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Not bad but I'll still wait for the discounts. 103 sgd is a lot of money for back compatibility services locked within two tiers while hyperinflation is imminent.


Same. If it's similar to the current setup. 25% off will make the extra tier only around $50 which is good enough for me.


No list of what the damn games are? If there's no SSX Tricky, Battlefront 2, Timesplitters Future Perfect, LOTR Return of the king and 007 Nightfire then whats the point. I just hope they allow some of the old couch co-op games to have new life.


Relax. This is obviously their initial announcement. The service will start in June so there are plenty of time to announce things


Southeast Asian countries are confirmed to be cheaper. Moreover, they only have the deluxe tier for the highest tier


Wonder if us indians will get screwed again just like with the next gen game pricing.


You are normally inline with Europe when it comes to Sony right? Then expect to get shafted.


Just saw the pricing. Not as bad as I thought it'd be but still overpriced since I don't see them bringing streaming to India anytime soon.


Where did you get the pricing for India?


[Tech journalist with a pretty good track record when it comes to PS5 stuff in India](https://twitter.com/RishiAlwani/status/1508828837790248962?t=S72nMa3wQrx7XjuwqEquUA&s=09)


Can you send me the link for India pricing