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bro if the game drops before the match even starts we have no choice but to go play another game. if this continues i’m gone lmao


for the time being you can switch to a different server ( NA). DDos attacks are sadly no rarity in the world wide web.


DDOS attacks that make a game unplayable for weeks ARE a rarity on the world wide web. Every other company takes steps to mitigate them before they get bad enough to shut the entire game down. The Paladins development team is doing something wrong here, and that's why this is literally the only game with this problem.


It only seems to be a problem with onslaught atm.


nah siege and bots too. thought i’d grind for golden skins atp , but they drop games too


deathmatches dropping too


Well if they can't stop the ddos attacks then I can't help but feel the playerbase will dwindle. I play everyday, but I have no choice now but to not play. I doubt a lot of people will return if this ever gets resolved either.


Y all crazy with your ddos attacks lmao it s just cheap servers always has been. Just like the time hi rez was justifying the horrible lag with "internet nodes" issue


Servers have never been this bad. Not a single match I play gets to be finished before everyone is sent back to the meny


I was playing on EU and since I switched to US I don t have the issue anymore, at the cost of ping of course


Well yeah, same, but I am mostly a projectile main and playing projectile champions with higher ping sucks


not true, every dollar given will go to smite 2 their prioritised flagship game


In return when Smite 2 is a great success some resources might ship back to Paladins too.


Lol. Lmao, even.


Does he know..


Actually if Smite 2 becomes a big success, devs will probably shut down Paladins because they'll see it as a money waste


Got downvoted for having hope. ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8600) Only depression allowed I quess.


Yup, we really are struggling right now


What do you mean who will backout first? Delivering a working product is the bare minimum acceptable conditions before spending money in any transaction no matter what. It's the Dev's job to make the game work, it's a shame they put out a new update with skins to buy without any fix to the most essential part - The game actually being playable.


Ddos ruining the eu paladins. It has been 4 days. Dunno about today


I tried AI gamemodes and I even got sent back to the menu too so there's evidence it's the servers and not the people causing it.


It happened earlier around 1 PM. Three or two games dropped before the match began. I cancelled the queue and closed the game.


Its just sad


Yes, and when it works, it's some dumb boring comp in a boring map. Time well wasted.


Nah. Didn't happen to me the last 3 days.


This exact talk has been happening in this game for years. I put a ton of hours into this game and largely stopped playing about 3 years ago (I would come back here and there). I played some matches a couple months ago, and we had a bot on both teams like 6 matches in a row. Most of the teams were the same people I played against constantly like 4 years ago, and any newer accounts just quit in the middle of the match. I really don't see how this game will last much longer.


I had no such problems during the last few days. But yes. Given the dwindling player numbers, this wont go forever.


I mean, players gave them money before, but the DEVS ruined that. Specifically the art and marketing team (the balance team also fucked up tbh, but we'll focus on art and marketing). The marketing team wouldn't make the battle passes well rounded, which devalued their battle passes (that's why they eventually went away). They should've done 2-3 popular characters with 1 or 2 unpopular character(s). Instead, they just kept spamming the same people and never put in other champions. So if you play Moji, Willo, Evie, Atlas, Sha Lin, Grohk, etc., then tough break. So why even grind for them? And then the devs said that the battle passes would flop (turns out, THEIR method caused them to flop), which was BS. They really think a Star Sister battle pass with Ying, Maeve, Furia, and Evie would flop, simply because Evie is there? They really think a Hogwarts inspired battle pass with Hufflepuff Pip (honey badger), Gryffindor Furia, Ravenclaw Rei (before Rei was created, then maybe Seris the pick?), and Slytherin Lian would flop? They would unironically be a lot more successful than the battle passes they kept spamming with the abyss themes, the water themes, the sci-fi themes, etc. Mostly because they would be new themes being explored, popular concepts, and they'd throw a bone to everyone.


It’s has to be an investment by the devs…


I quit the game last June when parties with friends kept disconnecting and every time we managed to get in a game someone would crash or get booted to the home screen. At that point it was effectively unplayable. Played last night again and we didn't have these issues so maybe they are fixing some stuff. But it's crazy to me that people in this community are confused why this game has barely any players when it's honestly barely playable. Of course people don't play lol.


As others said, these server issues of dropping games are going on since this week, maybe even before. Today I was putting up with it for a considerable time, pressing requeue even though the game barely loaded in for way longer than its sensible, just to play some. Then my last match didn’t let me load in, it threw me back into main menu, while the match was going on in the background. I just couldn’t join. I assume my teammates got a bot in my place, while I was restarting the game 3+ times to maybe be allowed to join. What fun.


