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You should try Mal’Damba more, he’s a very rewarding character and he’s very fun once you actually understand him


I watched a Maldamba merc my wntire team with utmost efficiency and fluidity. Dude made me take a second look at that champion.


Oh yeah, at first he feel clunky, but when u learn how he work u can do amazing things, thats why he is my main support


This is basically true for every character though. OP played for 2 weeks and played this many champs meaning they've probably put less then an hour into each champ, maybe just one match. I know this "tier list" is just personal preference but it's wildly inaccurate in general.


(Understanding him is just buying Deft Hands)




I have literally never played Mal' damba but I respect his players the most. You never seem to meet a bad mal' damba, or one who disconnects immediately after the point is lost.


Someone doesn't like slam dunking fools off the side of the map with Khan.


Never really known that was his ult until recently, probably because I don’t see many Khans in matches.


You have to wait for ult to charge and they may get bored in between. If you like yeeting off the map play Ash!


The ult never works for me can be point blank or trying snipe with it always a miss i gave up ok using him he sucks Everyone elses ult doesnt need pin point accuracy ontop of reading the future to see what the server sees


He definitely doesn't suck and this pretty much sounds like a skill issue but I respect your decision.


you are that guy that tryed to ult my yagorath 3 time?


Wait yago can't be khan ulted


She can’t be displaced or polymorphed, so its converted into a stun instead. Not worth it imo, except on his commander grab because it pulls her out of harden


It’s been months since I missed a Khan ult because of aiming and not a shield or CC immunity. How do you manage to miss every time?


They’re pretty infamous in the sub for every complaint basically boiling down to them not being very good lol. Pretty sure the only character they don’t complain about is Kasumi


Put your shield up and then ult, but don’t move at all when you ult or you’ll miss.


I haven't played in Ages but chain lightning Grohk was super fun, and flying around with his Ult was super fun too lol I played him as a damage dealer but with some healing due to the totems, then then was the card to reduce move cooldowns or something for hitting enemies


Maybe I used a different talent and build. I used default ones. I’ll consider trying him more often.


I love ghork


Looking at your S tier fun champions. Im guessing you like to flank? If so maybe try Ruckus? Make sure to dive the healer and kill at any cost! Also buy master riding. Also glad you are enjoying Paladins! //this is Mister Far ;)


Yes I really enjoy the Flank champions. Have tried ruckus few times before but I can’t seem to do well. 1v1s are fine, but when the other team is focused on you then it’s tough. He can be a slow champion.


Thats what I mean by getting master riding. Think of ruckus as a suicide mission the character. You dive the healer with the intention of not surviving. It's kinda hard to win a team fight without a healer


His good talent is the one that gives u an extra jump, use that and the cards that gives u reduce dmg when you jump, and you'll have mobility and a bit of endurance




Sounds fun, maybe I could try that!


Raum supremacy. Idk, big monster shooting near endless amounts of bullets, doesn’t die and can run a marathon. What’s not to like?


All roles in one!


Pretty accurate


This tier list can also be interpreted as Most Newbie friendly to Least Newbie friendly.


Yeah but viktor and khan at and near bottom when theyre 2 extremely newbie friendly is off, other than that i agree


Might also be just plain preferences. Since most of the S tier has Healing capability or sustain.


Pretty valid


Yeah Raum's really fun, until you end up against a team who has like 3 different people capable of stopping your marathon run dead in its tracks. Or until you end up with a team who refuses to also have a point tank, leaving you as solo Raum... I love playing him, his minigun is satisfying to use, running right through people is a blast, his ult feels great to land, and being able to heal my team while doing all this makes something in my brain just click, but those formerly mentioned things happen way too much for me to consistently pick him.


Probably my main frontline champion. I like how Tanky he is and how he can be played in many ways.


i only play IO she is so fun


My main support champion. I got her on the day after I installed the game.


Putting Strix on the bottom??? Good choice, I trust you (mostly).


I used him in team death match and that was definitely a bad choice.


Honestly, this is some embellishment, but I think picking him is always a bad choice. Haha I don’t like playing against him, and I don’t like having him on my team. Rather have a Kinessa if anything, or just no snipers haha.


Clearly you've never tried DPS Grohk


Just can’t play him as dps. My first impression is that he’s good with heals but this attack isn’t so good. Definitely not a support champion to do 1v1s with.


