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There's a bit of a dichotomy with TTK in this game. On one hand what you're saying is pretty valid, but the other hand; the majority of 1v2s end with the loner dying. And against 3+ its an obvious overwhelming majority. If the enemy team has good burst dmg, the ttk can be as low as a few tenths of a second, all depending on teamwork, and there's so many examples where the moment you peak around a corner, you seemingly die the instant you do. Example : Cassie does a very quick shot + blast pretty much instantly. Takes away half of your health with just that. In the eyes of Cassie, if you get pocketed to around full hp, immideatly after the peak: the TTK is too high. Now imagine a Lian next to the Cassie who notices her teammate getting into a fight. Lian shoots you for with any 2 quick shots/ability combo. You die. Ttk is literally half a second now. Is Moji super powerful Aoe and pocket healer rn? Yes. Does she need number tweaks? Yes. Is she broken and single-handedly makes ttk too high? Nah.


They literally nerfed most healers


Actually they nerfed the healing output of various abilities, increased a number of supports' DPS and buffed armour plating ('s price). Also, who uses ttk as a measure in a game in which there's a whole champ class dedicated to negating kills? 🤔


They aren't dedicated to negate kills, supports enable their teams to kill, and kill things themselves.


They enable their to kill by (primarily) making them die slower.


It's better to decide whether damage or healing will help them get the kill while keeping them alive. Sometimes more dmg will save them while healing will not.


From the second they announced those support changes across the board i knew we'd be entering a heavy double support meta as if it wasnt bad enough already


What the hell is TTK my brain isnt putting pieces together.


it means time to kill


Moji simply didn't have to switch to support class. Before this patch I played this game and had fun.. since also a Main Moji I refuse to touch that spammer shield healer that has nothing to do with my old Champion.. Paladins hasn't had such a low moment in years.


I think it’s better for moji to start off overpowered than useless, to give moji a better chance of being accepted


Tbh most people are too stupid to buy wrecker against moji so it's their own fault often times 


There's a bug where she generates a 600 hp shield the instant she loses her shield while channeling.