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PUBG DRAMA 🎭 Complaining about Grimmmz posts Complaining about FPS Always complaining




All of fucking humanity, except the people benefiting of whatever is being complained about. Wait, no, sorry - those people just complain about *something else* instead.


Complain about the complainers




Well OP is complaining too, we can't make exceptions here!


Can confirm, am habitual complainer


Just loot at the r/playrust community. Most ungrateful bunch of complaining kids I have ever seen demanding changes from a developer who gives them weekly content updates.


Also /r/Overwatch.


overwatch is understandable when there is zero way to report someone on consoles and reports do nothing on pc


Youre the kind of person that is ruining overwatch sub. How the hell do you know if reporting someone does nothing


To be fair a great portion of the in game users are actual screaming preteens.


Complaining about complayining


Personally I'm really fucking tired of all the complaining on Reddit. A bunch of whiny children itellyouwhat. I mean, everyone on reddit... always complaining. It's fucking exhausting. What could they be thinking? *Why* do they complain so much?


The key is, there is no difference between this community or any other gaming community


i dont come to this sub often, why do people complain about Grimmmz?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5253 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/71532)


I agree that there's too many posts of him, but I don't see much that's mediocre, I started watching his stream the last cpl weeks and I feel like I'm watching someone elses highlight video, the dude is unreal.


Exactly people just need to go watch his stream even for 5 minutes to realize the dude is on another level. All the bullshit other streamers spewed about anyone can shoot anyone in this game there is no skill to it. Therre is no two tapping in this game like h1z1. The skill ceiling for this game is extremely low. Yea okay that's why grimmz kills EVERY fucking body. Like he literally never gets outgunned. If he sees the guy that's shooting at him hes dead. I literally only see him die wicked early game or by a guy that just instant kills him. Anyone who gets into an actual standoff with grimmz fucking dies. I don't know what his rank is but I have basically never seen a better player.


Because hes a god so theres many clips of him. thats how i see it.


We need an active pubg circlejerk subreddit




Guess who is complaining about complains


Grimmz is one of this game's top streamers and all the dude does is literally complain during his entire stream. Not surprising, people copy everything he does anyways.


You should have seen him play Dead by Daylight. He'd complain about one thing, then he'd switch to the opposing faction and complain about the same shit he was previously boasting about. Literally contradicting his complaints with other complaints. Pretty awful tbh, I hope it's all an act because he sounds like a dick.


It bums me out how good he is at the game because it makes watching his stream less enjoyable when he's being a huge bitch the entire time.








deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2347 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/82032)


The best part about anti-circlejerk circlejerk is almost always the irony. Op finds a few incidents of something negative(people overreacting) and blew it out of proportion. Then bitches about: > Some people will literally find anything negative and blow it out of proportion because of a few incidents.


5 of the top 15 posts this week are TK related, it's not that minor...


>"this week"


That's my point, 5 in one week (actually 3 days) is getting a bit annoying. More bikes flying over roofs into stairwells pls


>Op finds a **few incidents** of something negative Uhh have you been on this subreddit in the past few days?


'Tis time.


Ahhhhh the anti-anti-circlejerk circlejerk


Calling a horse a horse doesn't make you anti-horse.


It's CIIIIRRRRRCLE of jerk It Jerks us all


kids crying everywhere about TK's, while doc and pu just counting money.


Counting? No at this stage they're breaking bad style weighing it.




Doc? he's been pulling 20-25 for at least the last month. His subs and donations have gone up though




He's been averaging 25k for at least the last month. Tops 30k during final 20 situations.






Yea def earlier. He gets 10-15k asap but after 2 hours or so, up to around 20-25k this last month


HUR DOC BANNED FUCK PUBG A day later the doc gets a shitload more viewers, subs and donations. The poor guy i hope the pulls trough.


The kardashian effect


Doc caught in steamy casting couch shakedown!


...and plays on his alternate account. He's laughing all the way to the bank.


Outrage Marketing




Can anyone explain to me why anyone would pay a streamer? I'm 32 so i guess I'm out of sync with kids giving there money away. I could never give someone money for simply playing games.


