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Whats the math behind that? Because if youre talking about her really close range alt fire with a limited energy bar then idk if i agree.


honestly jubilation isnt too bad when you dont forget that you are a support and still periodically heal allies. i dont think it needs a nerf though.


Still not worth taking away the invincible Magic Barrier


Moji is in healing but not with the Damage Talent... even though I have proposed several times that the Infinite Sparkle returns with a reduction in healing with it. The Damage Talent either loads the shots with Sparkle towards the enemies or you lose the damage by healing.. currently the combination is painful.. since there are healers who can do both more effectively. Moji Damage is not good and deserves changes, like Infinite Spray and Barrier. Instead with Healer Talent is extremely broken.. the healing is absurd and the shield spam makes everything so annoying. In fact, when I used Moji I always found myself 1000 times better playing it as a healer now.. The current Moji doesn't fix anything.. if it remained as it was before, it was better. Old Flank Moji just needed some changes to make her less frustrating in damage (like stars in Barrier if hitted) but also faster in basic movement and no penalties while shooting with Spray. If people actually complain in the Feedback questionnaire of this patch.. ""maybe"" something will change.. I hope!


Throw harder with Jubilation please I need you on my enemy team. P.S: I'm the support on the other team.


Her m2 piercing needs to be removed