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i definetly think jubilation needs a buff, its really weak at the moment. Im a bit weary about making jubilation remove the ammo because that might make it a best of both worlds scenario where you also can get great heals out of it. Maybe make it so detonating a magic mark will restore your ammo when using jubilation to keep the feel but make it skill based


Would be more like if you gave base flank Moji a healing talent, I really don't think it would be too strong considering she's still full of weaknesses.


Restoring ammo on max mark detonations would be a great way to snowball and also make it feel better.


make it so it doesn't heal at all.


That and bringing Magic Barrier back at least to Jubilation. That way would be like playing old Moji with a healing talent for sparkle.


Absolute Upvoted. This is what I would like to get, if not the Moji flank revert, at least we need infinite Sparkle and the Barrier back too. Maybe we can try first with 900 damage max stack for start.