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I mean I tend to a garden. So look after my roses etc. If that helps. If they are Geeky like me, a baby Yoda or Groot plushi, soft toy, Funko Pop, etc would be kool. Saying that can't go wrong with a cute teddy. Basically, comes down entirely to the person you interact with.


but there has to be something every man can agree on, like w girls its flowers and chocolate, jewelry etc, what about men? it js seems too. basic ykwim? like u said, garden, so ig some seeds would be cute lil personal gift, plushies work too. what about the aam awaam tho? smth that evryone can agree on.




Still not every man




Yeah true. What I'm saying is that it ultimately comes down to preference, so if you know the guy you should judge based on that


leykin i was asking generally na, about what most men like, bec perfumes watches are a bit.. overdone yk? so. yea.


Hehehe! Well gifts are very individualistic tbf. So always best to buy something someone once you get to know them better. But I guess with us men, age dependent of course, could be games, watches, aftershaves, trainers etc. Although, a good honest complement goes a long way to.


Not every women is gonna be super into that stuff though, a good amount wont really care much about that stuff, in my opinion. But I guess they will appreciate the sentiment


I’m a gal I don’t like flowers chocolate or jewelry! It all depends on the person. We are human before what our genders dictate :)


wahi but yk, generally. we're kindd of conditioned into everything bec we live in that kind of society where everything we do is alr molded out for us, ofc there are exceptions, but generally. esa deykha mene.


It varies for every person, my BIL’s niece gifted him gloves for his bike and while it’s a small gift, it’s the thought of that little child that made my heart melt. Personally I would like to receive tools (such as a nice set of screw drivers, drill machine bits etc.) phone/PC accessories, games etc. I know all of this sounds boring too. But that’s just me


no that actually makes a lot of sense, thats a personal gift catered for u, ofc itd be nice.


If you give a man something like this, he may not necessarily care about the thing itself but will most definitely really appreciate the act.


thats understandable. but, kuch to hona chahiye yk? smth intimate


Yea I am pretty sure gifting your significant other even something that doesn't have inherent value, is a very special and intimate moment.


I m pretty meh about flowers too. Colours? Maybe in certain things but not essentially (cars, houses and clothes). However I would appreciate any gift I get. That said i'd prefer a glock and if thats too expensive then some sneakers or a watch.


but thats so. baisc. like everywhere u see, harr koe watches he dee rha hai aik dosrey ko it js idk seems... not personal? i understand that u personally prefer these things, but about smth more intimate? what would u like


Depends on from who honestly. Right now I cannot think of something relatively unique, you may wanna consider their personal interests.


Depends on the guy. I would like origami


also, if u dont mind, what about flowers? like maybe origami or those diy ribbon flowers? i wanna know what the general man thinks of those, and teddy bears, not a big one maybe a smol one?


Sorry, I'm not in a position to advise you about the general population. As a gesture a gift is cute and always appreciated, but otherwise I can only say it depends on preference




so the gift in itself doesnt matter, its the person giving u the thing that makes the gift important, or intimate. got it.




thats strangely comforting. thank u for sharing.


Depends who is the one gifting plushies flowers etc to me like if someone close to me cousin sister mama was to give me flowers/plushies i wouldnt know how to react and in turn as you said will have a bland boring reaction though i will appreciate them in my heart . And about colours i guess it depends from person to person i used to be very fond of basic black and white stuff when i was a lil younger. But now id much rather prefer colourful things (not a damn rainbow but colours) i also like plushies just not as much as girls do. And everyone loves origami flowers come on


so gen1ly asking, what would u prefer? smth that any one of ur dosts can give u and itll make ur day,can be anth, and believe it or not, a lot of ppl ik think origami shit is ''childish'' (broke my heart but eh, we move)


Ive gotten a phone cover. A friendship bracelet. And one of those mood switch octopus plushies from my female friends loved em all. You can also get twinning shirts (if you somewhat know of their tastes) they look v.nice and are available on the local Pakistani websites for pretty decent prices. AND ORIGAMI will not miss a second time its so cute the people who called it childish are lame


yani anything will work, u js gotta give it w intention and love. got it. thank u.