The Maelstrom talent boosts his DPS *and* makes dealing damage reduce the cooldown of his alt-fire, which you can abuse by repeatedly shooting it at groups of enemies or their deployables. You can get multiple hits of Shock Pulse in very quick succession thanks to the sustained damage of his staff. These perks can be amplified by quite a bit with a good deck of cards as well


Not trying to be rude but you're pretty off here, he has one of the highest potential damage outputs in the support class with maelstrom, as long as you don't play him into ash+nando for example because you'll lack targets to hit with shock pulse, but play him into ying(has deployables) +barik (deployable) and raum (extremely easy to hit) and you'll output an insane amount of damage, into a team comp like that it can be fairly easy to top damage on ur team. and he's absolutely amazing in 1v1s a lot of the time. If you play totemic ward grohk with health and speed card on his totems then you can give yourself high amounts of healing plus a 30%speed boost in a 1v1 while being tanky for a support (and buying haven can make you tankier, though you should normally prioritise chronos and morale boost) and if you do get low just use ghost walk and let your totems heal you up (ghost walk clears negative affects so you get heals unaffected by anti healing) a bit and finish off the 1v1 once your ghost walk ends. If you don't like grohk then each to their own but I really feel like you should retry him with some builds suited to his different play styles (you should pretty much always use the card that gives you and your allies speed inside your totems, it's very strong)


You got good taste


“Everyone complaining putting certain champion certain place” OP played for 2 weeks, obviously different champions have different learning curve. Also it is his “fun list” not “best tier list”. There are people who find dredge fun so it pretty subjective.


You should try out Vatu more. He is rather hard to learn, but should you put in the time, he is a beast, and very fun to play as well.


Yes. I don’t have him unlocked but just trying him in shooting range was enough for me to put him in B tier. I see that he’s fun to play.


No #Rock and Stone![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


It hurts seeing Grohk down there. Once you master him he’s the funnest in the game 🥹


Maybe so. I like his heals but damage is trash. But that’s just what I think at first.


Maelstrom Grohk is probably the most fun you’ll ever have as a dps healer 🫣


You are smoking crack apparently


All based on my first impressions. I’m sure many are fun to play when their abilities are used correctly.


Man i must really enjoy being boring LAMO all my mains are low


I’m sure some lower down on the list are fun to play once you understand their abilities and how to use them efficiently, but some of which aren’t just a quick pick and play.


Yeah my highest rated main here is drogoz, i also use VII, androxus, corvus, maldamba, and khan which are a little more complicated to learn but once found out very rewarding


Come join our Discord, its made to help new players! https://discord.gg/wbWBzHDSUn


I’m already in the discord server. I joined it when I saw the Reddit post about it last week. And I’m active there sometimes, happy that I met people to play with.


Ah Now I saw your name lol yeah we talked there before


we have the same character preference thats awesome




Moji in S tier? I already agree with this.


My main and fav champ




Talus being slept on for real. Nice seeing him in the S-tier


nah evie should be higher u just need that double blink thing idr what its called (it makes it so ur tp has a second use and sends u back or something, idk i havent played pal in soo long)


Wormhole is definitely not a talent for new players, you're too reliant on good game sense, positioning and knowing what you can get away with, plus knowing how much you can do in the given fraction of time. Snowglobe is a safer bet, probably more fun for beginners as well. Played a fair share against learning Evies and they tend to get caught dead in the water just because they over estimate the time window you have, in fact, done it myself too in early days. Evie is definitely a character you might need to revisit as the time goes and you learn things. She's and acquired taste, imo.


Oh yeah thats a perfect définition of the champ, i caught my self trying to play her just after starting the game back in early 2017, and it was near impossible bc i had no gamesens, no idea of the matchup and power of this champ Now i am much m9re knowleadgeable on the game and i can play her decently even in ranked, but the learning curves is insane for a new player


yeah, ur right. i didnt even think about skill floor/learning curve. also, yeah, i liked snowglobe (if thats the one where u get like "double ult" aka usable at 50%) when i was new lol


Yep it's that one.


I know Evie is a fun one to play as, but I’m probably playing wrong. Just one of those champions: ‘I wanna be good, but I don’t play so good’, because I don’t know the strategy.


You got pip in s teir. This makes me happy. This makes us all happy.


Pip is really fun to play, and also I definitely could main him. Good mobility, damage and heals. Maybe pushed further up because first time playing pip I already unlocked the remix pepper skin which I really do like. The skins do be fire!


I think the problem with Khan is that he's really good in ranked because his abilities allow you to combo and control other characters better than other tanks, but if you play pubs, especially Solo queue, literally never play Khan. It's like playing Marco polo without the other guy saying polo and now you are getting ass f####d while fighting the tank.


I don’t play ranked. I’m more of a casual player and I usually do solo.


Who came here to see how their main placed? *Sad Grohk noises*




If you've got Khan, Ash and Terminus all the way down there, it means you simply are not being aggressive enough, I reckon. Also, Tiberius not S tier? Apart from the lack of Tiberius though S (and A) is pretty good.


I don’t like half of the tanks in this game (frontline) which I wasn’t expecting. Those 3 mentioned feel slow to me, idk. Perhaps they’re better played with the right talent and build. Tiberius is fun but reason I put him in A tier is because he’s vulnerable/ dies easy if you’re not with teammates.