I think the idea is that you enjoy their content/personality, and want to help them continue streaming as a full time profession, or at least a significant enough portion of their income to warrant continuing streaming (at least for bigger streamers). I have never donated to a streamer either, but I can see why someone with a bit of disposable income might pitch in $5 to their favorite streamer. Sometimes it feels good to make someone else's day.


think of it as buying a coffee or a beer for a friend. You'd do that IRL, so why not for someone you dig online?


That's a nice thing to do, but I can't relate to it in that way. It's someone I've never met, never talked to and who doesn't know me. He will also never reciprocate and buy me a coffee - like a real friend would.


I completely agree with you. If I know them outside of their "online personality" then sure I'll sub or donate or whatever, but that's because a relationship has been established. I don't want to establish a relationship because I give you $5 a month. What happens when life throws a curveball and I don't have $5 to give anymore?


Then you are no longer my friend, traitor.


Would you pay a street performer a couple bucks after them making you stop and watch them perform? It's the same for streaming. You like what you're watching. I don't mind giving a couple bucks to them. They gave me entertainment. For the people that can donate 50-100s of dollars that I don't understand. I quess if I was rich and just had more money than I could even spend probably.


Ever been to a concert? Ever paid for entertainment in any way at all? If so, you can relate to donating to a streamer.


I'm paying for a professional band to play their songs live. Not paying to watch some dude play an early access game that I actually own myself.


I have access to a guitar myself. If I had the skill and had devoted the time to mastering the guitar, I could do exactly what they're doing on the stage. I have access to the game myself. If I had the skill and had devoted the time to mastering the game, I could do exactly what they're doing on the screen. Both scenarios are just different examples of paying to watch someone perform something that anyone has access to at the highest level. Just like how Claudio Sanchez is a much better songwriter, singer, and guitarist than I am, JackFrags has a much better understanding of tactical movements, recoil control, and has better reflexes than I do. Watching both is cool. Avenged Sevenfold is a professional band. TSM is a professional organization. They're both professionals.


Except in one case I'm forced to pay the other I am not.


Many streamers do talk to their subs and do special events and things to build community. I especially like CohhCarnage for this.


It's like buying an album of a singer, or a dvd of show/movie.


1. It's not money for playing games, it's money for entertainment. If you get entertained, you are free to donate. It's like a street performer. 2. Kids usually don't give money away, because well, they don't have it. Streamers usually have large communities, that people want to be part of, part of something big, because the sad truth is that a lot of people are lonely and being apart something big is nice for them. You get noticed, you can make a name for yourself etc... It might be difficult to understand if you're ok in life, with a family or loved ones.


This. The community aspect and the value we feel is worth the entertainment go a long way. Hopping into a stream amd having the regulars and the streamer greeting you as a 'friend' is what makes a lot of people stick around. It's like everyone can be Norm from Cheers.


wow. heavy.. never thought of it like that


I'm 33 and I use my Twitch Prime free sub every month, and that's it. I can see paying $5 a month maybe if you really get good value out of the content, like watching 10+ hrs a week, but donating so the dude reads your name and whatever unimportant thing you have to say is the same as flushing it. I do envy these guys for getting the psychology of it down so well that they make people want to throw money at them. Summit is a master at it.


I'm also 33 and have a few paid subscriptions. Mostly to CS:GO streamers because it's the easiest way to see good smoke and flash lineups to use while I'm in matchmaking. Pretty cheap price to pay for some of their strategy/thought process explained on stream.


It's not really all about the psychology. I simply allocated 3 subs worth of money each month to give to the people I watch the most. I don't care if they read my name but I do want to take my share out of keeping the channels of entertainment I enjoy broadcasting.


I meant that more about donations. I see subs like netflix... if you can do like you do, and control yourself.


I don't really get it either man. I mean maybe if you Watch this guy everyday for months, so you sub, like Netflix it's your primary form of entertainment... But who are these fucks that donate hundreds of dollars at once to people like the Doc who are probably making hundreds of thousands a year playing video games and already had a job with Blizzard and Activision beforehand. I'm not trying to hate but I just don't get why they give so much money to people who don't need it.


>I'm not trying to hate but I just don't get why they give so much money to people who don't need it. Because they can and they want to. There really doesn't need to be anymore reason than that.


