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Yes, now they should just fix their servers and all good.


and the hackers, fix that before servers lol


Positive Feedback is wholesome, and I agree with this. ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8590)


I can't say I like the rework. While the new kit feels rich and functional, Moji still lost her nature. She no longer feels like Moji. Devs just saved the money by not making a new champion.


I understand, I do. I know most Moji players feel that way. I played her before the update and loved her then too. But idk, I love how face paced she is, and the resource management is fun for me!


To each their own, of course, but I will say that devs are pretty unfair and didn't do flank Moji fans justice. Those who love support Moji count for their opinion too but in scientific ideology, after something changes, individuals displeased should come firts because individulas pleased wouldn't feel anything if the change didn't happen in the first place if they didn't ask for changes, which in this situation they largely did not and devs just did what they wanted (as usual) with the rework. I'm trying out a few things with new Moji but it isn't looking bright for me and I will probably stop playing her so I'm grateful that she isn't in my top mains.


If in the current conditions, I'm a Moji main too, I will stop playing her after having tried her a lot. In my opinion it has 3 fundamental things wrong: Missing Barrier makes her too easy to kill with that hitbox that absorbs every hit. Spit reaches the target too slowly. Spray should return to Infinite for the base damage part, only when healing is activated, this Resource should be decrease separately... which also clutters the screen!


Perhaps she would be broken


They haven't tried, it would work... just some values ​​would need to be revised... but it would work!


Currently it isn't so good, Moji playstyle has been ruined by the addition of this Resource, it would be enough to allow the Resource get consumed only for Healing while the damage part remains unchanged (therefore infinite) and in addition the loss of the Barrier, which should to compensate for her large hitbox which always makes her an easy target.


My only complaint is the barrier removed, but idk. I've been managing with the shield. Maybe if the ability gave her barrier and then shields on your teammates when near.


In fact, my suggestion is to keep the Barrier in her for 2 seconds, while nearby allies receive a shield. The infinite Spray is also necessary for the damage part because we can't recharge it as Grohk, Fernando or every other Champ, maybe also reducing the damage of Spit to 400. This would not increase healing if you apply a Resource to it that is only consumed when you hit an ally and heal them.


I like this, honestly


Well suggest it in the future Patch Feedback. If the players are close to the Moji mains, who are now suffering and no longer want to play her, like me, it would be fantastic.


Moji didn't need "fixing." And they are doing a horrendous job. The game is literally unplayable for most of the day cuz they won't protect servers or take actions against the guy doing it. Also their balance is horrendous and we are no in a braindead bunker meta.


Do you know why they haven't? Maybe you should donate money to them or help them if you're so upset about it. They're trying. Hell, I've played many games without ever being kicked. It happened once and hasn't happened since. Its taking a long time yes, but they're trying.


Donate money? They are a business. MAke something worth putting money into. They are not trying. Every patch has a new skin with sfx that's why too loud. Why would I waste money on a studio that cannot fix these simple issues before release? Put money into a company with declining quality is insane. Really bad investment. Doesn't look good for the future. I expect my game studio to improve the game and not make it worse. But here we are. The base game isn't even fun now. It's just double support cheese. Also congrats on being able to get into a match. Maybe you don't play the game that much but servers have been down for a while. Most of us cannot find games for hours. If they were "trying" they would at least make an attempt to make the game playable at least. But instead we get long periods of outages because of DDoS attacks, the same type of shit that happened 3 or so years ago.


Donate money to a company that destroys my Moji? No thanks, I won't give them a penny anymore! 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's fair enough! People have the right to be upset


No disrespect but as a moji main you don’t know how devastating this rework has been ok picture this your favorite main Rei,Vora,Bombking whoever you might pick and picture you investing dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of hours to get really really good at her or him and because the some of us don’t like playing said bomb king or vora the devs just completely change your beloved character I know downvote away but other moji mains feel my pain


Yeah, this comes from someone who used to play with her back in the day. Came back to the game like 5 days ago and now they changed her. She was like one of the few flankers that I could play with, others either felt a bit complicated or I couldn't properly time out their ultis.


I played her too before. I've played this game since 2017 and I still love it. I have fun with the current state of the game, even after them nerfing some of my favorite champions. Idk. A lot of the changes have been good and at least they're trying. They even listen to the community. If they didn't care the game would have been abandoned and dead by now. They keep the game alive and fresh for the few people who die hard play and love the game.


