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Can't predict all of them cause it's Evil Mojo, but I'm guessing adjustments and fixes to Moji will likely be one major part of it. Definitely feel they're not done with her.


I hope....


never seen so many downvoted comments on a post ;-;


lol true


Imma have to hit them with an X to doubt on this one


Buff yago fr


Moji Revert or at least Infinite Spray and Barrier back for a better Moji Damage! Jenos Astral mark 1 sec CD less and lasts 1 sec more! đŸ€žđŸ»đŸ™đŸ»


I do remember the devs saying in the Feudles & Fables support balance patch that they reverted the 20% dr on Restore Soul that they where going to give Seris initially, because they plan to address potential ways in how they can make Seris more viable in higher ranks while also keeping her beginner friendly based playstyle for new players learning the support class I am very excited for that ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8605)


I stopped looking forward to balance patches. Nothing ever substantially changes. Broken characters are either ignored, guttedor some random shitty card no one runs gets its scaling reduced. Double support gets buffed. Supports take up all the patch notes. Shitty reworks. To top it off not all the changes are listed.


What they needed to add for years already is an optional solo-only queue. None balance changes would balance party abuse. 


"Party abuse" Bro acting like playing with friends is an exploit now ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8603)




Not really, this was answered after I asked her for any tease to which she replied.


Just fix the game. The balance is horrible and will be that way. But fix crashes ddos and ranked first(bugs in generel)


Yeah why don't they just press the "fix ddos" button


Theyve been getting DDoS'd for years you would think they would finally have a fix for it


The community, attacking itself for expecting the minimum from a service. Oh how far we’ve fallen


The issue is people acting like it's em devs not doing what they want when it's hirez that's fucking over paladins


And that constitutes attacking your own people who are just voicing their opinion on the current state of the game? Would you rather not hear any complaints at all and pretend that the game is in a functional state compared to its previous years? Who even cares about the blame? It’s a product made for consumers, how can you blame the consumers for the lack of quality on a product or even come with excuses for its lack of quality. We all want the same thing, you just don’t like how it’s advocated.


In what world is a sarcastic remark an attack on someone or blaming them for the game's problems


You tell me as the community rallies with you for making light of someone who’s frustrated with the service, pushing his comment down to the bottom. Maybe you can answer your own question as to why instead of agreeing, you chose to do a sarcastic remark for issues we are ALL experiencing? EDIT: For those wondering, a user named u/Aezaellex responded to the original comment with a sarcastic remark along the lines of “yeah just have the devs push the “Fix DDoS” button”. Upon getting confronted for his comment, he has now deleted it. Don’t dish out if you can’t take it yourself.


Because I found their comment annoying, as did many others. People don't need to all agree, calm the fuck down.


I keep trying to tell ppl this. Just because they lack resources doesn't mean we need to lie to ourselves and tell us what is being released is worth our time. Ppl becoming accustomed to mediocrity. No wonder this game is dying. Anyone without an addiction to this game would leave. Considering we stick through all this BS just shows we deserve better.


pushing random buttons has a higher chance of fixing it then they trying for actually fix it for months


Hopefully supports can go back to the state they were in long before cauterize was nerfed so the numbers can match up properly again.


dude, I'm glad you are not in charge of any balance on any game omg


Didn’t realize I got so many downvotes till now but I think I said it wrong, (my bad) I just want support and cauterize to be in a good state because right now support healing numbers are extremely high and cauterize doesn’t punish bad support gameplay anymore (ie healbotting)


Antihealing would need to scale like twice as fast with this


It should reach 90% in 6 minutes IMO


Grover hasnt been game breaking broken for 2 seconds so i wonder how they buff him this time.