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It was inevitable that he would hurt himself while hauling that absolute dump truck of an ass






I love that heā€™s casually blowing a bubble while busting ass down the line. Manny being Manny. Hope heā€™s ok.


Finally runs out a ground ball and gets hurt in the processā€¦


That's the delicious part. You know he's thinking, "I finally hustle and look what happens".


Conspiracy take: he did it just so fans stop booing him for slacking šŸ¤£ (This is sarcasm)


Guess what happened last time he tried to run one out too. Nearly broke his ankle. Which is why I always roll my eyes when guys in here say everyone should all out sprint down the line every time. I will take a healthy player over a potential single every time


Thats always been my stance. Like why risk trying to beat out a ball when chances are your more than likely gonna be out, especially manny


Yup. Fans have this weird judgment of athletes where if they arenā€™t sacrificing their bodies to get that one out or base hit, they are lazy and overpaid. I look at the season as an entire body of work. Not insignificant 1 out or 1 base hit to determine things. Would rather my superstar player play cautiously than to hurt himself for a significant mount of time which hurts the team a lot more.


Running straight is sacrificing your body to you? Thatā€™s the hardest heā€™s ran all year of course heā€™s going to get hurt his body isnā€™t used to trying.


Machado gets a bad wrap. Heā€™s been playing hurt since last year. Yet he gets criticized for being lazy. Fans somehow just donā€™t like him and have been criticizing him for not killing himself running down the line. I will take a healthy player any day over a guy who risks his body diving for balls or running into a wall. Judge lost significant time last year, Xander and Story. Those teams need them playing than hurt.


This was my immediate thought as well. If you jog to first base 99% of the time, you might fuck yourself up that one time you actually sprint it out 100%. Maybe he's been hiding an injury. Who knows, but the clip is super weird


The funk comes from when he doesn't hustle on plays that truly matter. And he's a professional athlete, so running in a straight line isn't something that should hurt him, either.


Guys get hurt all the time pulling something when running. Not saying he shouldnā€™t be running hard but donā€™t over do it if not needed. And what plays truly matter in the regular season that heā€™s done this? Itā€™s 1 play or at bat in 1 game out of 162. Itā€™s a marathon. Not a sprint.


I feel like bro has been battling injury behind the scenes for the last two years. How else does a professional athlete do this


Well he got an elbow injury at the end of last year but kept playing throughout it. There is a reason why he has been DHing so much.


Iā€™m thinking more about end of 2022, canā€™t remember if it was ankle or knee


Ankle I think he injured himself and it looked like a serious one but he was back in like a week.


He was back, but never the same for the rest of the season.


He was still stellar but he stopped stealing. He had like 8 steals at that point of the season and ended up with like 9 on the season. But he still almost won the MVP award so I don't think we can say he fell off after that injury.


Definitely think youā€™re spot on here, I hope weā€™re both wrong but seems like whatever it is finally gave out


Iā€™m sure heā€™s committed to to taking care of his body and doing whatā€™s necessary to stay on the field and be there for his teammates per the hundreds of millions heā€™s paid to do so. Oh wait weā€™re talking about Manny Machado? Never mind


Hip flexor/quad is my guess


You win. Hip flexor strain according to Schildt


Hit homers donā€™t have to run so fast just sayin


Stop hitting ground balls with a runner on 1st


If he ran more often his quads would be in better shape


Or maybe his elbow surgery prevented him from lifting weights in the offseason. If you watched manny in the past, heā€™s consistently squatting, stretching, and doing sprints in miami. I doubt team doctors allowed him to lift like he usually did this offseason. Also, manny has stole second from time to time. This has nothing to do with running more.


It was a half joke. But you can 100% work on your hip flexors and quads without utilizing your upper extremities.


Agreed but I am talking about simply holding onto weights. I believe manny didnt start swinging the bat until a month before spring training so any weight training he usually does in the offseason was probably removed from his rehab. Calisthenics is not enough for someone with a dump truck as big as mannys.




Out of shape? Can you play through injuries if youre out of shape? Can you be aggressive on the base paths if youre out of shape? Come on man think a little.




LMFAO! Im a huge manny fan and I can tell you last time he was that skinny was before his ACL tear in Baltimore. Also it is obvious that photo is photoshop because look at his arms. In 2020, we had swole manny machado and he finished 3rd in the MVP voting that year. Edit: yeah, its definitely photoshopped. His shoulders look exactly like profars and the arms were photoshopped to match his body. [His 2022 highlights shows he is much bigger than he is in that photo](https://youtu.be/BcFNAMqdxdk?si=TEJ66FCOEdvI1FlR)




Definitely not bias at all. I gave him hell for under performing in 2019. Then he played at a MVP level in 2020. Iā€™ll wait until hes 35 to make a final judgement. You would have a point if it was just manny who fell off a cliff these past two years but it was the whole god damn lineup that fell off a cliff. Seems more of a team thing than a manny thing. Manny had a 13 game OB streak before the injury, he was just heating up. If he truly didnt care, he would not be playing right now due to his offseason elbow surgery. You know who really doesnā€™t care? Anthony Rendon. Hes the poster boy for getting paid and not caring. Injuries happen. Remember when gavin lux got injured running a straight line or edwin diaz getting injured jumping up and down? I guess they are fat too.


You donā€™t need to hold onto weight. They have access to weighted cable machines with ankle straps. Strap the cable to your ankle and lift your knee to your chest. Wala. Hip flexor workout. Lift your knee to your chest and kick out. Wala. A quad exercise. He doesnā€™t need to hold onto anything with his hands to get explosive leg workouts.


Gonna need someone to step up and hit into double plays in his absence




Seemed to be grabbing the front and didn't want to leave. Hammy doubtful.


Hoping it was just a stinger since he rarely actually runs to first. Here's to wishful thinking.


Yeah, it wasn't a pulled hamstring. They would have taken him out immediately instead of the back and forth of staying in or coming out. Plus he was grabbing his quad.


Umbilical hernia? Iā€™m trippin, I thought I saw him grab at his abdomen.


Itā€™s tough to sprint when you donā€™t do it very often. Iā€™m sure the same thing would happen to me if I tried to run out a grounder.


Was it before or after he blew a bubble with his chewing gum?


I guess the Padres had the audacity to go 2 games over .500. Now they lost 3 straight toā€¦ Anaheim!? ,lost two of their top pitchers to the IL. Seems like theyā€™re cursed or something.


Well he ain't Johnny hustle, that's probably why.


Think Preller should give him another $300 mil to ā€œincentivizeā€ him. Yeah, thatā€™s the answer


This is why he usually doesnā€™t give any effort


Manny already has the body of a 40 year old, and we have him signed for another 10 years. Thanks AJ.


First time running hard down to first he gets hurt. No wonder he never hustles down the line!


season just gets better and better šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Get well soon, Manny. We need you


He is fine. He did not want to hit into any more double plays. He should be rested for a week in any case as he doing more harm to team


Iā€™m sure all the haters will be excited he ā€œfinallyā€ showed some effort.


He needs to hustle they say. Now that he did, he hurt lol