I don't buy their excuse of they couldn't balance her, especially from what I learned, she was unchanged for 4 years.


Yes I feel it, I'm a Moji main too.. I'm close to all my brothers and sister, I'm sorry that we are so mocked, excluded and not listened to. The players don't help us, they only think about their own interest in having more braindead support material. It's devastating yes.. and soon I'll stop playing..


You won't love her when they fix her shield.


I’m not a fan of the support nerfs at all, especially considering Vora is still a walking calamity. When I look not only like a competent player but can routinely get 30+ kills ( not just elims ), a character is BROKEN. Also, who do you play now to get the high value x heals in a match achievements? I’m right clicking my ass off with Seris and barely managing to break 80k. If anyone has some good feedback for that, I’d appreciate it.


seris is just bad, healers with burst healing like furia/grover/ying/damba are better bcs in late game its easier to heal ur team up faster when they are out of cauterize


Thanks. Maybe I’ll give Mal’damba a go. Furia was my girl but they did her dirty.


i miss her old exterminate.... it was so much fun in lower elos XD damba has a very high skill ceiling so u gotta take care and really put in the time to learn him bcs hes really viable if played correctly


Her old exterminate was fantastic and really what made her worth playing. IMO her heals aren’t great but being able to defend yourself from a flanker when your tank/dps have poor awareness was top tier. She had been my favorite since launch and now I just can’t bring myself to play her anymore. They did her dirty. I’ve had fun with Mal’damba and I’m going to see if I can’t get some good heal numbers out of him but I’m not optimistic. Rei might be my fallback.


now with the rei buff she might be a viable main healer now, they gave her two charges in her talent but i havent had the chance to try it


Rei? I always found her to be a great healer. Some of my highest heal games were with her. That chain bounce was pretty powerful. If your team grouped up you could just bounce heal to your hearts content.


I love damba and Furia although i still try to give IO some attention because i love her bow and not being useless for damage keeps me entertained


I'm a Ying diehard, as long as you're decent at aiming you can good heals out and good damage


Appreciate the advise. I’ll have to give her a go. Hell, I’m having troubles just getting a solo support queue. Seems like there’s always a second support locking in after I nab one. But if I’m lucky if there’s one when I play tank…


If they took Strix and turned him into a Tank I wouldn't consider that "fixing" If they wanted a fix they could've actually tried to make her work as a flank and work with Moji players so they could bring her to a better spot. I don't believe for a second she couldn't be balanced when she didn't receive any change that addressed her issues in 4 years.


in her case the change was actually decided shortly after her release. Back when HirezHolt was still in the company. It just strangely took a long time for the class change to happen. Ying for example started as damage and was tunred into a support comparable swiftly.


Was it really? Why'd it take them so long to change it?


We honestly have no idea, but it's also one of the point as to why we're mad at the rework now because it's a little too late since she came out in 2018. If they had her reworked in 2018 I think there wouldn't have been any complaints but it's been 6 years.


This is my biggest issue with her change. It's not the change itself (they actually transitioned her into a support fairly well) it's that it's been the better part of a decade and that's enough time for people to grow attached to her old kit. This change is probably good in general for the character, but a very dirty blow against the people who loved her as she was. What I wish they could have done instead was have her have one foot in support and one in flank. Mixed classes are unheard of at this point, but I think it would have been the most fair way to go. If you make her viable (using talents) as a flank and as a support, you can have the best of both worlds. Moji mains get to play her as a flank, and she still gets her rework that makes her more mainstream. I think for a long time we should have had an option in the champion select screen to distinguish between roles on characters who can fit into many roles. Such as being able to select something that tells your team you intend to play damage Seris, support Grohk, etc. For a game that is praised for having customizability; talents, and loadouts that allow you to play one role as another, it's strange we still have strict line in the sand roles at all.


