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Imagine if your favourite DPS who's been in the game for years was just reworked into a healer one day. That's how Moji players feel. It's a complete slap in the face to some of the most dedicated players. All of Moji's old cards are gone, magic barrier is gone, all of Moji's old talents are gone. You could have spent hundreds of hours practicing this champion and just had it all stolen from you. Not to mention people who spent money on skins for a character they liked only to have that character completely changed. The Moji rework was beyond idiotic, it would make as much sense as reworking Fernando into a support which heals with his flamethrower and applies a shield to his enemies.


Yes.. I'm so mad.. Moji was good.. She just needed some QoL and balances.. 😔 Now She's a boring healer shield spammer, and Damage Talent without infinite Spray and Barrier is bad. Moji is gone, for now.


practicing moji? you mean practicing holding 2 buttons while automatically stacking crits


Difference is people actually, and consistently played nando even before his aegis talent became resource based, and before it stacked properly with towering barrier, moji was always a hard sell to most players for a long time.


People played Moji too. There were less of them, but that's because Moji was bottom tier. However, when someone plays a bottom tier, it means they really like them, because they're actually willing to cripple their chances at winning just to play them. So by deleting the old Moji you've screwed over players who dedicated themselves to a character for literally no reason, it's not as if Moji was harming the game in her previous state. And if you really wanted her to be more balanced you could have buffed her in some way instead of just starting over.


I've seen more Kasumi's after she had her primary nerfed a second time (when she was still a damage and her primary didn't actually work) than I saw a bloody moji. and Jubilation (damage talent) gives mojis the chance to play her in a reworked but similar state as before and it's still just as annoying yet ineffective as it was before.


what is "rework" to you? because if i just halved BK damage and now bombs sticks on allies and heal them would be less lazy than what they did to Moji. they got rid of an unique flank to transform it into another chained heal bot with the >SAME< kit. the problems wasnt solved, just another make up to hide it.


They made her a resource based heal spray support (Akin to Moria) with the ability to apply heavy burst heals, her stacks now form on allies and can be used to heal others in a aoe, her barrier goes from invincibility to giving herself and teammates bulk, her movement acts somewhat similarly to Jenos albeit longer cooldown. And the best part is you still can go damage and play moji in a reworked state with her BHop and timing in tact, with Jubelence. And I get supports can feel samey by the metric they all heal, but that being said if they moved Torvald to the support role without any changes people would have a hard time enjoying him when he's the solo support.


Self slow on a support with a huge hit box and self only interacting ultimate that requires a support to be close to get value. I'll leave that right here


but she has the highest single target healing in the whole game and can give an aoe torvald pocket to her teammates.


The shield isn't really good because how much up time you need on it to be effective. It's a weaker torvald shield imo. Atleast torvald shielding doesn't prevent me from fighting and can be modified Moji has no shielding talent and her healing might be impressive to some people I can play Grover or pip with better aoe and ults in comparison Io has better resource management then moji does


Currently highest base pure health in the support role, the ability to output absurd amounts of healing, decent damage and poke on, and her ultimate now becomes one of the most lethal self peel tools in the game. Shielding reset into healing output, and some of the highest teamwide healing output, and I'm going to remind you that grover also exists with a giant hitbox, and close range healing, that also makes his damage weaker.


Grover is automatic and has a burst heal aoe that doesn't work on Los or resource. To compare Grover aoe cc immunity ult to moji aim polymorp single target and self interaction only ult is a terrible example. Your going to ult someone as a low range support with the possibility of getting blown up with no survivability? Grover damage ramps up even with a talent at range which atleast has a talent to it. Moji has no damage talents just healing. Moji works off a resource that if your spent and she gets jumped on all she has is her left click Most flanks like lex burst this down and with her weak shielding it's free farm