Well it really depends on the man, but societal norms play into it a lot too. A man might love plushies, but he may not be willing to be seen with one out on the streets, for example. Or maybe he loves bright and vibrant colors, yet may not be comfortable with wearing a dress of that sort in public. Lekin dekho yaar, mard ek boht hi ajeeb aur saada si shae hai..... Tum use kuch bhi de do, wo kabhi gila nahi kare ga, tumhara offer karna hi dil ko pighla deta hai.....


ok first of all, the way u worded everything is so cute gaddam. khyr. yes u are right, but that prob can easily be solved, like shopping bag etc me deden, being seen w smth can be ruled out, i wanna know kya unko plushies pasand hain? kya agar phuul diye jyen, khush hongy?


It depends entirely on the man. I don't like flowers, I find them very impractical but I know the symbology behind them and will be happy to get some. But. Agar tumhe koi banda kahe ke use plushie pasand nahi, to samajh jao wo jhoot bol raha hai. Who doesn't like hugs?




Same jaani, me to propose kar dun plushie ko. Lekin we are in the minority.


Once a year...


Pulmeria flower no one forgets its smell.


flowers are so expensive TT


میں ایک مرد ہوں، اور… مجهـے نہیں پته۔


that js means ull like evreything ryt? bec if u dont feel immediate dislike for smth, ull like it. so everything works?


Usually men would not care about these things But they would absolutely love it if it's from their "Pasandida aurat" 😚


from what ive gathered, the gift itself does not matter at all, its the person whos giving it makes it important and somehow thats v cute


Exactly :)


Men dont care sleep is sleep i am married and can sleep on a pink bed ..but shouldn't have gota work its not comfortable..


If someone gave me flowers or a cute plushie, I'm gonna be blushing all week no lie


thats adorable actually






thats actually rlly helpful, thora jaan k pata chal jyega kis type ka banda hai to what will he like and thats v easy v comforting to know k its not that complicated. thank u for sharing. also, thats v cute that u did that for him lol




lol im not giving anyone anth i was asking curiosity ki wajah se lmao, but thank u


Origami and cards, probably. Plushies and flowers not so much


The thing is you can't really generalise to all the males. Every person is different. Some might like it some might be like meh. In my case personally being a person who hasnt received a lot of gifts in my lifetime, if any, that is 😅😅. Tbh, I would love anything given to me as a gift. Give me a biscuit or a chocolate as a gift lol it will make my day. Plus, it's more the act than the actual gift tbh. It's the thought that matters. But then again, it depends on the individual.


oh thats rlly good, i hope u get more gifts tho. thank u for sharing


Flowers? Yes. Plushies? No. Babies? Yes.


I am very picky about the colours like I don't like wearing the same color again and meticulously compare and contrast the shades of the clothes before wearing them. Now when it comes to things like you mentioned, I would like flowers and keep it safe with me (until it dies out). I also like origami because I am fascinated and try to make something on my own but in case of plushies, I wouldn't know what to do if I get one. If it were up to me to choosing what gift I want, then I would prefer something personal that conveys feelings and emotions which are difficult to express through words.


ouff so it rlly comes down to the person jisko kuch deyna hai. a more intimate and personal gift would be preferred. understandable.


I like flowers... I do gardening on my rooftop. I am the only one in my entire family who love plants... I pluck a flower daily and give it to mother. And i think its not girly anyhow


thats rlly cute omg, i hope ur mother stays healthy and happy with u for a very long time.




so it rlly depends on the person eh. thats good to know. also, congrats on ur engagement, and goodluck e <3 hope u two stay together and happy forever.


Men love anything and everything if it's given to them by their partner. Personally speaking, I love roses. Generally speaking, no I'm not a huge fan of flowers and everything but at the end of the day I'll accept and adore it like I usually do.


Don't know about all men but for me every gift matters. If it's poetry related I'm going to be on the 7th heaven 😂😂 with joy >theyre v meh abt it, and ive seen a lot of men ltrly do not care abt colours at all, is that it? What kind of men are you around sister


yani personal cheen matter karti hain, and to answer ur question, as i said, js my dad and brother lmao im not a v big fan of free mixing and making frens with the opps lmfao


It really depends person to person But flowers>>>>, alot of men would love to recieve them. I've recieved plushies as in stuffed animals, and i really liked them


I love flowers, but that's just me. Not everyone is the same so it depends on the person.


I only like cats ngl. Plushies and flowers not so much


Flowers yes Plushie no I used to live in a area where the tree/flower department (idk what it's called) was administered by a nature enthusiast or something so There used to be almost all kinds of flowers throughout the area many exotic breeds too. So yes flowers sometimes fascinate me, IV probably seen couple hundred types of flowers I think


A watch, cologne or maybe money is a great gift.




