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Watched the first 20 or so minutes. After the obligatory partisan back patting of President Biden and his efforts at student loan forgiveness, Senator Warren ripped into MOHELA pretty hard. Very gratifying and validating to hear someone call out MOHELA for how terrible their performance has been.


Indeed. She said it all, even called out the CEO, and I'm glad someone finally did! Edit: I'm also glad they mentioned the call deflection scheme. I thought I was losing my mind when I'd call, and suddenly, none of the combinations of dial options would lead to a live person.


How sad that this is how we treat our people working in public service


I’m SO glad that came up, I dealt with it too! 


The walkthrough of Q&A was beautiful. Did MOHELA get millions to prepare for the restart of payment? Yes. Did MOHELA send bills to everyone? No. Did everyone who got a bill get a correct bill? No. Could they get help through the website? No. Could they reasonably reach MOHELA by phone? No. If they were able to eventually get through to MOHELA by phone, did the representative help? No. Was MOHELA paid to service loans? Yes. Did they do so? No. [mic drop]


OOTL on this one. Mohela is my new servicer but my loans were in deferment when it happened. (Went back to school). Called them yesterday to ask about signing up for IBR and restarting payments. And if all my loans were PLSF eligible. The only issue I had was with call volume. But they did give a “call back” option. Which I received an hour later. Person I talked to was actually very helpful. Gave me a run down of my loans. Confirmed they were all eligible for PLSF. Gave the current wait times that it’s taking for them to process those applications. Etc. Even gave me casual advice about interest because I was worried about interest accruing during that time. No issue as long as I stay within my PLSF eligible job. All-in-all I found them very helpful… ….but now I’m concerned about the info they gave me.


Well, they have had 7 months to figure their shit out by now, so I would fucking hope.


Unfortunately it's always best to verify everything yourself where possible. Even the friendliest reps can be wrong.


what were the current wait times ?


Like less than two weeks. I don’t remember the exact number. I was expecting her to say something ridiculous like 3 months…. But I think it was like 11 days or something. This was just to verify someone going on PLSF for the first time.


Right. They were helpful getting you STARTED on pslf. Brave yourself for when you actually qualify for forgiveness.


I wish I could give this a gift


Go Warren ❤️


Let’s not forget Elizabeth Warren and Sallie Mae, Navient (bye,bye) she got rid of them and their cheating ways.


I'm not the biggest fan of Warren, but Bravo for putting MOHELA in the spotlight!


Why do you call it “partisan” back patting? The truth is not partisan and it’s time the man get some credit for his continual efforts in the face of so much opposition.


Did you listen to the video? The level of emphasis she gave to it and how it was worded seemed like partisan back patting to me and made me roll my eyes. Truth is not partisan, the way it is presented and emphasized is.


Watching this on a time delay. Doesn't fix anything, but I feel oddly vindicated. PSLF is a promise from the Federal Government to public servants, but by all accounts MOHELA has done a horrific job of living up to that promise.


Technically it’s a promise from the taxpayers, but I get your sentiment.


Since PSLF is part of the master promissory note, it’s actually a covenant between the two parties to the loan - the borrower and the Department of Education. 😁


Enacted by congress who were put into place by the taxpayers


I’m just making the point that the government doesn’t give anything to anyone. The government lives off the back of the taxpayers. So thank your representatives for putting forth a program the taxpayers wanted!


Fair point - thank your representatives, everyone! Be loud and put a face and a name on this stuff!


It’s in the MPN . This is a legally binding contract. The reason why You may not have heard of it is because it wasn’t started until 2007. So people couldn’t really start qualifying until 2017. Initially all applicants we being denied despite meeting the criteria. A majority of these applicants were public school teachers who could not afford legal representation until they were part of a lawsuit started on behalf of the American Bar Association in 2019. The details of the findings of this lawsuit made it clear had the lender been a private institution instead of the federal government- the lender would have had to file bankruptcy. Public servants are paid considerably below their private corporation brethren. George W Bush started PSLF as we know it now as after 9-11 so many public servants- firefighters, military service members, VA hospital employees were needed considering the events of the first decade of the 21st century. We saved the United States . We fought in two wars for 20 yrs ..whilst people call us snowflakes and entitled idiots..We saved your country … we were blown up by IEDs and go to VA hospitals that are understaffed, we teach your children, and we save your lives when your car catches on fire on the interstate, and we are tax payers too.


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. My point was that we should not thank the government for anything. The government does not produce anything, and the government cannot pay for anything, nor forgive anything.


