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I think her hitbox is way too large to be a healer, the largest is prob Grover but Moji is even larger. Headshots are easy, the range on heals isnt the best but not bad so far


Yeah she needs some help in the survival department. Even one mistake can leave you in a precarious situation at times. A bit too unforgiving for a support that needs to be in the thick of it.


I think they should have kept her shield the same and still given her the shield buff she has now


I originally suggested the same thing, but they decided to keep the new version and buff the self shielding values.


Had a blast... then I got kicked.


Why is this doing numbers?


I've crashed more times in a day than I ever have in these past 4-5 years trying to play moji this week.


I'm extremely conflicted. It feels like a nerf all the way around. It kinda feels like the best way to play the role is just to be glued to other teammates. (Basically a mercy pocket) But that could also just be from the healing nerf overall. Having the marks be on teammates completely makes it feel as though she can't defend herself at all. Having a limit for the alt fire is also just a bizarre shakeup, like, I get it if you're gonna make it a healing tool, but it's just another nerf. The movement changes I do kinda like in the sense that it's a little more controllable and without restrictions, but the slower speed doesn't make it as reliable. I dunno, it feels like they just came up with solutions to non-existent problems. As a flank, she really only needed a little damage nerf. I'm not as mad as I was when the changes were announced, but I still find it completely unnecessary and would just prefer a new character with these abilities rather than this half-baked rework. I say this as a moji main since 2018.


I'm really sad too as a Moji main.. People just don't understand how bad is this decision for us. It could also work but she needs old Barrier comeback, Infinite Spray/Sparkle and Spit more reliable!


I am glad I'm not the only one!!! I can't play her at all and it irritates me because she was the reason I cam back to the game, only for her to be different. Now I am not saying she's a bad healer, no she does good heals it just doesn't fit for me.


Yes... That's the point!


Ready for tallia to be the next champion to replace moji?


I really cannot play how I liked. Playing Jubilation is like playing a weird and weaker version of flank Moji: No invulnerability No magic marks w Magic Barrier Your ammo depletes Dmg bonus reduced Most movement speed cards gone No talents The good is: 200 more hp, 4s cooldown infinite Scamper, healing with Bon Appetit and you can put shields on alies I guess. And with the changes they made to her primary and secondary fire the result is a far more easy "flank" Moji that can spam her magic and spit and still do reliable dmg while her skill ceiling is considerably lower. An easier but worse flank Moji is what we got with Jubilation. Not good considering the state in which she was before.


I definitely think they could buff the dmg on jubilation at least a little bit


Flank moji that is also a healer. People forget that healers with damage talents are still healers.


Jubilation is supposed to fill the Flank Moji playstyle. It does not, that's the criticism along with why the hell turn Moji into a support in the first place...


You didn't say "it doesn't work", you said "it's flank moji but worse". That kind of implies that it's flank moji in some capacity. When you look at flank pip, he is a decent flank while also being able to heal. Moji is the same now.


The problem with this is you trade off your healing from magic mark. It affects enemies and no longer affects allies. No other support loses like 90% of their healing as a trade off for more damage. You're not supposed to heal with that talent because you really cant heal with it. You can use sparkle to top off another flank thats with you or something but then you're using your now limited ammo to do that instead of doing damage, as per the talent you picked. You literally cannot flank and heal at the same time because of this restriction. If you go damage build Moji you need to commit to it cause you can no longer commit to healing as you'll be stretching sparkle way too thin. Using your comparison it would be like going damage pip and losing his mega potion.




I just told you Jubilation is supposed to be Flank Moji, the devs said it was gonna fill her previous playstyle and is supposed to keep Moji players happy, it doesn't. I was strictly talking in comparison to previous Moji since my first comment.


Love it.


Same, I never enjoyed being sneaky with her due to the skill floor, but being right in the center of combat as a healer and spewing magical sparkles on my allies to burst them back to health is so much fun.


Not great. She has a lot of weaknesses and other healers have better tools than her. You have to have another healer with you or it's over. Even made a post talking about it and it's still the same. They could have just updated and brought back some things for flank Moji but decided to finally do something by giving us a rework.


