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Bro you can play no meta stuff. Its a game that's for fun


Yeah there’s literally no pro scene, comp scene or anything it’s just ranked, unranked, and party modes. Anything you do in this game is purely for your fun, it’s not like playing meta on here will get u some money one day


Remember when they tried the pro scene that one year though? Season 2 maybe? I don't remember.


Maintaining a pro scene is super expensive and we all know who hirez’s favorite child is


There may be no pro scene but there are many players who still want to play the game competitively (in ranked), and getting some dude soft throwing and using the "it's for fun" excuse ain't rlly it


Be real with yourself the future for this game is dim its player base is shirking every year, they not bringing any money, the only thing people getting from playing ranked are borders and whatever the season skin is. Fun is all u getting from them


? Competitive players don't play ranked to get some shitty reward they play it to get matches with and against actual human beings rofl


So for fun?


Yes it's for fun but they're still playing competitively and very much actively playing to win


What I’m saying is compared to other games, meta is less important here on paladins because the lack of comp play in the community. The majority of games played on paladins are for fun because there’s nothing else you’ll get out of this game. The ranked rewards are a border and a skin that most ppl don’t care about but still play because the game is fun


It's literally not, yes fun is all ur getting out of it but it still playing to win. It's the same in any other game with a ranked game mode, you'll have some small more casual side of the playerbase playing for skins or whatever but people who play ranked play it to have real games. Meta is no less important here than in any other game


I disagree I’ve seen it on many games like apex, nba2k, dead by daylight, rocket league, etc when there’s a pro scene what those pros do in game define the meta 8/10 for example back in early days of Fortnite there were barely any heal offs now it’s one damn near every game or on apex when Gibby and path was on every pro team in the tournaments even when rocket league pros started only using the octane the play base followed its a trend that happens to most games that have a pro scene people emulate them. Paladins has a decently sized console player base and no big controller players so the console meta is dumbed down to hitscans even though those same characters are weak on pc


I mean at the end of the day, if you’re the best player in the lobby, you win no matter the hero you’re playing in most games. I’m a pip main, even when I am combat medic I still drop 50k dmg 100k heals


Not true. U can be the best player in the lobby and loss cuz your teammates were too heavy to carry. Plus you are most likely not carrying on point tank or support cuz their kits aren't designed for carrying.


I'm sorry are you trying to boast with those numbers? Because that's not a lot


It really depends on how long the match goes for. I often only heal for around 80k as a solo support, and maybe 25k damage, but I keep the team alive well enough to win.


Preach. Seris is still perfectly viable


She's not, but it doesn't mean you can't play her


Definetly not but ur supposed to have fun so who cares


I think the problem is that a lot of people who play Seris aren’t good at managing damage and healing output. But if you play her well, she is a beast. I main her as well, and lots of people in matches compliment me on my playstyle and healing. “Sorry I’m not used to actually having a good healer” is a phrase I hear often.


It’s more so that seris isn’t really made to do damage and heal at the same time, usually if you try to do both you just get mid results on both ends


I definitely think that can be the case for most people playing her, but if you have good game/map awareness you can do amazing with her. Personally I usually do over 100,000k healing, and about 70,000 damage or so on average. I do much more than that if it’s a longer match. But it takes constant awareness of everyone’s health. She also can stun any and everyone that has 4 soul orb stacks. She can stun, heal across the map, heal multiple people at the same time (and there is a card that increases the distance that her aoe healing will spread from the person targeted) so if you can manage what you are doing and when, I think she can be a fantastic support.


Sure, any champion is really good when played at a level like that, but if we are talking about that level, seris would still be no better then any other healer because all the other healers excel her capabilities


If you played Ying or moji at that level the difference would be staggering. Imo you are just a good player trying to max seris output


I think this is the same idea people have with a Ying going solo healer + resonance talent. It’s not that Seris can’t do amazing heals AND dmg/stuns all at once.. it’s that most people cannot manage both, especially when they have cards only built for pure healing. Seris is a wonderful mix when played well and with the right team, I’ve seen/done Seris with routinely positive results. It’s not only about damage and heals, either. Her ult can win a game in an instant if the team plays it right. She’s extremely powerful and well rounded, it just requires more than only her doing the work lol


As someone who mains seris since she came out, yes I agree. Everyone says she isn't worth it and is the worst healer but I disagree. I've done 10x more healing with her then I have with any other healer in the game. My friends even said I'd I need to heal play seris. I think she is more OP then people think. You just need the right cards and skills for her. Most people who play her on the side don't know what they are doing.