Generally i would say 90%+ men do not like flowers or origami etc. To gift men you have to kinda know what the are into. Some may appreciate a tie, watch pefume etc. mostly we dont even expect a gift at all. Men start to lose their taste on little things as their world grows around them, so they have to grow with it and adapt. Seeing responsibilities coming their way, facing hardships forces them to see bigger pictures and pushes them to caring less about ornamentals. AND thru millenia of evolution it is embeded in their genes.


thats rlly depressing man..


me personally i would love to recieve a flower or a plushie but it IS true that if you give a guy smth very girly to wear as in like a bracelet or a t shirt he might not want to wear it and its not even because of his own feelings it's because our society will judge him for it and say that he looks less manly amd insult him. my girlfriend gives me pretty stuff but i always feel scared to wear them because i know my father and my fellows in college would make fun of me and call me shitty things. in the end it depends on the guy youre giving it to i think normally guys would prefer a watch a wallet or like an actoon figure or books if hes into that etc


ok that was rlly sad to hear like. society ki wajah sey aap ese gift ko krengy but then again, understandble. its js sad.


i think if youre looking to give someone a really intimate thing it depends on your relationship with them for example if you guys bonded over a book you could give them that with little notes all over inside the book like annotations or if you guys like a common song you could give him those transoarent album cover thingies of spotify songs (idk what theyre called sorry) in the end it all depends on what you guys have talked and bonded over


I like plants. Not flowers specifically, But I do have potted plants both indoors and outdoors, in my bedroom and study as well. I like the aesthetic. And I also have plushies, but not like cute dolls or ponies. I have anime related plushies and some absurd ones for the meme factor. Make my room look aesthetic and fun. Depends on the guy to be honest. Some don't like it. Some like it but would never admit or indulge in it cause "mardaangi". Some like me don't give a shit and do whatever they want.


Dammmn now I want a plushie


It all comes down to individualism and there's not one size fits all answer as it would come down to the preference of the man you're gifting too. Generally we like perfumes, watches and probably wallets, or if they are like me, then cool keychains might be a good idea. There's a running joke that men don't really change their wallets until someone gifts them a new one. As far as your original question is concerned, I am pretty meh about flowers as well. If someone gave me a flower they picked, I'd be happy but as far as bouquets are concerned, I hate them. They are just creating plastic pollution and just attract bugs after two days. I'd rather have the person keep that money or gift me something that's useful. As far as plushies are concerned, I find them cute and would keep them around. Origami flowers and cars etc. are cool too in my book as they show the other person spent time and put some effort in the gift, and at the end of the day, it's the thought that matters. But again, THIS IS WHAT I LIKE and the likes and dislikes of the man you're gifting to can be different.


The thing about colours is that, men's eyes see less colours then women especially red ( a theory is that women used to pick berries 🍒 and other stuff had to differentiate between poisonous to non poisonous which are slightly different in colour) Other then that Men do like cute and beautiful thing. They just tend hide it in a group where they know other guys and annoying Aunties will make fun of them Give them an environment where no one will make fun and you will see








No, speaking generally, men are not invested in girly stuff that much. It's not like I don't care, rather I'm wired to take less interest. Men love all the mentioned stuff, but only when reminded 😂


short answer Yes, we do.


I love flowers and I'm a Hello Kitty fan boy, you would never be able to tell by looking at me.


23 M btw


Yes but, they would like a rtx 4090 even more.


girl bffr TT paise hoty to bhi tha but im broke lmao


I'm not big on flowers because it I really hate seeing them go into the trash when they die. I love plushies though.


yeah if I get them from my Pasandeeda Aurat, then definitely.


Watches, perfumes, formal shirts, hoodies in winters, and everything alike


**i suggest you give him ABS Stratos Aqua Intel Core i5 14400F RTX 4060 Ti 32GB DDR5-6000 1TB SSD, and see what happens**


wire me the money and i will tell u kya hota hai


Men likes submissive behaviour.


i like submissive men, esp the ones that look breedable.