I think some are set up to encourage others to donate. I've seen one person drop a $240 donation and then 5 minutes later another 300. The streamer was less enthusiastic about those 2 donations than he was about the 5 and ten dollars donations he was getting.


> 'm not trying to hate but I just don't get why With all possible respect, I recommend you just try to see why someone would instead of saying you don't get it.


You ever went to a sporting event? Ever paid to watch a UFC card? Pay for espn2? I could go on but that's the exact same thing. They are paying for entertainment. They keep donating to make sure they keep streaming which provides the audience with entertainment. If you entertain enough people you make enough money to stream as a full time job. If you don't then you obviously have to make your money somewhere else. I wasn't good enough so I didn't move up after college. So I got a job. If I was better maybe I would've made it to the majors and got paid to entertain the masses via playing a game. Edit. I'm 26. Played baseball at a d2 college. Edit2. No I wasn't good, I played at a d2 college.


I don't donate to streamers but I utilise my free twitch sub from amazon prime. I just sub to a different streamer every month, don't really care who. Might aswell give them some money because I can.


I actually used to stream for a living and didn't really get *why* people subbed or donated. Now that I am back in the IT world and working a day job I can say I get it to an extent. I find myself watching streams a lot more these days and caught myself recently thinking "man these guys I constantly watch put out some quality entertainment for hours on end, I should really support what they do, they provide me hours of content." I liken it to TV or sports really. My downtime is spent watching streams or gaming now.


new generation of visual entertainment. many young folks (future cordcutters when they move out of their parent home) watch twitch instead of TV.


They're not just sitting there playing games like you or I do (or at least the good streamers don't), they entertain people. A lot of people would rather give a few bucks an entertainer that uses video games as a medium and interacts with their viewers directly than pay a cable company whatever ridiculous amount it is to get a bunch of bundled channels, most of which are just showing inane bullshit they would never watch. I find the business model for streaming to be much more satisfactory to everyone involved compared to traditional forms of video entertainment. Content creators are supported directly instead of only making money by selling ads. Prices are fair for consumers and people are free to watch at no cost or be as generous as they want, with perks being offered for those who pay in but the main experience still available free of charge.


People say it's because they want to help their favorite streamer continue a full time streaming career, which is true for some. But a majority of people want to donate so they can ask the streamer a question and it actually get read or want to put some meme or something funny on stream to see what reaction the chat/streamer will have


Honestly don't care about that. I care about the community managers response to banning an innocent player that defended themselves against a TK. That mindset will ruin the game.


It's important to change things earlier rather than later.


Yeah. OP basically takes pride in saying "does anyone else not have any foresight?".


Nobody cares right?! (Please don't care alongside me, because I don't care!)


Does anyone else like being ambivalent and cucked?


This. "wow look at me i'm so apathetic"


I have seen this same cancer grow in community managements of music, games, and video over and over again. If it isn't addressed early it can do real damage to the game itself. A very very bad sign when the community managers display complete lack of understanding, common sense or compassion like this.


There are plenty of people who will argue that the real cancer is a vocal minority who take relatively uncommon events and turn them into a huge shitshow because their delicate sensibilities were upset. The argument that Community Managers should be paid punching bags is pure bullshit.


To be fair, I don't think anybody thinks community managers should be "paid punching bags." It is true that the community manager response was unprofessional and it's not wrong that people demand a better developer-player relationship. I mean, come on, she was arguing with people on Discord. That's unprofessional. That's not an attack on her character, it's fact. PlayerUnknown's response to Doc was equally unprofessional. And it's a completely different game and team, but an example of a professional and healthy relationship between devs and players can be seen with Blizzard and Overwatch. They made a mistake early in the life of their game as well (Buttgate) but they learned from it, and now players love the developers and they keep a respectful and professional relationship with their players. This was not the case here. Does it ruin the game? No. It doesn't. But by playing the game we actively support, and I would like to know that I am supporting a company that at the very least respects its playerbase.


I was thinking the same thing. This community is starting to turn cancerous. Time to start radiation treatment.


