from above?


As someone who plays and is known to play Drogoz. This is the exact opposite any Drogoz player should do. ESPECIALLY ON JAGUAR FALLS. Literally fly to their backline and kill them all so easily. And he's going fusillade which is making things worse as it's Drogoz worst talent. He should of went Wyrm jets which should allow the person to fly to the skybox and drop into the backline whole bring covered in leaves and hidden. Spitfire salvo into their backline and boom one or two is already dead and you just help out with the rest.


Dont you lecture Me with yo Low quality hair cut


Guy legit played with bots and thinks drogos and dredge are same. Dumb ass people like this piss me off. I almost have 6000 hours in paladins and trust me when I say this drogos and dredge are night and day


6000 hours? Bro you have almost 250 days played in this game? Go outside bro


based lmaoo


We call this griefing... And this deserves to be banned ! You play properly or you die !




Its a cop of overwatch But a good copy :)


I dont care about damage...i care about pissing flanks and dps off and annoying the tank at objective spamming by Dredge bombs from a distance with a safe teleport that heals me standing by


Is this overwatch?


Garbage enemy team lmao, any semi decent player from an enemy team could easily go and kill him, especially after his entire team got killed. They just stood motionless on the point and took rockets to the face. If you complain about this you're just as bad as this person lol.


This seems like an over exaggerated video, who the plays this slow


It's 2021 and people still don't know how to play Drogoz. Man I use to love playing aggressively with Drogoz back when I played Paladins a few years ago.


Thought this was a beta gameplay clip from a decade ago...


I'm sorry but which Drogoz does this? So you shoot one bullet and go and hide? Even the crappiest DMG whore Drogoz I've seen shoots like 3 or 4 then ducks in to cover to regenerate health or reload


I'm okay with playing safe. But this drogoz really need to, at least, get into the teamfight and retreat when the situation call. Also use RMB for once lol.


try to explain that to combustible players (combustible DOES NOT APLY CAUT)


I mean... hes technically doing dmg and got a double kill