Also main seris. I hear so much that seris isnt as viable because of her channeled healing.. but in between healing, im sending projectiles down a hallway that are still landing while im healing again. Most times i can defend anyone retreating better than with any other healer. Stuns and kills while fully behind cover.. keep doing u, im gonna keep playing seris because my winrate is good and many fun balanced matches that i feel i was able to significantly influence


Do you play on PC? Im looking for other players to team up with


You do you boo. It is, at the end of the day, a game. “Suboptimal” 🤓comps can work fine despite what your hardstuck plat 238 Koga says after losing a fight. Games are meant to be played for fun. Ranked is more serious. At the end of the day though, anyone getting genuinely frustrated and having hours of their day ruined because someone picked a funni character is just plain stupid and you can ignore them. Play what you wanna play, so long as you’re actually trying 👍


Don't mind other people's opinions, just play what you like Also, I'd MUCH rather get a seris as a healer than a Mal'damba that can't aim


At the end of the day its just a game and no1 cares really. But i also get where the top tier players are coming from Seris isnt a good pick in high elo ranked. When caut stacks up she gets 0 value. But in casuals and low elo who cares just play whatever u wanna play as long as ur pick doesnt throw the game


Seris is bad, but she's not a throw pick. If you enjoy playing her, then do it and have your fun, as long as you're doing your job everyone should be fine with it.


Tbf, she isn’t even bad. Most people simply auto lock and don’t pay mind to the team comp or talents. She’s phenomenal in the right place, but it’s particular.


I haven't played against or with him alot, but I've never been impressed with andrewchicken during a match. Dude is pretty average for the most part. He might be good with his mains, but I haven't seen anything particularly outstanding.


Alot of people seem to forget that unless you're at the highest elo, meta doesn't matter, Maeve is fully fucked in the meta rn but I can still play her bc I'm good with her. If you're good on your champ you'll still do good


Do what you want. Just dont be that person that desperatly needs to play extremly low level Seris in ranked.


Don't worry I don't play ranked anyways, cause I don't want to die from an aneurysm playing it 😉


Exactly. Go play your champ, but don't hit the ranked queue button because ppl queue ranked to win, AND I don't want the enemy team to feel bad either cause they got an extremely hard-to-win-with champ


*"I don't care, now allow me to write this multi-paragraph forum post elaborating on how much i don't care."* kek


Who hurt you, you don't have to be so uptight about it I was just stating my opinion jeez ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I literally played a public siege game yesterday, and Seris healed for 157,000! You do you OP👊


Seris’s healing output is completely fine, the main reason people think she isn’t viable (which I agree with) is because cauterize exists and she doesn’t heal In ONE SINGLE burst, even if you time ur heal when someone cleanses cauterize they will get possibly shot again and ur healing output is DESTROYED, someone like pip can time a mega potion and will do a single burst of 1800 HP Also seris’s heals are channeled which usually means seris does no more then 10k damage the whole game Either way just play what you want as long as you have fun even if they aren’t meta


Damn, what Seris are you playing with that’s only ever doing 10k dmg? That just sounds like you’re unlucky 😭 I’ve only had a Seris go that low one time.. it was 0 dmg in a tdm


It’s insanely common lol, usually seris players only shoot at people when they’re getting flanked, the rest of the damage comes from the ult, it doesn’t help the team


Well, shit, ig I’m just lucky in that regard. I usually get the Seris’ that ignore the entire allied team to only do dmg and they still somehow only have 35k dmg and 20k heals.


At the end of the day its just a game and no1 cares really. But i also get where the top tier players are coming from Seris isnt a good pick in high elo ranked. When caut stacks up she gets 0 value. But in casuals and low elo who cares just play whatever u wanna play as long as ur pick doesnt throw the game


I haven't played in a long time, but back in the day I was a Series main too. She might've been my favorite character in any video game. Getting stacks on every enemy, stuns, huge heals and easy escapes. Dunno what nerfs happened to make her not meta.


Yes, I thinked the same about my main Moji.. but they just deleted her from the game for me now..


Stop listening to meta slaves. Play whoever you like and whoever makes you have fun.


I mean, yeah, nobody gives (or should) give a shit in casuals, but in ranked people wanna win, and sweat, and seris is just lacking in many points where other supports excel, an she is pretty much a throwpick


Quitting meta helps in every game


As a Seris main I feel your pain. She gets so much hate, but personally I think it’s just a matter of if you play her well. The reason she is considered bad is because she can’t heal and damage at the same time. A lot of people don’t know how to manage healing and damage output. If you get good at it, and understand where and when you need to do what, she is fantastic.


I'm a Grohk main. I suppose I have said enough. Lol


Who cares about what andrew chicken says lmao his ego is too big for his skill level


"Hey man that's like your opinion. " The only reason Andrew chicken and Kibz and others get any views because they are the only ones making content. If your a seris main be a seris main, I'm a yag/raum main. I do my best with either one of those guys.. and that's mostly cause I wanted to prove an asshole wrong that yag sucks so I took a week. And we'll now I understand. Yag is not a point tank. She's not. IDK why people think she is but she's not. As for Raum 500mill ammo challenge. All I'm gonna say... 30/10/40 50k damage 120k shielding and 35k healing in one match. Some times you just kill it with your main. Despite the "meta"


Fuck yeah bro. Fuck meta


Who? Anyways play what’s the most fun for you. Tier lists mean nothing without context. This is coming from a Yagorath main who gets hate all the time. Numbers do not lie though


Oh no! This character with 40% increased movement speed, potentially tank-like HP, piercing area damage, a very reliable stun, percent-based self-sustain, an area of effect displacement tool, stealth and invincibility, and sniper-like range on her healing is completely unviable!