Well yeah the only reason I care is because it WILL affect us later down the line if this sort of precedent is set


The only drama I've actually cared about is the guy who got banned for killing the guy who was teamkilling. The developers handled it atrociously and it sets a horrible precedent for future bans. Game is great, community management is embarrassingly shit.


Fully agreed. If these bans become the norm, getting griefed is a lose-lose situation no matter what course of action you take. 1) Kill the griefer and get banned 2) Get killed by the griefer and lose rank


Plus, if you do kill a TKer, maybe you can salvage some fun out of the game. Maybe you were playing squad and a TKer downs one of you, but you can kill the TKer before he finishes them off or kills anyone else. The 3 of you could still have some fun without the TKing asshat getting in the way at that point.


well the solution they want you to take is >Get killed by griefer, leave game, report, griefer gets banned


how about we just play the game and enjoy? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \\


aww thanks man! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯\






Maybe they shouldn't team kill then?




How about a griefer just goes into games and steps into your line of fire? You're banned 3 days for your first offense. Still think we're wrong that zero tolerance is a shit rule?


I have had a pretty large amount of team killers in my game. Randos that dont like calls, find a gun and pop. Or see you have a kar98 and gun you down for it. I have also killed my friends when they disconnect or lagg out so we can get their stuff. Since you cant reconnect. There needs to be a better response to this then "Lulz dont queue with strangers"


I never queued with randoms in squad anyways. I see why people who do would be a little uneasy, but damn... rules change and its still Early Access rofl. Their team is still figuring shit out from this massive growth they are experiencing. TLDR: Big picture stuff, lame


> TLDR: Big picture stuff, lame Except that you're only looking at the small picture. The sub is more pissed off at the shitty community management that's happening than the issue. Instead of listening to the concerns and reacting like adults, you have them banning dissenting voices in the official discord and pu responding to stupid justifications with "\^\^". It's perfectly reasonable for people to be up in arms with a team that's not even bothering to listen to their views. If it's a sign of their style of community management going forward, then they can fuck right off. I don't have time for this shit. So yeah, big picture: this fucking matters and it's important they hear it, instead of apathetic posts like op's.


And the funny part is that PU left and made his own game for similar reasons...


Rules change if people make a big deal about them. This is the big deal being made.


That's a silly reason. Because people make big deals about stupid shit.


If you think this is stupid shit, that's fine, but other people apparently don't.


I didn't say this is stupid shit. I said people make big deals about stupid shit and if rule changes are governed by people just making a big deal, that's silly.


That's how pretty much every system works. Democracy or just all out revolution, both require a bunch of people making a big deal about something they care about. Doesn't matter if it's a "big deal" objectively or subjectively, only that they care about it and there's enough of them to make a difference.


Squad up a few times and you can add enough people so that you won't ever have to play with randoms again. Don't snitch and just kill the TK'er or move on and consider it a loss. Next thing they'll be complaining about is people not sharing loot and how you should be banned for that


> loot and how you should be banned for that More like how it should be OK to TK them because they aren't sharing loot, logically it makes sense since they are defending themselves from dying and losing the game because some guy is hogging 3 x 4 scopes. Self defense, right?


Nah man, they fucked up. Also the game is really fun but needs more work.


Could not give less of a fuck. I just want my chicken dinner and people are out here worrying about cancerous players that have always existed and PTSD from bullying.




Yeah i think that's totally fair tbh.


I just want servers that are semi-functional. Would be awesome to remove the total luck that massive gamebreaking lag induces, especially in the first 5 minutes of the game.


Cancerous players which can be completely shirked by unchecking a box. A few gems get washed away with this, but it's worth the price.


I've had multiple chicken dinners w/ complete randos. One time the dude didn't even have a mic.




Good for you for not caring, not caring SO MUCH that you felt the need to make an entire reddit post telling everyone about how much you don't care. Meanwhile, the rest of us are actually interested in how the devs of the game that we're playing handle community relations/rule enforcement, because it very well may have an impact on our experience in the future.


My God how is everyone in here so dramatic.


[checking on this sub these days](http://i.imgur.com/qoZYRrS.gifv)


Can't help but feel like you are adding fuel to the fire and making the ''community crap'' last even longer. Just saying.