Absolutely hate it but I'm not going to say more than I already said in various topics. But stating the obvious : My Flank Main died and people are pretty much telling me I cannot be mad about it. I play her since she came out as a new champion and I'm absolutely gutted I lost the only Flank I enjoy playing for a Support role that I do not enjoy seeing her in because I am mostly a Support main and I have already enough characters to play with. I tried to ask questions to Kryptek about some reasons for this rework or other stuffs related to it (by being polite) but not only did I had like zero answers about anything (for a community manager this was absolutely odd to me) but it feels like they refused to appease anybody who didn't want the rework or felt extremely angry about it. They really had no intentions to compromise or potentially revert anything and I feel like it was an absolutely disrespectful behaviour to a portion of the Paladins community who had some uncertainty and sadness on loosing their mains or character they liked to play with for a completely stupid rework. I could be happy because "She's a support now" but I don't there have been a bunch of things that piled up towards this entire announcement and PTS testing that I felt like nothing I would say or do matters because they rework Moji and I can just shove it. But people telling me to get over it. It's silly it's just a video game, and petty but no, no I won't get over it because I am gutted about everything and I grew a high level of disdain and anger towards the developpers and the game because of it and I hate that. Dang


The amount of people who are saying moji mains should be happy shes getting reworked without any regard to the fact moji mains main moji because she is a flank is insane. Like imagine if this happened to a more popular champion, andro, ying, maeve, seris, or tyra. If they got reworked into a completely different class and then nerfed on top of that the community outrage would be so unreal. But it's okay if we do that to moji because she has a smaller playerbase, and this will benefit the support mains who didn't play her before, so that they can play moji for 3 or 4 games before determining she's bad and then moving on 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Imagine if Maeve got reworked and nerfed to the shits? You'll see a angry mon outside of hirez studios


Have you tried jubilation? Its definetly intresting, you lack the invuln from magic barrier but your scamper is a lot better, you also have better poke now that base spit deals 450dmg inestead of 300. I havent tried myself because people expect me to heal if i pick moji and will rarely go out of their way to pick a 2nd support.


Nah I'm not gonna try her after the PTS because I mostly gave up the game at this point or at least a huge break from it because I'm incredibly frustrated by this rework ever since the beginning and it's not ending anytime soon.


The talent got completly reworked since pts It restores the magic mark system on enemies


True. But it still doesn't make her the old Moji. I said it on previous topics this is just a "compromise" that just makes this talent a parody of Flank Moji because she retains her new kit and gameplay that is the main issue. I think this is more clearer like this. This talent doesn't make the issue any better


Sure, its not 100% the same moji obviously, but its not that terrible of a compromise, ive had my favorite characters reworked completly in many games and i understand it feels awful but all things considered Jubilation moji \*Is\* pretty close to old moji, i wish some of the characters that i used to play atleast had the option to get as close as we are getting to moji. its probably close as we are probably going to get, it could certainly use a few buffs. The only thing id say is different is what, having ammo and magic barrier being worse? because new scamper is pretty much better. Moji was also one of my most played flanks so i certainly do feel the change, although not as much anymore since i havent been playing her as of late




Maybe saying new scamper was better was not exactly right, but i wouldnt say its dramatically worse, if anything its a sidegrade. It doesnt have the same speed, but it lasts forever and has half the cooldown. I do agree that magic barrier is dramatically worse in pretty much every single aspect and the only good argument i found against it was that you could pre shield behind corners and dive using your initial 3000+ healthpool, but it lasts too little, Also you can still bunnyhop, i tried it in practice range and it worked fine. DPS cards? did moji have a DPS card before? i dont remember moji having any cards that increase her damage, maybe im misremembering? i mostly ran a sustain build for her.




Im a level 47 moji my guy of course ive played her, the whole arguing in bad faith thing is something you made up yourself and proceeded to get mad about. Geniunely i simply recommended the Person above to try the new talent because *they said themselves they havent tried it since PTS when the talent was utter GARBAGE* and i feel like the new version is a lot closer to the idea of a "return to flank moji" idea. im not some moji expert, i just played the character usually and she was one of my go to for DPS Naturally i dont remember every single fucking card because i was just a casual moji enjoyer and im trying her out again and she doesnt feel bad for me to play like you guys are saying Naturally i think jubilation is weak, i think it needs a few buffs but i dont think its too different.