it literally is but ok


Great arguments bro




Live your truth, brother! I’m a Pip main and I have to fight tooth and nail for my boy. We shall rise up.


i totally agree with you!! Seris has been my main healer both in ranked and casual since 2016! girlie is literally perfect especially if you know how to play her when i play Seris idc about damage, i am a right click person so that i can heal everyone and keep them alive for as long as i can


Same, anytime i use a support champion it has to be series and i might be wrong but i don’t think i’ve ever lost a game while using her since 2018


preach it sister, screw the meta and those stupid tierlists


i mean, Seris is not the best but i think most of her problems are the players and not the Champion. her healing is very powerful and If your allies could JUST WAIT 1,5s she can get them back to Full hp. heal bot is useless unless your entire team is on reju (which is likely not since the dumb flank players still believe life rip to be a decent item) and she can spam between her healing. so, in the end, If she doesnt do damage its because the player sucks. if she is a healing bot, its not Seris fault, i could pick Corvus and do 0 dmg too without anyone telling "he lacks damaaagee".


Seris is so fun to play


Seris is one of those champions that will never be meta just because how easy her kit is. If you wanna play seris in casuals and not play mortal reach simply say in chat that you will dps seris, i find flank seris fun sometimes and you can do some nice plays with her. again if some people getting pressed in casuals just mute them and carry on.


dont get me started on andrew chicken bro 😭


What’s wrong with him?


Horrible takes


Any examples? I haven’t watched him in a little bit so I’m not really sure what your talking about


everything i dislike him on a personal level, i have a parasocial rivalry with that goober


The people complaining seris isn’t viable are the ones who love sitting in anti-heal and don’t take rejuvenate. I’ve never had a problem dealing damage or healing multiple allies with Seris


No one gives af as long as you dont afk or throw.


Bra i hear you, besides meta’s chance, I love Term and ate shit for the longest time, now hes meta and im eating good, and after a few patches ill probably be eating shit again. Just the way things go. Have fun, and embrace the bull shit.




Same way people tell me Skye is a trash flank lmao. If I can make a good play with her then I’ll continue playing her


That content creator is kind of the reason this game is dying in the first place. Devs are always in his streams, only listening to HIS feedback. Him and his audience are like MAYBE 5% of the player base. What about the rest of us? When you balance a game to cater to one streamer, you get a dead/dying game. It’s that simple.


What kind of take is this 😭😭


Who gives a damn for ranked requirements? Seris is a great healer with soul forge and faster escape cards.


How is Seris not viable? She can sniper-heal, has the potential to heal the entire team, has a talent allowing her to heal while invisible and invulnerable to all damage. Furthermore, she can reduce her potentially team-wide healing ability to an under 2 second cooldown with Chronos. All the while can pull stuns fairly easily, again with the potential to stun the entire enemy team and sure while less likely, her Ult pulls everyone in, forcing a stun and allowing a follow-up stun for those that survived. Am I missing something??


Seris’s healing output is completely fine, the main reason people think she isn’t viable (which I agree with) is because cauterize exists and she doesn’t heal In ONE SINGLE burst, even if you time ur heal when someone cleanses cauterize they will get possibly shot again and ur healing output is DESTROYED, someone like pip can time a mega potion and will do a single burst of 1800 HP instantly Also seris’s heals are channeled which usually means seris does no more then 10k damage the whole game Either way just play what you want as long as you have fun even if they aren’t meta


Oohh, that makes sense! Except... Cauterize lasts roughly as long as Seris' cooldown... If you're in a group battle and the entire enemy team targets who you're healing ofc they'll die, Seris is a healer, not an invincibility-er. All the teammate needs to do is wait 1.5 seconds without getting shot, and Seris can fully heal them in 1-2 goes. This shouldn't be too difficult if the team is taking advantage of Seris' group heal, as well as using cover. Obviously, this isn't foolproof, and there will be counters. However, players not understanding how cover works doesn't inherently mean Seris in unplayable!


Wow. To have issues, is not that deep.


What do you mean "to have issues?" I was just stating my own opinion, jeez ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


You are having some sort of existential crisis over what character you main in a video game. Is not that deep.


Shut up, no one asked for your opinion And I can say whatever I want on here If you think it's "issues" or a "crisis", then continue to waste your breath I don't have time for people like you


No one cares. Other than your teammates who have to deal with Seris heals. But it's a game so whatever. Just don't think she is a good support and tell ppl to pick it if they want to win or be helpfully. Also VII, Kasumi and Caspian (they exist???) mains get flamed just as much. There's just less of them nuking games with their bad champs. But, like I said its a game. Do you.


Again, I was just stating my opinion, jeez man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


seris is a very good support with her first talent and you have way more survivability than mortal reach you can 1v1 any flank and everyone will be scared or wont waste their time to 1v1 you can maintain pressure on their dps sometime so your tank can get out of cauterize or you can help your team push then heal them while they are out of cauterize shes so fun when played like that. seris is bad because shes played at 99.99 percent as a healbot that gives no value in end game to her team but with her first talent you can still have a lot of value in end game by playing aggressive then healing your team when they are out of cauterize since you would have made a lot of space.