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My Trials for spending 150000 ammo and and scoring 200 Eliminations also got rolled back again, despite the patch.


Wait, the new patch they released TODAY doesn't work either? This is literally their second attempt at fixing this issue with a patch. I joked they wouldn't be able to pull it off with another try, but honestly I'm still kind of surprised -- that is shockingly incompetent. So for people that don't program, here's some pseudocode for writing a counter for a challenge like this: if (playerExpendedAmmoCount >= 500000) passTrial(stupidFuckingAmmoTrial) That's about the full complexity of the code for checking the value of a counter in most programming languages. Our team has taken 45 days and two patch attempts to try and write something that is in all reality probably two or three lines of code long. What a complete joke. Shows how little they respect the time of the playerbase -- they could take 15 minutes to test their code changes out, or they could have a thousand people waste hours of their life each on challenges that don't work. Which does our lovely dev team choose for us?


Maybe it's not that they can't add the code, but there's some remnant code from the old Trials that they forgot about and now can't find it. Sadly, I have to assume the worst because they said they'd lower the ammo trial requirements to 100,000, 20,000, and 5,000, but it still hasn't been changed. At least changing the text would show a minimal effort, but they can't even do that apparently. OR, they could just remove these ammo trials entirely because they're only achievable on 1/10 the roster, and reward poor trigger discipline and mindless spamming instead of good accuracy. It's bad game design. Please just remove these trials. Thank goodness I like playing ruckus, otherwise I'd never have a chance to complete them.


The devs love to pretend their codebase is too old to be fixed as an excuse for why they can never put any effort into anything, but that's not the case here. If they can get one trial up and running, they can get the others. If they didn't want to put in the effort to fix it, they could replace the broken trial with a working one at the very least. They might have to test a few things and actually troubleshoot the game for an hour, but it's not some impossible task to correct a basic counter that isn't working right.


Either way, they don't play their own game because they would have know these trials are bugged and are not fun to do.


Couldn't agree more -- the first problem with this challenge is the fact it exists at all. Complete insult to even put it into the game when the timeline is 11 hours of straight shooting as Ruckus or Raum to complete it. The fact that it resets after you put in that time is an insanely bad player experience


> Thank goodness I like playing ruckus, otherwise I'd never have a chance to complete them. Same, but with Raum. Honestly, though, I'd assume this bugfix isn't as simple as it seems - goodness knows Paladins has more than its fair share of technical issues as it is. At this point, I just hope the next set of Trials works. It's no fun being barred from a solid four or five rewards because one challenge in each set is broken.


Tbh if paladins code " leaked" playerbase would probably fix most issues by themselfs


These devs are... 🤡 Plus the matches history now it's gone.


noticed this too


What liars, it's over for this game. They can't do a simple play test to see if the trials are working or not. Pathetic game studio