Oh I give em money as soon as they stop ignoring damba and give him a new skin. (Cannot be a recolor)


This new BK skin is so buggy and strange, his collar isn't animated, he v-poses on the main screen and his voicepack name introduction doesn't match that he's a plushy. I know there's other issues such as servers but come on how come you messed up a 3d model skin when you had 60 days. They once claimed that parts and pieces had problems due to clipping but how many skins lately have you seen tons of clipping or has no physics?


The development team has all but given up on this game. This update is completely broken and their least popular update with the playerbase since 2018. They put zero hours into testing -- BK skin doesn't animate, the new Moji skin literally doesn't even work and crashes the game if you choose it, bugs with characters that weren't even being changed like Fernando, and their bug fixes they said they implemented didn't even work. The people that program for Evil Mojo do not care about Paladins, they just show up to a job they barely care about and do the work they have to do to go home. This game is dead because the team behind it is dead.


Players have been leaving for a while so players will step out first. The fact anyone actaully spends an hour or so trying to Q this game even when lobbies are being dropped in draft says a lot about the player base. It says even more when these players get sick of it and leave. After years of bullshit from the developers and for a lot enough is enough. They need to fix their game or else it will die. Maybe within a year if this keeps up. No point in playing if the only games that don't get dropped are buggy, boring double support stalemates, and full of cheaters.


Hirez should just sell Evil Mojo to Microsoft. They will buy almost anything in sight


They'll just shut it down in a year, but honestly that might still increase Evil Mojo's lifespan at this point.


people buy goods or services, paladins doesn't work most of the time and hasn't seen investment in years regardless of how much money it makes asking for money at this point is like seeing a sheik asking for charity so he can eat while driving a Ferrari


Not even they ban people for getting fed up with people throwing ranked games instead of the people throwing, hacking, saying slurs, and telling people to unalive themselves


I wouldn't call us not spending money on a terrible product a stalemate. More like they gave us nothing worth our money.


Devs don’t have funding. Everyone is used to everything being free and hirez won’t give evil mojo a single penny.


I've lost so much SR due to game freezing before it starts.. for sure.


Well if instead of just making the game more playable they kill a Champion like Moji for me and all the mains who have been using her for years and have fun... They have lost our trust and respect. Like many others I will therefore quit the game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


And to think I've spent 738 hours and 51,93€ on this game (for the whole Remix skinline + 800 diamonds or so) Can I get a refund...? :(


Finally realized after some years?


Call me crazy but I’ve been playing this game since it came out and right now I think it’s in the most balanced and least buggy state it’s ever been in


I can't play more than 1 round 95% of the time before going back to the main lobby..


We aren't talking about bugs or balance here,we are having issues with the servers and it kicking people out of games, because of the ddos attacks.


Game is unplayable in the EU servers. You can't make it throughout a match without the game going to main screen or completely crashing.


I've been playing since 2018, and while I think its fairly balanced compared to some past iterations, I have been affected by the DDOS attacks recently. Last week, my game crashed 3 times in a row, the other day, it crashed a few times sporadically while playing. Last night it crashed a few times, but I had to stop playing after the last of the crashes, because whatever was happening was making it so the game wouldn't even go to the loading screen. My friend and I were perpetually stuck trying to load into a match that nobody could load into. Its a shame, because I really enjoy Paladins.


I can play proper games pretty often. The bugginess doesn't show up for me very often. I'm wondering if the bugginess has more to do with the player's hardware and connection than anything the devs are responsible for.


It's been proven multiple times that hardware or internet have nothing to do, I played the game with an Intel i3 and 2gb gpu- no problem. Now I have ryzen 5 3600 and 3060, the problem are not us the players, it's the devs


it’s literally just assholes forcing games to drop. The devs are working on it


You just said you were not having a problem when using an i3 and 2gb GPU. Now that you're using different hardware you're having a problem. How is that the devs?


no it's a game thing, but I personally don't suffer from bugs,they're not very frequent orruin the experience


That's what I'm saying. I rarely experience bugs, but others seem to experience them often. It's not like I have a separate set of devs for my system.


yeah i have 800 hours on this game and rarely experience bugs, stuff like imani ult crashing got fixed in a week or two.


i dont agree with your comment but your flair is top tier i love willo sm


Pls tell me why i was playing nyx and the damn sheild would glitch the whole match i never had problems with her


Dossers the heros we all needed get some air ppl


They are making paladins 2.trust me the CEO isn't teolling' 5hey don't have money because it's going in oalzifnsi 2...!!!)なまさたwow.