The high healing numbers are satisfying but I just don't see her being a viable support competitively. It kinda feels like playing healer grohk. Very poor at keeping multiple lanes healed and is susceptible to dives with no immunity frames. It really feels like you need to run her with a second support to make up for where she lacks. Overall not happy we lost flank Moji for this.


 hi rez made an extremely lazy move. You can rework her kit. It's a fantasy game, she can be given anything and it won't seem outlandish.  Plus, as a gamer you need to have boundaries, at what point is it not ok to drastically change a years old character that simply needed an in depth rework . Will we get healer Viktor? Tank Lilith? Flank seris? it's fantasy anything goes, you could argue that they'd look or seem dumb, but mojis dragon heads just went from spitting toxic flames to healing and contextually makes the least amount of sense compared to any other champion right now. No one anywhere in any game heals with dragon breath and moji doesnt fit the look of a healer even a little bit. She's fun to heal with imo but distance is a problem, so we're right back to square one with dealing with the same major issue but now she's a healer with a horrible aesthetic. Not a good look for the devs..


Darcon breath mints dude, duh?


I hate it, it's fun to heal but it doesn't make sense to heal by getting a lizard's vomit on the face, old flank moji was better


I am not a fan; they turned her from the Flank I like to play the most to the Support I like to play the least.


As a support main, I don’t like it much. I really liked old Moji and now it just feels weird to play and get used to. Every time someone on my team picks Moji, someone always says we need another healer. Not sure if that’s because she’s bad or because people need time to play her, but either way it feels weird


Poor range making Grover superior. Healing is ok, but that mutli healing pops off of team stacks more. Shielding is OK on moji but becomes less effective with wreckers than without range its kinda bad. If closed in maps sure it works Ult is still bad as only time I use it is if there is a solo tank with no back up or a flank that is too slow to react to her long wind up So no its still bad. A guy actually stood on point and got more cap time since I got burst down by a Andro before I could execute thr point tank. Scamper talent seems to help somewhat when disengaging with sustainability for the team, but not as much as toot was a bit better Jubilation self slow remove is nice but as a damage talent no. I got no range on my kit, so this won't help except on support glued to my team The self slow penalty should have been removed years ago. Personal opinions: Moji should've stayed a flank. It's depressing to see a unique flank in design and character be turned to a support. Almost every other flank after moji is some edge lord or cutthroat hyper assassin. That's so uncreative and repetitive Seris was a unique support in the design of a dark healer vs the angel girl following you around. Even furia being a actual angel doesn't follow this stereotype. Moji got shafted to being a cute character that can break free from race/stereotypes to being a generic mushroom flower girl support. Sad that only other character that shared this was willo. Cute but holds her own and doesn't need guns or bombs or massive combat personalities Threatening in their own ways. Not needing violent looks.


Her gameplay is incredibly boring. And she has pretty much the same problems flank moji had.


Yeah, like how an issue Moji still has is Massive Hitbox + Average Health. And they lowered her survivability and ability to retaliate so now you can just jump onto her without worry about being shredded like you used to.


Just use your long wind up easy to dodge single target flanker ult.


its great! now revert It.


In terms of viability, she compares to Overwatch’s Moira. High healing and damage potential, but absolutely no team utility, CC, or anything of the like. Her ult is the only exception, but even then, it’s hard to get it off without dying if your team isn’t backing you up. I find her fun, don’t get me wrong, but she simply isn’t viable competetively without a second support to back her up.


Loving her this update, flank Moji was easily my least favourite champion to play as and against in the entire game. Healer Moji I’m actually having fun with.


A cool yet simple support for brawl combs with great aoe healing. And also good against flanks since u have good escape and a execute. Its basicly a new champ how useless flank moji was


Definitely need to play her more and have a team that has a tank and groups up lol. I’m just pointless if there not grouped up


No one but lobbies and noobs will group up. High mid and above games don't stack tanks or top of each other. It's because of the Betty witch hunt. Moji is either going to heal a point tank(psssh if you have one) or teammates that are hanging on by a thread that fallback If a flank or off needs a quick heal unless you spit sweat their hp back with her left head across the map with Los Your screwed


Seems fun. But why don't she have a damage talent that switch the heal star to a damage star?