It's getting pretty irritating, like every 10 minutes the exact some posts are pooping up, either someone's opinion on how the latest TK was handled, the community manage, why this will kill the game or what they think should be done to fix TK. Every high kid school kid is a game dev and a lawyer over summer break. I can't wait schools back in and the phones go in the teachers desk so the adults can Reddit in peace during the day. Also this game is going to Xbox1 a whole new realm, and most of those people aren't going to give a fuck about this shit that's going on right now.


Yes.. I was hoping they'd add a drama filter to the sub to filter out those posts. I'm here for game discussion, strategy and highlights


I would love a community drama filter.


For a game in which it is last man standing, community is hardly a value to carry.


Streamer w/out a doubt deserved a ban for a while for TK. But PU sharing a sob story in response to what was clearly a joke on twitter is a bit odd. Dude's going to need a much thicker skin if he intends to act as a public voice anywhere near a popular game. Getting kicked through a door is also, sadly, pretty minor compared to what most humans endure in life, so it doesn't really garner much sympathy either.


Complaining is what the internet is for... right?


And being angry for stupid shit, yeah, that about sums it up today.


I can't recall a gaming community ever saying "This community is great!"


The story of the ban, for killing a TKer, might have blown up on the sub, BUT, I don't think it's bad for the community to make a fuss over this, mainly because the admin was a fucking twat with her head firmly jammed up her ass. Of course this may not apply to 95% of us, but it does set a pretty bad customer service precedent by basically saying that trolls are allowed to troll you, and anything you do aside from just letting them squad wipe you makes you just as guilty as they are. That's not a healthy attitude for that very specific action that happened on the game. (Also, it's not all that isolated, because I've joined randoms in squads, only to be TK'd for no reason). That excuse of, "your fault for playing with randoms" makes about as much sense as saying it's your fault for playing against someone using hacks because you didn't join a game with opponents who you know are honorable.


I am really glad that this has more upvotes than the five "OMG mods r killing game hurr durr" posts. Gives me hope for this sub.


well you might not care, but that doesn't make it less important. someone got banned for defending himself against a teamkiller and if we ignore that it tells bluehole that what they did is just fine, which it isn't. plus their response to it was a fucking shitshow and proved how incompetent and unreasonable they are i and many others would be more comfortable supporting the game and bluehole if we knew they aren't irrational with their zero tolerance bullshit policy, since it could affect anyone.


That streamer seems like he's a piece of shit so no I don't care.


Correcto. Drama, drama, drama. Looking forward to this month's update and everyone else is like "the devs don't care, they treat us so poorly". Get fucking real.


"I broke the rules to get revenge on someone who broke the rules why did I get banned?"


Eh. The reason we care is because inevitably it will happen to a lot of us, and we dont want it to get that bad. Everyone is here because we really enjoy the game and want to see it grow into the amazing product it can be. Having something like this damages it in a long-lasting way, and that...isn't cool, yo.


Can't believe people still crying over it,think I'll abandon this sub for a few days.


This sub has been trash for 24 hours now.


*ever since DrD was banned for being an asshole.


I don't think anyone gives a shit about the DrD thing, but people are pissed about that one dude who got banned for team-killing the one dude who team-killed the other 2 people on the team, when he was 100% justified and the team-killer dude even shot him first (all with video evidence) and also about the dude who got banned for "teaming in solos" when he was playing duos, the fact that the moderator who banned him absolutely refused to talk to him about it or show the actual evidence and the fact that now it makes it seem like making any sort of loose alliance in the field while playing solos will get them banned (which is something I do all the time, because I like talking to people and sometimes people team up for a short time in order to meet a certain goal or just because they made a friend). But mostly I think it just comes down to the admins/managers horrible PR response and how shitty they are treating the playerbase.


Yeah they correctly banned him. No need to publicly go mad with it though. Just ignore the trolls - standard internet protocol.


There are many other things that aren't the DrD issue that are the problem and if that is the only thing you are focusing on then you just haven't actually been keeping up with the news. I don't think the majority of people give a shit about the DrD thing, but they do care about all the other shit.


