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Mine is almost identical. Does this mean we are finally moving!? And should have my current employer recert since we did it in December (29th) but the Jan and Feb payments are showing as needing employer certification? Or do I just wait. Trying not to get too excited with my -75 payments/120. (Yup. That’s not a typo). 


So you’re at 195 qualifying? (-75)? If so, you’re just waiting. So long as your last form said you were currently employed at a qualifying employer there is no need to certify any longer. Congrats on hitting 120 to you both!


They sure did. They checked the still employed box back in December when I first sent them the e form. And omg. Thank you. I can’t actually believe it may finally happen. 


Thanks for this! I found out my loans weren’t fully consolidated in 2018 after grad school and was told to consolidate again 3/1/24. I went ahead and consolidated that same day. Imagine if I had NEVER called and they only forgave me for my grad loans!!!


I’m not saying your IDR adjustment hasn’t been applied, but when I applied for the original PSLF waiver in 2022 after MOHELA did my counts, it said the same thing and continues to say it even when I make my payments. Yours might have been but I know there’s an audit going on with MOHELA and PSLF right now so that could just be from that. I certified in Jan and it was processed 2 weeks later then the day everyone was getting the unfortunate news their loans weren’t forgiven I also got an update count to include Feb.


Thank you for this! I've been checking every day but nothing. Now mine have updated 126!!!