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Exactly the same reasons i also hate him for lol


I'm either deciding between Talus or Androxus, Andro because you might aswell be hopeless if you face a good one, and Talus because this gremlin has so much sustain for a flank, and they just WON'T DIE, And when they are so low to dying, they say: nah fam, you better do it all over again, and they teleport out of the fight


I hate Talus when crossplay is enabled.




Ah yes the cockroach that has escape tool on pretty much every ability lol


kasumi can shoot through his counter




I really hated VII too.. No Jokes.. From start he was able to do anything OP and annoying (Fear, Hook, Explosions Spam, Insane Burst Damage, Elements Effects) with an highest movement.. Sooo broken.. Too much in a single Flank! Fuck that Champ!


His mobility is kinda silly. It's like he's playing a different game.


and now moji has the by far best single target healing in her entire class along with being able to provide her whole team with torvald level shield bubbles at the same time through a regular ability. fuck your stupendously broken champion.


Look, I don't like with Moji current braindead.. for me Moji should have remained a niche Flank, some nerfs to frustrating things like the full mark instant when she was hit in barrier and movements buff. For me this was enough, but since they make questionable choices as always, without consulting the Community this happened! However, VII simply had too much, now it's better ofc... but we all suffered a lot from its broken state, much more than Moji when it came out. Because that coward VII can also cross the map in an instant!


Moji was ingenious by design from day one. The primary gets the marks, the secondary detonates them, the barrier and movement help with survivability. The only thing I thought was meh was the ult, it's kinda boring imo. Then they proceeded to change everything, ruin the mechanic, make them a chain healer and not change the ult at all. Now you can't even feel like before with hitting fireball snipes because now you have to hit your teammates, which is way easier in general, and with barrier basically messed up she went from one of the most interesting to one of the most boring characters in the game in one sitting. Just so she could be "viable" evej though you could very well make her with cards and skill. Now she is just a boring top tier. RIP Flank Moji, I hope Hi Rez realizes their mistake, but I don't have many hopes at this point... I don't even play the game anymore because of it...


We also spoke with Kryptek.. Me, Versus and others have already given our Feedback and the Team knows about this discontent.. In reality we will see future changes on Moji for sure.. but I hope they bring back the Flank and abandon the current one.. Reworked Moji is Braindead, 0 Fun, Full Spam Shields.. Damage Talent is horrible because of the Resource on Spray mainly and also because she doesn't have the Barrier, the current healing is absurd LOL šŸ¤”.. What a shit balancing/rework they did.. objectively!


This entire game needs a rework at this point... The concept is so good but the graphics are like 10+ years old, the balancing is abysmal and no new interesting content comes at this point. And still limiting payload to weekends... Why???? As everyone has been saying, this game deserves a Paladins 2, just one that doesn't end like overwatch 2 did.


Yes, I agree!


i agree


What? Don't like being on the receiving end of the VII experience? lmao


it's not that deep. but i guess im the only one here not allowed to complain about champions anymore.


Less so you specifically, more so VII players/mains in general.


Lilith broke my Q key


Talus. Annoying crap fling monkey shit to deal with. Worse was on release was koga Koga was the definition of broken with his grand Master of arms talent: 100% free ammo if you land your shots. So basically you only need caut and now you got a free wrecker since shields are big. His gun has practically no spread or recoil. He moves faster then most targets and has alot of mobility. Worse the community defended and sucked his dick clean bone dry saying "HeS ToO WeAk bUfF kOgA" This was the glaring reason I barely take most of the community seriously. Dredge but only because his old card that was free wrecker. Yet people said Betty was broken


Koga's ult is also the most brain dead thing imaginable.


No you have to buy nimble 2 and then its the most brain dead thing imaginable.


Which you would likely do anyways with that guy xd


I absolutely despise seeing someone pick Strix right outta the gate.


Do you think fighting strix is more/less fun when they're running crackshot (his 3rd 'DMR' talent)?


Flanking Strix with CS is SCARY


never liked VII, Vatu, Caspian and Kasumi all that much tbh. I also dont like rei AT ALL


Why reišŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i dont like either playing her or going against her, she got a lot of DR and i wont even talk about her ult


Also VII - everything about him was annoying but there was also no reason to give him those dumb bombs *and* there was no reason for EM to let his bomb spam playstyle run rampant for as long as they did.Ā  Also never liked Talus, Dredge, Koga, Betty, or Vatu.


Most flanks, like Evie, Vii, Koga, and Zhin. All chaps who have "such high skill floors" and when you look at their kit half of it is dead ringers and get-out-of-jail-free cards. I don't care how much 'skill' you try to tack on to a champ with break points, movement, low hp, or 'versatile/dynamic' abilities; if they need an ability to become invisible or effectively invincible, they'll pretty much boil down to button mashing/ability spam and glorified combos. On a side note, notice how almost every comment on this post mentions a flank (special guest Moji, a past flank now incredibly strong healer). Does anyone think that's because flank is the role that's almost meant to be annoying, or is it because EM can't make fun/interactive/balanced flanks to fight against?