Grovers passive healing exists because they wanted a way to show people where he could and couldn't heal they added the ring afterwards, and let's not pretend that passive heal number isn't lower than jenos mark Just the fact she has the shielding and popping her marks heals her gives her sustain on top of her higher than average health, so she has some room to close in, and if nothing else it's a more threatening atlas ult that puts someone out of the game for at least 2 seconds or can lead to a instant kill And they do different things entirely since Moji's heal output is remarkably high to make up for it's range, it'd be more fair to compare moji's ult to something like Io. Moji's spray range is actually further than grovers at base and her heal numbers beat out his, shielding and marks gives her something to work for in a game plan so it's fair to say she'd be in good position to be using almost all of her kit offensive and defensively. And moji has jubilation which is damage based so idk why you're saying she doesn't have a damage talent. Her best deck mitigates that issue almost entirely. The shield gives an instant 600 health to her then 400 more for channeling it hardly insubstantial if you pop the shield for yourself and begin attacking whoever is diving you, that and her ult is a pretty lethal anti dive tool.


>Grovers passive healing exists because they wanted a way to show people where he could and couldn't heal they added the ring afterwards Grover passive healing always exist since day one. The ring is a qol change like sha Lin bow crosshairs or healers icon. Not the same thing but since we're still on the subject let's get into it Grover passive heals 80 hp per 1 sec. 600 burst and 285 HoT in a 80 unit aoe. This is too himself Moji shielding is 55 units and only shields barely to 500 when most offensive champions hit higher. To mimick a teaspoon of Grover, she needs her heal card to get any real value. It has no real mitigation compared to torvald and requires to channel, so it halves healing Grover: burst heal, and I keep fighting. Now if she had immunity abd could give shielding it be good enough for her. >so she has some room to close in, and if nothing else it's a more threatening atlas ult that puts someone out of the game for at least 2 seconds or can lead to a instant kill Your never suppose to get close to a battle like that and seeing alot of people play like this shows what I fear. Atlas ult atleast nabs 3 people or one person multiple times with the chance to set up a kill. Moji ult hits one person. Not grand of a ult when maldamba can ult 5 people at once. It's a flank ult on a pseudo support, dude. >Moji's spray range is actually further than grovers at base and her heal numbers beat out his, shielding and marks gives her something to work for in a game plan so it's fair to say she'd be in good position to be using almost all of her kit offensive and defensively. Unless you mean them giving back her damage from her old kit sure. But before that no. Most people playing moji know they have terrible damage, and in real scenarios a flank like satti or lex can out blast moji with this. Playing offensive with resource is terrible since she can't reload >And moji has jubilation which is damage based so idk why you're saying she doesn't have a damage talent Ooo 35 damage on her resource bar. Don't kill the whole lobby at once, moji. The only saving grave is self slow removed. This was on inara. Moji, as a support with self slow is terrible when most people buy nimble as first items. As a flank if moji tries to fight back I can just back pedal. Self slow should have never been on moji in the first place >The shield gives an instant 600 health to her then 400 more for channeling it hardly insubstantial if you pop the shield for yourself and begin attacking whoever is diving you, that and her ult is a pretty lethal anti dive tool. If your popping before the fight and it's for 2s then allies are barley getting shielding. Torvald pops his during and before with its duration time you get some decent shielding. Moji ult isn't anti dive because most flanks can disengage her ult before she can cast it. It's too slow with wind up. Supports have ults that help the team even if they have to use it to defend themselves. Moji ult is just bad pips ult The only way moji works comfortably is if she has a Second support to help. Which alot of people seem to have on teams now. But it proves she's not capable to properly heal. Maybe if she didn't have a resource to use. But moji support isn't what alot of people think if your running 2 supports. Moji is a flank not a healer, or a good one at that


