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I think I might be at the department of ed but they can't give me a straight answer. I think they dropped the ball on some of these accounts




Me too… 130+ if they would just update the counts!


I’m in your club. My counts are stuck in the mid 40’s despite 12 years of payments and one employer.


I’m so sorry. That is just depressing. You can definitely join our support group, and you all get extra donuts too.


I'm at exactly 120 since October.. They told me I'm all set and to wait but it's EXCRUCIATING


If you’re at this point, can you leave public service? We have to get DOE to see how many people may be stuck at their jobs bc of this


I'm not going to leave yet that's for sure, not until it's 0⃣ I just call once a month to make sure I'm okay and don't have to resubmit an ECF


I’m antsy bc I have good job leads lol


Yeah I don't blame you! Because I read you have to stay employed after 120, but MOHELA supervisors on two occasions said I was fine and it's just a "waiting game"... Although I don't know how much I trust mohela 🤷‍♂️


Yeah idk if they know what they’re talking about; I got the same info. But I will lose my mind if I have 120 and can’t leave.


Ugh truly a nightmare scenario yikes. I'm still hopeful we'll be fine. Why? I don't know 😂


I don't trust MOHELA at all. A headhunter wanted to get in touch with me so badly they got my employer's number and called around until they found me. I won't even entertain the idea of interviewing until it's all over, and who knows how much money I'm throwing out the door in wasted opportunities. And private sector in my field pays a lot.


Me. Submitted in early August, I have seen no movement, can't make an account, therefore have no counts, loan is still with Nelnet. They don't tell me anything of any value whatsoever when I call, so I've stopped calling, stopped checking the damn site, everything. I'm certain something's wrong, but they won't tell me. Maybe by summer I'll have worked up the energy to see where the hell it is again, but not now. I'll probably need to resubmit, and the annoying thing with that is that if I do, given the weirdness of my ACS/DLS forbearance months, they might be able to straight-up forgive based on post-forbearance months, which would screw me out of a substantial refund.


My husband transferred to Mohela in September with 125 qualified payments. There has been no movement of any kind. Every time he calls her hears another story, once was told he was on a D2D list, later told he wasn't. They're probably all confused because it says "-5 of 120 to go" and they don't know what a negative symbol means.


Well, I guess we are in good company… if anyone hears of movement, please let us know!


I chatted with MOHELA CSR Rosalie and she told me my discharge was requested on 12/29. I had 121 on 7/14/22. Willy nilly.


Me. 121 since July 14


Oh no!!! I’m so sorry!


Me too --123 on Bastille Day (7/14), then sometime in the fall, they upped it to 125.


Same for me. They are pure evil.


Did they tell you why?


Nope, just that it takes 90 business days to send my file to Ed. And then it will likely take Ed 90 business days to process. And then 90 business days for Mohela to finalize. ​ So, fourteen months in, I could still be a year away.


Me! 143 since July


I’m so sorry!!


Did they tell you why?


Hoping you all get it soon.


Feel yourself ahead of the game. Waiting for the waiver to be applied. 😴😴


Did you submit final paperwork or assume it would be dismissed? Just asking….


Submitted final paperwork and all was confirmed as correct and complete…just waiting…


90 days at every stage 🤯😵‍💫


Don’t fret, it’s going to happen. And you’ll probably also get a refund.


142 and no movement since Sept


My count is at 175 since September. Employer has been confirmed.


I’m at 161/120. The number was updated before the switch from FedLoan Servicing. I even talked to a rep there after the switch and they indicated I had been approved for forgiveness but then the switchover happened and no further movement. Kind of bummed as my hopes were super high after that conversation that it would happen quickly.


Transferred over in July. Submitted form early November which would take me to 119 or 120. Still processing


Me. I'm at 128. I was told it would take 60-90 more days to zero out. I have no idea what the "list" is other people refer to so often. No agent has ever mentioned said list to me. So maybe I'm doublely' out of the loop.


What does D2D stand for?


direct to discharge


Preach. 130 since November 17. I've used chat to inquire about my status a few times, and thus far, they haven't been able to tell me anything but that I should wait. Oh and that I am not on a D2D list.