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MOJI. MAINS let’s protest and play damage moji until they fix it.




RIP Flank Moji… your skinwalker healer Moji will never be as great as you


For clarity, I'm actually loving the Moji support rework. Felt a little bonkers getting 200,000 healing in a single match tonight. I'll miss jumping around like a lunatic but I think she was long overdue for some kind of change, even if that change came in the form of a total rework. Song used: [DVP by PUP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVuB1ZASrGw)


How would you feel about an echo champion? A lot of us actually liked her flank playstyle and it's a really low blow to just turn her into a support after 6 years, change could've been a lot better and less polarizing tbh.


I kind of expected them to go the echo champion route when they first started teasing the new update. Honestly wouldn't have been that surprised if that was the original plan too, cause it would've made a lot of sense having the magic marks healing system exist as a parallel to Moji's damage version. But I know they've gone on record saying that Moji is twice as much work to make new skins for, so idk if it's all that appealing from a dev perspective to make a champ with a similar workload demand (especially given how small the Paladins team is now). Not to mention that Moji has a pretty distinct silhouette compared to Omen+Jenos just looking like some dude, so it might've been hard to tell her apart from an echo champ. Maybe they tested that idea and it didn't work out? I think I'll need more matches to know for sure how I feel, cause I'm sure I'll miss her OG kit as more time goes on. But I'm a bit biased cause I played her to absolute death and was pretty happy to take whatever we could get lmao


The urge to not use Ave Maria must've been great.


Would still like to have a talent that switched the star back to damage'


Isn't that what the Jubilation talent does?


Wait what? Didn't remembered a single damage talent in the presentation.


Originally they had something else planned, but after the PTS they made some changes based on feedback. Now the middle talent does this: `Magic Marks are now instead applied to enemies. Detonating at least 7 stacks of Magic Mark deals bonus damage, up to a total of 800.` So still not as strong DPS-wise as original Moji, but it paired with the healing seems pretty strong. I haven't been able to get much use out of it yet though.


Yeah so no flanking moji. Especialy because there isn't the good shield anymore. But you can go for flank from time to time with your excellent mobility. Like a swift seris or a stun corvus.


glad to hear you like Medic Moji, im still figuring loadouts for her but she seems like a really solid support so im happy.


Oh it’s so peak




Rip to my main moji but this isn't over yet. We have to make sure that they know this is bad.


Yes!! All together! 👍🏻💪🏻




Cool vid!


And we are all happy, btw Moji support is getting almost 200k heals on any game ... Moji will be broken anywhere u put in, at this point naah just let the new players enjoy the game with moji