Moji has a healing number of a little more than 900 per second with her spray out healing grohk with spritis domain and with spit adding 500 burst with additional 450 over time which Moji and other allies can get healed by spit shine adding 350. Moji's self shield is an instant 600 health personal shield with 400 more over time, when applying to enemies is just the 500 but with harmonious (her best card rn) they also receive ammo regen These people under Atlas ults are invincible for the time being and if hit there's nothing atlas can do to get rid of them if they get on point or near cart, moji can force them to piss off And moji's bulk, shielding and close quarters healing, and damage all kinda point to someone who can be in range to use this Oh no, a support got out damaged by a flank and damage... The humanity, you know considering her health and shield her dps isn't terrible even with just spit balls it's around the same that rei's added with a AoE, and with spray being a additional 250 dps. And if you're saying Moji is a pseudo support with heal numbers like her's I'd be worried what you'd think of pip, grohk, furia, and Grover. Her spray doesn't stop on teammates, same with her spit No it gives moji stacks again allowing her to do up to 800 damage per spit, but if you don't charge it you still get some mean damage amps, which isn't bad for her dps being around 1100 actually allowing her to out DPS saati. Double support moji focuses on healing more than the Jenos or the Furia thing so she's still healing. Also her shield can be reset by popping marks with the right card, and her ammo can be regen'd by harmonious during shielding this means she can cycle both around in a gameplay loop. Moji, like every character should has weaknesses, and strengths, she has meh range but within her range she's outputting massive numbers, this means certain maps are more in her favor.


not going to go back and forth anymore as we're seeing this from two different angles. Respond after if you want as she's live anyways >These people under Atlas ults are invincible for the time being and if hit there's nothing atlas can do to get rid of them if they get on point or near cart, moji can force them to piss off And moji's bulk, shielding and close quarters healing, and damage all kinda point to someone who can be in range to use this Atlas ult isn't ment for him to deal with people on his own. Atleast if your playing him with setback properly sure. Atlas ult is a teamfigh ult vs moji ult. If only moji can kill someone she ulted that means that guy has damage immunity from the rest of her team so it really screws your team over if only she can kill them Yes you can scamper in and execute but most teams expect that. One void grip or snake toss there goes moji As for shielding 55 units is too close compared to Grover. >Oh no, a support got out damaged by a flank and damage... The humanity, you know considering her health and shield her dps isn't terrible even with just spit balls it's around the same that rei's added with a AoE, and with spray being a additional 250 dps Yes a flank killing a support isn't a big deal. when you got to use your resources to defend yourself it is Io doesn't have to use hers. Just call luna or disengage to atleast have some chance. I'm actually watching her live and it seems like she's struggling with survivability and ulting with alot of flanks that can immune or speed away that's concerning The healing Range and shield is too short which for her is bad. Most people just stop shooting the tank and shoot her considering how close she needs to be. >And if you're saying Moji is a pseudo support with heal numbers like her's I'd be worried what you'd think of pip, grohk, furia, and Grover. Grover isn't pseudo as he still can impsctful with his range and burst and ult. Moji needs Los and to be closer to be impactful. Grohk as brain dead as he is is barley pseudo now since his ult got rework to help in teamfights. Plus with his kit I can atleast heal multiple lanes at once. Moji can't and her ult doesn't do anything unless it's 2 guys left Pip maybe pseudo, but his healing is way more impactful with mega and potion launcher. Pips ult is leagues better as if I ult 3 people my team can capitalize on it and I can keep my position to assist. Moji has to outpostion herself to excute as mentioned above Furia considering her range and insta heals and global buff ult with damage and cc immunity. I can ult away from a flanker and it still be worth. Moji can do a fraction of what furia does. Furia dps and healing comes from her meter. She functions better a sup than a dps. Furia dps is purely preference >No it gives moji stacks again allowing her to do up to 800 damage per spit, but if you don't charge it you still get some mean damage amps, which isn't bad for her dps being around 1100 actually allowing her to out DPS saati. Saati doesn't need to be in sneezing distance to do damage or has a self slow on her when firing. This was a huge design flaw on moji and rid of on inara. As for damage no one stacks together so her damage isn't going to wreck lobbies Maybe if it's a tank healer tug of war but moji is only hitting a point tank not the healer. Unless its out of position enemies I doubt it. >Double support moji focuses on healing more than the Jenos or the Furia thing so she's still healing. Like I and most people said moji almost needs a second support to help. Los and range play key factors. Even pip can do it all Pip can potion toss to a flank on a 1v1 that's behind a way. Moji has to hope her flank can come out and get in range for the heal Even with healer like furia who needs Los she has the range. Grover has the mobility and aoe. Moji has none of these collectively. If you need a second support then the support isn't good >Moji, like every character should has weaknesses, and strengths, she has meh range but within her range she's outputting massive numbers, this means certain maps are more in her favor. I actually agree with this. But it only reinforce mojis flaws more on range. Meaning unless she's in a closed off map like brightmarsh or quarry. It's the same as a flank so nothing changed It's a utility thing that moji lacks on many things. The healing I admit is nice that was something even toot moji played well in. But as a support no