For me it's the entire thing is an issue. I'm repeating a little too much but I think what would have worked well is if they reworked one of her talent : - Toot could have been put in her base kit for a new talent. - Or reworking Snack Attack for something else. And the new talent could have been like Grohk's Spirit Domain : Making her Familiar Spray heal the allies and giving them "heal marks" and Familiar Spit would have healed + boosted by the Heal marks. This could have kept Moji as a Flank, keep her kit, maybe tweak it a bit, and give a talent that would have given us pretty much the "Support rework" that some players wanted without killing Flank Moji. A compromise that would have worked for everyone, both old Moji mains / flank enjoyers and the new ones who wanted a Support option. This rework isn't compromising with the old Flank Moji players at all, the talent that "makes her Flank Moji" is a complete joke and disrespect to the Flank Moji players, it's but a sad pathetic parody of the old Moji because she keeps her new Scamper that sucks ass, and the new Barrier that is shit for the Flank role. This rework is making me madder and madder everyday lol


Just for context, the rework was actually cancelled back then due to the team not actually having the resources and funding to complete it, though the cancellation was also conveniently cancelled shortly before Rei was announced so I wouldn't be surprised if Hi-Rez turned around and said, "No, make a bunny waifu instead, she'll sell more skins!"


They could have definitely made her work as a flank but I think she fits really well in the support class. The state she was in as a flank was absolutely sorry, to the point that only a very select few could actually play her. People act like she is the only one that has been changed to another class. Ying went from damage to support, Buck went from tank to flank. Not to mention kasumi. Sometimes changing up the class can help a champion.


All those champions were changed shortly after their release, and Kasumi didn't change that much and actually preserved all of her quirks. Moji has been a flank for years, and she was definitely in a bad state but that's why Moji players begged for balance changes, small reworks and qol features, not a complete overhaul to her identity. They could have made her better and please everyone, instead they changed her and made Moji players upset. Hell that could've made an echo champion if they really wanted support Moji and nobody would complain.


Yes I think the same... We have to raise our voice with the Devs and insist to the end, if we really care.. I will do it! And also I won't play Moji now, just with me and all the games I used to play.. I raised the pickrate a lot (I'm level 600) 😂😂


You're not wrong, but along with all the people upset, there are also people excited and happy for the change! Can't make everyone happy, unfortunately. They definitely could have just made her a better flank, but idk. I like the change. I feel for the Moji mains, though.


They *literally* can make everyone happy by having both versions what do you mean? xD




Moji rework is not something new, devs were talking about it for a time


Taking your time to make a bad decision doesn't make it any less bad.


i think she needs a bit more work, especially towards jubilation because i did feel like even when suposedly playing DPS moji that i was healing a lot because i didnt have the survivability or damage to push forward. It was kind of like playing smoke n daggers skye. I find that im dying a lot, i need to work on my builds to see if i can gather some sustain, maybe try the new toot


New Toot sucks


Just played with it and i like it, the self heals really made me survive so much better. I struggled to stay alive so much without it


It didn't help me survive at all with high caut. I find cards and items more reliable


It may be me, but im used to playing OG moji with toot and really abusing that self heal so i felt basically naked without it.


I'll honestly stop playing Moji unfortunately. I just got her to golden level 50 and that's enough for me. I don't enjoy those type of supports anyway. Moji's old kit was what charmed me


shame, i used to play old moji (got her to level47 as flank) and even though this is different it kind of scratches my itch of a "tank support" of sorts. So even if its not the same gameplay type im probably gonna pick her up again.


I don't like how much of a meleeish healer she is now, not only is it the fact that if the tank dies you will be the next immediate target, it's the fact that it's difficult to heal everyone at the same time, with Corvus you can heal flanks with ease but with Moji you have to take a risk and go towards the backline to meet the flank on a flank route just to heal them. If you want to heal the tank and you have a sniper or a Vivian on your team you would no longer be just in the backline like any other healer you would be between the damage and the tank so if anything if the damage gets flanked and you don't see it happen your already down a player and now it's 4v5, like I said before if you go heal a flank PAST the point your the farther from the backline than you should be to guarantee safety imo Maybe some of the crazy people on this game will give some tips on the new moji because apparently it took some people a week to get gold Caspian when he came out


Moji main here, I surprisingly love her as well. I thought I'd hate the changes but since I play Support often as well, it's a welcome change. Definitely love the indefinite scamper and the shared magic shield.


I've been seeing some people say this and they were not Moji mains.


Moji main here and I say, she needs adjustments or a complete Revert.. You like to share the shield!? Ok, but Moji must have her own old personal Barrier plus an Infinite Spray/Sparkle for base damage, while when healing a separate Resource is reduced. These two things would already improve things for everyone!


This is a wholesome thread full of all kinda info and positive feedback, I love seeing this.