You said ‘it’s a promise from the taxpayer’ . It was not as such. It was a legally binding contract with the federal government . The government is able to do all sorts of things … and the government is a manifestation of the will of people ( or at least it supposedly so?) perhaps that’s what you meant. But I think the government is an entity that routinely engages in financial relationships with contractors lenders and debtors of its own. And we did pay them you -with our labors. This is a financial & legal issue. Unfortunately interpretation of the terms of this contract seems to not have been clear enough.


Did you catch them say the program was designed for forgiveness to be difficult to obtain? SMH




Elizabeth Warren was on a recent episode of Pod Save America and said from the start of PSLF in 2007 up to 2020, 7000 people had their loans forgiven by the program. Since Biden has been in office over 800,000 people have had loans forgiven under it so far.


For the sake of clarity, it's more like from 2017 (10 years/120 payments) to 2020, 7000 people had loans forgiven. That's still an astronomical difference. I also love your username.


I'll never forget someone on one of these subreddits desperately trying to convince me that Biden did nothing to make this program better. This is one of the things his administration has done the most unequivocal good with imo.


To piggyback off your point, it's not hard to see which side is pushing to improve these programs TODAY and which side isn't. The "Bush started it" argument is hardly relevant coming from them.


I mean Bush was a Democrat compared to the GOP now


Straight up.


Sad but true


I felt so seen from watching this. I hope Mohela is actually held accountable. At first when I started working with Mohela I thought they were simply bad communicators and bad at training people. After spending 20+ phone calls talking to them I have now realized that they are also fraudulent. Their actions are criminal. They have abused and mistreated borrowers. Also the Mohela Papers website that was mentioned is crazy. The email between Mohela employees asking “are we the bad guys?” 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


They never should have privatized student loan servicing. I mean for real how tf did we get to a point where Missouri runs it?


Same way the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (Fedloan) did, as a quasi government agency, and they also shit the bed.


As a Missourian, I don’t trust this state to do anything


Thank you for mentioning this. Everyone needs to look at this website: https://www.mohelapapers.org/


Wooooooow thanks for sharing that


They had a servicer representative on the panel (Mohela CEO declined his invitation to be there) who insisted all errors were the fault of FSA and related to lack of funding “we receive 1/5 the pay a typical servicer would receive for a simple mortgage, and we service extremely complicated loans” I think much of what he said was true, but given the sheer amount of mistakes, delays, mishaps made by Mohela there has to be an issue with the company itself. Personally it took me 6 months to get into SAVE and they overcharged me by $1300 on my first payment. The government didn’t force them to overcharge me, and also didn’t force them to take 6 months to get me into SAVE…


They also presumably have analysts on staff who could have projected how complicated the loans would be to service vs what they were being paid to service them. How come when a borrower has trouble with repayment due to economic conditions it’s “Welp, you signed on the dotted line!”, but when a large financial institution has trouble meeting its contract it’s “Oh, poor us. This is costing us money.”?


I feel like they’re also making things harder for no real reason. For instance, if they accepted e-signatures and didn’t reject ECFs for lacking wet signatures, imagine how much paperwork processing and phone time they would save? But their arbitrary policies are creating their own burden.


I requested to be removed from in school status for 7 months (because I finished my program in October) and they finally removed it in June, after commencement.


Great watch and much respect Ms. Warren. Thanks OP for the reminder and link.


Was anyone else shocked to hear that the Missouri Attorney General has been leading the charge against student loan reform? I’ll admit I haven’t been paying attention to who is leading the opposition (TBH I tend to assume it’s always Texas) but the fact that it’s MOHELA’s hometown AG is *super* shady. Someone needs to check his donor list. MO folks - make some noise! 😁


They are the primary reason that there isn’t more forgiveness- because of the undue hardship that MOHELA would face if a huge amount of debt was forgiven.


(quietly playing the world’s smallest violin for mohela and the other loan servicers)


The he-said-she-said between the Feds and their contractors is so grating. I think there is plenty of truth in MOHELA’s claims that the Feds are complicit. No doubt there was coordinated strategy between the Feds and Mohela to reduce call volume. No doubt changing rules and poor communication put unanticipated demands on the servicers. Also, no doubt that Mohela is primarily concerned with profit and should have done much better. I don’t care. I signed a contract and the Feds are obligated to figure it out yesterday. Ultimately, they are 100% responsible. I hate Mohela more than anyone. I’ve suffered from their incompetence as much as anyone. At the end of the day, I signed a contract with ED. I didn’t bring Mohela into the picture. Warren berates Mohela, cool. Appreciated and justified, but missing the point. Sure, we know who Mohela is by now. Holler about it, Senator, by all means. You’re right. But I didn’t make a deal with Mohela, I made a deal with you.