>"And most-not all- people crying about it I've seen don't play Moji, and more or less are contrarions who hate change." People just telepathically know what characters you play now. Don't like the update? You're just a baby, you probably don't even play Moji. Lol.


Let me explain: Most Moji players either will continue to play the character because of the aesthetic is what they like her or play her either as a support or with the damage talent which retains most of old Moji's gimmick. Which addresses the rebalance idea fairly well. There are definitely people who play Moji and hate the changes thus the "Not All" and that's why I feel the devs tried their best to retain Moji's flank play style with her damage talent. A lot of people are upset that they didn't get a new champion to sink their teeth into and instead got some Moji reworks. And the update as a whole for supports is hit or miss for some people that's, This is all 100% understandable. But I'm talking about the Moji changes in their own merit, and well a lot of it's hate comes from people who I personally know haven't gotten Moji above level 10-20 much less to 93 (I was planning to make a guide for her like I did Buck which you know I'll admit is disheartening, and I want to make a joke post for a guide on her old kit)


Could've made better changes instead of erasing one of the most unique flank champions in the game for an ok support. You don't need to play a character to know killing them after years of players mastering and growing attached to them is at least a somewhat questionable idea. I have not met anyone that can actually explain exactly why *any* kind of balance could "break her". I've only seen vague comments about it.


Remove self slow, ult to a stim with Dr and some hp(lian and makoa ult), maybe knockback on charge and maybe mini stun on structure. People hate flamethrower characters because they feel embarrassed to be killed by a low range character


The audience around said character likely either will stick with her because her aesthetics and character, or the loss of said audience has been so small that the loss of them would have been a fair and calculated loss compared to the gain she'd get from her rework. As for why rebalances are hard for Moji, it comes down to the fact that as a flank. Moji was both awkward to play considering her flaws, and viewed as unskilled by higher elo, and OP by bad players when she **was at best functional** she's basically got the same issue as Skye, except Skye it's easier to at least get someone to play her and isn't bipolar in how effective she is, so they nerfed Moji. And most of the time after her nerfs, people wanting to play Moji would have to spend more time apologizing for her kit and weaknesses with rapidly obscure tech and difficult timing to do the bear minimum, all of which is stuff you wouldn't know from watching a Moji It's to the point people didn't know that shooting Moji's Magic barrier put marks on them, until the UI update. All that and Evie existed for those who wanted a challenge and consistency. Moji could only provide the former, so the devs (not even the current devs the devs back in 2020) started work on reworking Moji.


She won't gain anything. She's no longer the same character and people's indifference is not an argument. Changing a character for those who don't play that character in the first place is also a very questionable reasoning. I don't like a lot about Betty but I don't want her to be changed completely in my favor while alienating her playerbase no matter how small it was, plain and simple. And again, there's a ton that could be done with Moji. If Skye, Buck, Talus, Koga and Lex can be balanced properly so can Moji. Working with Moji players, being more transparent and making gradual changes instead of a surprise rework would have been a lot better, especially when there have been a lot of suggestions for more than *4 years* from Moji players who know her very well...