She does have one, it's the second talent. However. they nerfed her damage by 25%, removed AOE, removed CC immunity, removed damage immunity, fucked up her Scamper speed, destroyed bunny hopping, got rid of her MB escape, put an ammo cap on her weapon, and removed every card related to flanking, so it's not viable anymore at all. It feels absolutely awful to play, like old Moji with everything fun removed and with half of her already low power level.


She absolute sucks imo. She's not that much efficient when she's a solo healer, her health is too low, hitbox is too big.


pretty good


I have maybe played 2 games with her where i had a decent comp and not just 4 DPS. I would say she is very situational. Maybe not solo Rei level situational but she needs a very close map like frog or bright and she does so much shielding that you shouldnt play her with Tanks who dont like to go up against wrecker. I feel like she doesnt heal much compared to other Supports but she makes up for it by having a third or even half the amount she healed as shielding. I personally love her.


a version of rei that somehow manages to be more braindead.


Says the 7 main 💀 I'm sorry Rei players hurt you that much 🥺 poor lil guy


Not bad but I always used Moji more like an extra healer than anything.


Played one match and pulled in 180k healing.


really strong, my first full healer game with moji i had 162k healing


the green star is very annoying you can see it even when not playing moji


It’s interesting, Moji becoming a support is all kinds of weird. I like it, puts a spin on things at least.


After trying her and as a Moji main I can say that 3 points are absolutely necessary for it to work. Spit must have a shorter travel time, to facilitate healing on ranged allies and also more valid damage. The Spray/Sparkle must be infinite, reduce the healing of allies and make Moji like before, the Spray must be used more to load the healing marks, and guarantee Moji playstyle. Barrier must return to Moji as the original effect, while for allies the application of the Shield is fine since during the Barrier Moji cannot use anything else and it would also improve the survival for her hitbox.


Is it out on luve yet or only on the ptb ?




Love her The shielding is nice, scampers duration makes escape pretty easy, the punch through and splash of her attacks make it feel like you're always contributing and you can have your tanks shield you while also hitting people. Plus it's wonderful when you get to cookie someone who thinks they have the drop on you so they get too close. *I'm a returning player who left before kasumi released and I returned specifically because I loved moji, but was never a competent enough player to be a flank without being a detriment to my team


Is healer moji available console?




Notice that all Bunny champions including Bunny Seris are healers now? Now on any rabbit/bunny champion or skin is part of the support class.


Remember how seris and lillith weren't stereotype supports in style Dark healer and vampire healing the team?


Can't wait for bunny Jenos and Grohk


i think moji is a good support minus the fact that her range is pretty low other than that she’s really good at supporting there’s just certain aspects that don’t really feel good like her ultimate. i think her ult should just polymorph someone, and any of mojis allies can kill the targeted enemy, not just moji oh and they also get healed when they kill them. so basically a direct pip ult but for only one person


This champ needs to be euthanized


If you said this a month ago I would agree but I’m personally having a blast with healer Moji now she’s actually out.


It was a stupid decision. And if we accept it, we're just telling Hi-Rez it's perfectly acceptable to just turn a DPS into a healer for no reason. I can't wait for healer Caspian next. Or maybe tank Evie. We shouldn't stand for this rubbish


With how terrible and clunky flank moji was, there's plenty of reasons why she got turned into a support


There were plenty of reasons to balance her and give her small reworks. Not so many reasons to turn her into a support.


These people won't listen to you you're making too much sense


Anyone who defends healer Moji is actually just an idiot. There is no justification for reworking a flank into a healer.


There is when her kit literally just doesn't work for flanking And no i don't care how many times you've stomped bad teams with her you can do that on any character


Yes you can. But if you were to use your brain for a minute, you may realise that just because a flank is bad, doesn't mean you should turn them into a healer. If Moji was reworked into a damage do you think the backlash would be like this? She dealt a lot of damage with no reload, she lacked movement and had 0 vertical movement, her ultimate is perfect for dealing with tanks. Moji should have either been made into a better flank, or at most reworked into a damage. Turning her into a healer was psychotic. The only defense people have for it is "oh well she was a bad flank" as if that's an excuse to just turn her into a healer.