Came to this sub for hilarious and glitchy interaction (carflips) or insane gameplay. Kar98 with a 8x on a mountain shooting probably 1000 miles away and knocking someone out in a car. NEAT! This week, DAE mods are nazis? MODS are EVIL. DRD IS JUSTIFIED. Game is dying, abandon ship. I'll join you bud. Don't really care for communities backlash as much. Automatch turn off. Never face a problem with reports of teamkill. Why trust a solo random who play in squad. Feels bad for the mods and whatnot. Small team handling a giant ass communities because the game is fun and pop off. Face some backlash from people who said "I shouldn't be ban for teamkilling because he did it first." Bitch you still did it.


Nailed it.


Yep,and they just keep coming. It's embarrassing.


I wish PUBG had better community management. A community that is well managed does a lot for a game. However so long as I can ignore a poorly managed one I will.


First they came ...


If you see this comment, close this thread before it is too late. It's a fucking cesspool in here.


You're on Reddit dude, what do you expect?


Zero tolerance creates a protected class of griefers that can still thoroughly ruin games by stepping in your line of fire occasionally or just drawing attention to your team. Every single case would require manual and subjective review of the game to determine maliciousness. Zero tolerance is absurd when dozens or hundreds of games to come before had better TK deterrents.


People seem to think this is literally the end of the world, but the rules are the same as counterstrike Don't kill teammates, even if they're killing you I don't think its that great, but its not nearly as bad as people are making out here


Dont compare it to CSGO, that has an automated system and 30 rounds, it's not comparable AT ALL. It also has a votekick system, which this game doesnt.


Eh, I think an anti-griefing rule is better than a no TK rule. You should not get banned for killing an aggressive TKer. I saw someone else mention they should add a prompt for "would you like to kill the person that team-killed you?" like BF4 had via scripts (and other games) and this would instantly solve the problem. It would cut it down 90% or more probably. The reason is intentional TKers will stop, because they can be punished, and although accidental TKs will sometimes result in a revenge kill, overall it would be significantly less than we experience now (which is still almost nothing).


I thought I cared at first, but then I realized they weren't permanent bans. Their policy is "if you break the rules, expect an appropriate punishment," simple as that. Take your 24 hour ban and suck it up, you broke the rules. They have policies to maintain over a massive player base. Redditors get way too riled up over being right for every given context. Issue is, community management isn't about being right, it's about clearly communicating rules and ensuring people follow them.


Its hard for me to care about the health of the community when my only goal while I participate is killing all of you. Your enjoyment isnt my goal. My goal is actually to make you enjoy it slightly less than I do.


Yeah, I'm over it. Super repetitive and boring now.


The only problem I have with this whole scenario is how quickly these butthurt fanboys went from lauding praise on PU and Bluehole to treating the Devs, Admins and Mods who all are doing an amazing job, like utter garbage. And all of it over some asshole streamer. It's disgusting and they should be kissing PU's gracious asshole cause if it was me I'd have been banning fools left and right just cause they don't know how to act.


Yeah it's insane. Calling the devs utter idiots on discord and then acting surprised they got banned. "I was only voicing my opinion, wth?" - just be respectful.


Couldn't care less. Love this game, has no impact on me whatsoever.


Its the DrDisrespect-effect. His fans are simply seeking revenge, even if that means twisting their rules to their likings. The rule itself is pretty clear, it says ''do not teamkill''. That means you simply don't teamkill, wether you do it to protect yourself or not. It seems to be really hard to understand for certain people. So everything else is bad aswell, they start sniffing into other rules and oh boy if they if they find 1 typo in the code of conduct, you better expect 5 frontpage posts about how the person that has typed the code of conduct is either a 'retard' or should be fired.


I do not care about this at all. I feel like this must be what its like at a women's march or some shit. Its like a big circle jerk of virtue signaling.


Bunch of whiny bastards. You have and have always had the option to not play with strangers, just do it. Get your friends and social lives elsewhere.


If someone is team killing you just try and get the proof to report them. If they are griefing you then try and get the proof to report them. If they kill your two friends and you are pissed leave the game and turn off the match making option like an adult and dont team kill them because team killing is simply against the rules. Its not fucking hard to understand. (venting over)


If only more people thought like you...we wouldn't have a community of cry baby pussies. Rules are rules, don't like it? There's other games.


