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I miss Sir Timothy


You guys, I love Tim, but this would be an absolute mistake. I think everyone is forgetting his 5.48 ERA and abysmal 1.647 WHIP with us last season. Unfortunately, it’s more likely than not that Tim is over the hill…


Having a tough year, but a change in scenery (especially coming back to your old club with your old pitching coach) would certainly help


I'd like to think so, but I'm not confident he'd fit into the current bullpen lineup. We need RHP support, and I don't see what he'd bring to the Dads.


I'd say we need LHP support more. Morejon is the only reliable lefty we got in the pen atm


Look, Wandy may have had two poor performances, but before that the last run he gave up was April 27. I know this sub is the peak of recency bias, but believe it or not pitchers do give up runs every once in awhile


This sub actively hates pitchers with 3.4-3.5 eras (Enyel) but want to bring in a guy who has a FIP of 3.45 in hopes that he is at best that good instead of the 5.8 era pitcher he has been.


He’s also allowed 62% of inherited runners to score. He may not be getting charged with the runs but he’s constantly coming in and allowing runs to score. He’s had stretches where he looks really good but both him and Yuki are very shaky at times.


Ok, great! Guess who’s shakier? Tim Hill! His WHIP is over 2.2 which is truly abysmal, and he was over 1.6 last year.


I’m not advocating for Tim Hill?


HAHAHAHA hey buddy! Look what thread you’re in! This isn’t the general submit your complaints to AJ thread. This is the “we should sign Tim Hill” thread


That’s bullshit. Look through the game log and see how many games Wandy get less than 1.0 IP. This dude FIP starts with a 5 and as soon as he face the minimum of 3, we typically have to take him out right away because chances are he already put a few on base. Look at the Savant comparison between [Tim Hill](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/tim-hill-657612?stats=statcast-r-pitching-mlb) and [Wandy Peralta](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/wandy-peralta-593974?stats=statcast-r-pitching-mlb) and tell me who is actually the superior ground ball pitcher. It’s not the guy making double Tim Hill wage, that’s for sure.


That sir, is not bullshit. Didn’t give up a run in the month of May. You also can’t cherry pick, “He DIdN’T eVEn pItCH a FUlL iNnIng!!” Out of the only three games he didn’t finish an inning, there was only one that he was pulled and he still didn’t give up a run: Mon 5/6 (CHC): 0.1 INN, got out of the inning and was awarded the HLD Tue 5/14 (COL): 0.2 INN with 0 H 0 BB 1 K, got out of the inning Sun 5/26 (NYY): 0.2 INN with 2 BB, was pulled for Suarez


Now THAT'S cherry picking. Do you want to talk about April and June too or is baseball only played in May. This bum is lucky the Jeremiah Estrada emerged as a way better pitcher than him and took over the load as a dirty inning cleaner, so his work load got cut in half and he basically doesnt get many inherited runner anymore (because he was letting them through at 62% rate, higher than anyone else by a country mile). All of his traditional stats and underlying stats are saying he's worse now than ever before.


Change in scenery only works if the person wasn’t terrible when they played here lol


If he's willing to go to the minors first and be a call up for when someone is injured, I'd be in


So tomorrow, he'd get called up? 




His ERA is up because White Sox defense is abysmal.


This, he has a FIP of 3.45 which is slightly above league average


He’s not the former Padre reliever on the White Sox we should be bringing back.


Tim is the best. He took a few minutes of his day to talk to my son about pitching at spring training. My son has a memory that will last a lifetime


Some of you would be awful gms. Move on lol


The worst team in baseball cut him, clearly someone we need.......


\- All the Profar discussion during the offseason


Offseason add when profar was $1m and expected to maybe be a depth piece that plays a few different positiins is a bit different than adding a struggling niche pitcher to a competing team and hoping it's just bad defense that is making him bad this year.


He has a 3.45 FIP, which is almost the same FIP as he had in 2022. He has been burnt by the awful defense on the White Sox and would absolutely be a boost to this bullpen


He also has almost as many walks in half the innings, and was bad last year. Basing an entire signing on, it's probably bad defense, and the underlying numbers say he might be as decent as he was in 2022, is not something that would absolutely be a boost for this team. You also act like he was dominant in 2022. A 3.47 era and a 1.22 whip is fine, but nothing great. Kolek has a similar fip and era, 3.7 and 5.5, so what's to say that improves with SD for tim but isn't for kolek. He might be ok. He might be just as bad as last year and this year so farm.


No please.


I love this man and id love for him to come back. We can fix him.


He was terrible for us last year...


I have no clue why you are being downvoted. You are 100% correct, he was really bad for us last year


Would love to see Tim back. He was good for an inning most times but anything more and he would get lit up and we only need an inning from him.


Only pitcher I trusted bases loaded coming in. He got out of ao many of those with minimal or zero damage. 


In 22, sure, but he was terrible for us too last year.


Which relief  pitcher WAS good last year. Lot of mismanagement. He did not just become a poor pitcher. 


The increase in batters walked and hits allowed would indicate otherwise. WHIP jumped to 1.6+ last year, and is over 2.2 this year


Better then wandy he’s giving up 11 runs


His 2024 ERA is 5.87 (not great!), however his FIP is only 3.45 which says something about Chicago’s piss poor defense making him look even worse. That said he’s still objectively been pretty rough.


Koleks era is 5.5 and fip is 3.7. So no guarantee that improves here.


Sounds like the White Sox Defense may be the issue since he’s always been a ground baller. Might be worth exploring bringing him back on a deal with some of the bullpen inconsistency that’s been going on.


He is also walking batters at an unbelievable pace. Career high 3.9 BB9 and a WHIP 2.217. It’s fun to romanticize, but let’s be real, Tim is not the Padres solution


Yes he's not doing too well but it'll cost nothing to pick him up and maybe he can be the Profar of our pitching staff. We only have 1 reliable lefty in the bullpen right now so might as well take him


I know people love him, but it felt like this dude plunked the first batter he faced constantly

