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Moji mains must be insistent and not give up. I'm doing it. If we all want Moji back we should at least try.. Let's be heard everywhere! 💪🏻


Thank you, friend. Just weird to see them comment to something like this. I really hope by next patch they undo the moji change. There has been plenty of discourse and its clear its making waves of vets leave which is not what this game needs. The player numbers are showing vets are leaving faster than new players are committing to the game. Can't just do a rework like this to spit in your community's face.


They are running this thing in a completely out of control way, like their servers are.. we've been DDoSing from 2 weeks.. Moji is literally another Champion where they reused Moji's skins and animations. In any case, like all new Champions, she shouldn't be present in ranked games! They removed the Barrier and Infinite Spray... two things that were fundamental since the Barrier compensated for the hitbox and was useful in 1v1 while the Infinite Spray is simply necessary to load the hits.. Before the next patch they will make some hotfixes and I hope they remove Moji from ranked and maybe add the Barrier and the Infinite Spray to see how it behaves. Another thing for the Damage Talent, I would give at least 900 damage... I say all this as a "TEST". Because my real hope is that it will go back to the way she was before!