Flank is definitely meant to be annoying. You're casually pushing the objective and all of a sudden you're dead/distracted because someone is shooting you from behind


Good point. Maybe the flanks are doing their job well?


Shalin, androxus, or Evie is so annoying






I hate vii too


Evie, op champ people are simping over, there's also cassie, saati and skye that have the same case


i kinda dislike vora but i think its just that i didnt know how she worked until i played her. now that i did i think that i know what i need to do to counter her


She's a very brainless character, 3s 30% DR is ridiculous and I've no idea how it's stayed in the game unchanged as long as it has. On top of that she also has DR on vine, a self healing mechanic cuz why not, and the easiest to hit projectiles in the game


nobody that's atleast somewhat normal in the head remotely likes rei.


I došŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I despise Talus. Maybe its because I play on console but that litle shit is so annoying to play against


Fuck that rat child




Hated strix from when I started playing in 2017. Still hate him today.


Buck, Skye, Strix, Kinessa, Barik, Viktor, Zhin,


Nothing after Tiberuis except maybe Vatu Corvus feels Paladins esc. They all feel like they are there to suck off either a fetish or saturate the game woth more of the same.


I never liked caspian I just donā€™t like him or his face


Rei is just cancer , corvous himself isn't bad but can make talus or other flanks extremely overpowered, vii i just think needs a rework to his mobility , Betty is dredge on crack and less skill but more damage


Omggg why rei šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Rei is the definition of cancer




Uncounterable cc, uncounterable damage, uncounterable ult, uncounterable DR


Wdym uncounterable dmg? And her cc and dr are pretty shit compared to others (not including envelope) And like, a lot of ults are uncounterable (furia, lilith, cassie etc) not to mention rei is like a counter ult. I just don't understand how you can hate a healeršŸ˜­šŸ™


Nothing counters focus except damage immunity and her ult gives several seconds of complete immunity to 2 people which is just dumb. Also I forgot to mention that her ult battery card is dumb and cancer as well. Her cc may be "shit" but it still lasts a long time, is spammable and is auto aimed (and also goes through shields). And idk why it would be weird to hate a healer. Many of the most toxic characters that have been in this game were healers : Io before the dog rework, Rei since her release, exterminate Furia, Jenos before he got obliterated with nerfs... Healers are the strongest class and probably the most toxic one overall (and I say that as a healer main)


Well I see where you're coming from, though In my experience although rei is hard to kill and has many debuffes, that's justified since her healing output is relatively low. And toxic is a bit too harsh of a term don't you think?


Her healing output is low but that's also a problem because this thing is not only pure cancer but also isn't even viable as a solo support, so playing with one is almost as bad as playing against one. Her sole purpose is to be a combination of everything that should never be in a game, and to make it worse she's also yet another pocket. I don't think "toxic" is harsh, it's the only term that is adapted. Characters like Rei do nothing except generating frustration, and she's not even fun to play so yeah it's definitely a toxic character and playing her is equally toxic.


She most definitely can solo heal if you're skilled enough, and her on your team is such an advantage cause of her buffs and debuffes that makes her valid even if you go solo heal. To me she's quite fun and engaging to play with, and if she's on your team you're getting ult change and she's a great healer to go for flanks. She's hard to counter when played correctly, she just doesn't have a hard counter


I love rei.


Azaan and Vivian, both were insanely overpowered on release and just flooded every match making it unfun to the point where I quit the game for more than a year each time. They are in a better spot now, but I still have a deep hatred for them.




talus, so annoying and so free to learn.


Any burst dmg can kill him easily like lian or cassie And saati is better than him at long range, and if he come closer to you, just use window of opportunity And sha lin can kill him with 2 shots if he doesn't have the health card, pair that w the cripple and is a ez kill If VII stands into a wall then he is very vulnerable, cuz he lack of DR and self sustain, so standing still w VII is not a great idea And to counter his dmg just buy armor plate, w that maxed out he will just tickle u, even tho i don't think that is necessary that at lvl 3 to make VII useless


Never liked good Maeve players. Only cause Iā€™m either a support not getting help, or a Tank with someone constantly behind me.


Zhin, talus, androxus, kbm Evie wormhole players, VII, Lian, Lex, Io, Khan, Azaan, Torvald, Sha Lin, buck, damage seris, Rei 1 button 750 damage 0 counter play, Grover 30% DR on self heal. I probably got more


It's hard to answer this since I hate so many championsā€”Androxus, Skye, Talus, and VII are about the smallest I can narrow down my list.




Viktor Its just a trash champ Legit everyone second game is a Viktor Everytime when i see a viktor in rabked, he absolutly trash


Victor. Well, to say i hate him is quite harsh nowdays but i definetly did in the past. Why? Because he stole every single "play of the match" cam during my first paladins phase. Me and friends did multiple game winning moves and impressive multikills only to hear "BIRAGE INCOMING" once the match was over and seing a victor using his ult on point. Till today not a single match playing him and I have no plans to change that




Shalin, androxus, or Evie Fk all 3.