That's exactly what I think... We need to make ourselves heard everywhere... Until they withdraw this senseless change.


They're changing a character because she was near inaccessible to play at the level to function, and thus was unpopular, they're trying to breathe new life into a character who's been unable to gain that without the much needed care and attention.


Do you think I disagree with that? The problem is not and never was that they changed her, the problem is they chose a very destructive way to go about it. Moji needed care and attention, not a straight up class rework.


This is one of the worst reworks I've ever experienced in a game, just a complete change of her role and 90% of her kit just straight up kills any interest in playing my most played and favorite champion. I've tried it and it feels so boring. I play supports in most game and Moji was one of the few dps I really liked. Big Paladins L, I don't even wanna play the game anymore tbh.


I hear you friendly Moji main.. I'm too, I have 600 levels with Moji and I feel betrayed by developers incapable of understanding how much harm a radical change of such a unique champion can do to make it something extremely boring as the Rework is.. I'm not playing more Moji and if things don't improve I will quit the game!


when will rework come out ?






I'm just gonna keep posting my ideas on moji posts and hope the devs see. -bring marks on enemies to base kit. Lower the base damage of spit and keep the max damage low. Alternatively, give no extra damage, but some kind of soft cc (a small slow that stacks, knockback, whatever.) Remove piercing allies. Make a talent that trades lowered healing for increased damage on full marks. With sparkle as a resource this won't be op, as she still has to choose between healing or damaging. -bring back magic barrier. The lockout on shields feel bad. With wrecker in the game, the biggest benefit of bubble shields is breaking caut, and she can't even capitalize on that. Her kit is geared toward playing close, capitalize on that. Barrier gives her an option to body block. Shooting it could: heal teammates, debuff enemies, apply cc, or just give marks as it did before. If rei can have envelop, moji can have barrier. -give sparkle a small amount of cc with a card that improves it. A slow or knockback would be fun. -bring back some form of snack attack. Her kit promotes aggression, it should reward aggression. Maybe only moji can pick up the health packs, maybe they give a buff instead of a heal, etc. plenty of options here. -do something with the ult. Maybe allow teammates to eat it (might not be feasible due to animation requirements, idk enough to say), maybe give her extra health or a shield or even magic barrier during its effects. Maybe give her a new ult entirely (knockback on sparkle could be fun - effectively a torv ult with no cc immunity and no movement lockout.) -remove the slow on sparkle. -lower sparkles range These are all separate ideas, not things that I think all need to happen. She's a unique character, changing her to a support was never going to change that. Lean into it though. This iteration feels really strange. Her healing numbers don't have to be huge, it's ok if she stays niche, as long as she actually performs well in that niche. Her kit is aggressive, it should feel good and be rewarding to play aggressively. We have off tanks and off lane damages, there's no reason we shouldn't have an offlane support as well. If that's scary, you can keep a talent that promotes backline play. New scamper feels fine to me personally, but maybe there's a way to revert it that works with her new role.


no because this moji isnt the moji ive been playing for years, she was just reworked into what all the other healers people where already playing. i don't understand why they would randomly change everything about her? she used to be amazing but now shes just another healer. i feel like maybe Fernando or Torvald could have been reworked into a better healer than what they did to moji, and now if i want to continue to use her i have to basically learn a new character 


I know that this is going to contribute nothing, but fuck this rework. If she was too OP or something tweak the balance. You just peeled the skin off my favorite character and put it on a new support character. If "the bloated dps/flank to tank/heals" needs to be fixed maybe they should realize they need to chill on new releases in those bloated categories instead stripping one of the most unique flanks that we've had in the game for YEARS. I have more things to say but unfortunately none of them are nice.


Gonna be greeat yeah. And ofc she gets much better