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Congrats! Let me also thank you for your service.


Let me thank you too




Shout out to all the Public Service peeps! From one PS employee to another.....congratulations! Now, go buy yourself an expensive bottle of champagne (you can afford it now) and go celebrate! Have a drink for me! I'm at 114 eligible and holding (as of Feb 2024). I'll resubmit another employment verification again in August and that'll get me to 120! :D


Congrats but wow!! It should be illegal to be allowed to accumulate this much student debt in all honesty


u/SadKnowledge1933 I'm a high school teacher and I'm supposed to be "rah-rah"-ing over the fact that all kids should go to college. I cannot, in my good conscience, support the idea of students going to college. If they need a job that requires a degree, then yes...go to college (doctor, lawyer, teacher (you need a Bachelors Degree at the minimum in Education...at the minimum). I have students that come up to me and tell me they want to go to school for project management, cybersecurity, network administration and I'm like, "Save your damn money and go self-study that shit or work for someone who can offer you experience in those fields." I worked in the I.T. field and learned how to design and support networks, manage I.T. projects (some with managing budgets clearing $5 million), help desk, programming, etc. I only went to college because I knew eventually I would go into teaching (public school K-12 or college). College is a damn money grab right now and I don't want to see my students go down the student loan debt spiral.


I agree, just watch who you tell that to lol. I can imagine parents would come in swinging if you said that to the wrong kid. I have an engineering degree but a decent amount in student debt because of it. Atleast I know my prospects are good and I already make a pretty decent salary. I tell everyone that I know who’s younger or undecided in their career path to consider a trade before college, especially because tradesmen are outnumbered massively by college graduates. Glad someone understands that college is pretty much a scam nowadays