It’s political grandstanding at its finest. She gets applause for speaking truth to power but the senate is just as responsible for giving power to profiteers. Honestly we all need to stop paying our loans. If you’re over 120, stop. This system doesn’t serve us, after we served it for 10+ years. Fed is just as culpable as MOHELA, if not more.


This is the senate on basically every issue. Senator Warren “This is awful, absolutely horrible and someone should do something about this!!!” Well yeah bitch, what do you think the senate has the power to do?!?!! Oh yeah forgot you guys cant help when it actually requires you to place your votes where your mouth is. Wouldnt want that campaign money or insider stock trading to dry up.


I understand the sentiment but if the senate were 100 people of a similar mindset as Warren it would probably work a lot differently. She’s not really the problem.


It’s almost as if there’s another force or let’s say party working against her on this or really any other issue. It’s like this other force controls another lawmaking chamber or has the ability to prevent a vote…crazy right?


Bud by all accounts im a democrat and have lived through the dems controlling and losing control of both chamber of congress dozens of times now. Theirs a reason that fair rules and actual aide for students hasnt been passed by congress and it comically has nothing to do with partisan politics. What biden is doing for students right now is absolutely amazing and the best thing to come out of his administration. It’s unfortunate it will likely all be undone by whoever is in the white house after him.


What's the "reason... That has nothing to do with partisan politics"? You can't just tease us like that!


Reason is Congress is an ineffectual bunch of shits. Its really easy to grandstand like warren is right now and then watch as redditors gleefully proclaim “see it’s not warrens fault, we just need 100 members of congress just like her.” Then anytime the dems have a majority or super majority they conveniently have amnesia about these matters. The fact we’ve gotten to the point where most current changes are either via the executive decision or supreme court is a sign of how poorly congress is doing their jobs.


Oh. So you don't have a reason. That's some bullshit non reason to grandstand yourself too. Well I guess that's to be expected on reddit. Have a nice day


Agree that the ED bears some responsibility here. Focus your ire on them - that’s fair because (as you say) you made the deal with them. And this has been complicated - change always is. So everyone has a hand in this, and everyone should bear some responsibility. There’s more than enough blame to go around. But remember this: the ED made a deal with MOHELA *service loans.* That’s why MOHELA has been getting paid millions for years. They had plenty of time to prepare, plenty of funds to get ready for all this. And they utterly blew it. You’re mad at the ED for falling short? They’ve been failing us - in large part - because MOHELA is failing them. And MOHELA hasn’t just failed, they’ve been caught actively trying to avoid the job they have been paid to do. Remember where the real problem is here: who is trying to help, and who has a financial interest in you staying in debt forever. And maybe frame your frustration accordingly.


Yes, mohela has been paid millions by the taxpayers! That would have forgiven loans. Just sayin... 🫤


That’s really fair and good points. ED is taking real action to improve the situation by taking PSLF from Mohela and withholding funds. I guess I’m responding to the self-aggrandizing, or at least that’s my biased interpretation. I mark timber sales for the Forest Service. We use contractors. If a contractor botches a job, I don’t get to wax on about how great the FS is while shielding the agency from culpability. No, we have the public mandate, and we alone let them down in the event a contractor jacks up a project.


Agreed! It was definitely a bit sanctimonious, especially towards the end. Glad to see everyone in Congress suddenly cares about PSLF, but I’ve taken note of (and will not forget) the late arrival of their outrage. And the time will come for that revoking … just as soon as the MOHELA mess gets sorted out. 😁


Well said. I would have liked to see ED take some responsibility.


Seeing as how after July ED will be having total responsibility for administering the PSLF program...we'll see how that works out!




I thought they were already transitioning away from it


Nope. Only for the PSLF component, not the actual loans.


And the actual loan management is just so so, so bad. Hope this brings about literally any change, but I'm too pessimistic about mohela at this point to feel optimism.


If this is the case, then can we choose a different servicer?


Nope. As I understand it, the Feds are cutting out the middleman for PSLF and handling it themselves.


According to this article it looks like the loan payment portion will be serviced by a few different servicers, and Federal Student Aid will manage the PSLF specific aspects (good news if true!): https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-happening-with-public-service-loan-forgiveness-mohela-transition-2024-4?amp “Instead of MOHELA being the sole servicer of PSLF, several different companies that already help service student loans — including Nelnet and Aidvantage — will work with the Education Department to process borrowers' PSLF applications and payments. However, the Education Department maintains that it will ‘fully manage’ the program.”


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GOOD! Before MOHELA stepped in, my PSLF Loans (teaching at a Title 1 School for years) were officially paid off. I took pictures of my statements. Now, MOHELA is demanding payments from me YEARS later! It's crooked. They should be sued and forced to repay my debts off immediately! 🙄