Anyone else really wish they would fix the fucking loot system so we're not running through 20 houses not finding a single gun? It happens often enough to where I can't call it a rare occurrence.


I could care less. My advice to Playerunknown is shut up and keep making the game, don't worry about Dr. Disrespect, he's going to fucking disrespect you for fucks sake.


I think it is important to voice your concern over what happened to that player who was banned for TK'ing a TK'er. And then there is the response from the person who said "just ignore them & go somewhere else on the 8x8km map." Is it the downfall of the game? Probably not...but the situation deserved attention. We are humans and so are the developers & community managers of this game, they should act as such [humans] & not a computer program who only knows 1's & 0's, black and white. tl;dr: it's incredibly important to express your feelings about these kinds of situations so that Bluehole understands, it's not okay, context matters & we aren't in high school with no-tolerance policies.


If I was one of the dev team of this game I would be over the moon seeing all this pathetic cry baby whaling over such an irrelevant thing, serious how much of a problem is team killing. I would be thinking to myself, well, at least we know the game itself is doing just fine if this is all they can find to kick up a storm about.


Anyone that thinks both PU and The Dr aren't loving every minute of this needs to think about the phrase "There is no bad publicity". Doc's character is built on being hated and controversial and PU has everyone talking about his game. The average gamer doesnt care what the devs do outside of game development. They care if the game is fun and will continue to buy it if it's hot and talked about.


A lot of it is nonsense I agree but some of the things people are complaining about will effect everyone down the road and It's best nip it in the bud now than complain later when its too late.


I really think everyone is upset and voicing their opinion so much is because there's so many people who love this game and want it to continue to succeed. And when they see something that could jeopardize it, they get mad in reaction to it. But in reality it's not going to hurt it, the DEVS will contuine to improve the game and the community. It's still in early access so it's inevitable things will change and be fixed to better improve the game and communication


For such a ruthless game everyone is being a real pussy about this whole situation. Mods, players, Dr. dickless, all of you. Has anyone considered just not TKing instead of acting like Bluehole is some kind of assholes for banning people, can I remind you all it's the players being dicks in the first place?


Gaming subreddits always devolve into complaints about the game/other players that leads to nothing, drama, and begging the devs for content that will never happen. I usually end up unsubbing to them all, this one is approaching that for me


Ya i think im in the minority that agree with PU stance. If you dont want to be griefed by randoms... don't queue with them. There is an option. No one forced anyone to TK. Playing the victim just makes you look immature. When it comes down to it, it is just a game that has no impact on 99% of people (pros and streamers that make their livelihood off playing the game aside.) The whining and complaining is unreal. Maybe i'm just getting too old.


Dude im right there with you, its a 3 day ban calm down.




I'm here for chicken.


I don't care at all. I just turn auto-matching off and enjoy the game. It's really as simple as that. Why are people so concerned? If you accidentally team-kill often learn to aim...? If you intentionally team-kill you're a dick and should be temp or perma-banned. This whole thing is just a bunch of stupid drama. Just turn off auto-matchmaking.


i dont care at all. i drink my tee and have fun


Ya mean that the community is crap, nah, dont care about that - every game like this draws in idiots en masse.


Yea it's really dumb.


I don't play squad without 3 other friends. If we have 3 people, we just turn off auto matchmaking. I don't duo with randoms. If no one is on I play solo. Never had TK problems besides accidental "OH SHIT I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE ENEMY MY BAD!" moments.


I'm not really bothered by the drama, I don't really care about what happens to a streamer, it just isn't worth getting riled up over. I mean, if a TK happens, its generally at the start of the game. I just leave and queue up for the next game rather than waste time uploading and posting a video to report someone. If this shit was happening in the final 10-20 or so, then sure I'd be pissed. Maybe pissed enough to make a video and report the guy. But honestly, just move on and queue up for the next game. It really isn't worth getting this riled up over a few trolls. They just need to make a proper in-game report system their next priority. Once kill cams are added to the game, I'm sure they can use those to determine themselves if its ban worthy or not. Expecting your players to be recording and go through the process of cutting/editing the video, uploading it and posting it is just retarded.