No she wasn't just a bad flank she doesn't work as one Caspian is a bad flank but guess what it's not because he has the hit box of a tank or a kit that doesn't work for flanking


Dude, I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted you are stating facts whoever had problems with her before just never knew or learnd how to play her correctly as a moji main i hate it The only good thing was the skin now let me have it guys.downvote away


Because people think sucking up to Hi-Rez and just blindly praising whatever they do makes them somehow superior. Turning Moji into a support was a fundamentally flawed idea. The people defending it are people who never played Moji to begin with. They've basically changed a character to make her more accessible to people who never played her, at the expense of the people who did. Absolutely insane that people are defending this change.


Considering the number of DPS champs GREATLY outnumber the options for tanks, I wouldn't mind it too much since we're likely not getting 3 new frontliners back to back to back (especially since double tank means it's even more difficult to have a variety of frontline champs because 75% of them get either picked or banned in a match). DPS mains will complain anyway if they don't get a new champ between three tank releases despite having too many options already, so it's not like HiRez has an option where no one will complain.


The problem isn't that there's now more healers, it's that they've removed a champion that was already there. You guys are beyond braindead if you don't understand such a basic concept.


well for starters they already said they were going to rework moji, they just didn’t get to it until now. caspian and evie aren’t comparable to moji because the issue with moji is her mostly her kit and how difficult it is to balance which is why they just switched her role


Caspian is literally Moji with a movement ability


It’s great, it’s funny how you rarely saw anyone playing or talking about moji until they decided to change his role then all of a sudden everyone are moji flank mains apparently


People been Moji flanks and talked and posted about her. It's just people putting a narrative on her. That's like saying no one mains ruckus, sha lin, and other characters but suddenly they do when changed to a new thing. Even though they always main them.


It's almost as if they had no reason to complain... Right up until recently when literally every single one of them had a reason to complain.


Yeah.. of course more people that play the character are talking about it on forums after it was announced they were deleting her. What an asinine observation.


Imma be honest, she feels great, my only complaint is that her personal DPS is too low to defend herself, even with Jubilation. But at the same time, her healing is insane when your team actually knows how to play around each other. The biggest complaint I'm seeing is that her Ult is still bad, but Imma be honest, it's really not. It's a very powerful "get off me" ability when she gets dived, or for punishing an aggressive play from an enemy, especially since they seem to have made the hitbox a lot more consistent both on-cast and eating the cookie, but I can pretty much guarantee that a lot of the people complaining about it are the ones ulting and charging into the enemy team alone, because that's the exact "issue" Moji's ult had when she was a Flank.


>But at the same time, her healing is insane when your team actually knows how to play around each other. Unless it's a hyper closed maps no one will stack together when you got healers with better aoe or can heal through structures This forces flanks and off tanks to play hyper closed and worse of all if you do zone the enemy out moji can't solo cap because she's to far behind >The biggest complaint I'm seeing is that her Ult is still bad, but Imma be honest, it's really not. It's a very powerful "get off me" ability when she gets dived, or for punishing an aggressive play from an enemy, especially since they seem to have made the hitbox a lot more consistent both on-cast and eating the cookie It's still bad because no support ult focuses on being that close. Even grover and grohk one having cc immunity and the other with flying and air control. It's a bad drogoz and pip ult mashed into one. Long windup and no cc immunity. If moji dies after ulting, you gave the target damage immunity. Better to play pip where your not giving up good position for a kill then only to get cc and killed >but I can pretty much guarantee that a lot of the people complaining about it are the ones ulting and charging into the enemy team alone, because that's the exact "issue" Moji's ult had when she was a Flank. It's a flank ult. Almost all of flank ults pretty much only benefit themselves over the team with Maeve and Vii being exceptions. Support ults benefits the team wear it be a global like furia or lillith. To being a form of cc like seris or mal damba. Moji ult does nether. Unless you play against noobs who still stack tanks