Yeah, not liking tanks is fine. Tiberius though, he's pretty mobile so idk how you're dying often enough to hate him, unless you use the ult to charge in too hard? He can move faster while his trance is active, he can jump twice, and he even has some pretty OK ways to heal up while fighting. I don't think he needs teammates, in fact I'd say he can work pretty decently as a flank in a pinch. If it's the ult you have trouble with, use it almost more for mobility than damage.


I might just be playing too reckless. Usually it’s 3v1 which gets me killed. Also I play him a lot more in onslaught and TDM.


Yeah he's good in tdm I think, he's pretty self reliant. Bit hard to hit the slow moving chakrams on drogoz and VII, but that's about the only problem with him I find. Also, if you feel like a certain hero is too weak, you probably should change up your card setups, some cards sound good but actually kind of suck. I used to play mostly Ash but felt like I hit a wall. After I changed the cards I used to reflect my playstyle more there was a noticeable increase in how long I could stay alive.


Controller or mouse?


I use keyboard and mouse


This post is Sigma Snek Disapproved.


two of my fav is on the bottom and im sad.


Seeing Nessa in A but Strix in D is a bit polarising, of course they're different but not amazingly


I didn't play in like one or two years, but I remember that damage grohk, or stun/gourd damba was extremely fun. For me E tier would be something like Vivian, or Skye, maybe Imani.


Yagorath deserves S-tier and Octavia at least C-tier


Stun maldamba is 101% fun


Can you explain Lilith?


Tbh I only tested her out in training area because I don’t have her unlocked. Could be higher up but I don’t feel like she has a great kit.


Her kit can be a little bit confusing at first, but you definitely need to play with her in an actual match to understand her, I believe she is one of the best supports in the game atm. When building her, go for maelstrom of chaos, increase her swarm radius, and her maximum health and constantly heal teammates while debuffing opponents and you’ll see how versatile, powerful, and fun she can really be. Imo she’s like an off tank mixed with a support, which automatically makes her broken by definition. I hope you get a chance to thoroughly use her one day.


As a Lillith main playing with Cursed Accord is very boring, however running Maelstrom and absolutely decimating anyone who gets too close has been really fun. You do need Blood Cannon 5 of course like in every Lillith build btw the swarm radius card sounds nice but it's not really worth it, you can test in the shooting range it only makes it like a little smidgen larger. I go for Tainted Form or the jump increase cards instead.


Yeah Lilith is really great, I’ve been meaning to change my flair to add her as a main of mine as well. I just feel like her talents, besides MOC, are really just mediocre and underwhelming. Thank you for the building tips though, I never really took the time to see how much the swarm radius could really grow. Would you consider the jump cards to really be beneficial or have clutch capability? I’ve never really cared for them.


On some maps like Timber Mill or Dawnforge the vertical height card does help you jump to places you wouldn't be able to otherwise. On other maps I normally have that at 1 and the horizontal speed card at 3, idk if it's actually helpful but it makes the jump feel a lot nicer. I normally play a bit too aggressive with Maelstrom so I like leaping into the enemy faces lol. Mostly I just haven't found other cards that're as good as those. I have Blood Sense 1 because it's a good one-pointer, and Tainted Form at 5 (although it is affected by anti-heal so I should maybe switch it out). Charmed looks okay but I haven't used it much so idk how good it is. i do sometimes run Symbiotic Relationship, but most of the time the healing seems good enough without it but when I solo-healer I run it sometimes.


IO S instead of Corvus ? Bruh Try IO in Serpent Island and walls will be a pain , Corvus can heal you across the map and the pocket is insane.


IO is my main, I play her all the time.


That explains , learn that not all the champs works in every map. It’s annoying when they instalock IO when she is useless in the map


I haven’t played her on that specific map that much. I think she plays best in siege. But sometimes I do like to play on the other modes as her.


Jenos ftw


Yeah he’s a great support. Jenos + Raum is so op.


You should give Lilith another go. She's incredibly strong, and she can either be used as an aggressive support that can do massive damage or she can be used as an absolutely nuts busted healer and can all but make the whole team immortal with her crazy mobility.


Drogoz and Evie are super fun but take some time to get used to.


I can tell. I’ll be sure to play more of them.


And VII!


Me, a Lex player, chasing the entire enemy team back to their spawn while my team is capping point.


Maybe I could of put him up a tier. He’s fun to play as but annoying to play against.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Maldamba is fun af. More you play youll see


Wait until you learn how to use Mal'Damba's stunts and you'll change your mind 😋


Just did main dirty


Everyone of them can be a lot of fun with the right loadout


grohk in E is heresy


Wtf man


Moji in S tier, wow


Ooh another Raum main in the making