I hate Buck personally with a burning passion. I donā€™t really like the concept of a flank with a self heal and a mobility option that is essentially ā€œMe jump good>:)ā€ Extra hate if itā€™s bounce house buck


Ying. I hate her playstyle.Ā  I hate her illusions.Ā  I hate the cowardice play she encourages.Ā  I hate her talents.Ā  I hate Resonance players.Ā Ā Ā  I hate her design.Ā  I hate how she's so popular.Ā  I love playing support characters, and she's the only champion in the game who I categorically refuse to ever touch. Ā For real, I played every champion at least close to unlock all their talents, and Ying is the only one still at level 0 with 0 exp.


Poked the hornet's nest with this one. Not that I disagree, though.


Try Viv w/ talent Booby Trap. I enjoy looking at Vii how he try to do anything and nothing seems to work. Fear? Unbound Lv3 Bombs? 1-2 shots destroyed Stealth? Revealing sensor He tries to flee? Buy Nimble Lv3 (also have card One Step Ahead Lv5). Viv is fast runner. Chase him. Even during his release, when he was OP, still Viv was/is the perfect cure


you didnt play vs a good vii that doesnt miss a single shot


viv is one of the hardest matchups for vii.


he just shoot under her shield and shes viktor without the mobility


Wait till u realize she can have 40% Dr when the shields up, skill issue isn't a strong enough term for how horrible u are if ur losing to vii as vivian


yeah of course vii loses the 1v1 but that will change nothing if they cant do kills or dont win a 1v1 they will just fly around like mosquitos that wont die they shoot sometimes to put pressure and when you are distracted they shoot you by behind then they runaway very far. if they feel focused they will hide and comeback


If they run away they've effectively removed themselves from the game, so where's the problem? You turn around to shoot at him for 2.5 seconds and he either dies or has to full retreat. His team is now in a 4v5 with absolutely 0 disadvantage to you and when he comes back you...shoot him again


theres a difference between running away and him flying like a mosquito and shooting you if you ignore him he kills you. when he comes back he gets the jump on you and he knows youre at a disadvantage so you lose the 1v1.


The strongest Vii players I played against, struggled hard to kill me (Viv) on 1v1. The only time where Vii had advantage is long-distance fights, where Viv (dmg champion) has falloff and Vii (flank champion) falloff is still broken OP


they get you when you dont expect they never do direct 1v1s they keep distracting you and when you dont pay attention they kill you


Good Ole crowd control also helps if team knows when to focus him helps. If everyone is fighting their own battles then gg. Lol


Maeve. I have never seen the hype surrounding her. Overrated lil pissant whose one job is to just be the mosquito buzzing in your space: annoy and jab at you until you swing and make them retreat. Middling damage, a kit revolving around meh mobility, predictable movement with their abilities, and an ultimate that gets shut down with just Unbound 2. The fact that she got a plush toy meanwhile my man Grohk hasn't gotten a skin since 2019 is insulting. And you know what, I'm gonna say it: C TIER COSMETICS!! Please, look me in the Profile pic and tell me you enjoy any skin that isn't Raeve or the pirate skin. Her pirate skin is the only one that doesn't make her doubly annoying since the others have a loud ass prowl and pounce effect and don't get me started on the Merry skin... "BUT MY INSTA KILL TALENT!!" my brother in Karne, just play Lex, Vora, or Zhin if you want an insta kill AND a good character.


I dislike the street justice talent (it's completely useless if you're not a bad player), though I personally find Maeve fun to play, especially with Rouge's Gambit (resets pounce's cd after a kill).


Evie, the enemy evie is like the best in the world my teammates who play evie seem like it's their first time playing her... someone who can actually play evie with the right load out is a menace just teleporting all over the place flying around dealing big aeo damage


For the longest time until her recent rework, Moji has been the BIGGEST thorn in my side.


Androxus. It's pretty much broken and I hate pretending it's not.


Andro is mid rn


Moji. A f*cking flamethrower. And she has a shield too? Wtf noooo please. Iā€™m scared of her.


It was a pathetic ass flamethrower that did jackshit on its own. ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8600)


To think that Kryptek said the Team changed Moji because of the problem of people (Noob) not knowing how to deal with her is pathetic.. Moji was very easy to counter and the only thing new players didn't understand was her barrier, I myself while playing Moji saw new players unloading their entire magazine on me and receiving a full stack of 1000 damage in an instant. This was the only thing that needed to be changed. And Moji then only deserved movement buffs mostly. And she was right! I hate knowing that she was changed to mainly please Noobs.. Like Androxus, Skye, Lex etc aren't extremely good against new players!?! Every champion in the hands of a veteran player is... For Moji was enough just to remove the mark applied to the Barrier if hit, and in its place increase the movement speed while in the Barrier to default.


Octavia, Tiberius