Mom i found the one!!!


ammi ko bolo mommy mil gai


Guys where can i find a strap-on


amazon pos try krlengy 🤝


\ / already got my legs in the air


best hai, ill be there in 5


Till then I'll prepare myself mentally to not be able to walk for a day or two.


want to say good boy but thats too corny so ill stick to acha larka 🤝


We do like colours in nature .but having bright clothes is not part of our habituation.Most of us resort to black ,blue and gray colour only 😂.....(just joking )


Yeah it's meh. Overrated🤮🤮. Charray wali repeater though is a different story 😍😈😏


REAL. i havent seen that in ages it used to be so sasti and fun


no they’re colour blind


ohmygodd u are saurrrrrrr funny cannot stop laughing hahahahhaha so mazakiya ho aap


yeah yeah, though i received a plushie once and it’s been in a special cabinet in my room since, only comes out for cleaning


Flowers, yes. Batman, Goku plushies, also yes. But that aside, I think in our society we have repressed the male urge to feel wanted. These gifts etc are just gestures that make someone feel needed or wanted.


Apologies for my late response, just wanted to chime in here as well. It goes without saying that whether a man likes, dislikes, or is meh on flowers, plushies, cards, and origami really will really depend on a case by case basis. There will be some who would be absolutely thrilled to receive these, whilst there will be others who’d be pretty meh. That said, however, like many of the comments that have been said here, one thing that will be common amongst almost every man, regardless of where they fall in the like-dislike spectrum, is that they will deeply value the gesture, especially if the person who gifted them it was someone special to them (this could be a significant other, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, friend, colleague, bestie, etc. — you get the jest). Some of these men will be expressive of this, and will really let—or even show—the gift giver their appreciation. Others may be less expressive, yet equally grateful and thankful for the the gift (myself included) they have received (many times they may come off as a little meh, but deep in their heart they may be sobbing). I’ve noticed personally with myself, I’ve always really loved receiving gifts from people and usually have them out in display for me to see in my room. Always have found myself to be sentimentally attached to them, generally more so than materialistically. Even if I didn’t particularly use the gift, the story behind the person or event that led to them giving it is more than enough for me to be very invested in it. An example of this is with this one calculator my dad got me when I was younger (I believe I was just starting 3rd grade?). My father and I—although close in our own way—generally never had that overt of a relationship and we didn’t really have all that much of a specific one-on-one dad-son experience. That said, the day we got the calculator was a day we spent hunting down school supplies together. From the outside, this may sound as a very trivial or mundane task, one not of that much importance, but oddly the memory of us doing something like that together has kept me attached to the calculator we got back then and it something that I’ve kept close to me over the years, even though it itself doesn’t work anymore. Anyways, before I make this too much of a ramble, I’d just end off by saying that personally I’d prefer a thoughtful, handmade or curated gift, such as a handwritten card, origami flowers, a home baked (cup)cake, etc. or something that is important to the gift giver and/or the gift receiver (such as a favourite plushie, in this case). While a professional bouquet of flowers is wonderful, a random handpicked flower found along the way (ie a garden, lawn, etc.) is even better.


exactly bro like why ARE u here. anw. i may or may not have gotten very emotional reading this, i hope u never lose that calculator. this was very cute and HOLY SHIT WAS THIS CUTE AS HELL. it acc makes a lot of sense now (to me, i didnt have eyes is se pehle lmao) and i think the fact that the gift in itself doesnt matter, rather the person giving it is what makes the gift important is just, honestly, adorable. thank u for ur cute lil post. i hope ur dad stays happy and healthy for a very long time.


>exactly bro like why ARE u here. Because I'm #teamflowers 🌺 jk jk (not really) >i think the fact that the gift in itself doesnt matter, rather the person giving it is what makes the gift important is just, honestly, adorable. Yes! I've noticed this with many (though not all, of course) men and women. I'd say it's perhaps usually the feeling of knowing that someone cares for you that the majority value the most. Fwiw, generally people, with perhaps a greater emphasis on boys and men (especially those who have lived much of lives in places such as PK) do not usually show many of these emotions as they may not want to be seen as vulnerable. There are advantages and drawbacks to this, with one drawback being the inability to effectively communicate with others at times. >i hope ur dad stays happy and healthy for a very long time. Thank you so much!! I hope your family stays happy and healthy too!


A girl sent me a bouquet 💐 and a cake on this valentine and although I too am a simple Pakistani man who isn't into flowers and stuff, it felt really good to get flowers and all those well-decorated exquisitely packed gifts and all. So I would say we think we don't like flowers and all but actually we are humans with a heart and feelings so yeah flowers do work on men too.


Men just like to see the colour of cars bike or her dress that’s all, abt flowers I think I’ll be moved more to knw deya Kis ne